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work permits

What is a work permit? ƒƒ Pressure systems

ƒƒ Steam or other hot materials (burns)
A work permit is a written form used to authorize
jobs that expose workers to serious hazards. It ƒƒ Electricity and other energy sources
identifies the work to be done, the hazards involved, ƒƒ Accidental start-up of mechanical equipment
and the necessary preparation and precautions for ƒƒ Oxygen deficiency or oxygen enrichment
the job. Examples of the jobs needing work permits ƒƒ Suffocation or drowning (for example, in bulk
are those requiring employees to enter and work material bins or solvent storage tanks)
in confined spaces, to repair, maintain, or inspect ƒƒ Restricted access, exit and movement
electrical installations or to use large or complex
ƒƒ Toxic substances
ƒƒ Radioactive materials
Why use a work permit? ƒƒ Lasers
When a job has the potential of causing serious ƒƒ Temperature extremes
injuries or death, it is necessary to formalize agreed ƒƒ Any other recognized serious safety or health
upon work procedures. This prevents instructions hazard
from being missed, forgotten or misinterpreted. It
also serves as a checklist to ensure that all hazards,
protective measures, work procedures and general Types of work permits
requirements are reviewed with and understood by Depending upon the job, you should use one of the
the assigned worker(s). following types of permits:
A work permit serves as a record of the
authorization and completion of specific work. Hot Work Permits
The authorization must be provided by a competent
person after all the necessary conditions have been met. Issued for work using or generating heat that is
sufficient to ignite gases, vapours, dusts, etc.
Some examples are welding, flame cutting and metal
When is a work permit needed? drilling.
You should use a work permit when there is danger
Safety Permits
ƒƒ Fire Issued when work involves steam, water, air or
ƒƒ Sparks from open flames, welding, cutting, electricity. Safety permits are also needed when
furnaces, etc. repair or maintenance work requires the locking out
ƒƒ Explosive, corrosive or toxic gases or of energy sources.
Work Permits

Entry Permits Identify Hazards, Assess Risk and Determine

Used when workers are required to enter and work Needs
in confined spaces such as silos, tanks or pits. These ƒƒ Identify work activities requiring a work permit
permits are often combined with the other permits and the type of permit needed. One way is to do
described here, depending upon the nature of the a job hazard analysis of all critical tasks
work to be carried out in the confined space. ƒƒ Review legislative requirements, codes and
standards, and industry practices
ƒƒ Assess risks based on severity of hazards and
Unique Permits number of people exposed, and prioritize work
Issued when work involves hazardous conditions permit needs based on this assessment
such as working near radioactive materials, working ƒƒ Identify the resources needed to set up and
at heights or carrying out other specialized work. maintain the system

General Permits Implement a Plan to Address Identified Needs

Issued for highly hazardous jobs of a more general ƒƒ Develop and implement a strategy to
nature that are not covered by any of the permits successfully achieve the required control
described above. ƒƒ Define responsibilities, accountabilities,
timelines and milestones for the Work Permit
How is a work permit system set up?
Here is a suggested action plan for you to follow Set Standards
if you are planning to set up a work permit system Develop standards against which to measure the
or to formalize or improve your existing system. effectiveness of the system. The standards should
Work with your joint health and safety committee cover:
or health and safety representative in setting up the
system, and document all stages of the process. ƒƒ Scope of the system
ƒƒ Qualifications of persons involved in the system
ƒƒ Responsibilities and accountabilities
Establish Your Policy
ƒƒ Reporting and record keeping
Your policy should:
ƒƒ Work permit priorities
ƒƒ Emphasize the importance of a work permit (it’s
easier to implement a policy when employees
understand why it’s needed) Develop Procedures
ƒƒ Specify that a work permit will be needed for all Your procedures should:
high risk work activities ƒƒ Clearly identify the kinds of jobs requiring work
ƒƒ Identify the person or team who will manage permits
the process ƒƒ Explain how the permit system works, for

© 2011, Safe Workplace Promotion Services Ontario,

2 publicly known as Workplace Safety & Prevention Services.
1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 |
Work Permits

