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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 12: Look at the photos!

Lesson One Words

 To identify adjectives for describing people
 To understand a short story
 Language focus: listening, reading
 Vocabulary: good, bad, wet, dry, photo
Resources and materials
 Student Book p. 80
 Workbook p. 80
 Audio Tracks 120, 126–128
 Flashcards 105109
 Story poster 11, 12
 Worksheet 1: My photos (one copy per child)
 Colored pencils (optional)
 Four plain pieces of paper

Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather.
Song: Sing On the farm (Track 120) from p. 76 to energize the class.
 Play animal miming. You mime an animal and see if the children can guess which animal you are. When they guess,
encourage the whole class to copy the mime.
 Ask another child to do a mime and repeat the activity.
 Put children into groups of five to six students to play the miming game.
 Ask children what they can remember from the story in the previous unit.
 Use Story poster 11 to retell the story with the class. Ask Where do the children go? What different animals do they
see? Do they see a daddy goat?

Listen, point, and repeat. (Exercise 1)
 Use Flashcards to elicit the vocabulary for the lesson. Hold them up one at a time and model any words the children
don’t know. Hold them up in a different order and repeat.
 Ask children to look at the pictures in their Student Books. Play the first part of the recording (Track 126) for children
to listen and point to the pictures.
 Play the second part of the recording, pausing after each word for children to repeat.
 Play the recording all the way through for children to listen, point, and repeat.
 Hold the flashcards up in random order and ask the class to say the words. Ask the children if they can remember
what nouns and adjectives are (naming words and describing words). Ask which words are adjectives (good, bad, wet,
dry) and which is a noun (photo).
Transcript (Track 126)
Listen and point.
good, bad, wet, dry, photo
wet, good, dry, bad, photo
Listen and repeat.
good, bad, wet, dry, photo

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 12: Look at the photos!

Pointing game
 Put Flashcards in different places around the room, making sure that everyone can see them.
 Call out one word.
 Ask children to listen to the word and point to the correct flashcard as fast as possible. Have them repeat the word
when they point.
 Alternatively, they could say where the flashcard is, e.g., It’s next to the door.
Listen and chant. (Exercise 2)
 Play the recording (Track 127) and teach the chant.
 Play the recording again for children to repeat the words in the pauses.
 Repeat and then say the chant again without the recording.
Transcript (Track 127)
good, good, good
bad, bad, bad
wet, wet, wet
dry, dry, dry
photo, photo, photo

Listen and read. (Exercise 3)
 Use Story poster 12 to present the story. Talk about each frame with the class. Encourage predictions about the story
from different members of the class.
 Ask children to look at the story in their Student Books. Play the recording (Track 128) for them to listen and point to
the different speech bubbles as they hear the words.
 Ask questions to check comprehension, e.g., What are the children looking at? What is Tim / Mom / Billy doing? Is
Billy bad now?
 Ask children to look at the story again to find and point to the words from Exercise 1.
 Ask children to find five more adjectives in the story (sad, hungry, wet, little, tall).
 Discuss the meanings of these adjectives using the context of the story.

Memory game
 Tell the class they have to listen carefully and remember what you tell them.
 Hold up four pieces of plain paper. Say These are my photos.
 Hold up the first “photo” and describe it to the class. Say, e.g., This is a photo of a wet dog. It’s black and white. Put
the paper on the board.
 Continue in this way with the other pieces of paper. Use an adjective from the lesson for each description.
 When you have finished all of the descriptions, ask questions, e.g., Where’s the wet dog? Children point to the correct
Worksheet 1: My photos
 Give each child a copy of the worksheet and some colored pencils.
 Explain that they should draw a “photo” to illustrate each of the adjectives from the lesson.
 Use your “photos” from the previous activity as an example.
 Encourage them to use their imaginations and draw unusual or funny pictures.
 When they have finished. children can show their “photos” to their partner.
Exercises: Workbook p. 80
Story time: A reader of your choice

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 12: Look at the photos!

