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Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore)

known as ECO Singapore

Orchard Central
RE-LIVE! @ Heartland Report

Our Youth. Our Future.

Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002
Charity Reg. No: 1739

Orchard Central
Venue : Orchard Central
Date : 8 November 2010 – 14
November 2010

Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore)
known as ECO Singapore
Orchard Central
RE-LIVE! @ Heartland Report

Our Youth. Our Future.

Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002
Charity Reg. No: 1739

No. Contents Page

1. Introduction 4
- History of RE-Live!
- Rationale of doing RE-Live!
- Objectives
- Achievements
2. What had happened? 6
3. Positive Impacts 9
4. Areas of improvement 11
5. Partnering Organisation 13
6. Conclusion 16
7. Appendix 17

Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore)
known as ECO Singapore
Orchard Central
RE-LIVE! @ Heartland Report

Our Youth. Our Future.

1. INTRODUCTION: Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002
Charity Reg. No: 1739

1.1 History of RE-Live!

RE-Live! was started to mark Singapore’s Youth and Environment day in
conjunction with World Environment Day as dedicated by the United Nations
on the 5th June of every year.

1.1.1 In its maiden year (2008), the event was held at “The Atrium” where
it saw together about 100,000 members of the public over the span
of 11 days. The event also brought together over 150 young leaders
with its theme focusing on energy efficiency, specifically green
transportation, and water conservation.

1.1.2 In 2009, RE-Live! @ Bugis saw together over 20,000 members of the
public over the span of 3 days engaging about 300 youth leaders.

1.2 Rationale of doing RE-Live @ Orchard!

1.2.1 The event is monthly held in locations where young people hang
out to be able to maximize its prominence and penetrate into the
youth community.

1.2.2 As the word Re-live state its own meaning (i.e.) to rethink the way
you live, it is an opportunity given to us on how to act efficiently to
save our environment and to achieve sustainable development.

1.2.3 The accessibility for the public to this event in heart of Singapore
was easy.

1.2.4 We want to attract a different set of audience as compared to the

ones living at heartlands.

1.2.5 In conjunction with the fashion show organized by Etrican, who

designs shirts made of organic cotton, we have decided to set up
our event at Orchard Central so as to enhance the whole
environmental movement.

1.2.6 In the exhibition we divided the education framework for

sustainable consumption in everyday lifestyle into the following

• Biodiversity
• Energy
• Food
• Shelter
• Water
• Waste

Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore)
known as ECO Singapore

1.3 Objectives:
Orchard Central
RE-LIVE! @ Heartland Report

Our Youth. Our Future.

• To give the public a chance to understand the concept
Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002
of “re-thinking the way you live”. Charity Reg. No: 1739

• To allow the public to learn about the many ways in contributing to be


• To ensure the public practice what they had learnt.

1.4 Achievements:
We are pleased to share that we have done our best in making the event as
eco friendly as possible with quite a handful of measures.

Apart from the exhibition area, one of the efforts we have put in is to be able
to have the fashion show more eco friendly and to have our partners display
their products which are environmentally friendly. Other than offsetting for the
event, we hope to weave in slowly the green messages.

However, we were also well aware it would be impossible to change

everything. Instead, we have taken more of incremental steps to slowly
influence of partner.

We are pleased to have done the following:

• Have participating partners to display their products which concerned
the environment such as displaying hair bands and accessories made
from reused bags or tin cans, displaying of LED lights of different sizes,
environmental friendly games for kids.

• During the fashion show, the goodie bags given to the attendees are
made of paper bag and not decorated plastic bag

• Putting up information panels (43 of them) around on environmental


The response from the public has been generally positive. The whole event
drew about 5000 members of the public while we have managed to engage
about 40-60 captive audience on the weekdays and more on the weekends.

In fact, we are pleased to share that within the week days, we have teenagers
and students getting involved in the quiz we have created. This showed their
interest in environmental issues. They have found them meaningful and we
have been fortunate to have them captured in our database which we will be
following up promptly on.

Pictures of the event can be found at following link:

Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore)
known as ECO Singapore


Orchard Central
RE-LIVE! @ Heartland Report

Our Youth. Our Future.

Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002
This event, as mentioned during our introduction, is a youth led initiative event
Charity that
Reg. No: 1739
aims to educate the public regarding the six aspects of the
environment and what they, as individuals can do to contribute, making Singapore a
greener city than it was before.

This section will be divided into three parts;

• Arrangements made prior to the event,
• The event set up and its content and
• Our observation.

2.1 Arrangements Made Prior to Event:

2.1.1 Working hours
The event usually starts at 11 am and closes around 9 pm. Vendors are to sell
their products during these hours.

