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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Cagayan
Claveria east District
Claveria national high school

Last Name First Name Middle Initial
Test I.MULTIPLE CHOICE.From the given sets of choices, pick the one that best
describes the statement or the question. ENCIRCLE the LETTER of your chosen answer
on the space provided.
1. A Greek scientist who entered the Academy at the age of 17 and became the tutor of Alexander the Great. His works include
Nicomachean and Eudemian Ethics, Meteorology, Prior Analytics, Metaphysics and Politics.
a. Plato b. Hipparchus c. Aristotle d. Eodoxus
2. What kind of terrestrial motion is portrayed by a free falling object?
a. alteration b. celestial c. natural d. violent
3. Which is an effect of the precession of the equinoxes?
a. The phases of the moon c. the apparent shifting of the stars
b. The changes in solstice d. the gradual change in the orientation of earth’s axis.
4. ______ motion refers to the daily rising and setting of the sun.
a. Annual motion b. terrestrial motion c. diurnal motion d. natural motion
5. A ___________ refers to a huge burst of energy from an explosion of a giant star.
a. Sunspots b. supernova c. halos d. lunar craters
6. Overtime, the Greeks developed models of the universe based on their observations with their naked eye and with the use of
instruments. This model assumed that Earth was the center of the universe. What do you call this model?
a. Aristotle’s model b. Eudoxus model c. geocentric model d. heliocentric model
7. What phenomenon in the universe did ancient astronomers explain through epicycles?
a. Eclipse b. lunar phases c. solstice d. planetary precession
8. ______happens when the sunk position in the ecliptic intersects with the celestial equator.
a. Equinox b. lunisolar c. planetary transit d. retrograde motion
9. Which is NOT an argument by the Ancient Greeks about the phericity of Earth?
a. Earth’s shadow on the moon is always round.
b. The sun rises in the east and sets down in the west.
c. Explorers going south see southern constellations rise above the horizon.
d. Every portion on Earth has a tendency to be compressed and form a sphere.
10. _____ is regarded to have created the first model of a geocentric universe using the idea of celestial bodies.
a. Aristotle b. Aristarchus c. Eudoxus d. Ptolemy
11. He is a Greek philosopher who viewed heaven as perfect and that a circle is a perfect polygon.
a. Aristarchus b. Eudoxus c. Plato d. Ptolemy
12. In which of the following state/s of motion can Newton’s first law of motion be applied?
I. objects at rest
II. objects with constant velocity
III. objects with constant acceleration
a. I only b. I and II c. III only d. I,II and III
13. An object moves at a constant speed of 6 m/s. this means that the object __________.
a. increases its speed by 6m/s every second.
b. decreases its speed by 6 m/s every second.
c. moves 6m every second.
d. doesn’t move.
14. A toy car moves 8m in 4seconds at a constant velocity. what is the car’s velocity?
a. 1ms/ b. 2 m/s c. 3 m/s d. 4 m/s
15. When you paddle a canoe, the canoe goes forward. This is an example of…
a. Newton’s Second Law of Motion c. Law of Conservation of Momentum
b. Newton’s First Law of Motion d. Newton’s Third Law of Motion
16. An ice skater pushes harder with his leg muscles, he begins to mpve faster. This is an example of…
a. Newton’s Second Law of Motion c. Law of Conservation of Momentum
b. Newton’s First Law of Motion d. Newton’s Third Law of Motion
17. You’re riding a bike when you suddenly hit a large rock. The bike stops moving but you fly over on the handlebars. This is
an example of.
a. Newton’s Second Law of Motion c. Law of Conservation of Momentum
b. Newton’s First Law of Motion d. Newton’s Third Law of Motion
18. A bicyclist moves a constant speed of 4 m/s . How long it will take for the bicyclist to move 36m?
a. 3s b. 12s c. 9s d. 12s
19. When a teacher stands in front of the class, the force of gravity pulls her toward the ground. The ground pushes back with an
equal and opposite force. This is an example of which Newton’s Laws of motion?
a. 1st b. 2nd c. 3rd d. 4th
20. The tendency of a moving object to continue in a straight line or a stationary object to remain in pace is called ______.
a. force b. inertia c. reaction d. action
21. Which of Newton’s laws of motion states that objects at rest tend to stay at rest and objects in motion tend to stay in motion
unless acted upon by an unbalanced force?
a. 1st b. 2nd c. 3rd d. none of the above
22. This is a disturbance that travels through matter or space, carrying energy without carrying matter.
a. Trough b. wavelength c. crests d. wave
23. This is the matter that waves travel through.
a. Medium b. matter c. stuff d. wavelength
24. What do you call the highest part of a wave?
a. Amplitude b. crests c. wavelength d. trough
25. A phenomenon in which the incident light hitting the surface is sent back into the same medium is called _______.
a. diffraction b. interference c. reflection d. refraction
26. The distance between successive crests or troughs of a wave is called ______.
a. amplitude b. crest c. frequency d. wavelength
27. Which view about the nature of light did Isaac Newton propose?
a. wave theory b. particle theory c. both a and b d. neither a nor b
28. Which of the following statements illustrates the concept that waves carry energy from one place to another.
a. Ocean waves may cause boats to tip over. c.Seismic waves cause earthquake damage.
b. Sunlight heats the surface of the earth. d.All of the statements illustrate the concept.
29. The angle of the incoming light ray is EQUAL to the reflected angle of light. This is called the Law of ______.
a. reflection b. refraction c. diffraction d. interference
30. Light is either reflected of absorbed, can’t see through at all.
a. Transparent b. opaque c. transluscent d. reflection

Test II. Enumeration. Answer the following.

31-32. Two categories of motion according to Aristotle.
31. ________________________
32. ________________________
33-35. Three types of Terrestrial motion according to Aristotle.
33. _________________________
34. _________________________
35. _________________________
36-40. Five competing Models of the Universe
36. _________________________
37. _________________________
38. _________________________
39. _________________________
40. _________________________
41-43. Three Newton’s Laws of Motion
41. _________________________
42. _________________________
43. _________________________
44-47. Four types of waves
44. _________________________
45. _________________________
46. _________________________
47. _________________________
48-50. Three parts of waves.
48. __________________________
49. __________________________
50. ___________________________

Prepared by: Checked and Approved by:


Science Teacher School Head

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