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Controller User Manual

Technical Parameter.................................................................................................................. 4

Safety Precautions ..................................................................................................................... 4

Controller Installation................................................................................................................ 4

Back Panel Introduction ............................................................................................................ 4

Panel Area Introduction ............................................................................................................ 5

Panel Icon Introduction ............................................................................................................. 5

Touch screen introduction ........................................................................................................ 8

Touch function description and the panel corresponded relations .......................................... 8

Function switch operation......................................................................................................... 9

Page and page expansion .......................................................................................................... 9

The meaning of the character and color on the digital touch button..................................... 10

T o u c h s c r e e n e a c h f u n c t i o n N o . k e y n a m e c o n t e n t i d e n t i f i c a t i o n m e t h o d....... 11

The meaning of the selection box color .................................................................................. 13

Key selection operation ........................................................................................................... 13

Naming Operation ................................................................................................................... 15

Name deletion operation ........................................................................................................ 15

Function key Position exchanging operation .......................................................................... 15

Library editing operation ......................................................................................................... 16

Controller patching operation ................................................................................................. 17

Address list .............................................................................................................................. 19

Unit Fixture Manual Operation ............................................................................................... 21

LED Manual Operation ............................................................................................................ 22

Dimmer Manual Operation ..................................................................................................... 23

Drawing Operation .................................................................................................................. 23

Shape Running Operation ....................................................................................................... 24

Shape Editing Operation.......................................................................................................... 25

Group Editing Operation ......................................................................................................... 26

Contraposition Operation ....................................................................................................... 27

Brightness Channel Setting...................................................................................................... 28

Playback Editing Operation ..................................................................................................... 29

Playback Running Operation ................................................................................................... 31

System Setting Operation........................................................................................................ 33

FAQ .......................................................................................................................................... 35

★Why can not enter to the edit function sometimes? .................................................... 35

★Why can not close the running playback sometimes? .................................................. 35

★Why there is no output? ............................................................................................... 35

★Why the MH-Player can not connect the controller normally? .................................... 35

★ Clear key has which functions? .......................................................................... 36

★“Master Control”fader,Difference between “Black 1”key and “Black 2”key? ........... 36

★How to achieve audio&video totally synchronization? ................................. 36

★How to understand the shape’s equipment extending and color extending ? ......... 36

★How to transfer a beautiful shape moment to a static cue? ........................................ 37

★How to make the synchronized running from two different modes of a shape? ......... 37

★How to make the selected fixture in the center ? ....................................................... 37

★How to on and off the lamp ,and reset the fixture(for the library type fixture)? 37

★How to use the wheel mode key? ................................................................................. 38

Touch-Drawing lighting controller, with a brand new hand-drawing control and
programming concept, subversively changes the simplicity and speed of controlling fixtures. If
you are a novice, you can be promoted to a lighting engineer immediately; if you are a lighting
engineer It will save you time and effort

Technical Parameter
Output Signal Protocol. International DMX 512 Protocol data
DMX Controlling Channel 1-1024
Maximum Fixtures 144
Playback Programs Can be Stored 100
Maximum Steps Each Playback 100
DMX Output Interface XLR-D3F
Power AC90-240V,50-60Hz,60W

Safety Precautions
◆ The controller must be connected to the protective ground wire to ensure
the safety of the user.
◆When the controller and fixtures are running, do not plug or unplug the
DMX512 data cable to avoid burning the interface electronics inside the
◆Do not spill any liquid on the lighting controller to avoid damage to the
internal components of the lighting controller
◆The lighting controller is a precision electronic device. Please pay attention
to moisture and dust protection, and clean the control panel regularly.

Controller Installation
Touch Drawing lighting controller case includes the following items:
◆ 1piece Touch Drawing lighting controller
◆ 1 piece goose neck lamp;
◆ 1 piece power connection cable;
◆ 1 piece player data cable;
◆1 piece U-disk, (This U-disk is used for data backup. When using data backup, please backup
the original data of U-disk to the computer, clear the U-disk, and then do the data backup
operation of the console. This speeds up data backup and restore function).