2.1.2 Volunteers
The volunteers came in shift basis and it was made that at least two of them
were present in the information counter always to guide and help the public in
answering the questionnaire.

2.2 The Event Set Up

In comparison with the previous Re-Live! @ Heartlands, Re-Live! @ Orchard
Central’s set up is much smaller. We are located at the discovery walk at Level 1 of
Orchard Central and had to share a part of the discovery walk with other vendors.

Nevertheless, there was more than sufficient space for people to walk pass and
view the exhibition as well as the things set up by our partners at their own
designated table.

The whole set up was filled with neat aligned exhibition panels, tables aligned
nicely filled with environmental products contributed by our partners and the
information booth which contained displays of some of the products that the
partners wanted to sell.

2.2.1 Panel Arrangements

There were six panels, each containing the different aspects of the
environment. Unlike the previous event, we changed the layout of the panels
due to space constraint. We cannot use the same hexagon layout for the

Despite the difference in layout, there was still ample space for the public to
view the exhibition and read it with ease.

(Left) Information banners – ‘Water’ (Right) Information banners – ‘Food’ 6

Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore)
known as ECO Singapore

2.2.2 Million Acts of Green

Orchard Central
RE-LIVE! @ Heartland Report

Our Youth. Our Future.

In this event, we alter the movie screening activity into a
Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002
“contributing” space where the public, instead of sitting Charity Reg. No: 1739
down and gaining some information from the documentary
shown, can contribute their acts of green through this website:

As mentioned, the space allocated for us this time round is smaller as

compared to the space over at the previous two heartlands. With this, we
have decided to have a table space for the people to contribute their acts of
green online instead of having the movie screening.

2.2.3 Partners
During this event, we have assigned some tables to our partners so that they
can have the space to display their things.

The tables are aligned next to each other in straight rows so that the public
can easily move from one table to another while viewing.

2.2.4 Exhibition Content

As mentioned, the panels are categorized according to different aspects of
the environment; water, food, energy, waste, shelter and biodiversity.

Each of these panels contain the definitions of their own, the current situation
now, the importance of these aspects to our lives and what we, individuals can
do to contribute to a better environment.

2.2.5 Etrican’s Fashion Show

Apart from having the usual exhibition to create awareness to the public
regarding the different aspects of the environment, Re-Live! @ Orchard Central
have decided to incorporate a fashion show, organized by Etrican- one of our
partners who designs organic cotton clothes.

The set up was good considering the fact that the space is not that big as
compared to most fashion show.

(Left)Man viewing one of the exhibition panel –‘Water’ information panel (Center) Etrican Fashion Show
launch (Right) GreenieGenie – One of the partner for the event

Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore)
known as ECO Singapore

2.3 Our Observation

Orchard Central
RE-LIVE! @ Heartland Report

Our Youth. Our Future.

During the lunch period, the crowd would be normal. It usually
Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002
contains working people. In the evening, more young people will Charity Reg. No: 1739
be present at the location and to take part in the exhibition. The
eagerness of the youths to participate in the exhibition was higher compared to
other people.

To educate the public, some educational video clips were added in a playlist and
people could browse through it by the computers.

After finishing the questionnaire, public moves to the information counter to know
the correct answers and collect their gifts. The volunteers present over the
information counter will educate the public about the ecological problems. There
were many gifts given to the public for answering the questionnaire forms. Some of
them were a bookmark, an eco badge, a recycled pen, a lanyard and a
recyclable bag.

The partners of this event were usually present in the evening time and share their
ideas and products with the public.

When there were fewer crowds, the volunteers will go outside at Orchard Road to
bring the public to this event. During closing time, the volunteers verify the stock
present and plan for the next day of the event

(Left)Youths participating in the questionnaires (Middle) Greenviron – One of the partners for the event
(Right) Gifts that were given out - ECO bag, bookmark and badge below the board

Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore)
known as ECO Singapore

Orchard Central
RE-LIVE! @ Heartland Report

Our Youth. Our Future.

Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002
For the past 1 weeks of the exhibition at Orchard Central, we have Charity Reg. No: 1739
received many positive responses from the public. Some of them are:

3.1 Level of Engagement:

People entering into our exhibition want to learn more and understand more about
the environment. When given with the questionnaire, they would take their time to
walk around the exhibition searching for the right answers.

The volunteers also managed to draw the attention of the uninterested public by
getting them in to the exhibition area and answering the questionnaire. Most of
them were eager and interested in knowing the answers and raised issues about the
questionnaire or information banners that they do not understand.