Lesson Two Grammar

 To talk about people in the past
 To use adjectives to describe people
 To act out the story
 Language focus: reading, writing
 Vocabulary:
I was happy. She wasn’t wet. You were good. They weren’t sad.
 Pronunciation tip: Help children to pronounce the /z/ in was and wasn’t.
Resources and materials
 Student Book p. 81
 Workbook p. 81
 Audio Tracks 128–129
 Flashcards 105109
 Story poster 12

Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song.
Warmer: Slow reveal
 Put one of the flashcards from the previous lesson on the board and cover it with a piece of paper or card.
 Very slowly, move the paper to reveal the picture, little by little.
 Ask What’s this? The first child to guess correctly comes to the front to choose the next card.
 Continue until you have reviewed all the cards in the set.
 Ask children if they can remember what happened in the story in the last lesson. Show Story poster 12 to encourage
 Cover the poster and ask which adjectives were used in the story (good, bad, sad, hungry, wet, dry, little, tall).

Listen to the story and repeat. Act. (Exercise 1)
 Ask children to turn to the story on p. 80 in their Student Books. They check how many of the adjectives they
remembered in the lead-in activity.
 Play the recording (Track 128), pausing after each line for the children to repeat.
 Ask children to look at the different actions that the people do in the story. As a class decide on the actions for the
story (see suggestions below).
 Divide children into groups of three to play Billy, Rosy, and Tim.
 Play the recording a second time for children to mime the actions as they listen.
 If you wish, ask children to practice miming the actions in their groups. Monitor and check for correct pronunciation.
 Ask a couple of groups to come to front to perform their story.
Story actions
In pictures 2 – 5 children act out the scenes in the photos.
Picture 1 – Rosy points to the photos.
Picture 2 – Tim offers some apples to the babies.
Picture 3 – Tim and Rosy shelter from the rain.
Picture 4 – Billy opens his presents.
Picture 5 – Billy cries, pointing to his sandwich.
Picture 6 – Billy measures his height against the wall.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 12: Look at the photos!

Listen and say. (Exercise 2)

 Ask children to look at the pictures in the Let’s learn! box. Ask What can you see?
 Play the recording (Track 129), pausing after each sentence for children to point to the picture and repeat.
 Write the sentences on the board. Play the recording again, nodding or shaking your head each time to reinforce
meaning. Children repeat again.
 Erase the adjectives in each sentence and replace them with flashcards to elicit sentences with the same pattern, e.g.,
I was bad. She wasn’t dry. You were wet. They weren’t good.
 Say the new sentences for children to repeat.
 Invite different children to change the words to make new sentences.

Look and say. (Exercise 3)
 Draw attention to the speech bubbles. Ask a child to stand up. He / She points to the first picture and reads the
 Ask children to work in pairs. They take turns pointing to the pictures and saying sentences, using the words in the
word box.
 Monitor the activity. Help with pronunciation and model words and phrases where necessary.
 If you wish, ask individual children to say sentences for the class.
Tell me about…
 Hold up Story poster 12. Point to the pictures one at a time. Say Tell me about Tim, the babies, Billy, etc. Elicit
sentences such as He was kind, They were hungry, She was dry.
 Write the sentences on the board and practice saying them together.
Look again and write. (Exercise 4)
 Look at the first picture in Exercise 3 together. Ask the class what adjective is shown (good). Ask She was or She were?
Show children how was has been filled in as an example for the first sentence.
 Allow time for children to look at the rest of the sentences and write the correct words.
 Monitor and help where necessary.
 Go over the answers with the class.
1. She was good.
2. They weren’t wet.
3. He was bad.
4. The girl wasn’t dry.
5. She wasn’t cold.

Let’s practice!
 Ask students to look at the picture and speech bubble.
 Have a student demonstrate the sentence for the class by saying the sentence He was happy and smiling to mime the
word happy.
 Have students work in pairs to take turns saying the sentence and miming the action. Tell them to use other
vocabulary words on the page.
Make the sentence.
 Draw three figures on the board: a girl, a boy, and a group of three people.
 Point to the picture of the girl and hold up a flashcard, e.g., loud. Elicit the sentence She was loud.
 Repeat, pointing to different figures and flashcards at random to elicit the sentences.
 Brainstorm some other adjectives, write them on the board, and ask children to work in pairs to make more
Exercises: Workbook p. 81
Story time: A reader of your choice

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 12: Look at the photos!

