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International Journal of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry IJVSAH

Vol. 6(1), pp. 054-061, April, 2020. © ISSN: 8991-0338

Research Article
Bovine Mastitis due to Coliform Bacteria, and Susceptibility
to Antibiotics, Nigeria
*1Kenneth Nnamdi Anueyiagu, Grace Ayanbimpe2, Eugene Ikeh3
1Federal College of Animal Health and Production Technology, NVRI Vom, Nigeria
2,3Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Jos, Nigeria

This study was aimed at determining the prevalence of coliform bacteria in bovine milk in Plateau
State of Nigeria and their antibiotic susceptibility patterns. A total of 640 milk samples were
collected aseptically and 160 questionnaires from where data such as breed, age, parity, lactation
stage, floor type, and husbandry system were analyzed. Cows without clinical mastitis were
subjected to California Mastitis Test to determine the presence of subclinical mastitis.
Bacteriological assays and antibiotic susceptibility tests were conducted according to standard
guidelines. Subclinical mastitis with a prevalence of 63.8% was more prevalent in cows than
clinical mastitis. Overall, the Friesian breed had the highest mastitis prevalence of 85.7%
compared to White Fulani (which is indigenous in Nigeria). Cows aged within 2-4 years old had
the least mastitis prevalence of 55.2%. Coliforms isolated from milk samples included E coli, K.
pneumoniae, K. oxytoca, C. freundii, E. aerogenes, E. cloacae, and S. marcescens, with E coli
having the highest prevalence of 44.8%. The most resistant antimicrobial agent was Streptomycin
with 79% prevalence. The principle of One Health approach which targets the environment,
animals and humans should be considered important. Good hygienic measures should be
intensified among pastoralists.
Key words: Coliform, mastitis, cows, prevalence, antibiogram

Mastitis can be categorized based on major causative mastitis (Tekle and Berihe, 2016). Clinical mastitis (CM) is
pathogens which are contagious or environmental (Barrett the abnormality observed on the udder such as show
et al., 2005). Contagious mastitis is caused by the spread redness, swelling, high temperature or pain as reported by
of bacteria from infected udder to a healthy cow. Cow-to- Mpatswenumugabo et al. (2017). CM could be mild or
cow transmission of pathogenic bacteria takes place severe. In mild clinical mastitis, milk produced are
during milking (Barrett et al., 2005). Pastoralist’s hands or characteristic of clots, color changes, or consistence while
milking machines can be major reservoirs of contagious in severe cases, fever, anorexia and/or shock may be
bacteria. Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus observed (ref here). Subclinical mastitis (SCM) is the
agalactiae and S. dysgalactiae are examples of presence of an infection without obvious clinical signs.
contagious pathogens (Tekle and Berihe, 2016). In SCM has an elevated somatic cell count that is more than
contrast, environmental mastitis originates from 200,000 cells/ml cut off point (Bradley and Green, 2005).
environmental elements such as soil, manure, water and This type of mastitis can be more dangerous because it
bedding. Environmental mastitis is essentially a hygienic can persist for entire lactation or life of the animal. In
matter; which means pathogens from these environments addition, SCM could be ignored by farmers because it is
can be eliminated by increasing the hygienic conditions of asymptomatic; this may lead to economic losses due to
farms. Gram negative bacteria such as Escherichia coli, low milk yield and quality and even culling of animals.
Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter aerogenes, and
Pseudomonas aeruginosa are very important etiologies of
environmental mastitis (Schroeder, 2010). *Corresponding Author: Kenneth Nnamdi Anueyiagu,
Federal College of Animal Health and Production
Mastitis has also been classified based on clinical signs Technology, NVRI Vom, Nigeria.
and symptoms in cows which are clinical or subclinical Email:

Bovine Mastitis due to Coliform Bacteria, and Susceptibility to Antibiotics, Nigeria

