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UNIT – 1:
Internet Basic – Introduction to HTML – List Creating Table – Linking
document – Frames - Graphics to HTML Doc – Style sheet – style sheet basic –
Add style to document – Creating style sheet rules – Style sheet properties –
Font – Text – List – Color and Background color – Box – Display properties.

UNIT – 2:
Introduction to JavaScript – Advantage of JavaScript – JavaScript syntax
– Data type – Variable – Array – Operator and Expression – Looping
Constructor – Function – Dialog box.

UNIT – 3:
JavaScript document object model – Introduction – object in HTML –
Event Handling – Window object – Document object – Browser Object – Form
Object – Navigator object – Screen object – Build in object – User defined
object – Cookies.

UNIT – 4:
ASP.NET Languages structure – Page event, Properties & Compiler
Directives. HTML server controls – Anchor, Tables, Forms, Forms, Files. Basic
web server Controls – Label, Textbox, Button, Image, Links, Check & Radio
button, Hyperlink. Data list Web server controls – Check box list, Radio button
list, Drop down list, List box, and Data grid, Repeater.

UNIT – 5:
Request and Response Objects, Cookies, Working with Data – OLEDB
connection class, Command class transaction class, data adaptor class, data set
class. Advanced Issues – Email, Application Security – Authentication, IP
Address, Secure by SSL & Client Certificates.


1. Bayross, Web Enable Commercial Application Development Using HTML,

DHTML, JavaScript, Perl CGI, BPB Publications.
2. Jaworski, Mastering JavaScript, BPB Publications, 1999
3. T. A Powell, complete Reference HTML (Third Edition), TMH, 2002.
4. G. Buczek, ASP.NET Developers Guide, TMH, 2002.

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 1

Internet Basic:

The internet begin 1969, as an four computer network called ARPAnet

which was designed by the U.S. Defense Department so that research scientists
could communicate .In approximate two year, ARPAnet grew to about two-
dozen sites and by 1981,consisted of more then two hundred sites in 1990,
ARPAnet was officially disbanded and the network, which now consisted of
hundred sits, came to be know as the feature .

ARPANET : Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (1969)

A network of networks, joining many government, university and private

computers together and providing an infrastructure for the use of E-mail,
bulletin boards, search for information over Internet, enjoy Internet surfing ,
file archives, hypertext documents, databases and other computational

Internet service provider (ISP), also sometimes referred to as an Internet

access provider (IAP), is a company that offers its customers access to the
Internet. The ISP connects to its customers using a data transmission
technology appropriate for delivering Internet Protocol datagram‟s, such as
dial-up, DSL, cable modem, wireless or dedicated high-speed interconnects

WWW : World Wide Web Created 1989

This information is almost always retrieved using the Hypertext Transfer

Protocol (HTTP). In fact HTTP has been in use by the World Wide Web since
1989, and its use has increased steadily over the years. Today there are
millions of Web sites on the World Wide Web, all of them using HTTP

The internet consists of two types of computer SERVER and CLIENT

 Computer which offer information of be read are called Server

 Computer that read the information offered are called client

Client-server computing or networking is a distributed application

architecture that partitions tasks or work loads between service providers
(servers) and service requesters, called clients

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 2

Current Servers

Info seek-
Alta Vista –
Lycos –
Yahoo! –


A domain is logical grouping of computers on a network. It may include

multiple networks. It may also just be a subset of a network of

com edu gov int mil net org

nominum metainfo berkeley nwu nato army uu

west east www

dakota tornado

The top level domains

 com ... for commercial entities

 edu ... for four-year educational institutions
 gov ... for non-military, United States federal government instititutions
 mil ... for United States military organizations
 net ... for network operations and Internet Service Providers (ISP)
 org ... for non-profit organizations

Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

Consists of 4 parts:

Protocol  Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

Domain Name  or Internet Protocol (IP) address

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 3

Specific document filename

index. (s) htm(l) or default.(s)htm(l)



TCP/IP is an abbreviation for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol.

TCP is a lossless protocol, requiring a handshake to insure that data is not lost
during transmission.

Internet Protocol (IP) uses addresses which are a series of four "octet" (byte)
numbers in a dotted decimal notation. For example:

Application (process-to-process) Layer: This is the scope within which

applications create user data and communicate this data to other processes or
applications on another or the same host. The communications partners are
often called peers. This is where the "higher level" protocols such as SMTP, FTP,
SSH, HTTP, etc. operate.

Transport (host-to-host) Layer: The Transport Layer constitutes the

networking regime between two network hosts, either on the local network or
on remote networks separated by routers. The Transport Layer provides a
uniform networking interface that hides the actual topology (layout) of the
underlying network connections.

Internet (internetworking) Layer: The Internet Layer has the task of

exchanging datagram across network boundaries. It is therefore also referred
to as the layer that establishes internetworking; indeed, it defines and
establishes the Internet

Link Layer: This layer defines the networking methods with the scope of the
local network link on which hosts communicate without intervening routers.
This layer describes the protocols used to describe the local network topology
and the interfaces needed to affect transmission of Internet Layer datagram‟s
to next-neighbor hosts.

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 4

Internet Use:

Internet used in business, education, Marketing, sales , research, online

reservation , online trade , software development , job searching, video
conference, Email ,File Transfer, chatting, etc.,


To make a long story short, HTML was invented in 1990 by a scientist
called Tim Berners-Lee. The purpose was to make it easier for scientists at
different universities to gain access to each other's research documents

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language

HTML is not a programming language, it is a markup language
A markup language is a set of markup tags
HTML uses markup tags to describe web pages

HTML markup tags are usually called HTML tags
HTML tags are keywords surrounded by angle brackets like <html>
HTML tags normally come in pairs like <b> and </b>
The first tag in a pair is the start tag, the second tag is the end tag
Start and end tags are also called opening tags and closing tags
HTML Documents = Web Pages

 HTML documents describe web pages

 HTML documents contain HTML tags and plain text
 HTML documents are also called web pages

The purpose of a web browser (like Internet Explorer or Firebox) is to read

HTML documents and display them as web pages. The browser does not display
the HTML tags, but uses the tags to interpret the content of the page

<h1>My First Heading</h1>
<p>My first paragraph</p> </body> </html>

Example Explained

 The text between <html> and </html> describes the web page
 The text between <body> and </body> is the visible page content
Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 5
 The text between <h1> and </h1> is displayed as a heading
 The text between <p> and </p> is displayed as a paragraph

HTML Element Syntax

 An HTML element starts with a start tag / opening tag

 An HTML element ends with an end tag / closing tag
 The element content is everything between the start and the end tag
 Some HTML elements have empty content
 Empty elements are closed in the start tag
 Most HTML elements can have attributes

Tag Description


<!DOCTYPE> Defines the document type

<html> Defines an HTML document

<body> Defines the document's body

<h1> to <h6> Defines HTML headings

<p> Defines a paragraph

<br /> Inserts a single line break

<hr /> Defines a horizontal line

<!--...--> Defines a comment


<acronym> Defines an acronym

<abbr> Defines an abbreviation

<address> Defines contact information for the author/owner of a document

<b> Defines bold text

<bdo> Defines the text direction

<big> Defines big text

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 6

<blockquote> Defines a long quotation

<center> Deprecated. Defines centered text

<cite> Defines a citation

<code> Defines computer code text

<del> Defines deleted text

<dfn> Defines a definition term

<em> Defines emphasized text

<font> Deprecated. Defines font, color, and size for text

<i> Defines italic text

<ins> Defines inserted text

<kbd> Defines keyboard text

<pre> Defines preformatted text

<q> Defines a short quotation

<s> Deprecated. Defines strikethrough text

<samp> Defines sample computer code

<small> Defines small text

<strike> Deprecated. Defines strikethrough text

<strong> Defines strong text

<sub> Defines subscripted text

<sup> Defines superscripted text

<tt> Defines teletype text

<u> Deprecated. Defines underlined text

<var> Defines a variable part of a text

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 7

<xmp> Deprecated. Defines preformatted text


<form> Defines an HTML form for user input

<input /> Defines an input control

<textarea> Defines a multi-line text input control

<button> Defines a push button

<select> Defines a select list (drop-down list)

<optgroup> Defines a group of related options in a select list

<option> Defines an option in a select list

<label> Defines a label for an input element

<fieldset> Defines a border around elements in a form

<legend> Defines a caption for a fieldset element

<isindex> Deprecated. Defines a searchable index related to a document


<frame /> Defines a window (a frame) in a frameset

<frameset> Defines a set of frames

<noframes> Defines an alternate content for users that do not support frames

<iframe> Defines an inline frame


<img /> Defines an image

<map> Defines an image-map

<area /> Defines an area inside an image-map


Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 8

<a> Defines an anchor

<link /> Defines the relationship between a document and an external resource


<ul> Defines an unordered list

<ol> Defines an ordered list

<li> Defines a list item

<dir> Deprecated. Defines a directory list

<dl> Defines a definition list

<dt> Defines a term (an item) in a definition list

<dd> Defines a description of a term in a definition list

<menu> Deprecated. Defines a menu list


<table> Defines a table

<caption> Defines a table caption

<th> Defines a header cell in a table

<tr> Defines a row in a table

<td> Defines a cell in a table

<thead> Groups the header content in a table

<tbody> Groups the body content in a table

<tfoot> Groups the footer content in a table

<col /> Defines attribute values for one or more columns in a table

<colgroup> Defines a group of columns in a table for formatting


Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 9

<style> Defines style information for a document

<div> Defines a section in a document

<span> Defines a section in a document

Meta Info

<head> Defines information about the document

<title> Defines the document title

<meta> Defines metadata about an HTML document

<base /> Defines a default address or a default target for all links on a page

<basefont /> Deprecated. Defines a default font, color, or size for the text in a page


<script> Defines a client-side script

<noscript> Defines an alternate content for users that do not support client-side scripts

<applet> Deprecated. Defines an embedded applet

<object> Defines an embedded object

<param /> Defines a parameter for an object

Text property

This page deals with html tags for formatting a webpage with text and
will show how to create a headline, how to make paragraphs, how to pick fonts
and change their color and size .Use the H tag to create a headline, the h
tag comes in six flavors

HTML Headings Property

<h1>Heading 1</h1>

<h6>Heading 6</h6>

Text align
Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 10
Syntax: align= [left | center | right | justify]

<H5 align=left>Hello World</H5>

The FONT tag

Fonts are one of the most important visual elements of your page and if
you're like most web designers you'll want to set a few fonts in every page.