Lesson Three Song

 To identify words for describing rooms
 To use these words in the context of a song
 Language focus: listening, speaking
 Vocabulary: neat, messy, floor
 Extra vocabulary: each, kitchen, take a seat
Resources and materials
 Student Book p. 82
 Workbook p. 82
 Audio Tracks 130–131
 Flashcards 109112
 Worksheet 2: Opposites (one copy per child)

Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song.
Warmer: It’s your party!
 Tell the class Today you’re having a party. What do you need?
 Write children’s suggestions on the board as they say them. If necessary, use the Special days flashcards from Unit 5
to help you.
 Put children into groups of three to four students and ask them to choose five things they will have at their party. Tell
students they must agree together.
 When they have decided, each group tells the class which five things they have at their party. The class decides which
group’s party will be the most fun!
 Use Flashcards to introduce the new vocabulary. Hold up the cards one at a time and say the words for children to
 Hold the cards in a different order for children to repeat again.

Listen, point, and repeat. (Exercise 1)
 Ask children to look at the pictures in their Student Books. Play the first part of the recording (Track 130) for children
to point to the pictures and say the words.
 Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat the words.
 Play the recording all the way through for children to listen and then repeat.
 Hold up Flashcards one at a time for individual children to say the words.
Transcript (Track 130)
Listen and point.
neat, messy, floor
messy, neat, floor
Listen and repeat.
neat, messy, floor
Listen and sing. (Exercise 2)
 Ask children to look at the pictures. Point to different things for children to say the words they know. Ask children to
predict what the song is about (cleaning up after a party).
 Play the recording (Track 131) all the way through for children to listen. Then play it again for children to follow the

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 12: Look at the photos!

words in their books.

 Play each line of the song for children to repeat.
 Play the recording all the way through again for children to sing along.

Musical cards
 Play Track 131 as the music for the activity.
 Give out the flashcards from the unit to different children around the class. They pass the cards to the children next
to them around the class while the music is playing.
 Stop the music suddenly. Ask the children who are holding the flashcards to shout out what they have.
 Play the music and continue in this way.
 If you want to increase the challenge, include flashcards from earlier units.
Sing and do. (Exercise 3)
 Ask the children to look at each verse and tell you which action they should do (see below for ideas).
 Play the recording for children to listen and do their actions.
Song actions
Verse 1 – talk, eat, and dance as if at a party
Verse 2 – point to imaginary balloons, cards, and food
Verse 3 – clean things up, and open a door
Verse 4 – cover eyes, and then open them looking happy and surprised

Worksheet 2: Opposites
 Make sure that children understand the concept of opposites and give a few examples if needed, e.g., good – bad, hot
– cold, win – lose.
 Give out the worksheet for children to complete individually. Monitor and help where needed.
 When finished, the children can compare their answers in pairs.
 Go over the answers with the class.
Exercises: Workbook p. 82
Story time: A reader of your choice

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 12: Look at the photos!

Lesson Four Phonics

 To understand how magic e at the end of words changes the vowel sound
 To recognize the sounds of long and short vowels
 Language focus: listening, speaking
 Vocabulary: cub, cube, cap, cape, pin, pine
Resources and materials
 Student Book p. 83
 Workbook p. 83
 Audio Tracks 122, 132–134
 Phonics cards 4347
 Worksheet 3: Magic e makes the vowel sound long (one copy per child)

Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather.
Song: Sing the chant from p. 77 (Track 122) to energize the class and review the previous phonics lesson.
 Tell children that today’s lesson is about long vowels with magic e and short vowels without magic e.
 Ask children to remember as many magic e words from previous lessons as possible. Write them on the board and
review pronunciation.
 Say the words with the class. Move your finger from the magic e to the middle vowel as you say each one. Ask What
does magic e do?
 Ask one child to be the teacher and come to the front and point to the words on the board for the other children to
 Teach the words and letters for this lesson using the phonics cards. Hold up the phonics card for cub and say the word
for the children to repeat. Say Is this a magic e word? (No)
 Next hold up the phonics card for cube and say the word. Say Is this a magic e word? (Yes).
 Say the sound and point to the e, moving your finger back to the middle sound as you do. Children repeat.
 Repeat with the other phonics cards.

Listen, point, and repeat. (Exercise 1)
 Ask children to look at the pictures in their Student Books. Tell them that they are going to hear a recording of the
different sounds and words.
 Play the first part of the recording (Track 132) for children to listen and point to the pictures.
 Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat the sounds and words.
 Play the recording all the way through for children to point and then repeat.
Transcript (Track 132)
Listen and point.
/ʌ/ cub /u/ cube /æ/ cap /eɪ/ cape /ɪ/ pin /aɪ/ pine
/æ/ cap /eɪ/ cape /ɪ/ pin /aɪ/ pine /ʌ/ cub /u/ cube
Listen and repeat.
/ʌ/ cub /u/ cube /æ/ cap /eɪ/ cape /ɪ/ pin /aɪ/ pine
Listen and chant. (Exercise 2)
 Play the recording (Track 133) for children to listen to the chant.
 Play the chant again, stopping the recording after each line for children to repeat.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 12: Look at the photos!

