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Nama : Chintya widjayanti

NPM/SMT : 3019019/II (Dua)

Program Studi : Pendidikan Sejarah

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris

Dosen Pengampu : Dr.Donni Pestalozi,M.Pd


The spread of the corona virus is becoming a serious threat to the world. Since it was first
reported at the end of 2019, the virus has infected more than a quarter million people. Not
much knowledge about corona virus outbreaks is one of the causes of the extreme spread in
hundreds of countries in the world.

A little good news is that the corona virus can be destroyed by soap with hand washing for 20
seconds. A recent study showed that the corona virus can remain in the air for some time,
depending on the heat and humidity. In addition, the virus can also last for one day on the
surface of cardboard and two to three days on the surface of steel and plastic. However, there
is still very much unclear information about the virus that began in Wuhan City, Hubei
Province, China. Please note that the corona virus or SARS-CoV-2 is not the flu.

The corona virus causes disease with different symptoms, spreads and kills more easily and
comes from a family of viruses that is completely different from the cause of the common
cold. Also read: East Java Provincial Government Launches Self Check Up Covid-19,
Following the Link Forms of Virus Angela Rasmussen from Columbia University said the
structure of the corona virus provides clues as to how the virus spreads so fast. According to
him, the corona virus is spherical in shape, like a nail. The spikes then recognize and attach to
the ACE2 protein that is on the surface of human cells. This is the first step towards infection.
ACE2 is an enzyme that mediates changes in angiotensin or hormones to constrict blood
vessels resulting in an increase in blood pressure. ACE2 is the entry point for several types of
corona viruses into human cells, including SARS-CoV which causes SARS.

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