Encinal Junior & Senior High School Home of The Jets: 210 Central Avenue Alameda, California 94501

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Home of the Jets

210 Central Avenue
Alameda, California 94501
May 8, 2018
To Whom It May Concern:

It is with sincere pleasure that I write to you on behalfof Tyrone Robinson, a colleague who has continuously
impressed not only me, but the entire Encinal community for the past three years. It is extraordinaiy how much
Tyrone has been able to impact and accomplish in such a shott tenure.

Tyrone is a remarkable asset to Encinal 's intervention team and after school programming. His personality and skill
set are ideal for such work as he is able to build meaningful relationships with students, think creatively and quickly,
and work collaboratively with his peers. As the coordinator ofthe intetvention team, I have witnessed Tyrone in a
number ofroles: as a leader ofour Young Men's Group, as an instructor for our Cyberhigh program, and as a
coordinator ofafter-school enrichment courses, all ofwhich have created significant oppottunities for our most
at-tisk students to tee! academic and social success. Tyrone's ability to parlay often scant resources into wo11hwhile
endeavors is best exemplified by the Peer Tutoring program he implemented this year. This program has been wildly
successful as it has not only allowed for academically advanced students to gain work expetience and financial
stipends, but it has also provided a safe and inviting space for students who struggle to gain support.

Tyrone is an effortless leader. His candor and sincerity when working with students and adults alike trnly
distinguishes him. He is able to have difficult conversations ai1d produce tangible, actionable items in even the most
tense situations. Whether it is as a thought pa1tner in team meetings, or as a student-advocate in a restorative justice
circle, Tyrone has been able to inspire both staff and students to reflect on their role in the inequities we too often see
perpetuated in public education. He is the quintessential example ofthe "loving demandor;" he can hold high
expectations for those he works with because he exceeds those expectations for himself.

Encinal 's campus has been vastly improved by Tyrone Robinson's presence. He is a man who exudes auth01ity and
kindness, a difficult combination. I have no doubt that whatever he chooses to do in the future, he will most certainly
be as valued by those around him as he is by the staff and students at Encinal Junior and Senior High School. I
reconunend him without reservation and I welcome any fi.uther questions you might have.


Cassie Ferguson
EJSHS lntetvention Coordinator and English Teacher

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