 Repeat and encourage children to follow the chant in their books.

Class chant
 Divide the class in half and assign one side short vowels and one side long vowels.
 The children repeat the first line of each verse together. Then half the class says the short vowels and half the class
says the long vowels.
 See which side can chant the loudest.
 Switch roles and try the other sound.

Circle the short vowels. Underline the long vowels. (Exercise 3)
 Ask children to tell you which letters of the alphabet are vowels (a, e, i ,o, u).
 Explain that words with magic e have long vowels and words without magic e have short vowels.
 Ask children to look at the list of words. Point to the first word (Tim) for children to say it out loud. Ask Long vowel or
short vowel? (short vowel). Do the same with the second word (cube – long vowel).
 Show them that the short vowel in Tim is circled and the long vowel in cube is underlined.
 Give them time to complete the rest of the activity and go over the answers with the class.
1. Tim 2. cube 3. cap 4. pin 5. cape 6. time 7. cub 8. pine
Listen and circle the correct word. (Exercise 4)
 Ask children to look at the pictures and identify the things they can see. Tell them they are going to listen to a
recording of each word. They must listen and circle the correct word.
 Play the beginning of the recording (Track 134) and pause after the first word. Show children how the word cube has
been circled as an example.
 Play the rest of the recording for children to complete the remaining words.
 Play the recording again for them to complete the answers.
 Go over the answers.
Transcript (Track 134)
1 cube 2 pin 3 cap 4 cub 5 pine
1 cube 2 pin 3 cap 4 cub 5 pine

Let’s practice!
 Ask students to look at the picture and speech bubble. Say I have a red cap and a cape.
 Have a student read the sentence.
 Have students work in pairs and take turns saying the sentence. Tell them to use other vocabulary words on the page.
Test your partner.
 Ask children to close their books and to draw a three by two grid on a piece of paper.
 Write the target words for the lesson on the board cub, cube, cap, cape, pin, pine.
 Ask children to draw a picture that represents each of the words in each of the squares of the grid, in random order.
The children should only draw a picture, not write the word. You will need to stress to the children that the order of
the pictures should be random to make the activity work.
 Erase the words from the board.
 Ask the children to work in pairs. Each child tests their partner by pointing at a picture and asking them to say the
word. Monitor and help with pronunciation.
 Ask the children how many words they were able to identify correctly.
Worksheet 3: Magic e makes the vowel sound long.
 Give out the worksheets and ask children to do the first activity individually.
 Go through the answers as a class and practice saying the words.
 Encourage children to try the tongue twisters with a partner. Explain that these are called tongue twisters because

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 12: Look at the photos!

they are difficult to say, so don’t worry if they can’t do them easily.
Exercises: Workbook p. 83
Story time: A reader of your choice

© Oxford University Press 2015 9

Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 12: Look at the photos!

Lesson Five Skills Time!

 To read and understand a school newspaper article
 To read for specific details
 Language focus: reading
 Vocabulary: review
 Extra vocabulary: play (n), year, wolf, hood, costume, proud, act (v), hard work, ready
 Structures: review
Resources and materials
 Student Book p. 84
 Workbook p. 84
 Audio Tracks 131, 135
 Worksheet 4: The house was so messy! (one copy per child)
Culture note: Little Red Riding Hood
Little Red Riding Hood is a traditional fairy tale that was passed down orally from generation to generation until it
was recorded as Le Petit Chaperon Rouge, by the Frenchman Charles Perrault in the 17th century. The best known
version, however, comes from the Brothers Grimm tale Rottkäpchen, written (in German) in 1812. Slightly different
versions of the story exist in many different countries.

In the story, Little Red Riding Hood travels through the woods to visit her grandmother. A wolf asks where she is
going and tricks the little girl into stopping to pick flowers while he rushes to the grandmother’s house, eats the
grandmother, puts on her clothes, and waits for Red Riding Hood to arrive. The wolf’s disguise fools Red Riding Hood,
but she is saved by a woodcutter, who kills the wolf and cuts open its stomach to free the grandmother.

