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IAEA Specification,

Dismantle & installation of

cooling system Dated 2017/07/19

Dismantle & installation of cooling system

1. Introduction
This Statement of work (SOW) describes the requirements for the services needed to
refurbish the cooling system (‘The System’) of the nuclear research reactor at the
Instituto Nacional de Investigacion Nuclear (ININ), in its Nuclear Center "Dr. Nabor
Carrillo Flores”, located on the Mexico-Toluca Highway s/n, 52750 La Marquesa
Ocoyoacac, Mexico, where the work will be performed.
ININ has a nuclear reactor which has a cooling system that requires being
The IAEA plans to provide assistance to the Government of Mexico, in the framework
of the technical cooperation project MEX2016, to modernize ININ’s nuclear reactor
The Contractor must note in their proposal any assumptions made. The selected
Contractor shall work with ININ, the pump supplier, and the cooling tower supplier to
deliver the complete system.
2. Scope of work
Dismantle the present cooling tower and two motor pumps and install new
ones of the same characteristics. Cooling tower and new pumps will be
purchased by IAEA in separate contracts.
The contractor shall perform the following services:
2.1 Disconnect all electrical components before dismantling and removal of the
existing cooling tower, motor pumps and its components;
2.2 Dismantle and remove the existing cooling tower;
2.3 Dismantle and remove the motor pump P1 in the primary cooling system;
2.4 Dismantle and remove the motor pump P2 in the secondary cooling system;
2.5 Dismantle, remove from ININ premises and dispose of all obsolete
equipment, obsolete pipes and obsolete electrical components connected to
the existing cooling tower and motor pumps in the primary cooling system
and secondary cooling system;
2.6 Remove from the ININ premises, after obtaining clearance from ININ, and
dispose of the dismantled cooling tower (contains asbestos) its debris and all
the obsolete parts that were dismantled;
2.7 The dismantled motor pumps shall be handled to ININ personnel for storage
and future use;
2.8 Clean and prepare the area to enable the future installation of the new
cooling tower, motor pumps and its associated components, including as a
minimum placement of supports for the cooling tower, civil works, painting
and coating the area and construction of concrete slabs;
2.9 Transport the new cooling tower and motor pumps from the storage place,
inside ININ’s premises, to the erecting location;
2.10 Perform the mechanical and hydraulic installation of the new cooling
tower, motor pumps and associated components and systems, including
pipes, valves, fittings and other components as required;

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IAEA Specification,
Dismantle & installation of
cooling system Dated 2017/07/19

2.11 Perform the electrical installation of the new cooling tower, motor
pumps and associated components and systems: installation of electrical
boards, electrical cables, control panels, wiring devices, electric motors,
inverters and other components as required;
2.12 Perform the following complementary work in the cooling tower area:
(see Annex 1): Construct a concrete slab or a metallic structure on top of the
existing tank (5.5x5.5m) to support the new cooling tower.
2.13 The Contractor shall provide the electrical components associated to
the cooling tower and pumps; and
2.14 The Contractor shall provide the mechanical and hydraulic components
(valves, pipes and fittings) necessary to interconnect the motor pumps and
the cooling tower.

3. Existing cooling system and parts to remove (Fig 1)

The existing system is as follows:

P1 P2

FIG. 1: Schematic of cooling system

3.1 Primary cooling system motor pump (P1) with the following characteristics: 15
HP, 3600 RPM, 350 GPM, weight approx. 100 kg (see pictures at end of
3.2 Secondary system motor pump (P2) with the following characteristics: 40
HP,1800 RPM,700 GPM, weight approx.100 kg (see pictures at end of
3.3 Cooling tower T1 with the following characteristics: 700 GPM, the tower has
an external asbestos covering and ceramic tiles in the interior, (see pictures
at end of document, and Annex 1).