Back Panel Introduction

USB Port

Panel Area Introduction

Panel Icon Introduction

Descriptio Descriptio
Icon Icon Icon Description
n n

preset area

fixture dimmer
LED mode
mode mode

forward Backward
fixture page fixture page

Attribute First Second

selection attribute attribute
mode page page

Lighting icon
selection or

Descriptio Descriptio
Icon Icon Icon Description
n n



music trigger
Loop mode trigger

Mute +
MH-player Pause +
trigger close (long
control (long
mode press)

Playback program "Playback"
selection key(point forward page
key control key

"Playback" LED strobe

page controlling
backwards fader

Black 1 key Black 2 key

brightness ( brightness (all channel
total fader channel output value
output as 0) as 0)

Descriptio Descriptio
Icon Icon Icon Description
n n

Display and
input area

wheel 1/2 "wheel" is in "wheel" is in

page switch attribute shape data
key input mode input mode

"wheel" is in Fixture Fixture
playback contrapositi brightness
parameter on setting channel
input mode key setting key

Instruction Instruction
page page
open key
forward key backward

Descriptio Descriptio
Icon Icon Icon Description
n n

Function area

System Address"
setting review and
function key revise key

Insert key Copy key
function key

check" + "Backward
Delete key "shape check " +
synchronizat "Enter " key
ion" key

Descriptio Descriptio
Icon Icon Icon Description
n n

Selection area

"Group" Select area
function forward page
switch key key

Select area
page key

Touch screen introduction

The current function and page content display window;

Function Switch key or Serial No.key area;
Function Extending key;
Page Extending key ;
Setting key(Main function:rename,contraposition,library editing);
Data input display window
Playback editing and running display window;
Hand-drawing input area;
Multi-function key function display area;
Functions simple description display window

Touch function description and the panel corresponded relations

Unit type +Attribute mode key;
Unit type +Fixture Mode key ;
LED type key;
Dimmer type key ;
Shape function key ;
Group function key ;
Preset function key(reserved;
Playback function key;
Library function key;

Function switch operation

Click the function Extending key

Click the specific function switch key in the function list area (for example: group function)
Effect after function switching (after switch, current function Icon displayed on the Function
Extending key

Page and page expansion

◆Page description: If there is more than 12 content in a page, it will be divided into the first
half and the second half. At this time, the word “before” or “back” will be displayed after the
page number to indicate the difference; for the content within 12, it will be displayed directly.
Page number value.
◆Page Operation 1
Swipe left by the page expansion button to achieve the page forward function (when the
single page content is more than 12, the page content is composed of “first half page” +
“second half page”, and left sliding can realize “front and last half page” and "Previous page"
switching operation)
Through page expansion button slides to the right to realize the page backward function
(when the single page content is greater than 12, the page content is composed of "first half
page" + "second half page"), and the left sliding can achieve"front and last half page" and
"pre-page" switching operation);
◆Operation 2
Click the Page Extending key to open the list of pages, which can be quickly reach to each
page (also a name can be handwritten for "page number" to identify the main purpose of the
page content)
Click on a No. selection button in the expanded page list to go directly to the content
contained in the page.
◆Page display:
The current page and half page information content are displayed above the key

The meaning of the character and color on the digital touch button

◆Description of the character name display on the digital touch button and its meaning
Blue character - valid serial number key;
Black character - the first half of the invalid serial number key;
White character - the last half page of the invalid number key
Yellow character - the color when the shape is locked;
Red character - when the page is expanded, displays the current page number key. In the
playback keys, used to indicate the single-step playback.
Green character - in the playback keys, used to indicate multi-step playback;

Touch screen each function No. key name content identification method
◆ Fixture selection keys name displaying example:
01-UNIT:1.01(Unit fixture name display )
01-LED:2.11(LED fixture name display )
01-Dimm:5.01(Dimmer name display)
01-UNIT: 1.01 (unit name display) 01-LED: 2.11 (LED light name display)
01-Dimm: 5.01 (dimmer name display)
◆Group, shape, lamp library name display example:

01-GRP 1.01 (group key name display) 01-SHP 1.01 (shape key name display)
01-FXTR 1.01 (light library lamp key name display)
◆Fixture selection key, group, shape, light library naming rule:
File number (file storage page number + sequence number in the current
page );

2-digits number indicating the sequence number of the file in the current saving page;
1-2 digits, indicating the page number of the file storage page
3-4 letters, an abbreviation for the current function type
Two digits, the current key serial number

◆Playback name display instance:

01-001-1.01(playback key name display)
◆Playback name naming rule:
File number A: (file storage page number + sequence number in current
page number)

2-digit number indicating the sequence number of the file in the current memory page
1-2 digits, indicating the page number of the file storage page
File number B: 3-digit number, file number expressed in decimal
The two digits are the current key sequence number.
"File No. A" and "File No. B" are two expressions for the same playback file. "File
No. A" is the input format required by the MH-Player player, and "File No. B" is the s
erial port control protocol. The required input format;

The correspondence between "file number A" and "file number B" of playback is li
sted in the following two tables. The blue font in the table is the page number + serial
number of "file number A", and the red font is the serial number of "file number B".
Value (in Table 1, decimal numbers are used to indicate the serial number of "file numb
er B", and in Table 2, the serial number of "file number B" is used).