A less violent version where the wolf hides the grandmother in a cupboard is usually used in school plays!

Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song.
 Give out Worksheet 4: The house was so messy! and encourage children to complete as many words as they can from
 Have children check in pairs and then open their books to p. 82 to check against the book.
 Play the recording (Track 131) and encourage children to sing along with the song.
 Write on the board Our school play and elicit the meaning.
 If you have a school play in your school, talk about it with the students. Ask them if they have seen a school play or if
they have performed in a school play.
 Ask children to open their books to p. 84 and look at the pictures in the article. Ask What kind of text is this? Do you
know the characters in the story? What story is it? (Little Red Riding Hood). Do they know what happens in the story?

Little Red Riding Hood
 If children know the story of Little Red Riding Hood, encourage them to tell you what happens (they do not have to
use the past tense). If not, use the culture note above to tell them the story.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 12: Look at the photos!

Look at the pictures. What are the children wearing? (Exercise 1)

 Ask children to look at the pictures again. Point to the different children and ask What’s he / she wearing?
 If you wish, ask children to point to the different children in the pictures and say what they are wearing.
One girl is wearing a red sweater, a skirt, socks, shoes, and a coat. Another girl is wearing a purple dress and green slippers.
A boy is wearing a wolf’s costume.
Listen and read. (Exercise 2)
 Write the following comprehension questions on the board. Who was Xuan in the school play? What did she wear?
Does she like her English class?
 Play the recording (Track 135) and let children listen and follow the texts in their Student Books.
 Play the recording a second time and then elicit the answers to the questions.

Read again. Circle the false word and write the correct word. (Exercise 3)
 Ask children to close their books. Write the example sentence from the Student Book onto the board.
 Ask children Is the sentence correct? Invite a child to come to the board to circle the incorrect word. A second child
writes the correct word next to the sentence.
 Write some of your own sentences on the board, each containing one incorrect word, and repeat the process. Xuan
was the wolf. The families were sad and proud of the children. Xuan loves acting Spanish stories.
 Ask children to look at the exercise in their Student Books. Allow time for them to re-read the text and then circle the
incorrect word in each sentence and write the correct one next to it.
 Go over the answers with the class. Read each sentence for children to tell you which word is wrong and tell you the
correct word.
1 The play was on Tuesday. (Thursday)
2 The play was in the morning. (afternoon)
3 The play was in the school yard. (classroom)
4 Xuan’s costume was blue. (red)
5 Mrs. Chi is the art teacher. (English)

Incorrect sentences
 Put children into pairs and ask them to write five sentences about the school play. Tell them that the sentences
should all contain one incorrect word (look at Exercise 3 for examples).
 Give the children ten minutes. When they have finished, they should exchange their sentences with another pair who
must circle the incorrect words and write the correct ones. They then return this to the pair who wrote the sentences
for checking.
Exercises: Workbook p. 84
Story time: A reader of your choice

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 12: Look at the photos!

Lesson Six Skills Time!

 To listen for specific detail
 To talk about people’s costumes
 To write about your favorite school activity
 Language focus: integrated skills
 Vocabulary: review
 Structures: review
Resources and materials
 Student Book p. 85
 Workbook p. 85
 Audio Track 136

Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song.
Warmer: Smiley face
 Think of a word from the unit and draw a short line for each letter on the board, one next to the other.
 Ask the children to guess the letters that are in the secret word, one by one.
 If a child guesses a letter correctly, write it on the line.
 If a child guesses incorrectly, write the letter on the board with an X through it, and draw a large circle to represent a
face. With each letter that is guessed incorrectly, add another feature to the face (two eyes, a nose, a smile, two ears,
a neck, and hair).
 The game continues until either the word or the face is complete. If the word is complete, the class has won; if the
face is complete, the teacher has won.
 Divide the class into groups of three to four students to continue playing with any new words from the previous
 Ask children what they can remember about the text from the previous lesson. Ask What was the play? Who was in
it? What were the costumes?
 Allow children to check the article on p. 84 to see how much they remembered correctly.
 Ask children to look at the pictures of the children in their costumes on p. 85 in Exercise 1 and tell you what they can
 Ask them to predict what they will hear (a story about a school play).