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The udder of cows is made up of four separate glands review on the prevalence of coliform bacteria in bovine
known as quarters which taper to teats. Mastitis occurs mastitis in Africa, Anueyiagu et al, 2019, showed a high
when the teats of cows are exposed to pathogens which mastitis prevalence in cows reared in Africa which is a
penetrate the teat duct and establish an infection in one or pointer of very low sanitary standards of milk and milk
more quarters within the udder. At every point in time, products from this part of the world. The study stated that
mastitis infection can be in one or more quarters. while subclinical mastitis had a higher prevalence range of
Therefore, milk samples can be collected based on 26.9% to 57.8% than clinical mastitis of prevalence range
quarter-level or cow –level. Quarter-level sampling would of 2.08% to 21.1%, most farm managers are more
include milk samples from all quarters of each cow and concerned with clinical mastitis.
analyzed as such. In contrast, cow-level sampling would
include representative samples from each cow. Mastitis The treatment of bacterial infection in cows is largely
have been reported to have specific risk factors for either empirical with no laboratory tests to guide therapy. In a
quarter-level or cow-level (Breen et al., 2009). survey on antimicrobial usage in local dairy cows carried
out in North-central Nigeria, Alhaji et al. (2019) concluded
Mastitis is the most economically important disease of that pastoralists have limited knowledge, risk perception
dairy cattle, leading to 38% of the total direct costs of and practices concerning antimicrobial usage and
common production diseases (Kossaibati and Esslemont, antimicrobial resistance. The poor use (misuse or overuse)
1997). It is the most important deadly disease of dairy of antibiotics for treatment, control and prevention of
animals and it is responsible for heavy economic losses diseases, and also as animal growth factors is widespread
due to reduced milk yield (up to 70%), milk discard after in Nigeria. This situation might promote the spread of
treatment (9%), cost of veterinary services (7%) and antibiotic resistance in zoonotic bacteria both in humans
premature culling (14%) (Sharma et al., 2012). In addition and livestock. Here, we aim to assess the prevalence of
to the cost of disease, CM is a common cause of mortality coliform bacteria in bovine mastitis as well as antibiotic
in adult dairy cows with a recent study reporting a fatality susceptibility patterns in Nigeria.
in 2.2% of cases (Bradley and Green, 2001). Sharma et al.
(2012) reported between $1.5 and 2.0 billion annual
economic losses due to mastitis in the US. The economic MATERIALS AND METHODS
impact of bovine mastitis in Africa is not well documented
due to a lack of published material as compared to Study site
developed countries. FAO (2014) reported that production
losses and expenditure associated with mastitis in Africa A cross-sectional survey was carried out from April 2018
and other developing countries are generally to July 2019 on lactating cows in six Local Government
underestimated and potentially miscalculated. Areas (Jos North, Jos South, Bokkos, Kanam, Qua’anpam
and Langtan North) of Plateau State which were selected
Apart from its economic importance, mastitis also has at convenience out of 17 LGAs of the state. Plateau State
public health significance (Sharma et al., 2003). Mastitis is located on Latitude 9.1667 and longitude 9.75. The
poses a threat to human health since it may be responsible selection of cattle farms relied on different parameters
for zoonoses and food toxin infections (Fernandes et al., including the convenience, accessibility, and verbal
2011). The mammary gland of cows is the primary consent of the pastoralists to participate in the study.
reservoir for pathogenic bacteria, especially those that Ethical approvals were obtained from village heads, heads
originate from environmental elements (Gomes et al., of dairy companies and herd owners for ruminants that
2016). The multiplication of pathogens in the mammary were sampled, and Ethical Research Committee of
gland leads to infection. The shedding of these microbes National Research Institute Vom, Plateau State. Cows
in milk of both CM and SCM cases leads to infection if were selected randomly and only ruminants not involved
consumed unpasteurized by humans (Rainard, 2017). Milk in any antibiotic therapy regimen were screened for
Zoonoses are of particular importance in developing sample collection. A total of 160 well-structured
countries where there is an increased level of consumption questionnaires were administered face-to-face to collect
of untreated milk (Mosalagac et al., 2010). livestock information including cow’s breed, age, parity,
lactation stage, previous history of mastitis, housing
Coliform bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Klebsiella conditions, milking hygiene and general management
pneumoniae, Klebsiella oxytoca, and Enterobacter conditions
aerogenes have been incriminated in environmental
mastitis (Schroeder, 2010). Coliforms are Gram negative, Physical examination and preparation of udder
rod-shaped, non-spore forming bacteria that ferment
lactose with the production of acid and gas (ref here). They A veterinarian clinically examined individual cows after
can be motile or non-motile. Coliforms are usually found in being properly restrained. The shape, size, abnormal
soil, water bodies and in large quantities in feces of warm- changes in milk, consistency, and temperature of udder,
blooded animals. Their presence in food, water or milk is were findings that were considered a clinical mastitis case.
an indication of low hygienic standards. In a systematic The udder including the teats were washed with clean
Bovine Mastitis due to Coliform Bacteria, and Susceptibility to Antibiotics, Nigeria
Int. J. Vet. Sci. Anim. Husb. 056