Not only that, there are people that visited the exhibition once and the next time
they were seen at the exhibition, they brought along their friends and parents.

Eco volunteers were also spotted at the exhibition. It was also noticed that people in
groups or pairs are more willing and interested to have a look at the exhibition rather
than people that are alone.

There was also a fashion show launched by Etrican which also managed to attract
the attention of the attendees to the exhibition.

(Left)Public taking part in the questionnaire searching for answers from the information banners and (Middle)
interactions between ECO volunteers and the public. (Right) The crowd after the fashion show launch

3.2 Interactive Corners:

There were Interactive corners at the exhibition:

3.2.1 Million Acts of Green

‘Each act of green represents an individual’s commitment to become an
environmental leader. Our planet needs help, and your actions matter’

Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore)
known as ECO Singapore

This interactive session successfully managed to engage the

Orchard Central
RE-LIVE! @ Heartland Report

Our Youth. Our Future.

different age groups of public. The public are willing to share
Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002
with others by typing on the laptop about how they played a Charity Reg. No: 1739
part in helping the planet, these are precious information that could not be
found on our information banners and others would be able to learn from it.
More information could be found at the following link:

3.2.2 Television and desktop

Another would be the television and desktop that was placed at both ends of
the exhibition where the crowd came from. It managed to draw the public
attention and got them interested in the exhibition after watching the videos
that are being screened.

3.3 Products:
ECO products and other recycled products that are being sold
attracted the public to visit the exhibition. ECO products have
actually educated public too as some would be more interested in products rather
than information banners. Some products that were sold at the exhibition include:
• ECO Organic Tee Shirts
• ECO Reusable bags
• Pens
• Books
• Recycled items (Pencil Box, Book holder, baskets, etc.)
• BPA free water bottles
• Hair bands, Key chains, Earrings made from recycled items.

(Left)Interactive Corners – Million Acts Of Green (Middle)Public having a looking at the ECO products
(Right)Hair bands and necklace made from recycled items that are being sold at the exhibition

Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore)
known as ECO Singapore

Orchard Central
RE-LIVE! @ Heartland Report

Our Youth. Our Future.

Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002
Some of the steps for having a better event are to take into account the Charity Reg. No: 1739
positive side and the areas that need improvement.

With the positive areas covered, here are some of the areas to be improved based on
our experience after the week Re-Live! @ Orchard Central:

4.1 Reaching out to target market:

There are quite a number of people who came to our event. However, we can
venture into different ways to reach out to more people by:

4.1.1 Sending invitations/ notification to nearing schools to let them know of

the event.

Elaboration: A detailed suggestion will be to let the students from CCA group
who are interested in environment (Green club in primary and secondary
schools) to attend our event. In return, school may offer them CCA points.

4.1.2 Giving out balloons to children

Elaboration: During weekends, we can give out balloons to children walking

around the nearest mall with a print of our RE-Live! logo on it. We hope these
children can bring their parents along to our event.
We will also inform the parents of these children a synopsis of our event so that
they will know what the event is about.

4.1.3 Placing one A4 size poster at the notice board situated near the lifts
nearing event date.

Elaboration: The purpose of this is to inform the public about the event
beforehand so that they can visit our exhibition when they are free.
We will place it at the notice board near the lifts because we observed that
the public will read through some of the notifications of the board while
waiting for the lift.

The poster will be designed in such a way that it will attract the public’s

4.2 Engagement:
During the event, we have tried to engage the public by having educational clips
and documentaries about the different aspects of the environment. Also there
have been a screening of the Al Gore documentary “an inconvenient truth”.

However, this can be further improved by:

• Conducting games related to the environment to engage the public.

• Have Chinese translation for some of the posters.

• Send out brochures to as “a giveaway” over a certain topic of interest.

Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore)
known as ECO Singapore

• Creating stalls like popcorns, yoghurt/ yakult/candy floss

Orchard Central
RE-LIVE! @ Heartland Report

Our Youth. Our Future.

to draw the public into our event.
Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002
Charity Reg. No: 1739
• Giving free popcorn apart from the bags and badges to
public after completing the survey.

• Set up more easy surveys with Chinese translation too.

• Lucky Draw – on weekends – tie up with museum or Sungei Buloh to learn

more about the environment.

4.3 Layout:
The Information counter can be decorated for attracting the public’s attention.

• Having ECO logo at the information counter so that more members of the
public would know about the organisation as the volunteers have been
receiving comments about who organised the exhibition.

Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore)
known as ECO Singapore

Orchard Central
RE-LIVE! @ Heartland Report

Our Youth. Our Future.

Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002
RE-Live! @ Heartlands would not be possible without the continuous Charity Reg. No: 1739
support from the partnering organisations.
The partnering organisations for this event are
• All Things Green And Beautiful
• Building and Construction Authority of Singapore (BCA)
• Etrican – Organic Clothing
• Greenie Genie
• Greenviron Eco Pte. Ltd.
• My Water Bottle
• National Environment Agency (NEA)
• Tetra Pak
• Worm-Compost-Bins

5.1 All Things Green And Beautiful

• Setup exhibition on their products and promote what it means
to be greener with their product.

• ATGAB is a Singapore-based company with a goal: To

preserve the environment we live in by starting a serious green
of recycling.

• To raise awareness among the public that recycled products

can be very creative, re-usable and affordable.

5.2 Building and Construction Authority of Singapore

• They were consulted in the information panel put up for public
outreach on the relevant theme

• Develops and regulate Singapore's building and construction


5.3 Etrican – Organic Clothing

• Launched a fashion show, setup exhibition on their products
and promote what it means to be greener with their product.

• The principle at the core of the Etrican label is that it aims to be

sustainable. Sustainability is a complex issue

• All Etrican clothes are made with 100% certified organic cotton,
from plants which are not genetically modified.

Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore)
known as ECO Singapore
Orchard Central
RE-LIVE! @ Heartland Report

Our Youth. Our Future.

Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002
5.4 Greenie Genie Charity Reg. No: 1739

• Setup exhibition on their products and promote what it means

to be greener with their product.

• They display a spread of the most anticipated earrings


• The highlight of the collection is the one and only pair of quirky
signature skull of Mc Queen.

5.5 Greenviron Eco Pte. Ltd.

• Setup exhibition on their products and promote what it means
to be greener with their product.

• To educate, and promote an affordable, compatible and

sustainable environmental friendly lifestyle.

5.6 My Water Bottle

• Setup exhibition on what they are doing and promote what it
means to be greener with their product.

• My waterbottle is a non-profit campaign to encourage more

Singaporeans to use their own refillable water bottles, instead
of buying or taking single-use bottled water.

• Show that tap water is safe to drink and tastes just as good as
bottled water.

5.7 National Environment Agency (NEA)

• They were consulted in the information panel put up for public
outreach on the relevant theme

• Embrace all in caring for a Clean and Healthy Environment

• To achieve a livable and sustainable Singapore

5.8 PUB
• They were consulted in the information panel put up for public
outreach on the relevant theme

• Responsible for the collection, production and reclamation of

water in Singapore.

Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore)
known as ECO Singapore

• To ensure an efficient, adequate & sustainable supply of

Orchard Central
RE-LIVE! @ Heartland Report

Our Youth. Our Future.

Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002
Charity Reg. No: 1739

5.9 Tetra Pak

• Setup exhibition on their products and promote what it means to be greener
with their product.

• World's leading food processing and packaging solutions


• Work closely with their customers and suppliers, providing safe,

innovative and environmentally sound products that meet the
needs of hundreds of millions of people

5.10 Worm-Compost-Bins

• Setup exhibition on their products and promote what it means to be greener

with their product.

• To reduce the massive amounts of waste contributed by humans into the


5.11 Asia Pacific Breweries (APB)

• APB is the sponsor for this event.

Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore)
known as ECO Singapore

Orchard Central
RE-LIVE! @ Heartland Report

Our Youth. Our Future.

Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002
In all, this event involves three aspects: Charity Reg. No: 1739
• The intention to foster positive habits in terms of environmental
practices amongst the public,
• To engage the public through the educational exhibition and
• To initiate environmental awareness in youth.

RE-Live! is a youth lead initiative event that intends to drive the public to re-think and
re-live their existing habits.

To practice this habit is not that difficult at all. There are already existing means to do
so with all the current market products that was readily available.

Youth are the key drivers in this initiation to promote these lifestyle changes. The
ultimate goal of this event was to create awareness among the public.

The eco-partners on the other hand, proved that the public were willing to spend
more to become eco-friendly by purchasing some of their products.

This project will set the precedence of all future youth lead and environmental events
that actively engage and empowers youth on lifestyle change.

Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore)
known as ECO Singapore
Orchard Central
RE-LIVE! @ Heartland Report

Our Youth. Our Future.

Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002
Appendix 1: Expenses Charity Reg. No: 1739

Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore)
known as ECO Singapore

Appendix 2: Layout of the event

Orchard Central
RE-LIVE! @ Heartland Report

Our Youth. Our Future.

Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002
Charity Reg. No: 1739


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