Probably the most versatile text formatting tag is

the <FONT></FONT> tag the font tag not only allows the color and size of text
to be selected but also allows specific fonts to be selected

Example of the font tag

<FONT face="arial">this is the arial font face</FONT>

<FONT size=4>size 4</FONT>

<FONT size=3>size 3</FONT>
<FONT size=2>size 2</FONT>
<FONT size=1>size 1</FONT

The font tag gives enough flexibility to allow html authors to specify
a 'back up' font

<FONT face="georgic, times new roman, aerial">alternative fonts</FONT>

Font styles
use the <B></B> tags to make text <B>bold</B>

use the <EM></EM> tags to <EM>emphasise text</EM>

use the <U></U> tags to <U>underline text</U>

use the <I></I> tags to make<I>italic text</I>

use the <BIG></BIG> tags to <BIG>increase the font size by +1</BIG>

the maximum font size is 7

use the <SMALL></SMALL> tags to <SMALL>decrease the font size by -1</SMALL>

the minimum font size is 1

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 11

Horizontal Rule
Here's a horizontal rule... <hr /> ...that was a horizontal rule :)

Text Formatting Tags

Tag Description

<b> Defines bold text

<big> Defines big text

<em> Defines emphasized text

<i> Defines italic text

<small> Defines small text

<strong> Defines strong text

<sub> Defines subscripted text

<sup> Defines superscripted text

<ins> Defines inserted text

<del> Defines deleted text

<s> Deprecated. Use <del> instead

<strike> Deprecated. Use <del> instead

<u> Deprecated. Use styles instead

Example Program

<center><p><b>This text is bold</b></p>

<p><big>This text is big</big></p>

<p><i>This text is italic</i></p>

<p><code>This is computer output</code></p>

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 12

<p>This is<sub> subscript</sub> and <sup>superscript</sup></p>



Listing Property

There are 3 different types of lists. A <ol> tag starts an ordered list, <ul> for
unordered lists, and <dl> for definition lists. Use the type and start attributes
to fine tune your lists accordingly.

Unordered lists


<ul> Makes a bulleted list using the default bullet type:

 text
 text

 This is another line

 And this is the final line
<ul type="disc">

o This is another line

o And this is the final line
<ul type="circle">

 This is another line

<ul type="square">  And this is the final line


Plain numbers

Capital Letters

Small Letters

Capital Roman Numbers

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 13

Small Roman Numbers


<ol> 1. text
<li>text</li> 2. text
Starts a numbered list, first # being 5.

<ol start="5"> 5. This is one line

6. This is another line

<ol type="A"> A. This is one line

B. This is another line

<ol type="a"> a. This is one line

b. This is another line

<ol type="I"> I. This is one line

II. This is another line

<ol type="1"> i. This is one line

ii. This is another line

VII. This is one line

<ol type="I" VIII. This is another line

Hyperlinks, Anchors, and Links

Links -- they're what made the web The Web. The ability to link from one
document to another is one of the most central features of HTML
Links, otherwise known as hyperlinks, are defined using the <a> tag -
otherwise known as the anchor element.

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 14

To create a hyperlink, you use the tag in conjunction with the href
attribute (href stands for Hypertext Reference). The value of the href attribute
is the URL, or, location of where the link is pointing to.
Hyper Link syntax:

<a href="url">Link text</a>

The element content doesn't have to be text. You can link from an image or any
other HTML element.


<a href="">Visit yahoo!</a>

Image Link

In HTML, images are defined with the <img> tag. The <img> tag is empty,
which means that it contains attributes only and it has no closing tag.

To display an image on a page, you need to use the src attribute. Src stands for
"source". The value of the src attribute is the URL of the image you want to
display on your page..

To embed an image into a web page, the image first needs to exist in either
.jpg, .gif, or .png format.

Image Link syntax:

<img src="url" /></img>


<img src="smile.gif" width="100" height="100" alt="Smile" />

Src: This is the path to the image. It can be either an absolute path, or a
relative path

Width: This specifies the width to display the image. If the actual image is
wider, it will shrink to the dimensions you specify here. Likewise, if the actual
image is smaller it will expand to your dimensions. I don't recommend
specifying a different size for the image, as it will lose quality. It's better to
make sure the image is the correct size to start with.

Height: This specifies the height to display the image. This attribute works
similar to the width

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 15

Alt: Alternate text. This specifies text to be used in case the browser/user
agent can't render the image.

E-mail Link

<a href="">

Send Mail</a>

Example Program


This is a mail link:

<a href="">

Send Mail</a></p>

<img src="Blue hills.jpg" width="100" height="100" alt="Smile" >


HTML Colors
Colors are displayed combining RED, GREEN, and BLUE light.

HTML colors are defined using a hexadecimal (hex) notation for the combination
of Red, Green, and Blue color values (RGB).

The lowest value that can be given to one of the light sources is 0 (hex 00).
The highest value is 255 (hex FF).

Hex values are written as 3 double digit numbers, starting with a # sign.

Font color
Set the color of your font with color


<font color="#990000">This text is hexcolor #990000</font><br />

<font color="red">This text is red</font>

Background Color :

The background color used for web page background color.

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 16

Example: <body bgColor=Navy>

Border color:

It‟s used for Image,table ., border color

HTML Tables

A table is a two dimensional matrix ,consiter od rows and coloms .Table

are intended for displaying data in coloumns on web page.Tables are defined
with the <table> tag. A table is divided into rows (with the <tr> tag), and each
row is divided into data cells (with the <td> tag). The letters td stands for
"table data," which is the content of a data cell. A data cell can contain text,
images, lists, paragraphs, forms, horizontal rules, tables, etc.

Table property

Tag Description

<table> Defines a table

<th> Defines a table header

<tr> Defines a table row

<td> Defines a table cell

<caption> Defines a table caption

<colgroup> Defines groups of table columns

<col> Defines the attribute values for one or more columns in a table

<thead> Defines a table head

<tbody> Defines a table body

<tfoot> Defines a table footer

Example 1:
<table border="1">
<td>row 1, cell 1</td>

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 17

<td>row 1, cell 2</td>
<td>row 2, cell 1</td>
<td>row 2, cell 2</td>


row 1, cell 1 row 1, cell 2

row 2, cell 1 row 2, cell 2

Headings in a Table
<table border="1">
<th>Another Heading</th>
<td>row 1, cell 1</td>
<td>row 1, cell 2</td>
<td>row 2, cell 1</td>
<td>row 2, cell 2</td>


Heading Another Heading

row 1, cell 1 row 1, cell 2
row 2, cell 1 row 2, cell 2

Use rowspan to span multiple rows and colspan to span multiple

<table border="1"> <tr>

<th>Column 1</th>

<th>Column 2</th>

<th>Column 3</th> </tr>

<tr><td rowspan="2">Row 1 Cell 1</td>

<td>Row 1 Cell 2</td><td>Row 1 Cell 3</td></tr>

<tr><td>Row 2 Cell 2</td><td>Row 2 Cell 3</td></tr>

<tr><td colspan="3">Row 3 Cell 1</td></tr>


Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 18


Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Row 1 Cell 2 Row 1 Cell 3
Row 1 Cell 1
Row 2 Cell 2 Row 2 Cell 3
Row 3 Cell 1

Table with color

<table border="1" cellpadding="10" bgcolor="rgb(0,255,0)">


<th>Column 1</th>

<th>Column 2</th> </tr>

<tr><td>Row 1 Cell 1</td><td>Row 1 Cell 2</td></tr>

<tr><td>Row 2 Cell 1</td><td>Row 2 Cell 2</td></tr>



Column 1 Column 2

Row 1 Cell 1 Row 1 Cell 2

Row 2 Cell 1 Row 2 Cell 2

HTML Frames

With frames, you can display more than one HTML document in the same
browser window. Each HTML document is called a frame, and each frame is
independent of the others.

The disadvantages of using frames are:

The web developer must keep track of more HTML documents

It is difficult to print the entire page

The Frameset Tag

The <frameset> tag defines how to divide the window into frames

Each frameset defines a set of rows or columns

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 19

The values of the rows/columns indicate the amount of screen area each
row/column will occupy

Attribute Description

rows Specifies the number of rows and their height in either pixels, percentages, or
relative lengths. Default is 100%

cols Specifies the number of columns and their width in either pixels, percentages, or
relative lengths. Default is 100%

name Assigns a name to a frame. This is useful for loading contents into one frame
from another.

longdesc A long description - this can elaborate on a shorter description specified with the
title attribute.

src Location of the frame contents (for example, the HTML page to be loaded into
the frame).

noresize Specifies whether the frame is resizable or not (i.e. whether the user can resize
the frame or not).

scrolling Whether the frame should be scrollable or not (i.e. should scrollbars appear).
Possible values:

 auto
 yes
 no

frameborder Whether the frame should have a border or not. Possible values:

 1 (border)
 0 (no border)

marginwidth Specifies the margin, in pixels, between the frame's contents and it's left and
right margins.
Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 20
marginheight Specifies the margin, in pixels, between the frame's contents and it's top and
bottom margins.
Example 1

<frameset cols="25%,75%">

<frame src="frame_a.htm">

<frame src="frame_b.htm"> </frameset>

Mixed frame set:


<frameset rows="50%,50%">

<frame src="frame_a.htm">

<frameset cols="25%,75%">

<frame src="frame_b.htm">

<frame src="frame_c.htm">


</frameset> </html>

Style sheet

cascading style sheets are now the standard way to define the
presentation of your HTML pages, from fonts and colours to the complete layout
of a page. They are much more efficient than using HTML on every page to
define the look of your site.

CSS is becoming a more important language to know every day, so the

sooner you have a grip on this most elegant of presentational languages, the

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 21

CSS Syntax

A CSS rule has two main parts: a selector, and one or more declarations:

The selector is normally the HTML element you want to style.

Each declaration consists of a property and a value.

The property is the style attribute you want to change. Each property has a

CSS Example
CSS declarations always ends with a semicolon, and declaration groups are surrounded by
curly brackets:

<html> <head>

<style type="text/css">







<p>Hello World!</p>

<p>This paragraph is styled with CSS.</p>


Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 22


CSS Background

CSS background properties are used to define the background effects of

an element.