water and dried. Then the teats were vigorously swabbed 2003). Confirmatory screening was carried out on
with cotton wool soaked in 70% ethanol before milk sample presumptive Gram stained coliforms using Oxiod™
collection to remove dust particles of bedding from the Microbact™ GNB 24E according to the manufacturers’
surface of the teats (Nibret et al., 2011). instructions. About 1-3 isolated colonies were picked from
an 18-24 hour culture and emulsify in 5.0 ml of sterile
California mastitis test saline and mixed thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous
suspension. The plate containing the substrates was
Cows, which did not have clinical mastitis, were subjected placed in the holding tray and using a sterile Pasteur
to further investigation for subclinical mastitis by using pipette 4 drops (approximately 100 µl) of the bacterial
California Mastitis Test (CMT) on milk samples from each suspension were added. Using a sterile pipette, the
quarter of sampled cows. CMT is a simple cow-side substrates underlined on the holding tray was overlaid with
indicator of the somatic cell count of milk. It operates by sterile mineral oil, in wells 1, 2, 3, 20 and 24. However,
disrupting the cell membrane of any cells present in the wells 8 and 20 were not overlaid with oil for oxidase-
milk sample, allowing the DNA in those cells to react with positive, miscellaneous Gram-negative bacilli. Incubation
the test reagent, forming a gel. It was conducted by adding was done at 37°C for 18-24 hours and results were read
equal amounts of CMT reagent and milk from each quarter as described by the manufacturer. The steps of the
on test paddle and was rotated for 10 seconds. Samples procedure were followed as prescribed by Balows et al.
with a CMT score of 0 or T (trace) were considered (1991). Representative colonies were stored on slant of
negative while those with CMT scores of 1 (mild clumping), Nutrient Agar and kept in the refrigerator (4°C) until
2 (moderate clumping), or 3 (heavy clumping) were required for further work (David, 2011).
considered as positive for subclinical mastitis.
Antibiotic sensitivity testing
Sample collection and bacteriological examination
Antibiotic sensitivity testing was carried out on the
Overall, 640 samples were collected. About 10ml of were coliforms isolated using the disc diffusion method. The
aseptically collected from each quarter into labelled sterile antibiotics employed were Ofloxacin (5µg), Ciprofloxacin
universal bottles, making a total of four samples from each (5µg), Amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (30µg),, Gentamycin
cow (Zeryehun and Abera, 2017). The samples were kept (10µg), Tetracycline (30µg), Streptomycin (10µg), and
at 4oC in a cooler and transported to the Microbiology Ampicillin (25µg), produced by Thermo Scientific™
Laboratory of Federal College of Animal Health and Oxoid™. These antibiotics were used firstly, because most
Production Technology Vom. Bacteriological examination of them were frequently used by pastoralist and secondly,
was done according Geser et al. (2012). One ml of each because of their availability (Alhaji et al., 2019). Using
milk sample was inoculated into 9ml of sterile Peptone sterilized wire loop, 3-5 colonies of the isolated coliforms
Water for enrichment and incubated overnight at 37oC. A from agar slants were inoculated into 4ml sterile normal
loopful of broth culture was streaked on sterile MacConkey saline, the inoculum was standardized to 0.5 McFarland
Agar (Oxoid, UK) and Eosin Methylene Blue (EMB) Agar and incubated for 4 hours. A sterile swab stick was dipped
(Oxoid, UK) plates using the quadrant streaking method into the standardized inoculum and excess fluid removed
and incubated aerobically at 37oC. The plates were from the swab by pressing it on the side of the bottle. The
checked for bacterial growth after 24 hour, 48 hour and 72 swab was used to spread on the entire surface of the dried
hours to rule out slow growing bacteria. The colonies were Mueller Hinton agar plate. The plate was left on the bench
examined for morphological features such as size, shape, for 20 – 30 minutes and then antibiotic discs were placed
and color. Pink colonies on MacConkey Agar, and aseptically on its surface of the plate 15 mm apart. The
greenish metallic sheen, purple, pink, blue-black, and plates were then incubated at 35 – 37°C for 18 – 24 hours.
orange colonies on EMB were subcultured respectively on The diameter of the zone of inhibition around each was
freshly prepared MacConkey Agar and EMB Agar plates measured in millimeters (mm) using a plastic transparent
and incubated at 37oC for 24 hours to get pure culture of ruler and compared against a reference standard which
coliform isolates. contains measurement ranges and their equivalent
qualitative categories of susceptible/sensitive (CLSI,
Biochemical identification was carried out using standard 2014).
conventional methods and Oxiod™ Microbact™ GNB 24E
according to Mailafia et al. 2017. The presumptive Gram Data analysis
stained coliforms were subjected to conventional
biochemical tests namely, Gelatin liquefaction, Nitrate The Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version
reduction, Urease production, Oxidase, Indole-methyl-red- 23 software was used to analyze data collected. Each
Voges-Proskauer (IMVP), Catalase, Citrate Agar, and dairy cow or quarter-in-milking sampled was a unit of
Sugar fermentation tests (Müller, Grabow, and Ehlers, statistics. Cow-wise and quarter-wise mastitis were

