Monika Assignment Crashing CPM

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# a aie Chaucharn/ 15192101? ' i M , ery conhd @ es Make briek mole on gconsrlfan aya 6 Tonspection. : LS Bh ° 4 lutions dual ty— eee AE Pe the prsemce of a consbuction wok & Pest @ Otol ee quality contro! Of the ce ; ton tuork WS emsuaed - nt ‘Therelore the amen objective of the tnipectfon & qual ty contrel “te to achfeve sound — comnatecectton se : which nesults Pa a atucture of good Atengt ( fork Like at a sentorable rate. ‘ * Dvspertton Methodology — pelea “Good organtsation $° Geed uocrkmemship are the 3 bone of the Fspection procers. ¢ "Dr general, the Trupeton at varfour tages should cover the “followings & " Sarmpling, ident feation, exarninalton #$ fraud torting of amateyiats- > Proporttorng contro] 2 batchivg. > Crarninalion af works - layout 1 formar , fourdat Pon ate. ? Observation of, plamt , equipment mmathinery of Ce _ ety conclitPons portofing te environment offecting ' e 4 4 « e fhe gph of work. 4 > Preparation ef records ¢ reports. « * Stages of_Drapect Pon f Auatity Contro|~ q ||* Prapectfon Ahoul be made at Appropriate tages as the § | Construction proceecls. q "An defects moticecl during inspection Ahouwld be pein-@ ted out P rectified Pmmedteltely Qn ovder to aveid @ | Urn ecensaty voastage of time ebkoat e mor |* The Fportont 5 ttems 2 Comaburttion of a civil emgineesing prefe ct axes se gineeting RC > M inary > Samitary € tweiler jcupply Aeavices Sanitary f wecler .cupy yA SC ol 6 Elechfettl -seavices Murs 2S Ladle ahot ansle on extns Om nebumk, Solurtion> Exsovs $y Nlehoonls “Sometimer errors emter fle while craw a metook ot the profert decorue of etthes construct¥onal mit- take or concephual mfstalce. There cue tuco types af Commrectfonel esror — a) Loopin exyow b) Pamaling estoy amd “one concept errov ce) Itagen urhecl exrov, Looping Enos— * Sometimes am Fmposs?ble aituctfon Fn the meliwerls fic may anise ai shown Yn + because of Aeme consteuctfimal mistake Im the Afrectfon éf arrows. Hg. 5) Dengl’ng _Extoe — * Rofert complete only whem all fH activites are complete but the olura ttn of cuttvity bas no effect an the profect time, ‘Scanned with CamScanner 140 i Rae peer conil . ar actfvittes ae Pet Leg. ivev below, cath et A is ee ae comple - alant unit an the 3 adfuitter A» tee fs co 40. These on. The MBut Gy scaltty, this may snot be the auto on mo cron vihble ta the Conshuction of tag "hogseal error has crept Sto 7 “romple— tA £ Hp Atart ot the same time M) F follows A Fi) iq follows A bul. precedtes L. W) G follouu D but precedes T. vy) d follows [ but Precedes +. Vi) AA follouts H but precedes L. vi) Tand L teammate af the same 1%me, TSP Waite short note on constiutfon cost control y Ry Solulten> Constuutton cot comhol helps. prefect rnomagen NN avoid cost over by provid quideltmes for extimates F foveraats O fahoud, wmatertal £ overhead costa. we The puupole et a cost conticl plan fs ‘to -help emure Ne ‘Scanned with CamScanner The pooped Fs delivered on imme, ui th?n scope P On ugelet ~ the eter ls of a cost nfvo| syste ane * Observert fon corp som | olpservation utith aome dered Alan- cud. Comedie action te take th ecesary. 7 Objectives of % To arsive at the coat 2 each ae operation o& orit amd ito casey oul a continuous compari 470) Lith the -taugel dott te feedback of the gat oF toss on each “ho as lo ensure thal planned. pro fit Margins ase mainloenect. b.T Provide fmmediate pworlgn of the umeconom?c OpesatPon, both 9m tHe lon Abert term. C. Fo provide the rclevamt Sato. on coxt. To puomdle cet conchusness. To summarize progiess. P ne: To pucuide data te arstsl Pn the valuation of variation phat uctll arte dusting the couse of the toork. cos covyhol IIIDTIIIIAP Id J J. = © ae myn yey ey Quet-Asdelerrine the ania” cost amd optimum durath the. project metiovk,, The dala of each ativity of meluork % we Son the. fol outing table. Dndfrect cot ie 4000/useels. _ Ew Nowmall Craul a 4 oral cost [Cras +tPme | Cost tine Ludeels) (=). (weeks) | (€) m4 3 Sooo 2 5 Soo : " W000i. | yl 13, 000 7 , 000 q {1,000 6 ane 4a q 000 3 fae 3 6,000 2 7800 ‘Scanned wih CamScanner ee ww eS ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee Lon > Step 1 Make Adivity AC At 500 4000 3000 7000 3 3000 1 B00 ti o- 1 L Qe 3- atone. Step 2> Draw: Mélucrk— NB EAE 4 ©2250) we to Z MAIN WI 20) 6 a Tdemtify bp wttteal | ovgest duration path — tm Te ore 0 a © ae) @ 4B qy 2G) Rb aba 28 geo \I7 oe.) OL.OLM 2. 226 2 9396.919619 18 Step-4-> Make Crashing Table— Duratfon Direct Cost gmdtrect [Total Careelss) Normal ei [Net cost | Cost 26 47,000 47000 104000 1, 51,000 a5 AT000 | Soo AT500 1,006,000 a4 AT.000 | 1500 |4 S500 4 6000 4 7, 500 © 23 [aro [850° ]4q500 | annoy [hie 22 | anoor | 4300. 51300 | geooo beatae QI 47/000 | 6300 |s3,300 | gqooo ist ge 80 | ar, 000 | a300 56,300 | Booos | 1 56300 19 A000 |19633-33 [59633 33| T6000 {35,6333 1B 47,000 15966 66 | 6246666 | “721000 134,166.69 ‘Scanned wih CamScanner ® OH —_(P—O ZF 1320} Toxo “ wma ox a For seme path again ~ °. © _©—68- 6 —© feenekt 2333-3 Zoo | Boo A Again, same [1-2 (to005] SP ES Uhon rue or mae Jong paths ore - ® x Ono Oe Flow 1800 © I-Q I-35 05-075, Os Om, O 23 a4 oe as fo A-5 (1B00 win") Ce Agen — \—3 OFF OmOzOx we a-3 R3 BA (3000) © x “1000 Ox x © a4 1-3) 1-9 = 2000 (U~) men, 1-3, Q-% = 3333-33 A Now— OVO” On, OO 23 ey r 3-4 ; Ox One Saxr® 2-3, 1-3 = 3333.33 3-4 = 3000 (orfinny) A Nous — POZOTORP OZ O —- ar l-3 = 3333-55 0% po OHO TO ay Again, Aankb Q-3, [- 3 — 3335-33 4 Optireumn Duration = 1B weeks Miafnum fost = 154,966: 46 Res aa ay a a a ee ee mm (me ‘Scanned wih CamScanner

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