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Niche marketing is an advertising strategy that focuses on a unique target market.

Instead of marketing to everyone who could benefit from a product or service,
this strategy focuses exclusively on one group, a niche market or demographic of
potential customers who would most benefit from the offerings.
The benefit of niche marketing is that it allows brands to differentiate themselves,
appear as a unique authority, and resonate more deeply with a distinct set of
customers, rather than blend in with the many other brands that offer the same
type of product or service.



Apple has been one of the best in the industry at teaching consumers about new
categories of devices, just as it did with the iPod, iPhone, and iPad. And real-time
consumer reaction during the Apple Watch debut revealed overwhelmingly
favorable responses to the technology. Therefore, Apple is poised to drive the
smartwatch market and, once again, catalyze a new category of products and
experiences. This technology is connecting people in new and profound ways,
creating even more intimate connections through a personal device than ever
The Apple Watch brings that proximity to the next level. The real time
communication is critical for staying relevant and useful to your consumer. The
main reason Apple decided to create the apple watch is because their customers
were too much attached to their smartphones

Apple Watch is like a permanent lock screen, constantly displaying certain
information depending on the face you've opted for. You can swipe through
various screens to see the weather, your schedule for the day, and other
notifications. Talking of notifications, anything you can see on your phone can be
seen on your Apple Watch.
The smart watches enable phone interaction through the watch and offer core
functions including:
 Communication
 Fitness
 Information
 Time
An Apple Watch is a niche product, specifically marketed to the health-minded,
exercise-savvy, and ‘gotta-have-it-all’ constituents of the general population.


Countries where Apple has been huge success, mostly developed markets and
also the emerging markets.

Focus on all customers above 15 years. Middle income class and above.

Focused more towards younger generation and also who are concerned with
fitness and health.

People who are already IPhone users are the main focus group or the brand
loyal customers. In addition to the people who are obsessed with new gadgets,
especially in timepiece devices.

 Initially, Apple had targeted only 16 countries to begin with, where the
purchasing power and size is of a measurable scale.
 The price points are as usual to their other product line set at premium
level to attract the same category of users they have always focused on.
 Focus is heavily on current IPhone users.
 Focus are also made to huge extent to the health and fitness conscience
and customer looking out for fashion status symbol watches.
 Apple Watch target consumer are well-informed brand-driven avid
technology consumer with a medium, medium-high or high income level
who appreciates innovation.

Apple brand is reflected through their core beliefs about innovation, design, and
Apple Watch was to be the Fashion statement and so the whole set of
communication was built on positioning it as the style statement. Apple moved

from being merely the best product for a need to aspirational to a style
The company placed its smartwatch as an appealing peripheral for the iPhone.
You will need a compatible iPhone to enjoy the promised functionalities of Apple
Positioned as a premium product with the following point of difference:
 The watch has a display that never sleeps called as always on display, giving
it the feel of a watch displaying time everytime.
 It has apps to keep an eye on your heart. It reads your heart rate or checks
your heart rhythm.
 The watch can be customised any way you like. You can change the look of
your watch just by swapping out straps.
 The watch helps you crush your fitness goals. With advanced workout
metrics, GPS and water resistance to 50 metres, it’s made for all the ways
you exercise making it a fitness tracker.



With the changing lifestyle of people and their needs with the changing times, the
advancement and modern technologies coming up with the sole motive of

creating lives easier and smarter is changing the aspirations of people. People
want smartness and luxury in every product they use. They want everything that
makes their life smart, easy and comfortable at one go.
Apple saw the potential for using sensors in small, wearable devices. The main
reason Apple decided to create the Apple watch was because people were too
attached to their smartphones. People are carrying their phones with them and
looking at the screen so much. They wanted that same level of engagement.
For many consumers, wearable tech is the first step to eating better, reducing
stress and adopting a healthier lifestyle. Wearable gadgets allow consumers to
track their own health data, including activities and diet. These devices now
flooding the market offer varied functionality – from activity tracking to mobile
connectivity to medical monitoring.
While they offer a variety of capabilities, what unites most wearable technology
products is that they use sensors embedded in a watch. This explains why apparel
and footwear companies as well as tech brands are interested in this new hybrid
category. Although these devices are tech-centered, style still plays an important
role for many consumers. They seek beauty, status and peer approval from
wearable technology, just as with anything else they display on their bodies.



1. Creating shareable infographics:

Shares are crucial for reaching new audiences on social media. They ensure that
your content gets seen by people beyond your follower base and they build
organic reach in the wake of pesky algorithm changes. One of the most shareable
content formats out there is the infographic. They’re visually engaging, easy to
consume, and more fun to read than a regular article.

2. Improve your SEO with user-intent related keywords:

Search engine optimization (SEO) may seem intimidating, but it’s simple to
implement — and it’s vital to a brand’s exposure online. It involves getting your
content seen by search engines like Google and placed on search results pages.

3. Starting a Referral Program:

One way to achieve brand awareness through the coveted word-of-mouth
marketing is to help your loyal customers be your best advocates. A referral
program not only increases your reach and the amount of people who know your
name, but it also brings that awareness from a source that people trust––their
own friends and family.