Listen and write T (true) or F (false). (Exercise 1)
 Tell children they are going to listen to a recording of a girl talking about her school play.
 Play the recording (Track 136) for children to listen and point to the pictures.
 Play the recording a second time for children to decide whether the pictures contain the correct information.
 Stop the recording after the first sentence. Show children the first picture and ask Is this true? (Yes). Point out the
letter T in the box.
 Play the recording again for children to complete their answers.
 Go over the answers with the class.
Transcript (Track 136)
1. Our school play was on Monday.
2. Our play was about food.
3. I was a cat in the play. My costume had ears.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 12: Look at the photos!

4. Son and Lan were horses. Son was in a brown horse and Lan was a white horse.
5. Our families were very happy. Thank you, teacher. Our play was fun.
1T 2F 3F 4T 5T
My favorite story
 Ask children to think of a Vietnamese story that they know well. Think of the main characters and what happens in
the story.
 Ask them to work in groups of three to four students and retell the story to their groups without saying the name. The
other children listen and say the name of the story when they guess what it is.

Look and say. (Exercise 2)
 Children look at the pictures and name the “animals” in each picture.
 Read the words in the word box out loud with the class.
 Focus attention on the three speech bubbles. Point to the first picture and demonstrate the activity by saying He was
a lion.
 Ask children to work in pairs and make sentences about what the children were in the play.
 Monitor the activity and model the words where necessary.
 Ask individual children to say the sentences for the class.
Our school play
 Put the children into small groups.
 Tell them to imagine they did a play at their school. Tell them they will make notes then tell the class about it.
 Decide in their groups which animal each person would play. Nominate one person to feedback to the class about
their play, e.g. In our play Mai was a lion, Nam was a tiger, Hoang and Huy were monkeys, Trang was a giraffe and
Son was a chicken!
 The class should decide which play sounds most interesting.

Circle how you were in 3rd grade. (Exercise 3)
 Focus children’s attention on the sentences in Exercise 3. Point out that the sentences each have two choices.
 Have a few children read the sentences and choices out loud for the class.
 Tell children they should circle the word that is true for them.
 Monitor and help as needed.
Complete the sentences. (Exercise 4)
 Write the first sentence on the board with blanks for answers as in the book.
 Elicit some possible answers that could go in the blanks, e.g., In 3rd grade, I was good and happy, etc.
 Encourage the children to complete the sentences themselves. Monitor, helping where needed.
 When they have finished, the children read the sentences to a partner and compare what they have written.
Exercises: Workbook p. 85
Story time: A reader of your choice

© Oxford University Press 2015 13

Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 12: Look at the photos!

Worksheet 1: My photos

Draw your photos. Use the adjectives.

good bad

wet dry

© Oxford University Press 2015 14

Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 12: Look at the photos!

Worksheet 2: Opposites

1 Match the word with the opposite word, for example, bad – good. Draw a line between the words.

bad dry

white sad

happy messy

neat small

wet good

big black

2 Now use the words in these sentences.

1. I got 10 / 10 in my test. I’m very __________________!

2. It is raining. I am ____________________.

3. My brother is 15 years old already. He isn’t small, he is ________________.

4. I didn’t clean up my toys, so the room is _____________________.

5. That dog ate my sandwich! He is a _____________________dog.

© Oxford University Press 2015 15

Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 12: Look at the photos!

Worksheet 3: Magic e makes the vowel sound long.

1 Check [] the words that have a “magic e.” Cross [X] the ones that don’t.

cake _____ bike _____ cat _____ flute _____

fig _____ cut _____ white _____ stone _____
stop _____ tube _____ lake _____ big _____
man _____ home _____ _____

2 Say the following tongue twisters with your partner.

● The cake was cut with a big white knife.

● The man’s home was made of stone.

● The cat flies a kite while riding a bike.

3 Can you make up your own tongue twisters using the words above?
In small groups, write a tongue twister. Then exchange with another group. See if they can say it!

© Oxford University Press 2015 16

Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 12: Look at the photos!

Worksheet 4: The house was so messy!

1 Try to remember the missing words. Write them in the song.

The house was so messy!

Hello, Mom,

The party was __________.

Everyone was ____________.

Each and every one.

But after the party,

______________ were on the door.

Food was on the ____________.

And cards were on the ____________.

The house was so ____________.

But here is your surprise…

Open the door,

And open your __________!

The food is in the _______________.

The house is very ___________.

There is no more work to do,

So come and take a seat.

Thank you!

2 When you have finished, check your answers with a partner. Then check in your book.

© Oxford University Press 2015 17

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