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arranged in tabular forms. Risk factors data collected from Table 1. Prevalence of mastitis at cow and quarter
questionnaires were analyzed and their statistical level in Plateau State, Nigeria
significance on the prevalence of bovine mastitis was Types of No Prevalence No Prevalence
calculated using chi-square (χ2) test. This is to find out the Mastitis Positive (%) Positive (%)
association between affected cows and risk factors like Cow level (n=160) Quarter Level (n=640)
breed, age, parity, lactation stage, floor type, and Clinical 1 0.6 1 0.2
husbandry type. In addition, logistic regression was used Subclinical 102 63.8 116 18.1
to analyze and obtain odds ratio (with 95% confidence
interval and p < 0.05 regarded as significant) to measure Table 2. Quarter-wise prevalence of subclinical
the degree of association between risk factors and the mastitis in lactating cows in Plateau State, Nigeria
disease in cows sampled. For the purpose of building Quarters No CMT positive No (%)
logistic regression which is dichotomous model, a lactating tested
cow was defined as CMT positive if it had at least one Trace 1+ 2+ 3+
quarter with a CMT score of 1+ or above, while all CMT FR 160 30(18.8) 12(7.5) 11(6.9) 5(3.1)
scores of trace or negative were coded as 0 and all positive FL 160 42(26.3) 10(6.3) 12(7.5) 6(3.8)
scores of +, ++, +++ were coded as 1. Results of BR 160 37(23.1) 15(9.3) 9(5.6) 6(3.8)
bacteriological examination and susceptibility of coliforms
BL 160 27(16.9) 16(10.0) 10(6.3) 4(2.5)
isolated to antibiotics were arranged in tabular forms.
Keys: FR = Front Right Quarter, FL = Front Left Quarter,
BR = Back Left Quarter, BL = Back Left Quarter, 1+ =
Somatic Cell Range (400,000 – 1,200,000), 2+ = Somatic
Cell Range (1,200,000 – 5,000,000), 3+ = Somatic Cell
Range (≥5,000,000)
A total of 640 raw milk samples were collected from cows
in the six LGAs of Plateau State. One quarter of a cow’s
From the questionnaires collected, data from breed, age,
udder showed visible signs of clinical mastitis with 0.6%
parity, lactation, floor type, and husbandry system were
prevalence. Cow-level SCM had 63.8% prevalence while
studied. The Friesian breeds had the highest prevalence
quarter-level SCM had 18.1% prevalence. In the quarter-
of mastitis compared to the other two. Age 5 to 7 had the
wise prevalence analysis, the back udders had more
highest prevalence of mastitis while cows which have had
subclinical mastitis than the front udders.
4 to 7 calves showed the highest prevalence in the parity
category. Early lactation stage of these cows showed the
highest prevalence. Nomadic system of rearing was not as
prevalent as the intensive system.