◆ Table (decimal) for the correspondence between "file number A" and "file nu
mber B" - Table 1

Serial .01 .02 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 .10 .11 .12

1 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
2 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
3 25 26 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
4 37 38 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
5 49 50 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
6 61 62 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72
7 73 74 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84
8 85 86 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96
9 97 98 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
10 109 110 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
◆ "File No. A" and "File No. B" Correspondence Lookup Table (hexadecimal) - T
able 2
Seria .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 .10 .11 .12


1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c
2 d e f 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
3 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 20 21 22 23 24
4 25 26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 30
5 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3a 3b 3c
6 3d 3e 3f 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
7 49 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 4f 50 51 52 53 54
8 55 56 57 58 59 5a 5b 5c 5d 5e 5f 60
9 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6a 6b 6c
10 6d 6e 6f 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78

The meaning of the selection box color

——(red frame) is the selected frame

—— (green frame) is the first selected key when operating in the
contraposition operation ;
——(yellow frame) when in the playback function, means that the
current playback outputting,but not selected(now, the wheels
cannot receive the playback running data)
——(purple frame) when in the playback function, means that the
current playback outputting,but is selected(now, the wheels can
receive the playback running data)
——(yellow frame) when in the attribute function, means the wheels
corresponded four attributes function inputting
——(Purple frame) when in the attribute function,means current
selection attribute is in wheels corresponded attribute.

Key selection operation

◆General selection operation
Swipe to select multiple serial keys in a area (fast multi-select button operation);
Click to select single No. Selection key(single selection key operation)。

◆Attribute selection operation

The Single-Click attribute key can select an attribute, and also switches the runner to the
corresponded attribute section of the attribute;
Select multiple attribute keys to operate as follows: A) Use finger to slide from the attribute
key to be selected to other valid attribute keys to select the current attribute key; repeat the
above operation; B) Repeat step A for other attribute keys to achieve The selection operation of
multiple attribute keys (the red and purple selection frame means that the attribute is selected,
and the yellow and purple boxes means the wheels current inputting function corresponded
attribute period)

◆Page selection operation:

Click the page expansion button to expand the page of the current function;
If you click the page number selection key directly, it will open and enter the page number;
If you need to select a page number selection key (instead of entering this page): use finger to
start from the page number selection key, slide to other valid page number selection key , you
can select the key (the red box is selected)

Naming Operation

Press the setting key (Note: you can't have the selected key before pressing the setting button)
to enter the naming operation;
Select the button to be named (can be single or multiple selection );
Handwritten name content in the hand-drawing area;
Press the enter key to save the naming content;
The effect after the naming

Name deletion operation

Press the SET key to enter the naming operation (the setting key is displayed as the “Name”
function status)
【Note: no key can be selected before pressing the setting key, otherwise it will enter the
position adjustment function]】;
Select the serial number selection key(single or multiple selection) to be named;
Press the delete key to delete the name content;
The effect after delete the naming.

Function key Position exchanging operation

Select the serial number selection key to be used to adjust the position (single
or multiple selection)
Click the setting key, you can enter the operation state of the adjustment
position (Note: you must select the serial number selection key to be adjusted
position before pressing the setting key, otherwise it will enter the command
function), and the setting button displays the "exchanging" status;
After select the target position to be reversed (select the same qty of serial
No. selection keys in other positions),then will perform the position exchanging
Press the Enter key to complete and save the swap content.
The setting button will be displayed as the “Exchanging” status after entering
the reconciliation operation;
Must select the number selection key before enter the setting key, press the
setting key to enter the adjustment function, the selection box will change from
red to green (means the first selected key);
As you can see the effect of the adjustment, the arrangement position of the
content "beam" key and "LED" key has changed.

