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Running head: multi-faceted formative assessment 1


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Evaluation of multi-faceted formative assessment approach

A multi-faceted formative assessment approach helps students to engage with the subject in the

field of environmental governance. Higher strategies need to be adopted to facilitate uptake of

formative assessment and enable learners to embrace the approach. Engagement and use of

formative evaluation are linked with enhanced academic achievements. The essay incorporates

an assessment of formative and summative assessment approaches and restrictions limiting

formative assessment. This includes a detailed elaboration of ways to enhance perceptions of

students regarding new assessment approach and processes involved in providing comprehensive

formative assessment as well as discussion elaborating techniques that will improve the

implementation of formative assessment among students to advance their learning experience.

For instance, the essay analyses considerations that should be executed to reduce summative

assessment levels to establish space for formative assessment in the curriculum.

Assessment remains crucial to academic studies with strategies such as essay writing, practical

procedures were done, and discussion issues helping in evaluating the knowledge of students

concerning the particular field of study. Academic assessments such as essays can be used to

enhance the growth of linguistic skills, education, and a more in-depth understanding of

educational problems and other issues in a specific area of study. Formative assessment entails

furnishing students with ideas regarding how they can enhance their activities by improving their

learning experience. Elsewhere, summative assessment is used to develop the learning skills of

students, and it can be employed to approve their awareness about a specific program of
Running head: multi-faceted formative assessment 2

learning. Formative assessment is used to provide student's performance feedback promptly,

allowing the learner to respond to such input before submitting final assignments. However,

failure to inform the students of their expected demonstrations reduces the effectiveness of the

formative assessment.

Although formative assessment plays a central role in enhancing students' active learning

experience, numerous issues can conspire to restrict its effect on student's knowledge and

adoption within the procedure. For instance, learning pressures such as amount and types of

readings, processes involved, and time required makes it hard for learners to formulate formative

assessment approaches. Also, the current higher education setting faces funding issues, and the

staff to students’ ratio is ever-growing, making adoption of formative assessment almost

impossible. This includes the time pressures learners face to complete and submit their

assignments, which affects how students engage with their schoolwork. Both tutors and students

should have manageable amounts on assessment to avoid overburdening and encourage

conversations between learners and tutors. Also, the reduction of the number of assignments

learners should submit per module will enhance the adoption of formative assessment. Thus, the

multi-faceted developmental approach enables learners to focus and ensure they have time-

efficient independent studies. Also, students should focus on the number of hours they take to

complete an assignment, and not the word count produced. The amount of summative

assessment was reduced to provide time for the tutor to give feedback and facilitate the

implementation of formative assessment. The assessment procedure incorporated detailed

guidance notes about the assignment, while the learner's preparation was reinforced through

assignment-based tutorials. The e-learning setting was useful in facilitating prompt submission

and response to the assessment.

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Learners' perceptions of education and assessment approaches were evaluated. The students'

views were identified through the open comment section, and the standard module form was

employed to assess their satisfaction with the module taught. Additional questions seeking to

ascertain particular views of students regarding the new assessment approach were displayed on

e-learning platforms for the module. The evaluations were based on themes such as the role

played by guiding module in helping students and the significance of tutorial and tutorial notes

as well as the opportunities to learning that were provided by the assignment. Students

acknowledged that the approach helped them complete their tasks, and they felt an increased

urge to pass the job as the module depended on the completion of one successful assignment.

Discussion and conclusion

The multi-faceted approach seeks to enhance the learning and assessment requirements of

students and places learners at the center of the learning experience as the method attempt to

improve their understanding and engagement with assessment studies. The multi-faceted

approach focused on elements such as specific-reader subjects focusing on independent

assessment-based study. The strategy focused on the number of hours taken to complete the

assignment rather than the number of words ended. Also, assignments were reduced to facilitate

the implementation of formative assessment, and the estimate was supported by detailed

guidance. Also, an assignment-based tutorial was introduced to aid student discussion and help

break down linear tutor-student information transfer. E-learning was incorporated to enhance

prompt submission and response from the tutor. Students positively received the multi-faceted

approach as compared to other modules. The formative approach recognizes the need for the

provision of detailed information regarding the aims and objectives of evaluations given to

students. This allows students to familiarize themselves with the expected requirements and the
Running head: multi-faceted formative assessment 4

appropriate responses needed to tackle assignments. Developing module-reader aids students

engage with assessment, while assignment tutorials and guidance notes enabled students to

engage with the task in better ways. Thus, it recommended that other subjects should adopt

readers, tutorials, and guidance notes to enhance students' engagement with learning and

assessment procedures. Also, the reduction of summative assignments loading will help create

time for formative assessments, which improves students’ learning experiences. Implementation

and uptake of formative evaluations in higher education settings can be enhanced by reducing

summative assessments, which increases the comprehensive learning experience of students.

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