CSS properties used for background effects:






Background Color
The background-color property specifies the background color of an

body {background-color:#b0c4de;}

Background Image
The background-image property specifies an image to use as the
background of an element.By default, the image is repeated so it covers the
entire element.

body {background-image:url('paper.gif');

Background Image - Repeat Horizontally or Vertically

By default, the background-image property repeats an image both
horizontally and vertically.Some images should be repeated only horizontally or
vertically, or they will look strange, like this:



Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 23


All CSS Background Properties

Property Description Values

background Sets all the background properties background-color

in one declaration background-image

background-attachment Sets whether a background image scroll

is fixed or scrolls with the rest of fixed
the page inherit

background-color Sets the background color of an color-rgb

element color-hex

background-image Sets the background image for an url(URL)

element none

background-position Sets the starting position of a top left

background image top center
top right
center left
center center
center right
bottom left
bottom center
bottom right
x% y%
xpos ypos

background-repeat Sets if/how a background image will repeat

be repeated repeat-x

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 24

Text Color

The color property is used to set the color of the text. The color can be
specified by:

name - a color name, like "red"

RGB - an RGB value, like "rgb(255,0,0)"

Hex - a hex value, like "#ff0000"

body {color:blue;}
h1 {color:#00ff00;}
h2 {color:rgb(255,0,0);

property Description Values

color Sets the color of a text color

direction Sets the text direction ltr


line-height Sets the distance between lines normal


letter-spacing Increase or decrease the space between normal

characters length

text-align Aligns the text in an element left


text-decoration Adds decoration to text none


text-indent Indents the first line of text in an element length


text-shadow none

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 25


text-transform Controls the letters in an element none


unicode-bidi normal

vertical-align Sets the vertical alignment of an element baseline


white-space Sets how white space inside an element is normal

handled pre,nowrap

word-spacing Increase or decrease the space between normal

words length

Font Families

In CSS, there are two types of font family names:generic family - a group
of font families with a similar look (like "Serif" or "Monospace")

font family - a specific font family (like "Times New Roman" or "Arial")

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 26


Property Description Values

font-family Specifies the font family for text family-name


font-size Specifies the font size of text xx-small


font-style Specifies the font style for text normal


font-variant Specifies whether or not a text should be normal

displayed in a small-caps font small-caps

font-weight Specifies the weight of a font normal


Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 27

Example Program

<html> <head>

<style type="text/css">

p.normal {font-weight:normal;}

p.light {font-weight:lighter;}

p.thick {font-weight:bold;}

p.thicker {font-weight:900;}



<p class="normal">This is a paragraph.</p>

<p class="light">This is a paragraph.</p>

<p class="thick">This is a paragraph.</p>

<p class="thicker">This is a paragraph.</p>



In HTML, there are two types of lists:

unordered lists - the list items are marked with bullets

ordered lists - the list items are marked with numbers or letters


ul.a {list-style-type: circle;}

ul.b {list-style-type: square;}

ol.c {list-style-type: upper-roman;}

ol.d {list-style-type: lower-alpha;}

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 28

Values for Unordered Lists
Value Description
none No marker
disc Default. The marker is a filled circle
circle The marker is a circle
square The marker is a square

Values for Ordered Lists

Value Description
armenian The marker is traditional Armenian numbering
decimal The marker is a number
decimal-leading-zero The marker is a number padded by initial zeros (01, 02, 03, etc.)
georgian The marker is traditional Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)
lower-alpha The marker is lower-alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)
lower-greek The marker is lower-greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)
lower-latin The marker is lower-latin (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)
lower-roman The marker is lower-roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)
upper-alpha The marker is upper-alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)
upper-latin The marker is upper-latin (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)
upper-roman The marker is upper-roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)

CSS Colors

CSS has several options for defining colors of both text and background areas
on your pages. These options can entirely replace the color attributes in plain
HTML. In addition, you get new options that you just didn't have in plain HTML.

Value Description
color <color>


Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 29

background-position center
background <background-repeat>
color <color>
Example Program


<style type="text/css">






Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 30
font-family:"Times New Roman";




<h1>CSS example!</h1>

<p>This is a paragraph.</p>


CSS Box Model

All HTML elements can be considered as boxes. In CSS, the term "box model" is
used when talking about design and layout.

The CSS box model is essentially a box that wraps around HTML elements, and
it consists of: margins, borders, padding, and the actual content.

The box model allows us to place a border around elements and space elements
in relation to other elements

Explanation of the different parts:

Margin - Clears an area around the border. The margin does not have a
background color, and it is completely transparent

Border - A border that lies around the padding and content. The border is
affected by the background color of the box

Padding - Clears an area around the content. The padding is affected by the
background color of the box

Content - The content of the box, where text and images appear



<style type="text/css">
Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 31



border:5px solid gray;





<img src="250px.gif" width="250" height="1" /><br /><br />

<div class="ex">The line above is 250px wide.<br />

The total width of this element is also 250px.</div>



CSS Display Property

The display property specifies if/how an element is displayed, and the visibility
property specifies if an element should be visible or hidden.

Hiding an Element - display:none or visibility:hidden

Hiding an element can be done by setting the display property to "none" or the visibility property
to "hidden". However, notice that these two methods produce different results:


Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 32

h1.hidden {visibility:hidden;}

Changing How an Element is Displayed

Changing an inline element to a block element, or vice versa, can be useful for making the page
look a specific way, and still follow web standards.

li {display:inline;}



<style type="text/css">

Span {


</style> </head>



<span>Record: MTV Unplugged in New York</span>


<span>Record: OK Computer</span>

<span>Year: 1997</span>


UNIT – 2: JavaScript

JavaScript was designed to add interactivity to HTML pages

JavaScript is a scripting language
A scripting language is a lightweight programming language
JavaScript is usually embedded directly into HTML pages
JavaScript is an interpreted language (means that scripts execute without
preliminary compilation)
Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 33
Everyone can use JavaScript without purchasing a license
JavaScript is case sensitive
JavaScript object-oriented Programming Language
Originally called Live Script when introduced in Netscape Navigator

Programming, HTML, and JavaScript

Created in 1989 European Laboratory for Particle Physics (Geneva Switzerland).
Developed by Netscape for use in Navigator Web Browsers

Provide an easy way to access cross-referenced documents that exist on the
internet .Purpose make web pages (documents) more dynamic and interactive
Change contents of document, provide forms and controls, animation, control
web browser window, etc.

JavaScript Two formats:

Client-side Program runs on client (browser)
Server-side Program runs on server
Proprietary to web server platform
JavaScript use
 JavaScript can be used to validate data - A JavaScript can be used to
validate form data before it is submitted to a server. This saves the
server from extra processing
 JavaScript can be used to detect the visitor's browser - A
JavaScript can be used to detect the visitor's browser, and - depending
on the browser - load another page specifically designed for that browser
 JavaScript can be used to create cookies - A JavaScript can be used
to store and retrieve information on the visitor's computer
 JavaScript can react to events - A JavaScript can be set to execute
when something happens, like when a page has finished loading or when
a user clicks on an HTML element
 An interpreted language – which no compilation steps this provides
easy development process.
 Performance- the HTML files are fairly compact and quit small.

<script type="text/javascript">
//your script goes here
<script type="text/javascript" src=‟path.js‟> </script>
Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 34
Mostly in the head section of HTML file, use script tags and then enclose in
Example :

<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("Hello World!");

Elements of JavaScript

Typical programming elements:

variables, operators, expressions, statements, definition of functions
Connection to Web
built-in functions (e.g., Date())
Document Object Model = names of „things‟, properties, methods (e.g.,
events (e.g., onSubmit, onMouseOver)
o JavaScript supports two types of comments. Double-slashes (//) tell
JavaScript to ignore everything to the end of the line.
//document. write(„alert‟);
o Block quotes begin a comment block with a slash-asterisk (/*) and
JavaScript will ignore everything from the start of the comment block
until it encounters an asterisk-slash (*/). Block quotes are useful for
temporally disabling large areas of code, or describing the purpose of a
function, or detailing the purpose and providing credits for the script

JavaScript is not a strongly typed language which means you rarely have
to concern yourself with the type of data a variable is storing, only what the
variable is storing and in JavaScript, variables can store anything, even
Syntax : var <variable Name> =value

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 35

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 36
Sample program for data type:

<script type="text/javascript">



document.write("<br />");

var a=5,b=10,c;



document.write("<br />");

var oct=0377,x=10,res;



Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 37

document.write("<br />");



document.write("<br />");




Arrays are simply an ordered stack of data items with the same data type.
Using arrays, you can store multiple values under a single name. Instead of
using a separate variable for each item, you can use one array to hold all of


var arrayname = new Array(numberofelements)

Example : Array with sort Char



<script type="text/javascript">

var fruits = ["Banana", "Orange", "Apple", "Mango"];




Example : Array with sort No



<script type="text/javascript">

function sortNumber(a, b)

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 38

return b - a;

var n = ["10", "5", "40", "25", "100", "1"];




Dynamic Arrays:
In many a cases we will not want to create the array with a fixed size or
length. In such cases we can create an array with out passing length. This array
will dynamically set its value as and when a new variable or entry is added

Looping Constructor

A set of statements are executed as a loop until a condition is satisfied, the

condition is based on an incremental or decremental counter. In other words
"Looping statements in javascript are used to execute the same set of code a
specified number of times"

If Statement

Use the if statement to execute some code only if a specified condition is true.


if (condition)
code to be executed if condition is true

If...else Statement

Use the if....else statement to execute some code if a condition is true and
another code if the condition is not true.


if (condition)
code to be executed if condition is true
Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 39
code to be executed if condition is not true



<script type="text/javascript">

var a=5,b=10;


document.write("A is big");


document.write("B is big");

} </script> </body> </html>

Switch Statement:

Use the switch statement to select one of many blocks of code to be executed.



case 1:
execute code block 1
case 2:
execute code block 2
code to be executed if n is different from case 1 and 2



<script type="text/javascript">

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 40

var d = new Date()


switch (theDay)

case 1: document.write("SUNDAY")


case 2: document.write("Mon Day")


case 3: document.write("Tues day")



document.write("I'm really looking forward to this weekend!");

} </script> </body> </html>

while Loop

The while loop loops through a block of code while a specified condition is true.


while (var<=endvalue)
code to be executed


<html> <body>

<script type="text/javascript">


while (i <= 5)

document.write("The number is " + i)


Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 41


</script> </body> </html>

do...while Loop

The do...while loop is a variant of the while loop. This loop will execute the
block of code ONCE, and then it will repeat the loop as long as the specified
condition is true.


code to be executed
while (var<=endvalue);


<script language="javascript">

var i=0;


document.write("Testing DO-While loop");



for Loop

The for loop is used when you know in advance how many times the script
should run.


Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 42

code to be executed


<html> <body>

<script type="text/javascript">

for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)

document.write("The number is " + i)


</script> </body> </html>


A function contains code that will be executed by an event or by a call to the


You may call a function from anywhere within a page (or even from other pages
if the function is embedded in an external .js file).

Functions can be defined both in the <head> and in the <body> section of a


function functionname(var1,var2,...,varX)
some code


<html> <head>

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 43

<script type="text/javascript">

function myfunction(txt)






<input type="button" onclick="myfunction('Hello')" value="Call function">


</body> </html>

Funtion with return Statement

The return statement is used to specify the value that is returned from the
function. So, functions that are going to return a value must use the return




<script type="text/javascript">

function total(numberA,numberB)

return numberA + numberB



Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 44


<script type="text/javascript">





Dialog box

JavaScript supports three important types of dialog boxes. These dialog boxes
can be used to raise and alert, or to get confirmation on any input or to have a
kind of input from the users.

