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IES Libertas. Torrevieja.

Departamento de Inglés

conditionals, wish clauses

1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
a. If she hadn’t broken (not / break) the window, she wouldn’t have had to pay for a new one.
b. If she studied more, she (be) a better student.
c. They (not / see) the Queen if they hadn’t visited London on that day.
d. If she (open) the letter, she’ll be surprised.
e. If I lived in France, I (speak) French well.
f. I’d buy that bag if it (be) cheaper.
g. If they hadn’t gone to the party, they (not / buy) those expensive clothes.
h. If he (not / get) up early, he’ll be late.
i. I’d watch more films, if I (have) more time.
j. If the studio spent more money, it (make) better films.
k. If she (not / break) the window she wouldn’t have had to pay for a new one.
l. She (be) surprised if she hears the news.
2. Finish these conditional sentences with your own words.
a. What would you have done if you had lost your purse?
b. If I can…
c. If they knew it…
d. We would have bought the house…
e. I’d travel…
f. Provided you behave…
g. If I won the lottery…
h. If she had found a job…
i. Unless they get the tickets…
3. Complete with unless or as long as:
a. I’m playing tennis tomorrow unless it’s raining.
b. The children can stay here they don’t make too much
c. We’ll go out for a meal they prefer to stay at home.
d. I lend you my CD player you take a good care of it.
e. I’m going now you want me to stay.
4. Translate the following sentences:
a. No habríamos podido entrar en la casa si no hubiésemos encontrado la llave.
We wouldn’t have been able to go into the house if we hadn’t found the key.

2º Bachillerato 1
IES Libertas. Torrevieja. Departamento de Inglés

b. Si escucharas música clásica, te gustaría.

c. Estaremos en casa si pasas esta noche.

d. No iremos de viaje a menos que nos llamen nuestros amigos.

e. Si ella no hubiese estudiado tanto, no habría tenido tan buenos resultados.

f. Si estuviera en tu lugar, haría el trabajo cuanto antes.

g. Él no se casaría si no estuviese seguro.

h. Serás recompensado siempre que trabajes duro.

i. Si hubiese visto al ladrón, habría gritado.

5. Write sentences with I wish:

a. I don’t have many friends. I wish I had more friends.
b. I can’t give up drinking.
c. I haven’t got enough time to finish my work.
d. It’s too hot.
e. I live in Madrid and I don’t like it.
f. I am not on holiday now and that’s a pity.
g. Laura can’t come to the party.
6. Add comments to these sentences using I wish:
a. I’m afraid your sister can’t help me. I wish she would.
b. They always arrive late.
c. He never invites us round.
d. She won’t do anything you ask her to.
e. They never call on when they come to town.
f. I’m afraid our friends can’t buy the tickets.
g. She behaves like a little girl.
7. Imagine that you are in a situation. For each situation make a sentence with I wish:
a. You have eaten too many sweets and now feel sick.
I wish I hadn’t eaten so many sweets.

2º Bachillerato 2
IES Libertas. Torrevieja. Departamento de Inglés

b. You would like to buy some souvenirs but you have forgotten the money.

c. You are walking in an ancient town. You would like to take some photographs but you
didn’t bring your camera.

d. An old friend of yours went to visit you but you were out and couldn’t see him.

e. You have bought a new book shelf but after setting it up you realize that you don’t like it.

f. Your mother has given you a sweater for your birthday and you told her you didn’t like it.
Now you regret it.

2º Bachillerato 3

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