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University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, Dehradun

Tutorial Sheet
Course: B. Tech. Subject: Mathematics I
System of Linear Equations
1. Solve with the help of matrices, the simultaneous equations:
2 x 1 + x 2 + 2 x 3 + x 4 =6, 6 x 1 -6 x 2 + 6 x 3 + 12 x 4 =36, 4 x 1 + 3 x 2 + 3 x 3 -3 x 4 =-1,

2 x 1 + 2 x 2 - x 3 + x 4 =10. Ans: x 1 =2, x 2 =1 x 3 =-1, x4=3.

2. Using matrix method, show that the equations 3x+3y+2z=1, x+2y=4, 10y+3z=-2 and 2x-3y-z=5 are
consistent and hence obtain the solution for x, y and z. Ans: x=2, y=1and z=-4.
3. Investigate for what values of λ and μ do the system of equations x + y + z=6, x+2y+3z=10,
x+2y+ λ z= μ have (i) No solution (ii) Unique solution (iii) Infinite solutions?
Ans: (i) λ=3, μ≠10 (ii) λ≠3 (iii) λ=3, μ=10.
4. Show that the equations -2x+y+z=a, x-2y+z=b and x+y-2z=c have no solution unless a+ b + c=0,
in which case they have infinitely many solutions. Find these solutions when a=1, b=1, c=-2.
Ans: x=k-1, y=k-1and z=k.
5. Find the values of k for which the system of equations (3k-8) x+3y+3z=0, 3x +
2 11 11
(3k-8) y+3z=0, 3x+3y+ (3k-8) z=0 has a non trivial solution. Ans: k= , , .
3 3 3

6. Show that the system of equations x + y + z=-3, 3x+y-2z=-2 and 2x+4y+7z=7 is not consistent.

7. For what value of k, the equations x + y + z=1, 2x+y+4z=k and 4x+y+10z= k 2 have a solution and
solve them completely in each case.
Ans: k=1,k=2.When k=1;x= -3 k 1 ,y=2 k 1 +1,z= k 1 , When k=2;x= 1-3 k 2 ,y=2 k 2 ,z= k 2 .

 1 2 1 
 
8. If A=  3  1 2  , find the values of  for which the matrix equation AX=O has (i) Unique solution (ii) More
 0 1  

solution. Ans: (i)  ≠1 (ii)  =1.

9. Apply the matrix method to solve the system of equations: x + 2y - z=3,
3x-y+2z=1, 2x-2y+3z=2 and x - y + z=-1 Ans: Unique solution, x=-1, y=4, z=4
10. Test the consistency and hence solve the following set of equations:
x 1 + 2 x 2 + x 3 =2, 3 x 1 + x 2 -2 x 3 =1, 4 x 1 -3 x 2 - x 3 =3, 2 x 1 + 4 x 2 +2 x 3 =4.

Ans: Unique solution x 1 =1, x 2 =0, x 3 =1

11. Verify that the following system of equations is inconsistent:

x + 2y +2 z=1, 2x+y+z=-2 3x+2y+2z=3 and y + z=0
12. Test the consistency of following system of equations:
5x +3y +7z=4, 3x+26y+2z=9 7 x +2y+11z=5. Ans: Consistent
13. Verify that the following set of equations has a non trivial solution:
x+3y-2z=0, 2x-y+4z=0, x-11y+14z=0
14. Verify that the following set of equations always has a non zero solution:
4x +3y - z=0, 3x+4y+z=0 x-y-2z=0 and 5x+ y -4 z=0.

15. Show that the system of equations x + 2y – 2u=0, 2x-y-u=0, x+2z-u=0 and 4x - y + 3z-u=0 do not have
a non trivial solution.
16. Test the consistency of following system of linear equations and hence find the solution:4 x 1 - x 2 =12,

44 4  32
- x 1 +5 x 2 -2 x 3 =0, 2 x 1 +4 x 3 =-8 . Ans: Unique solution, x 1 = , x2 = , x3 =
15 15 15

Linear Dependence and Independence

1. Show that the vectors x 1 =(1,2,4), x 2 =(2,-1,3), x 3 =(0,1,2)and x 4 =(-3,7,2) are linearly dependent and find

the relation between them. Ans: 9 x 1 -12 x 2 + 5 x 3 - 5 x 4 =0.

2. Find whether or not the following set of vectors is linearly dependent or independent:
[1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1]. Ans: Linearly independent.

1 0 0
 
3. Show that the column vectors of A= 6 2 1  are linearly independent.
 4 3 2 

4. Show that the vectors X 1 = [ a1 , b1 ] and X 2 = [ a 2 , b 2 ] are linearly dependent if and only if a1 b2 - a 2 b1 =0.

5. Show that the vectors X 1 =[2,3,1,-1], X 2 =[2,3,1,-2] , X 3 =[4,6,2,1] are linearly dependent. Express one
of the vectors as a linear combination of others. Ans: 5 X 1 -3 X 2 = X 3
6. If X 1 =[3,1,-4], X 2 =[2,2,-3] and X 3 =[0,-4,1],then show that:
(i) The vectors X 1 and X 2 are linearly independent.

(ii) The vectors X 1 , X 2 and X 3 are linearly dependent.

7. Show that the vectors [1, 2, 4] and [3, 6, 12] form a linearly dependent set.

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