Brand Manegement Mkt654: Assignment 8

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Assignment 8
Maggi-Communication Medium

Submitted by:

Karan Trivedi AU1814018

Submitted to:

Prof. Jinal Parikh

Date: 10-04-2020

1. For a Brand of your choice, find out various communication options/mediums the Brand
Marketer exercise/use.

Maggi noodles was launched in India in 1984 by Nestle. It is today the highest sold noodles in India.
Back in 1980’s, instant noodles were an entirely new category. Now, the challenge was to establish
an alien product and yet find a relevant consumption benefit in the market. Maggi was therefore,
positioned as snack made for children who like to experiment food and was billed as a fast to cook
and good to eat snack. “Mummy Bhook Lagee- Bas Do Minute was a rendition of this approach. It
fit well with the mother’s child caring relationship. The real credit goes to Maggi’s campaign team
for pushing all the right buttons and ensuring its presence in every household.

It follows a few marketing communications options; a brief of each has been given as follows:

A) Advertising: Maggi started its advertising since 1985 through the video mode (Television
advertisement). A fact to be noted is that the jingle of Maggi commercial is still the same. There have
been many campaigns that demonstrates different variants of the product. To list a few advertisement

• 1985- Mummy, I am hungry

• 1997-1999: Nestle changed the taste of Maggi noodles, but it proved to be a failure.
• 1999, Maggi reintroduces the old formulation and revived sales with the punchline-
“Fast to Cook, Good to Eat”.
• 2000: Maggi noodles became the leader in instant noodles space.
• 2005: Marketing strategy to keep Maggi brand fresh and as a ‘health product’ with its
tagline – “Health Bhi -Taste Bhi” with the launch of Maggi Atta noodles.
• 2009- Maggi celebrates 25 years of Maggi noodles with ‘Me and Meri Maggi’
campaign and the launch of Maggi Pasta. This campaign invited consumers to share
their Maggi moments.
• 2008- Maggi Cuppa Mania
• 2010- Maggi Masala Soup
• 2011- Me and Meri Maggi
• 2012- Amitabh Bachchan has been made the brand ambassador of Maggi. Maggi’s
“Do minute Mein Khushiyan” campaign was launched

• 2015- We miss you too
• 2016- Nothing like anything
• 2016- Maggi Hotheads
• 2017- Maggi Masalas of India

Each campaign brought innovation and something appealing to the crowd. The message was still the
same instant hunger satisfaction. But the modes to convey are different. The company has tried to
target all set of people in the various commercials.

B) Promotions: Maggi has used advertising as its main promotional strategy to create awareness and
for brand recall. Initially it focused on kids and working women who have very less time to prepare
food. The advertisements mainly flashed on kids’ channels with effective tag lines of “Bas 2-minute”
and the jingle “Maggi...Maggi...Maggi”. On its 25th anniversary, it launched the voice over
campaign to create a nostalgic feeling among the customers about their journey with Maggi. It has
also used the “Miss you Maggi” advertisement campaign to regain back the lost customers after the
Maggi ban in India.

In sales promotional strategies over the years, it has attached various free goodies with its products
such as free samples, fun books and toys. Maggi has also offered discounts, Scratch n Win schemes.
It also used many celebrities notably Amitabh Bachchan and Madhuri Dixit for brand endorsements.

C) Public relations and publicity

Public Relations is the professional maintenance of favourable public image by a company or other
organization or a famous person
Public relations of Maggi can be quoted as below: ‘The Maggi Club’. The children under 14 were
invited by press advertisements and distribution of leaflets to become a member of Maggi club by
sending logo cut from 5 empty Maggi wrappers. Maggi projected it as “Maggi Clubbers and fun
lovers” and intended to use it as reference group. Benefits offered to Maggi-clubber are various
games like Snap Safari game, Cap and mask sets, travel India Game, Disney today comic. To obtain
each gift the member has to send 5 Wrappers as purchase proof.

Results of Public relation activity:
• Getting closer to regular customer
• Boosted the sales
• Making valuable direct marketing database
• Recently, again they have started Maggi fan club. This time it is operating online and they are
providing user name and password.

D) Personal selling: Personal Selling of Maggie is not directly done by the brand but it has been
done by the retailers who sell it. The instant cooked noodles are highly preferred by the customers
and the retailers earn a major chunk from it. The retailers do not have to put it much efforts because
of the well-known image of the brand. The retailers put Maggi on their display centre; this is one of
the ways of doing direct marketing. Also, the free products scheme associated with Maggi promoted
the customer to make an impulsive buying decision.

