Brand Manegement Mkt654: Online Quiz

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Online Quiz

Submitted by:

Karan Trivedi AU1814018

Submitted to:

Prof. Jinal Parikh

Date: 07-04-2020
1. What is Disintermediation and Reintermediation and provide example of each. Also do
same for Customerization and customization.

Ans) Disintermediation refers to cutting out the middlemen in e-commerce transactions.

Examples include General Motors Corp. bypassing dealerships to sell cars directly to
consumers, Dell and Apple, which sell many of their systems direct to the consumer—thus
bypassing traditional retail chains

Reintermediation refers to using the Internet to reassemble buyers, sellers and other partners
in a traditional supply chain in new ways. Examples include OLX platform which brings
together buyers, sellers and OLX acts as intermediator.

Customization: - The manufacturer produces customized product that meets requirements

posted by the different customers. For E.g. laptop and car customization.

Customerization: - The producer and consumer are both involved in production of final
product. E.g. Choosing flower along with flower vendor to make the bouquet.

2. Explain with examples - Experiential, One to One and Permission Marketing.

Ans) Experiential Marketing: - It is related to product promotion through live or event

marketing and communicating its features to the consumer through unique experiences. For
e.g. Victoria Secret every year organize events of fashion show where it showcases its new
outfits through live event and model presentation.

One-to-one marketing: - Consumers add value by providing information to marketers.

Marketers add value by taking that information and generating reward experiences for
consumers. For E.g. Card program of sales India which provides points on purchase and these
points can be redeemed on next purchase through some gifts or discounts.

Permission: - The practice of marketing to consumer only after gaining their express
permission. Facebook asks sharing information permission before using third party apps on its

3.Explain Product, Price, Distribution Strategy successfully implemented by marketers

to integrate these activities to enhance Brand Awareness, implore the brand image, elicit
positive brand responses and increased brand responses.

Ans) Nike Brand: - The products are priced slightly high then the unbranded products. Also,
the distribution chain is exclusive to its retail outlets and to its affiliated platforms. The product
has its own USP as its quality and a different variant for each need. The Nike Products
especially shoes are made differently addressing different needs.

The Nike products have been justifying the right price for right quality. The integration of the
marketing strategies is done in a manner that an awareness is created among the consumers.
There is a campaign which justifies the quality and fabrication of the product. This makes the
consumers aware about the brand and implores its brand image. There has been a positive brand
response due to the variants it offers people are ready to a high price for the right fit and demand
for the products increase when there is a heavy discount or offers, because of this quality. With
this example we can conclude that the product price and distribution go hand in hand with the
enhancing of brand awareness and brand image.

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