Eighteen Verses Prequel HTML

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like a feather....
What would I do without a mind?
What would I do without a society to shape that mind?
To influence it?
To taint it?
To glorify it?
What would I do without the memories of such glory and such tache?
An orphan on a deserted island, with nothing from the outside world,
save the produce of Nature which surrounds me...
I suppose I would be free....

sunday, november 07, 2010 About Me

Eighteen Verses - Prequel
Some readers might be aware of a bygone effort of I am what I think...
mine in capturing my thoughts and meditations into 18
View my complete
verses. On my recent trip I felt the need to understand profile
when philosophical enquiry and spiritual pursuits
seem appealing or even relevant to an individual. I
also wished to understand what are the characteristics
of a realised soul and what is available to him which
infinite intellectual efforts (medha) cannot rein in. It is
this very subject in its foggy constitution that leaves
several amateur seekers (like myself) confused with the Generate
words of the wise and irritated by the chanting PDF
populace which resembles the mass incarnation of
This post is an offering to the Divine Goddess
Saraswati who effortlessly milks Truth from the bovine
world in which we live. Were it not for Her, my life
would be sadly meaningless, as it happily is now. In
Her there is a union of mind and mindlessness. In Her
there is a union of beauty and the banal. In Her there is
Label Cloud
peace. Om Shanti, shanti, shanti-hi. Alvibest art Being
Human conscious
living contemplating
This prequel discusses 3 matters vital to the reader life Creative Culture
and Tradition education
before s/he even feels inclined to read the 18 verses. Epicurean Delights
These verses (also numbering 18) are not questions but external links
fiction literature
statements. They have been composed as verses Misc movies music
my contribution to
adhering to the 5-7-5 count of a haiku though society nonfiction
resembling the haiku in no other manner. Some might perspective
but most wouldn't as the subject is heavy and I am photography
poetry quotes Sweet
presently incompetent to douse such raging fires in a
Nothings timepass
light linen handkerchief. Translations travelling
zen koan
The first few verses cover the characteristics of
Blog Archive
individuals who would be inclined to philosophical
enquiry. The next few verses detail the characteristics ▼  2010 (71)

and circumstances which discourage one from ► December (12)

spiritual development. The last few verses detail the ▼  November (6)
traits a seeker must develop in order to effectively be Louder, please

able to meditate on the 18 verses. The post closes with 2 Interfering With
verses which apply to all philosophical schools of The Natural

thought. Quizzing

Mixed Worlds
I will not elaborate on each of them as they are as
delicate as the 36 questions raised in the original post. Eighteen Verses -
Poetry, unlike prose and laws, allow the fecundity of
A Tour Through
the mind to dictate the import.
The Himalayas

► October (13)
1. ► September (3)
All jump to pluck the ► August (7)

Blossoms from the laden tree - ► July (7)

► June (5)
The roots go deeper.
► May (2)

► April (4)
2. ► March (10)
The monk wonders as ► January (2)

The fish gasp in the basket - ► 2009 (100)

► 2008 (73)
Which sutra they chant?
► 2007 (116)

► 2006 (94)
3. ► 2005 (146)
The merchant's nine locks ► 2004 (1)

And three guards at his vault - Still

Fine Places
A charm hangs on his neck. to Spend an
Atanu Dey
4. Meera's Blog (needs
some life)
As he falls asleep
Name of the Rose
The buzzing bee near his ear Aardvarks Inc
Arts & Letters Daily
Begins or ends his sleep? Arts Journal

5. Friends'
A little orchid
John's Ideas
Eddies past the praying monk I ain't in Ukraine
Sanny's Scribbles
He smiles, bows once more. Red Earth And
Pouring Rain
6. Sriram's Blog
The tree in a seed Rex
In a soft fruit's belly -

He slowly nods his head.

The Yang-tze flood razes -

He floats on a bamboo mat

Eating from debris.

He sows seeds; it rains

Hundred sacks of golden wheat

He dusts his bed and sleeps.

When the nightingale

Departs, the li'l pup climbs the

Branch and barks. Confused.

Ten fingers count sheep

Till one jumps over the other

Count all over again.

The Spring breeze through

The orchards of apple blooms

Smells of apples.

As I step into

The cold Ganges, I admire

My halcyon shadow.

Come cruel Autumn

All tree obey and shed - Even

One which bore just a leaf.

The mighty river

Too follows the plough's command

To water a rice field.

Oh! Puissant hunter

Myriad arrows that left your bow

Rust on the wet grass.

The lion mauls the deer;

Cruel? So necessary?

Manjushri's sabre.
Sweet waters flow swift

Brine stands still gathering all -

One becoming another.

A vagabond strolls

Through forest, marsh and towns - Paths

Beckoning his feet.

Yadakshara padh brashtam maathra heenantu yad

Tat sarvam kshamyathaam deva, Narayana
Visarga bindu maathraanee, padh
paadhaaksharaanee cha
Nyoonaani cha atirikthaanee, kshamsva
Pluck this @ 10:53 PM

Labels: philosophy, poetry

5 feathers drifted here:

Parvati said...
Dualities and perception of distinct disparities that
are the mainstay of life lived with the aid of our
unregenerate human mental consciousness,
disappear steadily and eventually completely from
our light filled being.

These prequel verses are as beautiful but bear even

greater lightness than the past eighteen verses.

As I said about your photographs, these verses too

have found a deeper source in you from which they
can see the light of day it seems.
2:58 AM
Eroteme said...
Dear P,
I would have assumed that you would be the only
one commenting on this! :-) I think they had to be
lighter for the sake of reach but demanding some
meditation as the subject is such. I am glad that they
are at least lighter than the main 18 verses. :-)
7:52 AM
Parvati said...
Many times the mountains
have turned from green to yellow.
So much for the capricious earth!
Dust in your eyes,
the triple world is narrow.
Nothing on your mind,
your chair is wide enough.

- Muso (1275 – 1351)

Enlightened,isnt he, this Muso person? Seems to

have a clarity regarding his priorities right.
9:46 AM
Summer Rain said...
I cannot comment on the philosophy/idea behind
these 18 Verses for spiritual journeys are best made
alone. But I really, really, really loved Verses 2, 10,
13, 14..
1:55 PM
Eroteme said...
Dear P,
Indeed :-)

Dear SR,
All philosophy/realisation is indeed individual and all
words are nothing more than a shabby attempt at
capturing a personal feeling. The main 18 verses too
state that. Nevertheless, somethings can serve as a
seed in a willing recipient's soul. Glad you liked
those verses. I read them again and enjoyed them.
Perhaps Parvati-ji's words do bear some truth.
9:25 PM

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