Alert Dialog Box

The alert() method displays an alert box with a specified message and an OK






<script type="text/javascript">

function display()

alert("Hello! I am an alert box!!");




Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 45

<input type="button" onclick="display()" value="AlertBox" />



Prompt Dialog Box

The prompt dialog box is very useful when you want to pop-up a text box to get
user input



Msg -Required. The message to display in the dialog

boxdefaultText-Optional. The default input value


<html> <head>

<script type="text/javascript">

function dispprompt()

var fname=prompt("Please enter your name:","Your name")

document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML="Greetings " + fname




<input type="button" onclick="dispprompt()" value="prompt box" />

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 46

<br /><br />

<div id="msg"></div>



Confirmation Dialog Box

A confirmation dialog box is mostly used to take user's consent on any option.
It displays a dialog box with two buttons: OK and Cancel.





<script type="text/javascript">

function display()

confirm("Do you want to continue ?")

</script> </head> <body>

<input type="button" onclick="display()" value="confirm" />

</body> </html>

UNIT – 3

JavaScript document object model

The DOM (Document Object Model) gives you generic access to most elements,
their styles and attributes in a document.

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 47

Each HTML document loaded into a browser window becomes a Document

The Document object provides access to all HTML elements in a page, from
within a script.

The Document object is also part of the Window object, and can be accessed
through the window.document property.

Collection Description

anchors[] Returns an array of all the anchors in the document

forms[] Returns an array of all the forms in the document

images[] Returns an array of all the images in the document

links[] Returns an array of all the links in the document


The anchors collection returns an array of all the anchors in the current






<a name=" java ">java</a><br />

<a name="c++">C++</a><br />

<script type="text/javascript">

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 48



The forms collection returns an array of all the forms in the current document




<form name="Form1"></form>
<form name="Form2"></form>
<p>Number of forms:
<script type="text/javascript">


The images collection returns an array of all the images in the current





<img border="0" src="a.jpg" width="150" height="113" />

<img border="0" src="b.jpg" width="152" height="128" />

<p>Number of images:
<script type="text/javascript">


Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 49

</body> </html>

The links collection returns an array of all the links in the current document.
The links collection counts
<a href=""> tags and <area> tags.
<a href="images.html">Images</a>
<p>Number of areas/links:
<script type="text/javascript">
</script></p> </body> </html>
Javascript is an Event Driven Language

Javascript is an event driven language which means your scripts react to events
you set up. Your code isn't running all the time, it simply waits until an event
starts something up! Going into all the Javascript events is beyond the scope.

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 50

Window object
The JavaScript Window Object is the highest level JavaScript object which
corresponds to the web browser window.
Using JavaScript, we can manipulate windows in a variety of ways, such as
open one, close it, reload its page, change the attributes of the new window
Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 51
Open method
The open() method opens a new browser window.


URL -pecifies the URL of the page to open

name -Specifies the target attribute or the name of the window.
specs -A comma-separated list of items.

Reload window
To reload a window, use this method:


Close Window
The closed property returns a Boolean value indicating whether a window has
been closed or not.


Example Window object

<script type="text/javascript">
function openWin()
myWindow.document.write("<p>This is 'myWindow'</p>");
function closeWin()

function Relo()
Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 52
<input type="button" value="Open 'myWindow'" onclick="openWin()" />
<input type="button" value="Close 'myWindow'" onclick="closeWin()" />
<input type="button" value="Reload" onclick="Relo()" />

setInterval() method
The setInterval() method calls a function or evaluates an expression at
specified intervals (in milliseconds).
1000 ms = 1 second.
setTimeout("alert('hi!');", 500);

Other window objects

print()Prints the content of the current window
resizeBy()Resizes the window by the specified pixels
moveBy()Moves a window relative to its current position
moveTo()Moves a window to the specified position

Navigator Object
The navigator object contains information about the browser.

Property Description
appCodeName Returns the code name of the browser
appName Returns the name of the browser
appVersion Returns the version information of the browser
cookieEnabled Determines whether cookies are enabled in the browser

platform Returns for which platform the browser is compiled

userAgent Returns the user-agent header sent by the browser to

the server

The Navigator object is designed to contain information about the version

of Netscape Navigator which is being used. However, it can also be used with
Internet Explorer. All of its properties, which are read-only, contain information
about different aspects of the browser
Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 53
Navigator Syntax



<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("Browser CodeName: " + navigator.appCodeName);
document.write("<br /><br />");
document.write("Browser Name: " + navigator.appName);
document.write("<br /><br />");
document.write("Browser Version: " + navigator.appVersion);
document.write("<br /><br />");
document.write("Cookies Enabled: " + navigator.cookieEnabled);
document.write("<br /><br />");
document.write("Platform: " + navigator.platform);
document.write("<br /><br />");
document.write("User-agent header: " + navigator.userAgent);

. Screen object

The screen object contains information about the visitor's screen.

There is no public standard that applies to the screen object, but all major
browsers support it.

Property Description
availHeight Returns the height of the screen (excluding the Windows

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 54

availWidth Returns the width of the screen (excluding the Windows
colorDepth Returns the bit depth of the color palette for displaying
height Returns the total height of the screen
pixelDepth Returns the color resolution (in bits per pixel) of the screen

width Returns the total width of the screen

Screen Syntax



<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("Available Height: " + screen.availHeight);
document.write("</br>Available Width: " + screen.availWidth);
document.write("</br>Color Depth: " + screen.colorDepth);
document.write("</br>Total Height: " + screen.height);
document.write("</br>Color resolution: " + screen.pixelDepth);
document.write("</br>Total Width: " + screen.width);

Form Object
form object is a Browser object of JavaScript used to access an HTML form. If a
user wants to access all forms within a document then he can use the forms
Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 55
The form object is actually a property of document object that is uniquely
created by the browser for each form present in a document.
The properties and methods associated with form object are used to access the
form fields, attributes and controls associated with forms.

Properties of Form Object:

 action  hidden
 elements[]  password
 encoding  radio
 length  reset
 method  select
 name  submit
 target  text
 button checkbox  textarea
 FileUpload

This property is a read or write property and its value is a string.
It contains all fields and controls present in the form. The user can access any
element associated with the form by using the looping concept on the elements
This property is a read or write property and its value is a string. This property
helps determine the way of encoding the form data.
This denotes the length of the elements array associated with the form.
This property is a read or write property and its value is a string. This property
helps determine the method by which the form is submitted.
name property of form object denotes the form name.
This property denotes the name of the target window to which form it is to be
submitted into.
The button property of form object denotes the button GUI control placed in the
checkbox property of form object denotes the checkbox field placed in the form.
select property of form object denotes the selection list object placed in the
Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 56
submit property of form object denotes the submit button field that is placed in
the form.
text property of form object denotes the text field placed in the form.
textarea property of form object denotes the text area field placed in the form.

Example of form objet

<TITLE>Test Input</TITLE>
<FORM NAME="myform" ACTION="" METHOD="GET">Enter box: <BR>
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="inputbox" VALUE=""><P>
<INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="button" Value="Click" >
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="rad" VALUE="radio_button3" onClick=0>
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="rad" VALUE="radio_button4" onClick=0>
<br>Language know<br>
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="check2" Value="Check2">Tamil<BR>
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="check3" Value="Check3">English<BR>
This is Text Area
<TEXTAREA NAME="myarea" COLS="40" ROWS="5">
List Items
<SELECT NAME="list" SIZE="1">
<OPTION>This is item 1
<OPTION>This is item 2
<INPUT TYPE="file" NAME="elementName">
Built-in objects
These built-in objects are available through both the client-side JavaScript and
through LiveWire (Netscape's server-side application).
The three built-in objects are: the String object, the Math object, and
Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 57
the Date object. Each of these provides great functionality, and together they
give JavaScript its power as a scripting language.
The String Object
The String object is used to manipulate a stored piece of text.
String objects are created with new String().

var txt = new String(string);
String Object Methods
Method Description

charAt() Returns the character at the specified index

charCodeAt() Returns the Unicode of the character at the specified index
concat() Joins two or more strings, and returns a copy of the joined strings

fromCharCode() Converts Unicode values to characters

indexOf() Returns the position of the first found occurrence of a specified value in
a string
lastIndexOf() Returns the position of the last found occurrence of a specified value in
a string
match() Searches for a match between a regular expression and a string, and
returns the matches
replace() Searches for a match between a substring (or regular expression) and a
string, and replaces the matched substring with a new substring

search() Searches for a match between a regular expression and a string, and
returns the position of the match
slice() Extracts a part of a string and returns a new string
split() Splits a string into an array of substrings
substr() Extracts the characters from a string, beginning at a specified start
position, and through the specified number of character
substring() Extracts the characters from a string, between two specified indices

toLowerCase() Converts a string to lowercase letters

toUpperCase() Converts a string to uppercase letters
valueOf() Returns the primitive value of a String object

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 58
<script type="text/javascript">
var str="Hello world!";
document.write("First character: " + str.charAt(0) + "<br />");
document.write("Unicode of first character: " + str.charCodeAt(0) + "<br />");
document.write(str.indexOf("Hello") + "<br />");
document.write(str.toLowerCase()+"<br />");
document.write(str.toUpperCase()+"<br />");
document.write(str.valueOf()+"<br />")
var str1="Hello ";
var str2="Dharma!";
var str3=" Have a nice day!";
document.write(str1.concat(str2,str3)+ "<br />");
document.write(String.fromCharCode(72,69,76,76,79)+ "<br />");
document.write(str.lastIndexOf("Hello") + "<br />");
var str1="The rain in SPAIN stays mainly in the plain";
var patt1=/ain/gi;
document.write(str1.match(patt1)+ "<br />");
document.write(str.replace("Microsoft", "W3Schools"));
document.write(str.substr(3)+"<br />");

Date Object

The Date object is used to work with dates and times.

Date objects are created with new Date().
There are four ways of instantiating a date:

var d = new Date();

var d = new Date(milliseconds);
var d = new Date(dateString);
var d = new Date(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds);

Method Description

getDate() Returns the day of the month (from 1-31)

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 59

getDay() Returns the day of the week (from 0-6)
getFullYear() Returns the year (four digits)
getHours() Returns the hour (from 0-23)
getMilliseconds() Returns the milliseconds (from 0-999)
getMinutes() Returns the minutes (from 0-59)
getMonth() Returns the month (from 0-11)
getSeconds() Returns the seconds (from 0-59)
getTime() Returns the number of milliseconds since midnight Jan 1, 1970
getTimezoneOffset() Returns the time difference between GMT and local time, in
getUTCDate() Returns the day of the month, according to universal time (from
getUTCDay() Returns the day of the week, according to universal time (from
getUTCFullYear() Returns the year, according to universal time (four digits)
getUTCHours() Returns the hour, according to universal time (from 0-23)


<script type="text/javascript">
var d=new Date()
document.write(d.getMonth() +1)

Math Object

The Math object allows you to perform mathematical tasks.

