Đề Thi Thử Đh Môn Tiếng Anh - Seh Test 1

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Pursue passions until success was no longer just a dream Sam – English teacher

Hotline: 0976882626


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the
other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1. A. threaten B. breathe C. healthy D. breath
Question 2. A. sour B. hour C. pour D. flour

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3. A. document B. business C. mosquito D. literature
Question 4. A. substantial B. applicant C. terrorist D. industry

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each
of the following questions.
Question 5. Next week, when there will be an English club held here, I will give you more information about it.
A. there will be B. held C. will give D. about
Question 6. It is believed that in the near future robots will be used to doing things such as cooking.
A. is believed B. in the near future C. be used to doing D. such as
Question 7. The world is becoming more industrialized and the number of animal species that have become extinct
have increased.
A. industrialized B. species C. extinct D. have

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 8. My friend hasn’t read any technological books or articles on the subject for a long time. She’s afraid that
she may be________ with recent developments.
A. out of touch B. out of condition C. out of reach D. out of the
Question 9. Before a long journey, people usually take their cars to service stations to________
A. keep the oil refill B. make the oil refilled C. have the oil refill D. get the oil refilled
Question 10. Barack Obama is ______ President of ______ United States.
A. the/ the B. a/ 0 C. the/ 0 D. the/ an
Question 11. " . His ________ complaints make me angry.
A. continual B continuous C. continuation D. continuously
Question 12: Remember that things such as language, food and clothing are simply expressions of our
A. solidarity B. identity C. assimilation D. celebration
Question 13. Many young people in rural areas don’t want to spend their lives on the farm like their ______ parents.
So they leave their home villages to find well-paid jobs in the fast-growing industrial zones.
A. long-term B. up-to-date C. weather-beaten D. wide-ranging
Question 14. If I it was a formal party, I wouldn't have worn my old jeans and a jumper.
A. knew B. could know C. had been knowing D. had known
Question 15. ________raiding for camels was a significant part of Bedouin life has been documented in Wilfed
Thesiger’s Arabian Sands.
A. That B. Which C. What D. Where
Question 16. His emotional problems __________from the attitudes he encountered as a child, I think.
A. stem B. flourish C. root D. sprout
Question 17. Minh was born and brought up in Ha Noi and he knows the place like the ______________. .
A. nose on his face B. back of his hand
C. hairs on his head D. teeth of his mouth
Question 18. No one on the plane was alive in the accident last night, ________?
A. wasn’t he B. weren’t they C. were they D. was he
Question 19. : ________as the representative at the conference, she felt extremely proud of herself.
A. Be chosen B. Having been chosen C. On choosing D. Having chosen

Facebook : Luyện thi đại học môn tiếng anh cùng SAM 1
Pursue passions until success was no longer just a dream Sam – English teacher
Hotline: 0976882626

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of
the following exchanges.
Question 20: Marry and Janet are at the dancing club.
Marry: “You are a great dancer. I wish I could do half as well as you.” - Janet: “ . I'm an awful dancer.”
A. You're too kind. B. That's a nice compliment! C. You've got to be kidding! D. Oh, thank you
very much
Question 21: Hoa and Laura are talking about their volunteer work.
Hoa: “Thank you very much for helping the disadvantaged children here.” - Laura: “ .”
A. That's nice of you! B. It's our pleasure. C. Sorry, we don't know D. What a pity!

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 22. The first few days at university can be very daunting, but with determination and positive attitude,
freshmen will soon fit in with the new environment.
A. interesting B. memorable C. serious D. depressing
Question 23. Deforestation may seriously jeopardize the habitat of many species in the local areA.
A. do harm to B. set fire to C. give rise to D. make way for

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 24. 19. In this writing test, candidates will not be penalized for minor mechanical mistakes.
A. punished B. rewarded C. motivated D. discouraged
Question 25. After their long-standing conflict had been resolved, the two families decided to bury the hatchet.
A. become enemies B. become friends C. give up weapons D. reach an