4. Developing a voice for your brand:

Developing a brand voice can help your brand be sticky in the minds of
consumers. The voice your brand takes on can be funny, emotional, smart,
sentimental––it just has to be true to the brand and the audience you serve.

5. Take part in brand partnerships:

Linking up with another brand does more than just combine both company
reaches––it also builds trust among both audiences. If they like Brand A, and
Brand A is partnering with Brand B, maybe Brand B is someone they should know
about, too.

6. Impressive Guest Content:

Another great way to get your brand known on the web is to deliver ultra
valuable, gorgeous looking content to share on other blogs. Guest posting
(despite what some might tell you) is still a powerful way to get your name known
in your industry.

7. Influencer Marketing:
Getting contacts in high places is another easy way to boost your brand
awareness. Finding existing influencers in your industry whose business you could
potentially complement, rather than compete with. Make use of your partner’s
influencer network to promote your brand.

8. Posting advertisement on Youtube:

Posting advertisements on videos, mostly the cooking videos should be targeted
to put up the Ads in the beginning or in between.


1. Have A Noble Edge:

People are intensely loyal to brands leveraging the Noble Edge Effect. This is when
an independent source shares the socially responsible or charitable work your
company does.

2. Provide Value:
Don't just write content for the sake of content or throw out minimal discounts or
offers. Provide something your users actually care about.

3. Be Responsive:
Responsiveness is critical to brand loyalty. While your brand may resonate with
your persona, if your behind-the scenes-brand is not responsive to your audience,
you can quickly lose that loyalty.

4. Follow Up with Your Customers Regularly:

Checking in with customers after the sale is critical to establishing long-term
relationships, especially in business-to-business. Check in with your customers
during onboarding, right after onboarding, and at regular intervals.

5. Personalize Your Marketing:

Personalizing your marketing efforts will increase brand loyalty. Use the data your
users give to you to create more personalized experiences to deliver what they
want. Create customized offers and content based on your data.

6. Listen to Your Customers:

Companies should always listen to their customers. Regardless of positive or
negative feedback, every piece can be useful information

7. Reward your customers:

One of the best ways to keep customers coming back is to reward them for their
loyalty. Set up a loyalty program that gives customers discounts, gifts and
exclusive offers.



Name: Gender:
1. Are you aware of Electric Bikes?
a) Yes b) No
2) How did you come to know about Electric Bikes?
a) Newspaper /magazine b) Television
c) Internet d) Friends
e) Others
3) Which bike are you using presently?
a) Electric bike b) Conventional bike
4) Are you familiar with Yo Xplor electric scooter?
a) Yes b) No
5)Would you be interested in owning/converting your vehicle into Electric/Hybrid
a) Yes b) No c) Can’t say
6)What is preventing you from purchasing an Electric bike?
a) Nothing, I plan to buy an electric bike soon
b) The present cost of electric bikes is too high
c) The bikes available at the moment don't have enough range on a single
charge to meet my needs
d) I need more information about the technology before I would make a

e) It would be difficult to set up charging in my building/home
7)Where would you prefer to charge your Electric bike if you were to buy one in
the future?
a) At home b) At work c) Using public charging facilities
8)What should be the range of an Electric bike when fully charged?
a) Less than 100 km b)100-150 km c)150-200 km d) Other (please specify)
9)What should be the expected maximum speed of an Electric bike? (In approx.)
a) Up to 60kmph b) 80kmph c) 1ookmph d) Other (please specify)
10)How much would you spend on changing the batteries once it gets exhausted?
(In INR approx.)
a) 200 b) 500 c) 800 d) 1000 e) Other (please
specify) ________
11)How much subsidies you expect from Government on the price of batteries of
Electric/Hybrid bikes? (In approx.)
a) 10% b)20 % c) Other (please specify) _____________
12) Which of the following factors that will encouraged you to buy Electric bikes?
a) Environment friendly b) Less running cost c) Safety
d) No registration e) Others
13) What do you feel about price of the Electric Bikes?
a) High b) Moderate c) Low d) Very low
14)What is your opinion towards mileage of Electric Bikes as compared to
conventional bikes?
a) Good Average b) Bad c) Very bad
15) What is your opinion towards speed of Electric Bikes as compared to
conventional bikes?

a) Very high b) High c) Moderate
16)Are you convinced about Electric Bike benefits?
a) Yes b) No
17)Is the present promotional activity about Electric bike sufficient enough for
you to make the purchasing decision?
a) Yes b) No
18)Which of the following factors do you think are responsible for lower market
share of Electric Bike as compared to Conventional bike?
a) Speed & Power b) Battery life
c) Uncertainty of electric bike technology
19)Which of the factors do you think that prevents you from making the decision
of purchasing the electric bikes?
a) Not convinced b) Non availability c) Others (specify)
20)Is after sales service availability affecting your purchasing decision of electric
a) Yes b) No
21)Are you aware of electric bike benefits?
a) Yes b) No
22)After knowing benefits of electric bike are you willing to purchase it in future?
a) Yes b) No


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