Library editing operation

In the library mode, select a fixture to be edited;

Click the setting button, it will enter the property editing interface of the
fixture (see the library editing interface refer ), and the setting button will
display the "Edit Lamp Library" status;
wheel 1 can set the "total number of channels" of the fixture;
Click the attribute key to edit (this attribute displays the green selection
wheel 2 can set the channel number of this attribute (if you need to delete an
attribute, just set its channel number to “0”, the channel number in the valid
range displays “blue font”, invalid channel Number shows "black font");
wheel 3 can set the attribute "on value" (except for "dimming open value,
stroboscopic light value, reset value, lamp open value, X-axis and Y-axis median
value" and other attribute values need to be set, other attributes No need to set,
can be any value);
wheel 4 can set the property "off value" (just set the lamp off value, other
properties do not need to be set, can be any value);
After setting the attribute parameters, click the attribute button again to
complete the editing of the attribute (the green frame disappears);
Repeat 4-8 operations for editing other attributes;
When the library is edited, press the ENTER key to save and quit.
When editing the library, the setting key will prompt the status of the current
library editing;
When entering the library editing state, the property editing interface of the
fixture is opened

Controller patching operation

◆配接操作流程图 Patching operation process diagram

Press the edit key to enter the editing function.
Press the patching key to enter the edit patching list function and open the
existing patching list (see )
You can select a patching group to edit through the wheel 1 (editing includes
deleting the patching group or modifying the patching group parameters)
Short press the delete key to delete the current patching group. When all the
patching groups are deleted, it will be automatically restored to the “default
patching list”. Therefore, when you edit the patching list again, you must leave
the patching group. Modify editing of at least one valid patching group (Refer
)Long press the delete key to delete the whole patch group and recover to the
"default patch list" content, so if needs to re-edit the patching list.
If don’t use the library (no need for operation of ), you can select
fixture type value of a non-library type for the patching group through the wheel
4, the "No_Patch" value is empty, and the "CH_Mode" is the unit mode type. The value,
"Dimmer" is for the dimmer type, and the others are the "LED type" (the 'M' in the
LED type means the relationship between the Master control and the color position
sequence). For details, refer the "(Non-library fixture type) . Other types of
display content - Table 1";
If use the light library (no step operation is required to ), you can press
the F4 key to open the light library list;
Select a fixture file for the patching group in the library list (the fixture
file needs to be edited in advance, the existing fixture file displays the blue
words, and the red frame means the file selected)
Press the F4 key (or Enter key) again to return to the patching interface (the
library displays the type and position of the patching group, refer )
wheel 2 can input the “total channels” of the fixture. This must be set when
it’s the non library type value. In the library mode, the total channels can be
re-modified (Generally no need for revision,use the library channels).
wheel 3 can set the current patching group fixture quantity.
F1 key can be used to specify the port (port: A, B, C, D) for the patching group.
If the port is specified, the patching group starts to match the specified port
and address. If the port value is set to "null", then Automatically assign ports
and addresses when patching;
F2 and F3 can revise the starting address value when patching.
After setting the current patching group parameters, press the enter key to
complete the current patching group content input; and automatically add an empty
patching group to continue the next patching group input operation;
After all the patching groups are input or modified, press the edit key to complete
the console's patching operation. The console will automatically start and update
the patching data.
After entering the patching operation, the existing patch list information will
be displayed.
To re-patch the controller, you need to delete the existing patching group. When
deleting, you must keep the last valid patching group. If you delete all, the

controller will revert back to the default patching list.
The type position of the patching group displays the type of fixtures that are
patched to the current patching group.

◆:(Non-library fixture type) Other types of display contents of lamps - Table 3:

No patching content Indicates that the current patching group is empty.

display ?No Patch
unit (channel) mode display:@CH Mode Indicates that the fixture in the current patching group is
a unit
LED fixture mode display Indicates that the fixture in the current Patching group is
1)No total adjustment type...^W, ^WY, an LED light
^RGB, ^RGBW, ^RGBWY, ^RGBWYA, Description of the meaning of each letter in the LED type
^RGBWYAP 1)The symbol '^' is the LED type symbol
2)Total channel in front of color 2)The meaning of the other letters: 'M' is the position of
^MW, ^MWY, ^MRGB, ^MRGBW, the total channel in the color, the other letters represent
^MRGBWY, ^MRGBWYA, ^MRGBWYAP a color: R = red, G = green, B = blue, W = white, Y =
3)Master control after the colors: yellow, A = Amber, P = purple;
^WM, ^WYM, ^RGBM, ^RGBWM, 3)Note: The total channel arrangement position must
^RGBWYM, ^RGBWYAM, ^RGBWYAPM be the same as the type, and the color order can be
different, but it must be ensured that the master control
and color channel blocks are located at the forefront of
the channel table and are consecutively arranged,
otherwise the colors after will be ignored.
Dimmer type display format : Indicates that the fixture in the current patching group is
&Dimmer a dimmer

Address list
The "DMX output interface" of the controller and the "output address of the fixture" are
two very important concepts. The premise that the controller can correctly control the fixture is
that the controller must be properly connected to the fixture. To properly connect, you must
know which fixture are connected to which "output interface" of the controller, and which fixture
should be set to which "address value". All of this information will be showed in the Address
Assignment list.