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each
of the following questions.
Question 26: However old and worn his clothes were, they look clean and of good quality.
A. His clothes looked clean and of good quality but they were old and worn.
B. His clothes, though old and worn, looked clean and of good quality.
C. He was fond of wearing such old and worn clothes because they were of good quality.
D. No matter what good quality his clothes had, they looked old and worn.
Question 27: The film didn't live up to my expectation.
A. I expected the film to end more abruptly. B. I expected the film to be more boring.
C. The film fell short of my expectation. D. The film was as good as I expected.
Question 28: “Be careful or you may get lost and run out of money.” She said.
A. She told me to be careful if I got lost and run out of the money.
B. She warned me to be careful or I had to get lost and run out of money.
C. She ordered me to be careful and I might get lost and run out of money.
D. She advised me to be careful or I might get lost and run out of money.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of
sentences in the following questions.
Question 29: Greenpeace has realized the seriousness of environmental pollution. It urges the government
worldwide to take action soon.
A. Having realized the seriousness of environmental pollution, Greenpeace urges the government worldwide to take
action soon.
B. Greenpeace has realized the seriousness of environmental pollution so that it urges the government worldwide to
take action soon.
C. Greenpeace has realized the seriousness of environmental pollution whereas it urges the government worldwide to
take action soon.
D. Realized the seriousness of environmental pollution, or else Greenpeace urges the government worldwide to take
action soon
Question 30: Not many students get high scores today. The tests are too hard.

Facebook : Luyện thi đại học môn tiếng anh cùng SAM 2
Pursue passions until success was no longer just a dream Sam – English teacher
Hotline: 0976882626

A. If the tests today were easy, more students would get high scores.
B. Not all students would get high scores with such easy tests.
C. Unless the tests were easy, no students could get high scores.
D. The tests are difficult, but all students will get high scores.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
"Parents today want their kids spending time on things that can bring them success, but (31) _____,
we've stopped doing one thing that's actually been a proven predictor of success-and that's household chores," says
Richard Rende, a (32) _____ psychologist in Paradise Valley, Ariz, and co- author of forthcoming book “Raising Can-
Do Kids." Decades of studies show the benefits of chores- academically, emotionally and even professionally. Giving
children household chores at an early age (33) _____ to build a lasting sense of mastery, responsibility and self-
reliance, according to research by Marty Rossmann, professor emeritus at the University of Minnesota. In 2002, Dr.
Rossmann analyzed data from a longitudinal study (34) _____ followed 84 children across four periods in their lives-in
preschool, around ages 10 and 15, and in their mid-20s. She found that young adults who began chores at ages 3
and 4 were more likely to have good relationships with family and friends, to achieve academic and early career
success and to be self-sufficient, as (35) _____ with those who didn't have chores or who started them as teens.
Chores also teach children how to be empathetic and responsive to others' needs, notes psychologist Richard
Weissbourd of the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
Question 31: A. ironically B. especially C. brutally D. bitterly
Question 32: A. develop B. developing C. developed D. developmental
Question 33: A. help B. helps C. helped D. has helped
Question 34: A. whom B. that C. what D. when
Question 35: A. compared B. compare C. comparing D. to compare

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the following questions.
Information technology is influencing the way many of us live and work today. We use the Internet to look
and apply for jobs, shop, conduct research, make airline reservations, and explore areas of interest. We use e-mail
and the Internet to communicate instantaneously with friends and business associates around the world. Computers
are commonplace in homes and the workplace.
Although the number of Internet users is growing exponentially each year, most of the world’s
population does not have access to computers or the Internet. Only 6 percent of the population in developing
countries are connected to telephones. Although more than 94 percent of U.S. households have a telephone, only 42
percent have personal computers at home and 26 percent have Internet access. The lack of what most of us would
consider a basic communications necessity -the telephone -does not occur just in developing nations. On some
Native American reservations only 60 percent of the residents have a telephone. The move to wireless connections
may eliminate the need for telephone lines, but it does not remove the barrier to equipment costs.
Who has Internet access? Fifty percent of the children in urban households with an income over
$75,000 have Internet access, compared with 2 percent of the children in low-income, rural households. Nearly half of
college-educated people have Internet access, compared to 6 percent of those with only some high school education.
Forty percent of households with two parents have access; 15 percent of female, single-parent households do. Thirty
percent of white households, 11 percent of black households, and 13 percent of Hispanic households have access.
Teens and children are the two fastest-growing segments of Internet users. The digital divide between the populations
who have access to the Internet and information technology tools is based on income, race, education, household
type, and geographic location. Only 16 percent of the rural poor, rural and central city minorities, young householders,
and single parent female households are connected.
Another problem that exacerbates these disparities is that African Americans, Hispanics, and Native
Americans hold few of the jobs in information technology. Women hold about 20 percent of these jobs and are
receiving fewer than 30 percent of the computer science degrees. The result is that women and members of the most
oppressed ethnic groups are not eligible for the jobs with the highest salaries at graduation. Baccalaureate candidates
with degrees in computer science were offered the highest salaries of all new college graduates in 1998 at $44,949.
Do similar disparities exist in schools? More than 90 percent of all schools in the country are wired with at least one
Internet connection. The number of classrooms with Internet connections differs by the income level of students.
Using the percentage of students who are eligible for free lunches at a school to determine income level, we see that