2. What is the message they want to communicate?

Using the nostalgia factor: Maggi has always made family-based advertisements to attract its
customers. Most of the ads centre around mothers delighting their children with their favourite two-
minute noodles with a storyline of how the child was having a bad day at school or the child growing
up to use the mother’s special Maggi recipe to show her that she still needs her. Either which way,
the narrative revolving around the mother-child duo (in most of the ads) strikes a chord with the users,
who then subconsciously start noting the family value the product manages to sell. Quite naturally,
the first ad after the Maggi re-launch was of a mother speaking nostalgically about her child’s tryst
with his favourite noodles, thus further adding to the emotional value of the customers’ right there.

Keeping in touch through increased ad space: After the fiasco of the Maggi ban, its parent
company Nestle decided to increase its spending on television commercials, leading to a growth of
its ad volume to about 96 percent by September, 2015 — two months prior to the re-launch of the
famous noodles, according to various data estimates. The first print advertisement that accompanied
the announcement of the re-launch read — “Your Maggi is safe, has always been.”

The perfect medium for the launch: Along with increased spending on television ad space, Maggi
was relentless in its promotions of the upcoming re-launch on social media. Using the full force of
its high held presence on a platform like Facebook, which has about 261,433 likes on it (on last
count), and an 87,700 following on Twitter.

Making it exclusive: Like with everything else, consumers thrive on the feeling of owning a product
or service ‘exclusively’. Maggi played its cards smartly when it decided to take this into account by
making a deal with Snap deal, which became the only platform where Maggi packets were sold before
its official comeback into the shelves of all stores. This raised its demand by a roof and customers
were trying to outbid each other for the ownership of the packets, sometimes even paying more,
before it went out of stock. The company thus set the stage for Maggi’s official comeback into the

3.What are the similarities in the message delivered through various mediums?
There are certain points which remain the same across any medium of communication. The following
points are seen and highlighted on all mediums:

• Generic Approach: In its ads, Maggi always shows that it is the only one brand which claims
to incorporate both taste and health factor in its products. Since, Indian people are so health
conscious, so Maggi always try to pitch this thing through its ads and also introduced more
new products stating “Healthy food” like Atta and Oats noodles.

• USP (Unique Selling Proposition): Maggi’s USP is “Fast to cook and Good to eat”, then
Maggi started focusing on health with taste, so changing the USP to maintaining health while
taking care of the taste also. Nestle also continuously innovate and renovate their product time
to time and also it spends a huge amount of efforts for maintaining the same taste and nutrition
of its product.

• Brand Image: Maggi has got the brand image of a noodle that can be made in 2 minutes so
this makes it a very good choice for the people who don’t have time to make a meal. It is also
famous among mothers because of its successful promotion of having taste and healthy also.
Nestle is also following the strategy of brand extension I.e. using the same brand name for

the no. of products and it comes with new products time to time depending on changing
choices of the customer.
• Positioning: Maggi has successfully positioned itself in the minds of the customers as a
“Healthy and fast food, Good to eat “It is also on the top among its competitors like sunfeast,
Horlicks, top ramen etc. Earlier, Maggi, was having 90 % market share in India.
• Preemptive claim: Maggi claims that its product is healthy and can be made in 2 minutes.
This is the claim which only Maggi does and has successfully made it the perception of the
people that by eating Maggi, they are eating the healthy food.
• Resonance: Maggi is a word which resonates with the word noodle. In India, Maggi word is
used everywhere rather the word noodle. Everyone uses this word as a reference to noodle.
That is why any other brand has a real hard time in establishing its product

3. What are the differences in the message delivered through various mediums?
As stated, above Maggi has its marketing done through various platforms and they have a different
set way of approach for each medium:
1) Advertising: The main focus of Maggie for its advertising is the creativity and appeal to audience.
This promotes and triggers point of purchase in the mind of consumer though mediums of radio,
television. It makes association of the brand with the people and helps them in making a buying

2) Promotions: The main target of Maggi are kids and to lure them, the Maggi packs are usually
placed in a lower counter, shelves or are hung in twine baskets within their eye level. The primary
reason for attracting kids is that the children often influence purchases by pestering their parents to
buy things on seeing them.

3) Public Relations: The public relation focuses on in person attachment with the brand. The
Company tries to create a network of its regular customer by forming various reference groups. Maggi
projected it as “Maggi clubbers are fun lovers”. This creates a sense of belongingness for the brand.

4) Personal Selling: Maggi initially promoted its noodles through several schemes like distributing
free samples, giving gifts on their return of empty packs and many more. The company has spent a
large sum of money in communicating the product benefits to the target consumers. This promotion
was possible due to the retail store across the country. They helped to identify the right target market
and also sold it by personal indulgence.


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