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 60

Math is not a constructor. All properties/methods of Math can be called by using
Math as an object, without creating it.

var x = Math.PI; // Returns PI
var y = Math.sqrt(16); // Returns the square root of 16

Property Description

E Returns Euler's number (approx. 2.718)

LN2 Returns the natural logarithm of 2 (approx. 0.693)
LN10 Returns the natural logarithm of 10 (approx. 2.302)
LOG2E Returns the base-2 logarithm of E (approx. 1.442)
LOG10E Returns the base-10 logarithm of E (approx. 0.434)
PI Returns PI (approx. 3.14159)
SQRT1_2 Returns the square root of 1/2 (approx. 0.707)
SQRT2 Returns the square root of 2 (approx. 1.414)
abs(x) Returns the absolute value of x
acos(x) Returns the arccosine of x, in radians
asin(x) Returns the arcsine of x, in radians
atan(x) Returns the arctangent of x as a numeric value between -PI/2 and PI/2
atan2(y,x) Returns the arctangent of the quotient of its arguments
ceil(x) Returns x, rounded upwards to the nearest integer
cos(x) Returns the cosine of x (x is in radians)
exp(x) Returns the value of Ex
floor(x) Returns x, rounded downwards to the nearest integer
log(x) Returns the natural logarithm (base E) of x
max(x,y,z,...,n) Returns the number with the highest value
min(x,y,z,...,n) Returns the number with the lowest value
pow(x,y) Returns the value of x to the power of y
random() Returns a random number between 0 and 1
round(x) Rounds x to the nearest integer
sin(x) Returns the sine of x (x is in radians)
sqrt(x) Returns the square root of x
tan(x) Returns the tangent of an angle


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<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("abs"+Math.abs(7.25) + "<br />");
document.write("acos"+Math.acos(0.64) + "<br />")
document.write("asin"+Math.asin(0.64) + "<br />")
document.write("atan2"+Math.atan2(8,4)+ "<br />");
document.write("ceil"+Math.ceil(0.60) + "<br />");
document.write("cos"+Math.cos(3) + "<br />");
document.write("floor"+Math.floor(0.60) + "<br />")
document.write("log"+Math.log(1) + "<br />");
document.write("max"+Math.max(-5,10) + "<br />");
document.write("pow"+Math.pow(0,0) + "<br />");
document.write("rount"+Math.round(0.60) + "<br />");
document.write("random"+Math.random() + "<br />");
document.write("sin"+Math.sin(3) + "<br />");
document.write("sqrt"+Math.sqrt(9) + "<br />");

User Defined Object

All user-defined objects and built-in objects are descendants of an object called
Object. .
The new Operator:
The new operator is used to create an instance of an object. To create an
object, the new operator is followed by the constructor method.
<title>User-defined objects</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
var book = new Object(); // Create the object
book.subject = "C++"; // Assign properties to the object = "Balagurusami";
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("Book name is : " + book.subject + "<br>");
document.write("Book author is : " + + "<br>");

Cookies are small amounts of data stored by the web browser. They allow you
Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 62
to store particular information about a user and retrieve it every time they visit
your pages.Each user has their own unique set of cookies.


set.cookie = "name=value; expires=date; path=path; domain=domain;


name=value This sets both the cookie's name and its value.
Ex : username=AAAA
expires=date This optional value sets the date that the cookie will expire on.
The date should be in the format returned by the the toGMTString() method of
the Date object – Greenwith Mean Time(DD-MM-YY)
expires=13/06/2003 00:00:00
domain=domain This optional value specifies a domain within which the
cookie applies. Only websites in this domain will be able to retrieve the cookie
Ex :

secure : This optional flag indicates that the browser should use SSL when
sending the cookie to the server. This flag is rarely used.

JavaScript escape() function to encode the valuebefore storing it in the

cookie. If you do this, you will also have to use the
corresponding unescape() function when you read the cookie value.


<script type="text/javascript">
function WriteCookie()
if( document.myform.customer.value == "" )
alert("Enter some value!");
cookievalue= escape(document.myform.customer.value) + ";";
document.cookie="name=" + cookievalue;
alert("Setting Cookies : " + "name=" + cookievalue );
Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 63
<form name="myform" action="">
Enter name: <input type="text" name="customer"/>
<input type="button" value="Set Cookie" onclick="WriteCookie();"/>

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DotNet Framework

Microsoft. NET

The Microsoft. NET strategy was presented by Microsoft officials to the rest of the world in June 2000:

 .NET is Microsoft's new Internet and Web strategy

 .NET is NOT a new operating system
 .NET is a new Internet and Web based infrastructure
 .NET delivers software as Web Services
 .NET is a framework for universal services
 .NET is a server centric computing model
 .NET will run in any browser on any platform
 .NET is based on the newest Web standards

NET Internet Standards

.NET is built on the following Internet standards:

 HTTP, the communication protocol between Internet Applications

 XML, the format for exchanging data between Internet Applications
 SOAP, the standard format for requesting Web Services
 UDDI, the standard to search and discover Web Services

NET Framework

The .NET Framework is the infrastructure for the new Microsoft .NET Platform.

The .NET Framework is a common environment for building, deploying, and running Web Services and Web

The .NET Framework contains common class libraries - like ADO.NET, ASP.NET and Windows Forms - to
provide advanced standard services that can be integrated into a variety of computer systems.

The .NET Framework is language neutral. Currently it supports C++, C#, Visual Basic, JScript (The Microsoft
version of JavaScript) and COBOL. Third-party languages - like Eiffel, Perl, Python, Smalltalk, and others -
will also be available for building future .NET Framework applications.

The new Visual Studio.NET is a common development environment for the new .NET Framework. It
provides a feature-rich application execution environment, simplified development and easy integration
between a number of different development languages.

Common Language Run Time ( CLR)

Compilers and tools expose the runtime's functionality and enable you to write code that benefits from this
managed execution environment. Code that you develop with a language compiler that targets the runtime is
called managed code; it benefits from features such as cross-language integration, cross-language exception
handling, enhanced security, versioning and deployment support, a simplified model for component
interaction, and debugging and profiling services.

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To enable the runtime to provide services to managed code, language compilers must emit metadata that
describes the types, members, and references in your code. Metadata is stored with the code; every loadable
common language runtime portable executable (PE) file contains metadata. The runtime uses metadata to
locate and load classes, lay out instances in memory, resolve method invocations, generate native code,
enforce security, and set run-time context boundaries.

The runtime automatically handles object layout and manages references to objects, releasing them when they
are no longer being used. Objects whose lifetimes are managed in this way are called managed data. Garbage
collection eliminates memory leaks as well as some other common programming errors. If your code is
managed, you can use managed data, unmanaged data, or both managed and unmanaged data in your .NET
Framework application. Because language compilers supply their own types, such as primitive types, you
might not always know (or need to know) whether your data is being managed.

The common language runtime makes it easy to design components and applications whose objects interact
across languages. Objects written in different languages can communicate with each other, and their
behaviors can be tightly integrated. For example, you can define a class and then use a different language to
derive a class from your original class or call a method on the original class. You can also pass an instance of a
class to a method of a class written in a different language. This cross-language integration is possible because
language compilers and tools that target the runtime use a common type system defined by the runtime, and
they follow the runtime's rules for defining new types, as well as for creating, using, persisting, and binding
to types.

As part of their metadata, all managed components carry information about the components and resources
they were built against. The runtime uses this information to ensure that your component or application has
the specified versions of everything it needs, which makes your code less likely to break because of some
unmet dependency. Registration information and state data are no longer stored in the registry where they
can be difficult to establish and maintain. Rather, information about the types you define (and their
dependencies) is stored with the code as metadata, making the tasks of component replication and removal
much less complicated.

Language compilers and tools expose the runtime's functionality in ways that are intended to be useful and
intuitive to developers. This means that some features of the runtime might be more noticeable in one
environment than in another. How you experience the runtime depends on which language compilers or
tools you use. For example, if you are a Visual Basic developer, you might notice that with the common
language runtime, the Visual Basic language has more object-oriented features than before. Following are
some benefits of the runtime:

 Performance improvements.
 The ability to easily use components developed in other languages.
 Extensible types provided by a class library.
 New language features such as inheritance, interfaces, and overloading for object-oriented
programming; support for explicit free threading that allows creation of multithreaded, scalable
applications; support for structured exception handling and custom attributes.
If you use Microsoft Visual C++.NET, you can write managed code using the Managed Extensions for C++,
which provide the benefits of a managed execution environment as well as access to powerful capabilities
and expressive data types that you are familiar with. Additional runtime features include:

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 Cross-language integration, especially cross-language inheritance.
 Garbage collection, which manages object lifetime so that reference counting is unnecessary.
 Self-describing objects, which make using Interface Definition Language (IDL) unnecessary.
 The ability to compile once and run on any CPU and operating system that supports the runtime.

Common Type System (CTS)

Common Type System (CTS) describes how types are declared, used and managed in the runtime and
facilitates cross-language integration, type safety, and high performance code execution.

Common Language Specification (CLS)

The CLS is simply a specification that defines the rules to support language integration in such a way that
programs written in any language, yet can interoperate with one another, taking full advantage of
inheritance, polymorphism, exceptions, and other features.


ASP.NET is the latest version of ASP. It includes Web Services to link applications, services and devices using

New in ASP.NET:

 New Language Support

 Programmable Controls
 Event Driven Programming
 XML Based Components
 User Authentication
 User Accounts and Roles
 High Scalability
 Compiled Code
 Easy Configuration
 Easy Deployment
 Not ASP Compatible
 Includes ADO.NET

Asp.Net – Introduction is the new offering for Web developers form the Microsoft. It is not simply the next generation of
ASP. Because it has evolved from Asp, Asp.Net looks very similar to its predecessor. But concepts like web
forms, Web Services, or server controls gives Asp.Net the power to build real Web application.

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What is ASP.NET?

 ASP.NET provides services to allow the creation, deployment, and execution of Web Applications
and Web Services
 Like ASP, ASP.NET is a server-side technology
 Web Applications are built using Web Forms. ASP.NET comes with built-in Web Forms controls,
which are responsible for generating the user interface. They mirror typical HTML widgets like text
boxes or buttons. If these controls do not fit your needs, you are free to create your own user controls.
 Web Forms are designed to make building web-based applications as easy as building Visual Basic

Features of ASP.NET

 Separation of Code from HTML

To make a clean sweep, with ASP.NET you have the ability to completely separate layout and
business logic. This makes it much easier for teams of programmers and designers to collaborate
efficiently. This makes it much easier for teams of programmers and designers to collaborate
 Support for compiled languages
developer can use VB.NET and access features such as strong typing and object-oriented
programming. Using compiled languages also means that ASP.NET pages do not suffer the
performance penalties associated with interpreted code. ASP.NET pages are precompiled to byte-
code and Just In Time (JIT) compiled when first requested. Subsequent requests are directed to the
fully compiled code, which is cached until the source changes.
 Use services provided by the .NET Framework
The .NET Framework provides class libraries that can be used by your application. Some of the key
classes help you with input/output, access to operating system services, data access, or even
debugging. We will go into more detail on some of them in this module.
 Graphical Development Environment
Visual Studio .NET provides a very rich development environment for Web developers. You can
drag and drop controls and set properties the way you do in Visual Basic 6. And you have full
IntelliSense support, not only for your code, but also for HTML and XML.
 State management
To refer to the problems mentioned before, ASP.NET provides solutions for session and application
state management. State information can, for example, be kept in memory or stored in a database. It
can be shared across Web farms, and state information can be recovered, even if the server fails or the
connection breaks down
 Update files while the server is running
Components of your application can be updated while the server is online and clients are connected.
The Framework will use the new files as soon as they are copied to the application. Removed or old
files that are still in use are kept in memory until the clients have finished.
 XML-Based Configuration Files
Configuration settings in ASP.NET are stored in XML files that you can easily read and edit. You can
also easily copy these to another server, along with the other files that comprise your application.

