Kiky Mulyanengsih 2. Leni Rahayu 3. Mahari 4. Nafsiatun Nisa 5. Nasito 6. Siti Khonisa

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1. Kiky mulyanengsih
2. Leni rahayu
3. Mahari
4. Nafsiatun nisa
5. Nasito
6. Siti khonisa

Siti khonisa Definisi and history of the ketogenic diet
Mahari Type of keto diet with explanation
Nasito Benefits of the keto diet
Nafsiatun nisa Foods that are recommended and foods that should be
Kiky Side effects of the keto diet
Leni rahayu Food procedures, promotions, and different from other diets


Opening :

Hello sir, Good Afternoon. My name is Siti Khonisa, you can call me Ica. I want to explain the definition of ketogenic


The keto diet's definition: the keto diet is a diet that basically reduces carbohydrate in the food and superplants fat. The keto's
own diet names refer to processes in our bodies where when we reduce carbohydrate intake, our bodies enter a metabolic state
called ketosis. When that process takes place, our bodies will be much more efficient in burning fat in the body as energy. It
also converts fat into an acid called keton in the heart that can provide energy to the brain. Besides burning fat, keto's diet can
also reduce blood sugar and insulin levels in the body.

A history of the ketogenic diet

This ketogenic diet was first recognized by the American medical association in the 1920's as a diet therapy used to control
seizures in epileptic people especially in children (nelms et. 2010). It continued to grow and become widely known and
gained popularity in the 1970s for its weight loss (paoli et al. 2013)


Opening :

Hello sir, good afternoon. My name is mahari you can call me mahari. I have intention of giving you explanation about type
of the ketogenic diet.

Content The keto diet has several types, namely:

1. Standard Ketogenic Diet (SKD)

2. Cyclical Ketogenic Diet (CKD)

3. Targeted Ketogenic Diet (TKD):

4. High-protein Ketogenic Diet (HKD)

However, it is recommended for SKD and HKD for the general public because CKD and TKD are more complicated methods
and are generally intended for athletes, especially bodybuilders.


Opening :

My name is Leni rahayu. You can call me Leni. I intend to give you an explanation of long term diet keto, promotions, and
different from other diets. Here I want to explain in advance about food procedures


Some risks that can occur, if you are on a long-term keto diet:

• Lack of healthy carbohydrate intake, such as from fruits, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and vegetables rich in carbohydrates.

• Loss of the benefits of vitamins and minerals the body needs.

• Kidney disorders, if protein consumption exceeds the recommended portion continuously in the long run.

• Increased risk of ketoacidosis

Who would be advised to try the keto diet?

A diet of ketogenic will greatly benefit those who are overweight, have diabetes, or simply want to improve the health of the
body's metabolism.

Please note, when undergoing the keto diet, initially you may experience some complaints. This is known as "keto-flu"


opening :

Hello Mr. My name is Nasito, you can call me nasito or sito. I intend to give explanation about Benefits of the keto diet

Content :

The keto diet was originally intended to treat neurological diseases such as epilepsy. In addition, the keto diet can increase
insulin sensitivity and burn fat, which is very beneficial for those who have diabetes


Opening :

Hello sir, My name is Kiky Mulyanengsih, you can call me kiky. I want to give explanation about Side effects of the
ketogenic diet.

Content :

side effects when starting a keto diet which is often referred to as the keto flu. The symptoms are the body feels weak, hungry,
sleep disturbance, dizziness, or digestive discomfort that can last several days. To minimize these symptoms, you may want to
try a more general low-carbohydrate diet before actually reducing your carbohydrate intake drastically


Opening :

Hello Mr my name is Nafsiatun Nisa and you can call me Naf. I have intention of giving information about foods that are
recommended And foods that should be avoided.

Content :

Some recommended foods consumed in the keto diet:

1.Meat: Chicken, beef, turkey, red meat, etc.

2. fish: Salmon, tuna, mackerel, etc.

3. Eggs: Especially those rich in omega-3s.Cheese, cream,

4. butter: Especially those that are processed naturally.

5. Grains: Almonds, walnuts, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, etc.

6. Healthy oils: Olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil.

7. Avocados:

8. Low-carbo vegetables:, tomatoes, onions, peppers, etc.

9. Complementary spices: Salt, pepper, and other spices

Foods to avoid:

All foods high in carbohydrates must be reduced or eliminated in the keto diet:

1. Sweet foods: Soda, , smoothies, cakes, ice cream, sweets, etc.

2. Wheat and rice: Products made from wheat, rice, pasta, cereals, etc.

3. Fruits: All fruits, except for a small portion of the family berries such as strawberries.
4. Beans: Beans, red beans, long beans, etc.

5. Root vegetables: Potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, turnips, etc.

6. Saturated fats:, mayonnaise, sauces, or dressings that contain sugar.

7. Alcohol

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