Table 3. Risk factors associated with bovine mastitis in Plateau State, Nigeria
Risk Factor Category No of cows No of cows affected Prevalence 𝛘2 p-
examined (CMT +ve) (%) value
Breed Local 126 76 60.3
Friesian 14 12 85.7 3.9 0.142
Cross 20 14 70.0
Age 2 to 4 58 32 55.2
5 to 7 49 36 73.5
8 to 10 36 23 63.9 3.857 0.277
11 to 15 17 11 64.7
Parity 1 to 3 81 52 64.2
4 to 7 66 43 65.2 0.615 0.735
>7 13 7 53.8
Lactation stage Early 70 50 71.4
Mid 67 41 61.2 4.499 0.105
Late 23 11 47.8
Floor type Muddy 145 92 63.4
Concrete 15 10 66.7 0.61 0.805
Husbandry Nomadic 134 79 59.0
system Intensive 26 23 88.5 8.204 0.004
Key: WF = White Fulani

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Table 4. Association of risk factors with occurrence of bovine mastitis in Plateau State Nigeria using Logistic
Risk factor p Value Crude odds ratio (95% CI) Adjusted odds ratio (95% CI)
Breed 0.893 1.988 (1.066 – 3.706) 0.743 (0.010 – 57.093)
Age 0.587 0.974 (0.491 – 1.934) 0.183 (0.000 – 84.436)
Parity 0.691 1.040 (0.546 – 1.982) 0.164 (0.000 – 1218.965)
Lactation stage 0.432 1.827 (0.938 – 3.557) 16.531 (0.015 – 18183.774)
Floor type 0.712 0.868 (0.282 – 2.675) 0.224 (0.000 – 645.606)
Husbandry system 0.710 0.187 (0.054 – 0.655) 3.647 (0.004 – 3312.636)

Husbandry system is significantly associated with the and age, parity, lactation stage and husbandry system.
occurrence of subclinical mastitis. There was strong However, there was a negative correlation between
correlation between number of cows positive for mastitis number of cows positive for mastitis and breed.

Table 5. Correlation Matrix of Bovine Mastitis and Risk Factors in Plateau State, Nigeria
Factors No. Positive Breed Age Parity L. stage Floor type H. system
No. Positive 1 -.197 .755 .680 .682 .484 .594
Breed -.197 1 .095 .037 .031 .054 -.010
Age .755 .095 1 .816 .900 .618 .714
Parity .680 .037 .816 1 .807 .524 .541
Lactation stage .682 .031 .900 .807 1 .591 .723
Floor type .484 .054 .618 .524 .591 1 .766
H. system .594 -.010 .714 .541 .723 .766 1
Key: L. stage = Lactation Stage, H. system = Husbandry system

Coliforms isolated from milks of the cows used in this study included E coli, K. pneumoniae, K. oxytoca, C. freundii, E.
aerogenes, E. cloacae, and S. marcescens. However, E coli had the highest prevalence with 44.8% and S. Marcescens
the least with 1.9%.

Table 6. Coliforms isolated from bovine mastitis in Plateau State, Nigeria

Zone No. of +ve Isolate no. (%)
samples E coli K. K. C. E. E. S.
pneumoniae oxytoca freundii aerogenes cloacae marcescens
Northern 142 85 (42.5) 37(18.5) 15(7.5) 2(1.0) 3(1.5) 0(0) 0(0)
Central 126 59(24.6) 26(10.8) 14(5.8) 2(0.8) 21(8.8) 4(1.7) 0(0)
Southern 265 95(47.5) 52(26.0) 19(9.5) 39(19.5) 39(19.5) 11(4.6) 10(5)
Total 533 239(44.8) 115(21.6) 48(9.0) 43(8.1) 63(11.8) 15(2.8) 10(1.9)

When the coliform isolates were subjected to the following commonly used antibiotics: Ofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin,
Amaxicillin-clavulanic acid, Gentamycin, Tetracycline, Streptomycin, and Ampicillin; the most resistant antimicrobial
agents was Streptomycin with 422/533 (79%), followed closely by Gentamycin with 420/533 (78%).