ASP.NET Page Life Cycle Overview

When an ASP.NET page runs, the page goes through a life cycle in which it performs a series of
processing steps. These include initialization, instantiating controls, restoring and maintaining state, running
event handler code, and rendering. It is important for you to understand the page life cycle so that you can

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write code at the appropriate life-cycle stage for the effect you intend. Additionally, if you develop custom
controls, you must be familiar with the page life cycle in order to correctly initialize controls, populate control
properties with view-state data, and run any control behavior code. (The life cycle of a control is based on the
page life cycle, but the page raises more events for a control than are available for an ASP.NET page alone.)

General Page Life-cycle Stages

In general terms, the page goes through the stages outlined in the following table. In addition to the
page life-cycle stages, there are application stages that occur before and after a request but are not specific to a

Stage Description

Page request The page request occurs before the page life cycle begins. When the page is requested by a
user, ASP.NET determines whether the page needs to be parsed and compiled (therefore
beginning the life of a page), or whether a cached version of the page can be sent in response
without running the page.
Start In the start step, page properties such as Request and Response are set. At this stage, the
page also determines whether the request is a postback or a new request and sets the
IsPostBack property. Additionally, during the start step, the page's UICulture property is
Page During page initialization, controls on the page are available and each control's UniqueID
initialization property is set. Any themes are also applied to the page. If the current request is a postback,
the postback data has not yet been loaded and control property values have not been
restored to the values from view state.
Load During load, if the current request is a postback, control properties are loaded with
information recovered from view state and control state.
Validation During validation, the Validate method of all validator controls is called, which sets the
IsValid property of individual validator controls and of the page.
Postback event If the request is a postback, any event handlers are called.
Rendering Before rendering, view state is saved for the page and all controls. During the rendering
phase, the page calls the Render method for each control, providing a text writer that writes
its output to the OutputStream of the page's Response property.
Unload Unload is called after the page has been fully rendered, sent to the client, and is ready to be
discarded. At this point, page properties such as Response and Request are unloaded and
any cleanup is performed.

Life-cycle Events

Within each stage of the life cycle of a page, the page raises events that you can handle to run your own code.
For control events, you bind the event handler to the event, either declaratively using attributes such as
onclick, or in code.

Pages also support automatic event wire-up, meaning that ASP.NET looks for methods with particular names
and automatically runs those methods when certain events are raised. If the AutoEventWireup attribute of

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the @ Page directive is set to true (or if it is not defined, since by default it is true), page events are
automatically bound to methods that use the naming convention of Page_event, such as Page_Load and

The following table lists the page life-cycle events that you will use most frequently. There are more
events than those listed; however, they are not used for most page processing scenarios. Instead, they are
primarily used by server controls on the ASP.NET Web page to initialize and render themselves. If you want
to write your own ASP.NET server controls, you need to understand more about these stages.

Page Event Typical Use

PreInit Use this event for the following:

 Check the IsPostBack property to determine whether this is the first time the page is
being processed.
 Create or re-create dynamic controls.
 Set a master page dynamically.
 Set the Theme property dynamically.
 Read or set profile property values.


If the request is a postback, the values of the controls have not yet been restored from
view state. If you set a control property at this stage, its value might be overwritten in
the next event.

Init Raised after all controls have been initialized and any skin settings have been applied.
Use this event to read or initialize control properties.
InitComplete Raised by the Page object. Use this event for processing tasks that require all
initialization be complete.
PreLoad Use this event if you need to perform processing on your page or control before the Load
After the Page raises this event, it loads view state for itself and all controls, and then
processes any postback data included with the Request instance.
Load The Page calls the OnLoad event method on the Page, then recursively does the same for
each child control, which does the same for each of its child controls until the page and
all controls are loaded.
Use the OnLoad event method to set properties in controls and establish database
Control events Use these events to handle specific control events, such as a Button control's Click event
or a TextBox control's TextChanged event.


In a postback request, if the page contains validator controls, check the IsValid
property of the Page and of individual validation controls before performing any

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 70

LoadComplete Use this event for tasks that require that all other controls on the page be loaded.
PreRender Before this event occurs:
 The Page object calls EnsureChildControls for each control and for the page.
 Each data bound control whose DataSourceID property is set calls its DataBind
method. For more information, see Data Binding Events for Data-Bound Controls
The PreRender event occurs for each control on the page. Use the event to make final
changes to the contents of the page or its controls.
SaveStateComplete Before this event occurs, ViewState has been saved for the page and for all controls. Any
changes to the page or controls at this point will be ignored.
Use this event perform tasks that require view state to be saved, but that do not make
any changes to controls.
Render This is not an event; instead, at this stage of processing, the Page object calls this method
on each control. All ASP.NET Web server controls have a Render method that writes out
the control's markup that is sent to the browser.
If you create a custom control, you typically override this method to output the control's
markup. However, if your custom control incorporates only standard ASP.NET Web
server controls and no custom markup, you do not need to override the Render method.
A user control (an .ascx file) automatically incorporates rendering, so you do not need to
explicitly render the control in code.
Unload This event occurs for each control and then for the page. In controls, use this event to do
final cleanup for specific controls, such as closing control-specific database connections.
For the page itself, use this event to do final cleanup work, such as closing open files and
database connections, or finishing up logging or other request-specific tasks.


During the unload stage, the page and its controls have been rendered, so you cannot
make further changes to the response stream. If you attempt to call a method such as
the Response.Write method, the page will throw an exception.

Structure of Asp.Net

You can use directives to specify optional settings used by the page compiler when processing ASP.NET files.
For each directive you can set different attributes. One example is the language directive at the beginning of a
page defining the default programming language.

Code Declaration Blocks

Code declaration blocks are lines of code enclosed in <script> tags. They contain the runat=server attribute,
which tells ASP.NET that these controls can be accessed on the server and on the client. Optionally you can
specify the language for the block. The code block itself consists of the definition of member variables and

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 71

Code Render Blocks

Render blocks contain inline code or inline expressions enclosed by the character sequences shown here. The
language used inside those blocks could be specified through a directive like the one shown before.

HTML Control Syntax

You can declare several standard HTML elements as HTML server controls. Use the element as you are
familiar with in HTML and add the attribute runat=server. This causes the HTML element to be treated as a
server control. It is now programmatically accessible by using a unique ID. HTML server controls must reside
within a <form> section that also has the attribute runat=server.

Custom Control Syntax

There are two different kinds of custom controls. On the one hand there are the controls that ship with .NET,
and on the other hand you can create your own custom controls. Using custom server controls is the best way
to encapsulate common programmatic functionality.Just specify elements as you did with HTML elements,
but add a tag prefix, which is an alias for the fully qualified namespace of the control. Again you must
include the runat=server attribute. If you want to get programmatic access to the control, just add an Id
attribute.You can include properties for each server control to characterize its behavior. For example, you can
set the maximum length of a TextBox. Those properties might have sub properties; you know this principle
from HTML. Now you have the ability to specify, for example, the size and type of the font you use .The last
attribute is dedicated to event binding. This can be used to bind the control to a specific event

Data Binding Expression

You can create bindings between server controls and data sources. The data binding expression is enclosed by
the character sequences <%# and %>. The data-binding model provided by ASP.NET is hierarchical. That
means you can create bindings between server control properties and superior data sources.

Server-side Object Tags

If you need to create an instance of an object on the server, use server-side object tags. When the page is
compiled, an instance of the specified object is created. To specify the object use the identifier attribute. You
can declare .NET objects using class as the identifier, and COM objects using either progid or classid.

Server-side Include Directives

With server-side include directives you can include raw contents of a file anywhere in your ASP.NET file.
Specify the type of the path to filename with the path type attribute. Use either File, when specifying a
relative path, or Virtual, when using a full virtual path.

Server-side Comments

To prevent server code from executing, use these character sequences to comment it out. You can comment
out full blocks - not just single lines.

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Asp.Net – Framework
ASP.NET is based on the fundamental architecture of .NET Framework. Visual studio provides a uniform
way to combine the various features of this Architecture. Architecture is explained form bottom to top in the
following discussion.

At the bottom of the Architecture is Common Language Runtime. NET framework common language
runtime resides on top of the operating system services. The common language runtime loads and executes
code that targets the runtime. This code is therefore called managed code. The runtime gives you, for
example, the ability for cross-language integration.

1..NET Framework provides a rich set of class libraries. These include base classes, like networking and
input/output classes, a data class library for data access, and classes for use by programming tools, such as
debugging services. All of them are brought together by the Services Framework, which sits on top of the
common language runtime.

2. ADO.NET is Microsoft’s ActiveX Data Object (ADO) model for the .NET Framework. ADO.NET is not
simply the migration of the popular ADO model to the managed environment but a completely new
paradigm for data access and manipulation.

ADO.NET is intended specifically for developing web applications. This is evident from its two major design

>>Disconnected Datasets—In ADO.NET, almost all data manipulation is done outside the context of an open
database connection.
>>Effortless Data Exchange with XML—Datasets can converse in the universal data format of the Web,
namely XML.

3. The 4th layer of the framework consists of the Windows application model and, in parallel, the Web
application model.
Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 73
The Web application model-in the slide presented as ASP.NET-includes Web Forms and Web Services.
ASP.NET comes with built-in Web Forms controls, which are responsible for generating the user interface.
They mirror typical HTML widgets like text boxes or buttons. If these controls do not fit your needs, you are
free to create your own user controls. Web Services brings you a model to bind different applications over the
Internet. This model is based on existing infrastructure and applications and is therefore standard-based,
simple, and adaptable. Web Services are software solutions delivered via Internet to any device. Today, that
means Web browsers on computers, for the most part, but the device-agnostic design of .NET will eliminate
this limitation.

4. One of the obvious themes of .NET is unification and interoperability between various programming
languages. In order to achieve this; certain rules must be laid and all the languages must follow these rules. In
other words we can not have languages running around creating their own extensions and their own fancy
new data types. CLS is the collection of the rules and constraints that every language (that seeks to achieve
.NET compatibility) must follow.