Facebook : Luyện thi đại học môn tiếng anh cùng SAM 3
Pursue passions until success was no longer just a dream Sam – English teacher
Hotline: 0976882626

nearly twice as many of the schools with more affluent students have wired classrooms as those with high
concentrations of low-income students.
Access to computers and the Internet will be important in reducing disparities between groups. It will require
greater equality across diverse groups whose members develop knowledge and skills in computer and information
technologies. If computers and the Internet are to be used to promote equality, they will have to become accessible to
populations that cannot currently afford the equipment which needs to be updated every three years or so. However,
access alone is not enough. Students will have to be interacting with the technology in authentic settings. As
technology becomes a tool for learning in almost all courses taken by students, it will be seen as a means to an end
rather than an end in itself. If it is used in culturally relevant ways, all students can benefit from its power.

Question 36: Why does the author mention the telephone in paragraph 2?
A. To contrast the absence of telephone usage with that of Internet usage
B. To describe the development of communications from telephone to Internet
C. To demonstrate that even technology like the telephone is not available to all
D. To argue that basic telephone service is a first step to using the Internet
Question 37: Which of the sentences below best expresses the information in the statement “Although the number
.................. or the Internet.” in the paragraph 2?
A. The number of computers that can make the Internet available to most of the people in the world is not increasing
fast enough.
B. The Internet is available to most of the people in the world, even though they don't have their own computer
C. Most of the people in the world use the Internet now because the number of computers has been increasing every
D. The number of people who use computers and the Internet is increasing every year, but most people in the world
still do not have connections.
Question 38: Based on information in paragraph 3, which of the following best explains the term "digital divide?"
A. The disparity in the opportunity to use the Internet
B. Differences in socioeconomic levels among Internet users
C. The number of Internet users in developing nations
D. Segments of the population with Internet access
Question 39: Why does the author give details about the percentages of Internet users in paragraph 3?
A. To argue for more Internet connections at all levels of society
B. To suggest that improvements in Internet access are beginning to take place
C. To prove that there are differences in opportunities among social groups
D. To explain why many people have Internet connections now
Question 40: According to paragraph 4, why are fewer women and minorities employed in the field of computer
A. They do not have an interest in technology.
B. They prefer training for jobs with higher salaries.
C. They are not admitted to the degree programs.
D. They do not possess the educational qualifications.
Question 41: The word “concentrations'' in the passage is closest in meaning to
A. confidence B. protections C. numbers D. support
Question 42: What can be inferred from paragraph 6 about Internet access?
A. The cost of replacing equipment is a problem. B. Technology will be more helpful in three years.
C. Better computers need to be designed. D. Schools should provide newer computers for

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the following questions.
All over the country, young people are entering a world of homelessness and poverty, according to a recent
report by the housing group, Shelter.
Nearly 150,000 young people aged between sixteen and twenty-five will become homeless this year, says
Shelter. Some of the young homeless may sleep out in the open in such places as the “cardboard city” in London,
where people of all ages sleep in the open air in their only home - cardboard boxes. Others may find accommodation
in shelters run by voluntary organizations or get a place in a hostel, which gives them board up to ten weeks.