Table 7: Percentage of antibiotics resistant coliforms from bovine mastitis in Plateau State, Nigeria
Isolate No of isolate OFX (%) CPX (%) AMC (%) CN (%) TE (%) S (%) PN (%)
E coli 239 147(62) 77(32) 91(38) 216(90) 143(60) 191(80) 147(62)
K. pneumoniae 115 69(60) 52(45) 52(45) 69(60) 98(85) 86(75) 69(60)
K. oxytoca 48 30(63) 24(50) 12(25) 30(63) 30(63) 36(75) 30(63)
C. freundii 43 43(100) 22(51) 11(26) 40(93) 14(33) 36(83) 22(51)
E. aerogenes 63 42(67) 21(33) 7(11) 49(78) 14(22) 56(89) 21(33)
E. cloacae 15 11(73) 8(53) 4(27) 8(53) 11(73) 11(73) 4(27)
S. marcescens 10 3(30) 3(30) 1(10) 8(80) 7(70) 6(60) 3(30)
Total 533 345(65) 207(39) 178(33) 420(78) 317(59) 422(79) 296(56)
Key: OFX: Ofloxacin, CPX: Ciprofloxacin, AMC: Amoxillin-Clavulanic acid, CN: Gentamycin, TE: Tetracycline, S:
Streptomycin, PN: Ampicillin

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DISCUSSION This is in close agreement with Ameh et al. (1993),

Matofari et al. (2003), Abdurahman (2006), Kalla et al.
This study showed that subclinical mastitis was more (2008), Giannino et al. (2009), Abera et al. (2010),
common in cows than clinical mastitis having overall Garedew et al. (2012), Radostits et al. (2007), and Junaidu
prevalence of 63.8%. This agrees with a systematic study et al. (2011) who reported Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp.,
on the prevalence of coliform bacteria in bovine mastitis in Enterobacter spp., Citrobacter, Serratia, and Proteus as
Africa (Anueyiagu et al., 2019). In this study 14 research major mastitogens. Coliform bacteria are generally found
articles were assessed systematically and it was reported in high concentrations in organic matter, such as beddings
that subclinical mastitis had prevalence ranges between and manure (environment). Therefore from an
26.9% and 57.8% (Anueyiagu et al., 2019). epidemiologic standpoint, the primary source of infection
for most pathogens in this study was environmental.
Friesian cows had the highest prevalence of mastitis than Coliforms invade the udder through the teat sphincter
the white Fulani which is indigenous in Nigeria. The when teat ends come in contact with coliform bacteria.
findings in this study agrees with reports by other authors Once coliform bacteria enter the mammary gland, they
who stated that exotic breeds like Friesian breeds are either multiply rapidly or remain dormant.
more susceptible to bovine mastitis than indigenous
breeds (Iqbal and Siddique, 1999; Kurjogi and Kaliwal, Out of all the coliforms isolated, E. coli had the highest
2014). In 1990, Dutta et al, concluded the risk ratio of prevalence rate in all the cows sampled with 44.8%,
developing mastitis in Jersey which is an indigenous cow followed by K. pneumoniae with a prevalence of 21.6%
was approximately two times higher than indigenous and the least was S. marcescens with prevalence of 1.9%.
breeds. Rahman et al. (2009) also reported the highest This is similar to a cross-sectional study carried out in
prevalence of mastitis in Holstein Friesian (HF) followed by Gondar town, Ethiopia that had 54 different bacterial
Jersey and the least in indigenous breed. Similarly Biffa et species identified but, E.coli (29.6%), Pseudomonas
al. (2005) reported that HF cows are affected at higher rate aeruginosa (18.5%), and Klebsiella pneumoniae (16.7%),
(56.5%) compared with local zebu (30.9%) and Jersey were the most commonly identified gram-negative staining
cows (28.9%). bacterial pathogens (Garedew et al., 2012). Another study
Cows between ages 2 years and 4 years showed lesser conducted in Sudan using raw milk, majority of the
prevalence to mastitis than older ages. The report of coliforms isolated were E. coli, Enterobacter spp.,
Kurjogi and Kaliwal (2014) somehow agrees with this Klebsiella spp., Serratia spp. and Citrobacter with
study. It stated that the lowest prevalence of subclinical prevalence rates of 32%, 29.2%, 19.4%, 11.1% and 1.0%
mastitis was recorded for age group 3-6 years while age respectively (Salman and Hamad, 2011).
groups 7-10 years had the highest. The result of this study,
however, contradicts the report of Shittu et al. (2012) who Southern LGAs had the highest number (265) of coliforms
claimed to have younger cows more susceptible to isolated from cows while Central LGAs had the least (126).
mastitis. Mud Floor type and nomadic husbandry system This could be due to high increase of heat and humidity in
showed high prevalence of mastitis in the cows. This the Southern LGA compared to the Central and Northern
showed that the housing facilities contributes to the LGA. It is a fact that as heat and humidity increases, so
contamination and exposure of teats to environmental does the bacterial multiplication and bacterial load in the
pathogens. This agrees with Hogan et al. (1990), and environment. This is collaborated by a study done in India
Kurjogi and Kaliwal (2014). by Tiwari et al. (2013).