5.The CLR and the .NET Frameworks in general, however, are designed in such a way that code written in
one language can not only seamlessly be used by another language. Hence ASP.NET can be programmed in
any of the .NET compatible language whether it is VB.NET, C#, Managed C++ or JScript.NET.

Asp.Net – Controls

Types of Controls:

1. Web Controls

2. Html Controls

3. Validation Controls

4. User Controls

1. Web Controls:

Web Controls provide a more consistent object model and a higher level of abstraction than HtmlControls
– Most HTML elements can also be represented as Web Controls on the server
– Web Control versions typically have a more consistent interface (background color is always Back Color
property whereas in HTML it may be a style attribute (span) or a property (table) )
– Web Controls also provide higher-level controls with more functionality than primitive HTML elements
(like the Calendar control)
– Web Controls may render themselves differently based on client browser capabilities

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Hierarchy of Web controls

Web controls

AdRotator Listbutton Image

DataGrid RadioButtonList ImageButton

DataList CheckBoxList Label

Button DropDownList

Calendar ListBox

CheckBox Panel

RadioButton Table

HyperLink TableRow

Textbox TableCell

A sample ASP.NET Page written with Webcontrols

<%@ Page Language="C#" %>



<form runat="Server">

<asp:RadioButton Text="Click me !" runat="server" ID="rb"/></br>

<asp:CheckBox Text="Click me !" runat="server" ID="ck"/></br>

<asp:Button Text="Click me !" runat="server" ID="btn"/></br>




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1.HTML Controls:

HtmlControls are server-side representations of standard HTML elements

– Any HTML element in an ASPX page marked with the runat=server attribute will become an HTML control
on the server

– All derive from HtmlControl class

– HTML elements with no distinguished server-side functionality (like div, span, etc.) are all represented as
HtmlGenericControl instances
Html Controls

Html Image HtmlForm

HtmlInputFile HtmlButton

HtmlInputHidden HtmlSelect

HtmlInputRadioButton HtmlTable

HtmlInputText HtmlTableCell

HtmlInputButton HtmlTableRow

HtmlInputCheckButton HtmlTextArea

HtmlInputImage HtmlAnchor

A sample Code for HtmlControls

The Anchor control to programmatically control an <a> HTML element. The <a> HTML
element allows you to create a hyperlink that allows you to move to another location on the
page or to another Web page. The HtmlAnchor control must be well formed with an opening
and closing tag.

<a id="anchor1" runat="server">

Remember to embed the HtmlAnchor control inside the opening and closing tags of
an HtmlForm control.

HtmlButton Button control to program against the HTML <button> element. You can provide
custom code for the ServerClick event of the HtmlButtoncontrol to specify the action
performed when the control is clicked.

The HtmlButton control renders JavaScript to the client browser. The client browser must
have JavaScript enabled for this control to function properly
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Declare an HtmlButton control on your Web Forms pag

<button runat="server"> </button>

Form control to program against the HTML <form> element. To take advantage of the
postback services, all Web Forms controls, whether HTML, Web, pagelet, or custom, must be
nested between well-formed opening and closing tags of the HtmlForm control. If the tags are
not closed properly, ASP.NET will not recognize the element. The element will either be ignored
or a compilation error will occur, depending on how the element is formed.

<form id="programmaticID" method=POST|GET action="srcpageURL" runat="server" >

Other controls, input forms, and so on.


Table control to program against the HTML <table> element. An HtmlTable control is made
up of rows (represented by HtmlTableRowobjects) stored in the Rows collection of a table. Each
row is made up of cells (represented by HtmlTableCell objects) stored in the Cells collection of a

To create a table, first declare an HtmlTable control in the form on your page. Next,
place HtmlTableRow objects between the opening and closing tags of the HtmlTable control,
one for each row you want in your table. Once the rows of the table are defined,
declare HtmlTableCell objects between the opening and closing tags of
each HtmlTableRow object to create the cells of the row.

<table id="programmaticID" align=left | center | right bgcolor="bgcolor"

border="borderwidthinpixels" bordercolor="bordercolor"
height="tableheight" rows="collectionofrows" width="tablewidth"
runat="server" >


File control to program against the HTML <input type=file> element. You can use
the HtmlInputFile control to easily design a page that allows users to upload binary or text
files from a browser to a directory that you designate on your Web server. File upload is
enabled in all HTML 3.2 and later Web browsers.

<input type=file id="programmaticID" accept="MIMEencodings"

maxlength="maxfilepathlength" size="widthoffilepathtextbox"
runat="server" >

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 77

Web Server Controls
The following topics cover the ASP.NET syntax that you use when creating a Web server control
in a text or HTML editor. These topics include the properties that are shared among all Web
server controls, as well as specific properties for each control.

Label control
Used to display text in a set location on the page. Unlike static text, you can customize the
displayed text by setting the Text property.

<asp:Label id="Label1" Text="label" runat="server"/>

Button control

The Button control allows you to create a push button on the Web Forms page. There are two
types of buttons that can be created. You can create either a submit button or
a command button.

<asp:Button id="SubmitButton" Text="Submit" OnClick="SubmitBtn_Click"


CheckBox control
The CheckBox control creates a check box on the Web Forms page that allows the user to
switch between a true or false state. You can specify the caption to display in the control by
setting the Text property. The caption can appear either on the right or left of the check box.
Set the TextAlignproperty to specify the side that the caption appears on.

<asp:CheckBox id=Check1 runat="server" Text="CheckBox 1" AutoPostBack="True"/>

HyperLink control
Use the HyperLink control to create a link that moves you to another page or location on the
page. Specify the page or location to link to by using theNavigateUrl property. The link can
either be displayed as text or an image. To display text, either set the Text property or simply
place the text between the opening and closing tags of the HyperLink control. To display an
image, set the ImageUrl property.

<asp:HyperLink id="hyperLink1" ImageUrl="images\pict.jpg"

NavigateUrl="" Text="Microsoft Official Site"
Target="_new" runat="server"/>

_blank Displays the linked page in a new window without frames.

_parentDisplays the linked page in the immediate frameset parent.
_self Displays the linked page in the frame with focus.
_top Displays the linked page in a the full window without frames.

Image control
Use the Image control to display an image on the Web Forms page. Setting
the ImageUrl property specifies the path to the displayed image. You can specify the text to display in
place of the image when the image is not available by setting the AlternateText property.
The ImageAlign property specifies the alignment of the image in relation to other elements on
the Web Forms page.

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 78

This control only displays an image. If you want the image to behave like a button or need to
determine the coordinates where the mouse pointer is clicked on the image, use
the ImageButton control.

<asp:Image id="image1" runat="server" AlternateText="Image Description"

ImageAlign="left" ImageUrl="pict.jpg"/>


The RadioButton server control creates a radio button on the Web Forms page. Specify the
text to display in the control by setting Text property. The text can appear either on the left or
the right of the radio button. Set TextAlign property to control the side that the text appears
on. You can group multiple radio buttons together if you specify the same GroupName for
each RadioButton control. Grouping radio buttons together will only allow a mutually exclusive
selection from the group.

<asp:RadioButton id="RadioButton1" AutoPostBack="True|False"

Checked="True|False" GroupName="GroupName" Text="label"
TextAlign="Right|Left" OnCheckedChanged="OnCheckedChangedMethod"

TextBox server control

The TextBox server control is an input control that lets the user enter text. By default,
the TextMode property is set to SingleLine, which creates a text box with only one line. You
can also set the property to MultiLine or Password. MultiLine creates a text box with more
than one line. Password creates a single-line text box that masks the value entered by the
user. The display width of the text box is determined by its Columns property. If the text box
is a multiline text box, the display height is determined by theRows property.

<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" TextMode="SingleLine |

MultiLine | Password" ></asp:TextBox>

CheckBoxList control
The CheckBoxList control creates a multiselection check box group that can be dynamically
generated using data binding. To specify items that you want to appear in
the CheckBoxList control, place a ListItem element for each entry between the opening and
closing tags of the CheckBoxList control.

<asp:CheckBoxList id="Check1" RepeatLayout="flow" runat="server">

<asp:ListItem>Item 1</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem>Item 2</asp:ListItem>

DropDownList control

Use the DropDownList control to create a single selection drop-down list control. You can
control the appearance of the DropDownList control by setting
the BorderColor, BorderStyle, and BorderWidth properties.

To specify the items that appear in the DropDownList control, place a ListItem element for
each entry between the opening and closing tags of theDropDownList control.
Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 79
<asp:RadioButtonList ID="RadioButtonList1" runat="server">
<asp:ListItem Text="a" Value="1"></asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Text="b" Value="2"></asp:ListItem

ImageButton control

Use the ImageButton control to display an image that responds to mouse clicks. Specify the
image to display in the control by setting the ImageUrlproperty.

Both the Click and Command events are raised when the ImageButton control is clicked.

<asp:ImageButton id="ImageButton1" ImageUrl="string" Command="Command"

CommandArgument="CommandArgument" CausesValidation="true | false"
OnClick="OnClickMethod" runat="server"/>

the ListBox control

Use the ListBox control to create a list control that allows single or multiple item selection. Use
the Rows property to specify the height of the control. To enable multiple item selection, set
the SelectionMode property to ListSelectionMode.Multiple.

To specify the items that you want to appear in the ListBox control, place a ListItem element
for each entry between the opening and closing tags of theListBox control.

<asp:ListBox ID="ListBox1" runat="server">

<asp:ListItem Value="2">b</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="1">a</asp:ListItem>

The DataGrid control

The DataGrid control renders a tabular, data-bound grid. This control allows you to define
various types of columns to control the layout of the cell contents of the grid (bound columns,
template columns) and add specific functionality (such as edit button columns, hyperlink
columns, and so on). The control also supports a variety of options for paging through data.

The DataGrid control displays the fields of a data source as columns in a table. Each row in
the DataGrid control represents a record in the data source. The DataGrid control supports
selection, editing, deleting, paging, and sorting.

<asp:DataGrid ID="DataGrid1" runat="server"> </asp:DataGrid>

The order that the columns are displayed in the DataGrid control is controlled by the order
that the columns appear in the Columnscollection. Although you can programmatically change
the order of the columns by manipulating the Columns collection, it is easier to list the
columns in the desired display order.

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 80

Explicitly declared columns can be used in conjunction with automatically generated columns.
When using both, explicitly declared columns will be rendered first, followed by the
automatically generated columns. Automatically generated columns are not added to
theColumns collection.


<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %>

<Script Runat="Server">

Sub Page_Load

Dim conNorthwind As SqlConnection

Dim cmdSelect As SqlCommand

conNorthwind=New SqlConnection( "Server=localhost;UID=sa;PWD=secret;Database=Northwind" )

cmdSelect = New SqlCommand( "Select * From Employees", conNorthwind )


dgrdEmployees.DataSource = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader()



End Sub



<body><asp:DataGrid ID="dgrdEmployees" Runat="Server" /></body></html>

Repeater control

Use the Repeater control to create a basic templated data-bound list. The Repeater control
has no built-in layout or styles; you must explicitly declare all HTML layout, formatting, and
style tags within the control's templates.