Facebook : Luyện thi đại học môn tiếng anh cùng SAM 4
Pursue passions until success was no longer just a dream Sam – English teacher
Hotline: 0976882626

But who are these people? Those who are seeking a roof over their heads are mostly not runaways but
“throwaways” — people who have been thrown out of their homes or forced to leave because of parental divorce, an
unsympathetic stepparent or one of many other reasons.
Take the case of one six teen-year-old schoolgirl, Alice. She did not come from a poor home and had just
passed her exams with good results. The Shelter team met her in a hostel where she was doing her physics
homework. Her parents had thrown her out of her home for no other reason that she wanted to do Science Advanced
Level Exams - which her parents refused her permission do, saying that studying sciences was unladylike!
Shelter says that the government’s laws do nothing to help these youngsters. Rising rents, the shortage of
cheap housing and the cut in benefits for young people under the age of twenty-five are causing a national problem,
according to Shelter. The recent changes in the benefit laws mean that someone aged between sixteen and
twenty-five gets less than older people and they can only claim state help if they prove that they left home for a good
Shelter believes that because of the major cuts in benefits to young people, more and more are being forced
to sleep on the streets. Shelter also points out that if you are homeless, you can’t get a job because employers will not
hire someone without a permanent address; and if you can’t get a job, you are homeless because you don’t have any
money to pay for accommodation. It’s an impossible situation.
(Source: FCE success workbook)
Question 43: According to a recent report by Shelter, it appears that .
A. hostels are too full to offer accommodation to homeless young people
B. more and more young people all over the world are finding themselves homeless
C. nearly 150,000 young people live out in the open
D. young homeless people live in places like “cardboard city”
Question 44: The word “Others” in paragraph 2 refers to .
A. people of all ages B. young people
C. the young homeless D. voluntary organizations
Question 45: Most young people become homeless because .
A. circumstances make it impossible for them to live at home
B. they do not want to live with a divorced parent
C. they have run away from home
D. they have thrown away any chances of living at home by behaving badly
Question 46: Why was Alice turned out of her home?
A. Her parents didn’t agree with what she wanted to do.
B. She didn’t want to study for her Advanced Level Exams.
C. She had not obtained high marks in her exams.
D. She refused to do her homework in the evening.
Question 47: According to the passage, “benefits” are .
A. subsidies for those in need B. extra wages for part-time workers
C. gifts of food and clothing D. laws about distributing money
Question 48: The changes in the system of benefits mean that .
A. the under twenty-fives can claim money only if they have left home
B. anyone under twenty-five and not living at home will receive help with food and accommodation
C. young people cannot claim money unless they are under sixteen or over twenty-five
D. young people do not receive as much money as those over twenty-five
Question 49: According to Shelter, once young people have forced onto the streets, .
A. their benefits will be severely cut
B. they will never go back home again
C. they will find it difficult to find work
D. they will encourage their friends to do the same
Question 50: The word “permanent” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to .
A. stable B. flexible C. obvious D. simple

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Facebook : Luyện thi đại học môn tiếng anh cùng SAM 5
Pursue passions until success was no longer just a dream Sam – English teacher
Hotline: 0976882626

à B1: Tối T4 hàng tuần, cô giáo tạo post để đăng kí thi thử. HS muốn tham gia thì comment bên dưới Tên
- Trường rồi tag 3 người để đăng kí, trên 100 người đăng kí thì sẽ tổ chức thi, còn chưa đủ thì thui ^^ (Vì
soạn đề khá tốn công, nếu ít người thi thử thì ko bõ các em ah ^^, nên là rủ bạn nhé!!!)

à B2: Đến 12h T7, Ms Sam sẽ post đề + form điền đáp án lên Group "TỰ HỌC TIẾNG ANH CÙNG CÔ
SAM" https://www.facebook.com/groups/2511185982485457/
Hết ngày thứ 7, cô sẽ đóng link. Vì thế các bạn sau khi đăng kí thi thử thì vào Group để nhận đề thi, hàng
ngày Group cũng post những bài khá hay ho đấy ^^

à B3: Sáng CN cô giáo sẽ công bố bảng điểm chung của các bạn.

à B4: Tối CN, cô giáo sẽ chữa đề trong Group.

Ngoài lề: dựa vào kết quả làm bài của HS đã làm, cô giáo sẽ soạn thêm/sưu tầm thêm bài mà HS yếu

chung để tặng các em luyện tập <3

Sam English House - SEH
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