–– When to apply for a permit (how many Communicate your Policy and Procedures
hours before the work is started?) When you have finalized your policy and
–– Where to get a permit procedures, ensure that they are communicated to
–– How to fill it out (see inset Information all employees and others affected, e.g., contractors.
to Include in Your Work Permit, and the
sample permit at the back of this document)
–– How many copies are needed Provide Training
–– Who gets copies No matter how well designed your work permit
–– Who must be informed of the work system is, it will only succeed if your staff
–– What to do with the permit when work is understand how to comply with it.
stopped or completed
Identify all employees who need training and the
ƒƒ Define responsibilities, for example: training content (See Training Program Content
–– Who fills out the form Guidelines for suggestions on what your training
–– Who identifies hazards program should cover).
–– Who ensures precautions have been taken
Provide training, preferably as a group, to all
–– Who is authorized to issue/revoke permits possible users and staff involved in the system.
–– Who supervises the work
–– Who ensures work is completed
Measure and Evaluate
General Information to Include in Your Work It is important to monitor and evaluate your work
Permit permit system to ensure that it is being followed
correctly and that it is effective.
ƒƒ Name(s) of worker(s)
ƒƒ Exact work locations Include your work permit procedures as part of
ƒƒ Work to be done your workplace inspections. Also consult your staff
on the effectiveness of the system and consider their
ƒƒ Date and time the work is to start and end
suggestions on how to improve it.
ƒƒ Hazards
ƒƒ Preparatory requirements, such as testing, Review your work permit system at least every
equipment and machinery to be shut down/ six months. This will involve, for example, an
locked out, ventilation, etc. evaluation of the results of:
ƒƒ Correct sequence of work procedures ƒƒ In-plant spot checks that work permits are
ƒƒ Personal protective equipment required being used and complied with properly
ƒƒ Emergency equipment needed ƒƒ Tests to establish a person’s competence to
ƒƒ A telephone number to call for help, and where qualify as authorized signer
the nearest phone is located ƒƒ Review of completed work permit forms
ƒƒ Signature of authorized person(s) ƒƒ Detailed investigation and analysis of all
ƒƒ Signature of worker(s) to indicate that they incidents involving work permits
understand the hazards involved and know
ƒƒ The precautions to be taken
ƒƒ Date and time the permit is issued

© 2011, Safe Workplace Promotion Services Ontario,

3 publicly known as Workplace Safety & Prevention Services.
1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 |
Work Permits

Continually Improve the System supervision as workers may tend to continue

Make sure you have a plan in place to immediately working until the job is completed.
correct deficiencies and to improve the system. This ƒƒ Distribute several copies of the permit to
should also be an opportunity to recognize good appropriate personnel. For example, provide
performance. one copy for the worksite, one for the authorized
signer, and one for the supervisor of the work area
ƒƒ Ensure that emergency personnel (fire, first
Ensuring a successful work permit aid, rescue, etc.) are advised of the work and
system its exact location. Devise emergency plans for
the job and have rescue equipment ready in the
A weak work permit system offers little or no event of an accident
protection and may lead to serious consequences.
ƒƒ Post signs and use barriers in the work area to
Here are some things to consider when you are keep out unauthorized persons, pedestrians and
setting up your system. vehicles.
ƒƒ Ensure that your work permit system is clear ƒƒ Implement field checks to ensure that every
to all staff (See Training Program Content detail of the permit is being followed. If
Guidelines) conditions at the work site change, notify the
designated supervisor and stop all work. Cancel
ƒƒ Don’t allow work to start without a permit
the permit and reissue another only when
ƒƒ Issue permits in a timely manner; not too long additional safeguards are implemented
before the job. Conditions in the work area can
ƒƒ When the work is completed or the time limit
change easily within hours
expires, forward the worksite copy to the
ƒƒ Design the permit to be as job-specific as supervisor of the workers assigned to the job.
possible so that it is appropriate to the work. The permit should indicate the status of the
Ensure that each work permit is clearly written. job. The supervisor must verify that all post
Poor communication can cause mistakes and completion requirements are complied with
accidents before canceling the permit
ƒƒ Verify that all requirements and conditions are ƒƒ If the work is subcontracted, make sure the
complied with before signing the permit. The contractor is aware of the hazards. Ensure
signer of the permit must have appropriate that the contractor understands and complies
qualifications. Other signers should include the with your safety requirements and emergency
supervisor of the workers assigned to the job, procedures. Don’t relax your permit policy and
the supervisor of the work area and the workers procedures with contractors. They are less
assigned to the job familiar with your facilities and therefore need
ƒƒ Before workers sign the permit, make sure that greater protection
they understand the hazards involved and know ƒƒ Don’t overuse the work permit system. Issue a
the precautions to take. Align the information permit only when necessary to avoid having it
in the work permit with written safe work regarded as nothing more than administrative
procedures for the type of work/task paperwork
ƒƒ Also ensure that workers know when the permit
expires, and comply with it. This requires

© 2011, Safe Workplace Promotion Services Ontario,

4 publicly known as Workplace Safety & Prevention Services.
1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 |
Work Permits