4. Deliverable Data Items

The Contractor shall provide, to ININ, in the Spanish language:
4.1 Two weeks before starting the site works, a programme of activities, broken
down by day.
4.2 Weekly progress reports including photos
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IAEA Specification,
Dismantle & installation of
cooling system Dated 2017/07/19

4.3 The ‘‘as-built’’ engineering drawings, mechanical diagrams, electrical

diagrams and layout of the new cooling tower, motor pumps and its
associated components (pipes, parts and systems connected to the new
cooling tower, new pumping equipment, etc.); Drawings and blue prints must
be delivered in Autocad and two hard copies.
4.4 Certification from the supplier of correct installation of components (IQ).
4.5 Acceptance tests reports
4.6 A maintenance plan

5. Quality Requirements
5.1 The Parts shall be manufactured, shipped and installed in accordance with
the Contractor’s ISO quality assurance system or an equivalent quality
assurance system.
5.2 The Service shall be provided in accordance with the Contractor’s ISO quality
assurance system or an equivalent quality assurance system.
5.3 The Contractor shall document the compliance with this quality assurance
5.4 The new cooling system shall meet USA Cooling Technology Institute (CTI)
standards or equivalent standards applicable for cooling systems.

6. Verification of engineering, installation and supply of components, and

functionality of the System
6.1 The detailed construction and erection plan must be approved by ININ before
starting the construction and erection phase.
6.2 The acceptance tests of supplies and services will be carried out by the
contractor immediately after the installation of all the supplies and the
checking of its proper functioning. These tests consist of the verification of
compliance of the technical and functional requirements of this technical
specification and documents here mentioned. Protocols for the acceptance
tests shall by approved in advance by ININ.
6.3 The results of the testing of the System shall be documented by the
Contractor in an acceptance test report countersigned by the End-User
6.4 The final (as built) System shall be approved by the End User upon
6.5 Acceptance tests results shall be approved by IAEA at its satisfaction.

7. Delivery time
The Contractor shall provide a timeline from Purchase Order to completion,
and assuming supply of pumps and cooling tower within 8 weeks. Note that
this timeline is important to the IAEA and will be taken into consideration by
the IAEA in the evaluation of best value for money. The expectation is 14
(fourteen) weeks.
8. Other considerations
The Contractor shall observe the following important considerations when
presenting its proposal:

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IAEA Specification,
Dismantle & installation of
cooling system Dated 2017/07/19

8.1 Unless otherwise specified, the work will begin at 8:30 am. and will end at
17:30 from Monday to Friday, if an extended or weekend schedule is needed
a request should be send to the Manager of the Reactor Department 24
hours in advance and is subject to his approval.
8.2 The ININ will restrict the access to certain areas when the Nuclear Reactor is
in operation, informing the contractor with 24 hours of anticipation.
8.3 The contractor shall provide, one week after the signature of the contract, in
writing: the address where he will receive reports of failures or emergencies,
as well as data, name, address, telephone, email and cell phone or
equivalent, of service and support staff to maintain an agile communication in
case of failures.
8.4 The contractor shall provide to his staff appropriate clothing and equipment to
perform the work, and provide to the Department of the Nuclear Reactor the
list of staff to be authorized for entry to the facilities.
8.5 Labor, tools and industrial safety equipment for the installation of the new
cooling tower, motor pumps and its associated components shall be provided
by the contractor;
8.6 The contractor must notify to ININ, prior to the Service, if a crane or special
equipment/tools have to be used in order to allow ININ to make its own on-
site arrangements to allow access to the crane or special equipment/tools
provided by the contractor ;

9. Options
The Contractor shall provide a separate quotation for the following optional
1) External ladder to access the fans area
2) Platform for maintenance in fans area
3) Security fence in maintenance area
4) Electric water level control
5) Vibration interruption switch

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IAEA Specification,
Dismantle & installation of
cooling system Dated 2017/07/19

Existing Cooling Tower

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IAEA Specification,
Dismantle & installation of
cooling system Dated 2017/07/19

Pump P1

Pump P2

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