In this study, it was observed that cows with nomadic Most antibiotics used in this study showed extremely high
husbandry system has 3.6 times more likely to develop level of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) more especially
mastitis than cows raised in intensive husbandry system. for Streptomycin 422/533 (79%). Multidrug resistance (≥3
This is similar to the findings of Mbuk et al. (2016), who to 6 antibiotics) was seen in all coliform isolates especially
found out that cows raised in nomadic system had 4 times K. pneumoniae, C. freundii and E. coli. Sawant et al.
more chances of developing mastitis than those reared in (2005) reported that beta-lactams and tetracycline were
sedentary system. The correlation matrix showed a strong the most widely used antimicrobials on dairy cows.
positive correlation between the number of positive Hossain et al. (2017), reported a 100% resistance of K.
mastitis samples and risk factors such as age, parity, pneumoniae to Penicillin, Cloxacillin, Streptomycin and
lactation stage, and husbandry system. There was a Erythromycin. Same study reported a 98% resistance of E.
moderate positive correlation between number of positive coli to Cloxacillin, 96% to Penicillin, and 82% to Amoxicillin.
mastitis samples and the floor type. However, there was a
negative correlation between number of positive mastitis
samples and breed. This agrees with Shittu et al. (2012). CONCLUSION
This study showed that 533 coliform isolates were
identified from 640 bovine milk samples with SCM as E. Subclinical mastitis is highly prevalent among cows in
coli, K. pneumoniae, K. oxytoca, C. fruendii, E. aerogenes, Plateau State, Nigeria. Risk factors such as breed of
E. cloacae and S. marcescens. ruminants, age, parity, lactation stage, and husbandry type
Bovine Mastitis due to Coliform Bacteria, and Susceptibility to Antibiotics, Nigeria
Int. J. Vet. Sci. Anim. Husb. 060

are associated with the occurrence of mastitis among mastitis in dairy cows in the United Kingdom. Journal of
cows. The study also revealed 7 coliforms (E. coli, K. Dairy Science, 92(6): 2551–2561
pneumoniae, K. oxytoca, C. fruendii, E. aerogenes, E. CLSI. (2014). Standards for antimicrobial disk
cloacae and S. marcescens) which are associated with susceptibility tests. Approved standard. In Ninth edition
bovine mastitis in the State. However, these Document M2-A9 Clinical and Laboratory Standards
microorganisms have developed resistance against Institute, Wayne, PA.
antibiotics currently used in animal treatment policies in David RC. (2011). Staining and Interpretation of Smears.
Nigeria. Hence, the principle of One Health approach Laboratory Studies in Applied Microbiology. Rice
which targets the environment, animals and humans University, USA. Pp 74 - 78.
should be considered here by maintaining good Fernandes JBC, Zanardo LG, Galvão NN, et al. (2011).
environmental conditions which assure the health of Escherichia coli from clinical mastitis: serotypes and
animals and the related quality of animal products used by virulence factors J Vet Diagn Invest, 23, 1146 52
humans. Good hygienic measures should be intensified Garedew L, Berhanu A, Mengesha D, Tsegay G. (2012).
among pastoralists. Identification of gram-negative bacteria from critical
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