The Repeater control is different from other data list controls in that it allows you to place
HTML fragments in its templates. This allows you to create a complex HTML structure, such as a
table. For example, to create a list within an HTML table, start the table by placing
the <table> tag in theHeaderTemplate. Next, create the rows and columns of the table by
placing <tr> tags, <td> tags, and data-bound items in the ItemTemplate. If you want a
different appearance for alternating items in the table, create
an AlternatingItemTemplate with the same contents as the ItemTemplate, except with a
different style specified. Finally, complete the table by placing the </table> tag in
the FooterTemplate.

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 81

<asp:Repeater id="Repeater1"
DataSource="<% databindingexpression %>"

Header template HTML
Item template HTML
Alternating item template HTML
Separator template HTML
Footer template HTML


UNIT – 5:

Cookies Overview

Cookies provide a means in Web applications to store user-specific information. For example, when a user
visits your site, you can use cookies to store user preferences or other information. When the user visits your
Web site another time, the application can retrieve the information it stored earlier.

What Are Cookies?

A cookie is a small bit of text that accompanies requests and pages as they go between the Web server and
browser. The cookie contains information the Web application can read whenever the user visits the site.

For example, if a user requests a page from your site and your application sends not just a page, but also a
cookie containing the date and time, when the user's browser gets the page, the browser also gets the cookie,
which it stores in a folder on the user's hard disk.

Later, if user requests a page from your site again, when the user enters the URL the browser looks on the
local hard disk for a cookie associated with the URL. If the cookie exists, the browser sends the cookie to your
site along with the page request. Your application can then determine the date and time that the user last
visited the site. You might use the information to display a message to the user or check an expiration date.

Cookies are associated with a Web site, not with a specific page, so the browser and server will exchange
cookie information no matter what page the user requests from your site. As the user visits different sites,
each site might send a cookie to the user's browser as well; the browser stores all the cookies separately.

Cookies help Web sites store information about visitors. More generally, cookies are one way of maintaining
continuity in a Web application—that is, of performing state management. Except for the brief time when

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 82

they are actually exchanging information, the browser and Web server are disconnected. Each request a user
makes to a Web server is treated independently of any other request. Many times, however, it's useful for the
Web server to recognize users when they request a page. For example, the Web server on a shopping site
keeps track of individual shoppers so the site can manage shopping carts and other user-specific information.
A cookie therefore acts as a kind of calling card, presenting pertinent identification that helps an application
know how to proceed.

Cookies are used for many purposes, all relating to helping the Web site remember users. For example, a site
conducting a poll might use a cookie simply as a Boolean value to indicate whether a user's browser has
already participated in voting so that the user cannot vote twice. A site that asks a user to log on might use a
cookie to record that the user already logged on so that the user does not have to keep entering credentials.

You can add cookies to the Cookies collection in a number of ways. The following example shows two
methods to write cookies:

Visual Basic

Response.Cookies("userName").Value = "patrick"
Response.Cookies("userName").Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)

Dim aCookie As New HttpCookie("lastVisit")

aCookie.Value = DateTime.Now.ToString()
aCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 83

Most applications need data access at one point of time making it a crucial component when working with
applications. Data access is making the application interact with a database, where all the data is stored.
Different applications have different requirements for database access. ASP.NET uses ADO .NET (Active X
Data Object) as it's data access and manipulation protocol which also enables us to work with data on the

Advantages of ADO.Net

 ADO.NET Does Not Depend On Continuously Live Connections

 Database Interactions Are Performed Using Data Commands
 Data Can Be Cached in Datasets
 Datasets Are Independent of Data Sources
 Data Is Persisted as XML
 Schemas Define Data Structures


The dot net framework data provider for OLEDB provides connectivity with the OLEDB supported database
management systems. It is the recommended middle tier for the SQL Server 6.5 or earlier and Microsoft
Access Database. It is a general data provider. You can also use it to connect with the SQL Server or Oracle
Database Management Systems. The classes for this provider are present in the System.Data.OleDBClient

ADO.NET - Data Architecture

Data Access in ADO.NET relies on two components: DataSet and Data Provider.


The dataset is a disconnected, in-memory representation of data. It can be considered as a local copy of the
relevant portions of the database. The DataSet is persisted in memory and the data in it can be manipulated
and updated independent of the database. When the use of this DataSet is finished, changes can be made
back to the central database for updating. The data in DataSet can be loaded from any valid data source like
Microsoft SQL server database, an Oracle database or from a Microsoft Access database.

Data Provider

The Data Provider is responsible for providing and maintaining the connection to the database. A
DataProvider is a set of related components that work together to provide data in an efficient and
performance driven manner. The .NET Framework currently comes with two DataProviders: the
SQL Data Provider which is designed only to work with Microsoft's SQL Server 7.0 or later and the OleDb
DataProvider which allows us to connect to other types of databases like Access and Oracle. Each
DataProvider consists of the following component classes:

The Connection object which provides a connection to the database

The Command object which is used to execute a command
The DataReader object which provides a forward-only, read only, connected recordset
The DataAdapter object which populates a disconnected DataSet with data and performs update
Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 84
Data access with ADO.NET can be summarized as follows:

A connection object establishes the connection for the application with the database. The command object
provides direct execution of the command to the database. If the command returns more than a single value,
the command object returns a DataReader to provide the data. Alternatively, the DataAdapter can be used to
fill the Dataset object. The database can be updated using the command object or the DataAdapter.

Component classes that make up the Data Providers

The Connection Object

The Connection object creates the connection to the database. Microsoft Visual Studio .NET provides two
types of Connection classes: the SqlConnection object, which is designed specifically to connect to Microsoft
SQL Server 7.0 or later, and the OleDbConnection object, which can provide connections to a wide range of
database types like Microsoft Access and Oracle. The Connection object contains all of the information
required to open a connection to the database.

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 85

The Command Object

The Command object is represented by two corresponding classes: SqlCommand and OleDbCommand.
Command objects are used to execute commands to a database across a data connection. The Command
objects can be used to execute stored procedures on the database, SQL commands, or return complete tables
directly. Command objects provide three methods that are used to execute commands on the database:

ExecuteNonQuery: Executes commands that have no return values such as INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE
ExecuteScalar: Returns a single value from a database query
ExecuteReader: Returns a result set by way of a DataReader object

The DataReader Object

The DataReader object provides a forward-only, read-only, connected stream recordset from a database.
Unlike other components of the Data Provider, DataReader objects cannot be directly instantiated. Rather, the
DataReader is returned as the result of the Command object's ExecuteReader method. The
SqlCommand.ExecuteReader method returns a SqlDataReader object, and the
OleDbCommand.ExecuteReader method returns an OleDbDataReader object. The DataReader can provide
rows of data directly to application logic when you do not need to keep the data cached in memory. Because
only one row is in memory at a time, the DataReader provides the lowest overhead in terms of system
performance but requires the exclusive use of an open Connection object for the lifetime of the DataReader.

The DataAdapter Object

The DataAdapter is the class at the core of ADO .NET's disconnected data access. It is essentially the
middleman facilitating all communication between the database and a DataSet. The DataAdapter is used
either to fill a DataTable or DataSet with data from the database with it's Fill method. After the memory-
resident data has been manipulated, the DataAdapter can commit the changes to the database by calling the
Update method. The DataAdapter provides four properties that represent database commands:


When the Update method is called, changes in the DataSet are copied back to the database and the
appropriate InsertCommand, DeleteCommand, or UpdateCommand is executed.

Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 86

Internet Information Services (IIS) - formerly called Internet Information Server - is a web server
application and set of feature extension modules created by Microsoft for use with Microsoft Windows. It
is the world's second most popular web server in terms of overall websites behind the industry leader
Apache HTTP Server.

Internet Information Services is used to make your computer a web server. If we want to have a web
server for developing dynamic website or want to publish website on our own server then we install the
IIS. IIS is used on windows plate form.

IIS takes request from user and executes the required files and sends result back to the user. IIS server
also provides the services of SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol). We can send emails using SMTP.
FrontPage server extensions are also the part of IIS

IIS Features

IIS 7 is built on a modular architecture. Modules, also called extensions, can be added or removed
individually so that only modules required for specific functionality have to be installed. IIS 7 includes
native modules as part of the full installation. These modules are individual features that the server uses
to process requests and include the following:

HTTP modules - Used to perform tasks specific to HTTP in the request-processing pipeline, such as
responding to information and inquiries sent in client headers, returning HTTP errors, and redirecting

Security modules - Used to perform tasks related to security in the request-processing pipeline, such as
specifying authentication schemes, performing URL authorization, and filtering requests.
Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 87
Content modules - Used to perform tasks related to content in the request-processing pipeline, such as
processing requests for static files, returning a default page when a client does not specify a resource in a
request, and listing the contents of a directory.

Compression modules - Used to perform tasks related to compression in the request-processing pipeline,
such as compressing responses, applying Gzip compression transfer coding to responses, and performing
pre-compression of static content.

Caching modules - Used to perform tasks related to caching in the request-processing pipeline, such as
storing processed information in memory on the server and using cached content in subsequent requests
for the same resource.

Logging and Diagnostics modules - Used to perform tasks related to logging and diagnostics in the request-
processing pipeline, such as passing information and processing status to HTTP.sys for logging, reporting
events, and tracking requests currently executing in worker

E-mail [Electronic mail]

E-mail is one of the most common and reliable methods of communication for both personal and business
purposes. It also plays an important role in each and every Web site. This role will be in the type of automated
e-mails from the server after posting information from a form. You may have noticed these types of e-mails
while registering on a site.

The .NET Framework makes the task of sending email from a Web page relatively simple. In
order to send an email from an ASP.NET Web page you need to use the SmtpMail class found in
the System.Web.Mail namespace, which contains a static method Send.

We are using System.Web.Mail.SmtpMail to send email in dotnet 1.1 which is obsolete in

2.0. The System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient Class will provide us the same feature as that of its

This article explains how to use System.Net.Mail namespace to send emails.

Sending Email

The namespace that needs to be imported to send an email is the System.Web.Mail

namespace. We use the SmtpMail and MailMessage classes of this namespace for this purpose.
The MailMessage class provides properties and methods for constructing an email message

The following code shows how to add an attachment to an email.

Using System.IO;
Using System.Web.Mail;
Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 88
MailAttachment ma=new MailAttachment("c:\sample.txt");
MailMessage mm=new MailMessage();
mm.To ="";
mm.Body ="Attachment";
mm.Subject="Check out the attached text file";



Created by K.Dharmarajan M.Sc, M.Phil., Asst Professsor ,Vels University, Chennai-117 89

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