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TOPIC 7: UDL – Planning flexible

Teaching and Assessment

Acknowledgement of Country

Aboriginal MPs six years ago Aboriginal MPs in 2016


• Overview of Assignment 2

• Using checkpoints in the UDL framework to “design out’ barriers

and plan flexible teaching and assessment.

EDF5016 Learning Outcomes

• LOC 5
– understand curriculum aspects and teaching approaches to support inclusive learning for
differentiated educational settings and students with additional needs
• LOC 6
– apply the principles of inclusion in planning, goal setting and design to improve learning
engagement across diverse student groups and contexts
• LOC 8
– consider how digital technologies may promote inclusion in the learning environment

EDF5016 – APST Connections

• support the learning and participation of learners

with disability (Standard descriptor 1.6)

• teaching activities that incorporate differentiated

strategies to meet the specific learning needs of
learners across the full range of abilities (Standard
descriptor 1.5)

Assignment 2 - overview
Assessment task 2: Situated case of practice examining teacher's practices of inclusion

Due date: January 16th, 2019 23.55 pm

Details of task: This assignment requires you to select a lesson that you have
previously taught in an inclusive classroom and to reflect on its strengths and
areas for improvement in light of:

• WHY should lessons be inclusive (current policy and legislation relating

to disability and inclusion)
• HOW lessons should be inclusive (an inclusive planning, design and
assessment framework: Universal Design for Learning (UDL))
• WHAT you learned undertaking the assignment in Your professional
learning in reference to The Australian Professional Standards for
Teachers (APST)
There are three main sections in this written response:

Introduction, Body and Conclusion

 The introduction requires you to demonstrate your

knowledge of inclusive education and inclusive practice.
 This should provide the rationale for the reflection on
your lesson, and identify why it is important for
teachers to reflect on whether/how they are
implementing inclusive practices.
 It should draw on policy and legislation documents as

In the body of this assignment, you should discuss an appended lesson and related
assessments that you have previously taught in an inclusive classroom.

• You should identify what barriers may be present in the design of your lesson and related
assessment that could affect diverse students (including those with disabilities) from
accessing resources, participating in the learning activities, and making progress in their
• Following the identification of these barriers, you should describe revisions and
adjustments that you would create to build flexibility and accessibility into the lesson and
related assessments.

These revisions should be designed to provide:

● goals that are appropriately challenging for all students
● teaching methods that are flexible and varied enough to support and challenge all
● a range of materials and resources (including technology) to accomplish this variation
and flexibility
● flexible assessments options that support and challenge all students
**You should use the principles and guidelines of the UDL framework to support you
in identifying revisions and adjustments for this lesson and related assessment.

In your conclusion, you should reflect on your

professional learning through this assessment task, and
describe whether/how it has
 supported you to develop and demonstrate your
skills, knowledge and evidence of supporting students
with disabilities and diverse
 learning needs that is required for meeting the APST
for Graduate teachers. You should pay specific
attention to APST 1.5, 1.6 and 4.1.

Final section of A2

Assessment of Active Participation in the Unit:

 Similarly to assessment task 1, you will also be assessed on your participation in the
unit as per the Workload Requirements for this course (see page 10). Unlike AT 1,
there is not word limit/requirement
 You should contribute to all discussion forums by responding to the weekly prompt and
to at least one of your peers' responses.
 You will be assessed on your level of participation, your engagement with your peers,
and to your appreciation of the relevant content area.
 See rubric for more detail. You must download your Moodle contributions and submit
them with your assignment as a single file. There is no word limit associated with this
requirement, as it is a demonstration of your active participation and engagement only.

Criteria for marking:

Detailed assessment criteria are available from the EDF5016 Moodle site.

Introduction: demonstrates an understanding of inclusive education
and practice, and relevant legislation and policy (20%)
Body: Demonstrates ability to identify barriers in teaching and
assessment plans. Shows an understanding of inclusive principles for
developing curriculum, teaching and assessment plans to support
inclusion (40%)
Conclusion: Demonstrates the ability to reflect on your own
professional learning (20%)
Appropriate language use including grammar, spelling and expression.
Correct use of APA style for citations and references (10%)
Active engagement with Unit learning materials and activities (10 %)

A note on extension requests

 1.6 Extension to assessment deadlines

 Students may be provided with an extension of up to and including five calendar days. Students
seeking an extension due to exceptional circumstances and for extensions beyond five calendar
days must use the University Special Consideration Policy and Procedures (See Section 1.7).
 Students wishing to apply for an extension must submit a request via email to your tutor prior to
the assessment deadline.
 Accepted circumstances for applying for an extension include (but are not limited to):
– Short-term illness
– Unforeseen employment obligations
– Family circumstances

Multiple assignments due the same week is not an acceptable reason

for an extension request. Unit schedules with assignment due dates are
published in week one of each semester, we encourage students to
plan to ensure they can meet the workload commitments of the course.
Also remember, everyone is in the same boat!

Unwrapping the barriers using UDL and assessment
‘Unwrapping’ the barriers for learning

 In the previous topic, we looked at the barriers that

conditions of access can create
 Based on Aristotelean principles of equity and fairness
equal educational opportunity is re-defined as “access”,
which is split into two domains:
(i) Conditions of access or external/environmental factors (in this case, an
assessment task sheet), and
(ii) Criteria of access or the personal factors (e.g. traits, skills and abilities)
necessary to complete the task.
Now, we turn our attention to the facilitators of access, participation and
engagement – the flexible alternatives that make a lesson universally
accessible through multiple entry points and pathways, supporting all
learners to develop expertise at learning itself

‘Unwrapping’ the barriers for learning and enablers of flexibility

 The following activity requires you to use UDL

guidelines to conduct an audit of these classrooms

 Firstly, select one of the following videos for analysis

Middle School English Primary School Mathematics Middle School Science
Group Activity
1. Divide into groups of four
2. View your selected video
3. As you are viewing, use the UDL Guidelines and the
auditing resource to audit the video lesson extract for
multiple means of engagement, representation and
action/expression in ensuring that there are no barriers
embedded the goals, resources, activities, assessments.
4. For each lesson element that you observe and audit,
note the:
A. Principle
B. Guideline
C. Checkpoint

Preparing for AT 2

• This Topic’s Moodle Discussion forum is an audit of your

selected lesson for focus in assignment 2
• You may spend the rest of this workshop conducting the audit of
your chosen lesson. This will be posted on Moodle where you
may view and comment on others’ audits. It will also be
appended to your assignment

Exit tickets

• Something I know more about after

class today
• Something I want to learn more about
in the next class


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