Training program content Legislation

Your training program should include the following areas: ƒƒ Regulation for Confined Spaces (R.R.O. 632/05)
ƒƒ An explanation for how the work permit system
can help prevent accidents, injuries and death The following sections of the Regulation for
ƒƒ The duties and responsibilities of each party. Industrial Establishments cover situations for
Emphasize that team work is critical. The which work permits would be necessary:
person filling out the form, the person preparing
ƒƒ s.42 Electrical equipment, work procedures
the work area, and the person doing the job
must understand the procedures and carry out ƒƒ s.50 Entering silos, bins, etc.
their responsibilities thoroughly for the system ƒƒ s.76 Locking out machinery
to work
ƒƒ Hazard identification and hazard reporting.
Workers should be able to recognize the early
warning signs and symptoms of the presence
of a hazard. For example, an odour similar to
rotten eggs may indicate exposure to hydrogen
sulfide. Workers should know the procedures
for reporting hazards
ƒƒ The importance of health and safety
precautions. Workers should understand that
ignoring these endangers not only themselves
but also the rescue team. There have been
several cases where rescuers have been injured
or killed
ƒƒ What to do in an emergency. Workers must
be instructed to stop work and evacuate the © Workplace Safety & Prevention Services 2011.
Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS)
area immediately if: ordered to do so by an grants permission to approved end users to reproduce this
authorized person a fire or evacuation alarm document in whole or in part, provided its intended use
sounds they believe they are in danger is for non-commercial, educational purposes and that full
acknowledgement is given to the WSPS. Approved end
ƒƒ Training for rescuers on the safe use of users are firms registered with the Workplace Safety and
equipment, emergency entrance and exit Insurance Board. WSPS reserves the right to extend this
permission to other stakeholders and interested parties by
procedures. Conduct drills to test their express written permission upon application. WSPS extends
proficiency on rescue procedures and first aid no warranty to materials amended or altered by the end user.
Under no circumstances is this document, or any portion
ƒƒ Special training for supervisors to ensure they thereof, to be duplicated for purposes of sale or for external
are able to determine that working conditions reproduction or distribution.
are safe at all times Revised: October 2011

© 2011, Safe Workplace Promotion Services Ontario,

5 publicly known as Workplace Safety & Prevention Services.
1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 |
Work Permits
General Sample Work Permit
This sample permit is a guideline only and may not meet all of the
legislated requirements for specific hazards. Modify it to make it Telephone is located at
appropriate to the work to be done and to suit your needs.
Valid only for work described on the permit
Permit valid for: Date __________________________________ Time ___________________________________________
Permit expires: Date ___________________________________ Time ___________________________________________
Number of Workers ___________________________________
Work Description ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Work Location ________________________________________________________
Shift supervisor’s signature ___________________________________________
Hazards Identified/Precautions Done (initials) Comments
Pre-work requirements
Equipment locked out? _____________________ _____________________________________________
Atmospheric conditions tested for safety? _____________________ _____________________________________________
Stand-by guard posted? _____________________ _____________________________________________
Emergency rescue procedures reviewed? _____________________ _____________________________________________
Work requirements
Area barricaded, roped off, signs posted? _____________________ _____________________________________________
Personal protective equipment adequate? _____________________ _____________________________________________
Emergency crew advised? _____________________ _____________________________________________
First aid readily available? _____________________ _____________________________________________
Post-work requirements
Tools and equipment removed from work area? _____________________ _____________________________________________
Where atmospheric tests are required, indicate results of tests:
Oxygen ______________________________________ % Comments _____________________________________________________
Flammability ________________________________ % Comments _____________________________________________________
Toxicity _____________________________________ PPM Comments _____________________________________________________
Signature of tester ________________________________ Date __________________________ Time ________________________
All requirements must be completed before issuing this permit. Permit issuer or designated representative is responsible for
checking conditions while work is in progress.
Permit approved by
Signature ______________________________________ Date ___________________________________ Time __________________________
Signature ______________________________________ Date ___________________________________ Time __________________________
I have read the permit and understand the nature and extent of the work. I agree to comply with all safety precautions.
Name _________________________________ Signature ______________________________ Date ___________________________________
Name _________________________________ Signature ______________________________ Date ___________________________________
Completion Yes No Comments
Work completed? _________ _________ __________________________________________________________
All safeguards returned to normal? _________ _________ __________________________________________________________
Requirements after work complied with? _________ _________ __________________________________________________________
Verified by Supervisor
Signature _______________________________________________ Date ______________________ Time ________________________

MAINTENANCE COPY – to be kept at worksite and returned to workers’ supervisor when job is completed or when permit expires.
© 2011, Safe Workplace Promotion Services Ontario,
6 publicly known as Workplace Safety & Prevention Services.
1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 |

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