◆open address operation
Press the address key to open the address table content. Each time displays a patching group
fixtures address information .
wheel 1 can be used to switch to check the other group address information
Wheel 2 to check the fixture numbers (If one page space is not enough, it will be foldable
Lists the number of patching group lists included in the current patching list. The
currently displayed patching group displays the high brightness content.
The serial number of the selected fixture key associated with the patching fixture is listed.
The leading letter of the key number indicates the type of the fixture selected by the key , the
letter 'U' is “Unit” for “Unit type”; the “L” is “LED” for “LED”. fixture type"; 'D' is
"Dimmer" means "dimmer type";
◆The content format of the fixture number is:type code Type Code +Fixture No. fixture
(such as: U001, L002, D003)
Type code (the first letter of the Letter meaning
fixture number)
Letter U
Indicates that the fixture Unit type fixture
Letter L
Indicates that the fixture LED type fixture
Letter D
Indicates that the fixture Dimmer type fixture

The fixture number is displayed, and each fixture has a unique serial number. When the
fixture number and the key position are exchanged, the position of the serial number does not
display the new position after the adjustment, and only the key position assigned during the
patching is displayed, which is used for comparison. ;

The address of the patch is set directly according to the address value. The leading letters
'A', 'B', 'C', and 'D' of the address indicate that the address corresponds to the 'A', 'B' 'C', 'D'
output interface;
◆The content format of the address is: interface code Port Code +Address Value ( Such
Port code (the first letter of the letter meaning
address value)
letter A Indicates the output interface A of the controller ( interface
number A-1 or A-2)
letter B Indicates the output interface B of the controller ( interface
number B-1 or B-2)
Number of channels occupied by the current fixture
current fixture type
Press the address key again to to exit checking address function

Unit Fixture Manual Operation

◆Unit selection and fixture control of preset fader operation

Current function in Unit Type Fixture Mode;
Through touching Serial No.Selection key or Preset Keyboard to choose the
Preset Fader can directly input the fixture each attribute value;
There are with corresponding attribute function name between the fader and key,
easy to find out the attribute function 。

◆Wheels to input the attribute value (Valid after fixture selection)
Click the Attribute key ,Controller will auto switch to Unit Type ’Attribute
Mode ,attribute window opened;

4 yellow selection boxes of the attribute window mean

an attribute period(Each 4 attributes as an attribute period); Each period all

with 4 wheels corresponded inputting function in the attribute mode(so
that can input the attribute value through the wheels);Attribute period also
corresponded with the preset area which with the same name key and fader;
can switch the attribute period through clicking the touch screen,also can use the
key and fader in the preset area.

LED Manual Operation

Switch the fixture type to LED(Refer the function switching operation),

Preset keyboard will synchronized switch to LED type;
Select the LED fixture on the touch screen, Preset area LED fixture selected
at the same time;
Each corresponding fader is to control the LED brightness;
Wheel 1-4 split to two pages to control the selected LED total control
and color value:
In the two pages of the wheels,each wheel corresponded function below:
Wheel 1-4 first page function :Total control, color 1,color 2,color 3
Wheel 1-4second page function :Color 4,color 5,color 6,color 7
Wheel 1-4 can input color value,also can use for“Color 1——Color7”selection
operation :
When turn the wheel counterclockwise,when wheel red light flashing——LED fixture
color value decreased,and color selection canceled;
When turn the wheel clockwise,when wheel green light flashing——LED fixture color
value increased,and color selected;
When turn the wheel counterclockwise,when wheel red light on——LED fixture without
input,but color selection canceled;
When turn the wheel clockwise,when wheel green light on ——LED fixture without
input,but color is selected.
Wheel page key ;
Wheel the wheel mode key is as attribute mode (Red light on),in the LED fixture
is used to input the LED total control and color value,after select the LED fixture,
wheel mode automatically switches to attribute mode,also can use the wheel mode
key to switch to attribute mode.

Dimmer Manual Operation

Switch the fixture type to Dimmer type (Refer the function switch operation),
Preset keyboard will automatically switch to Dimmer type;
Select the dimmer channels on the touch screen, Preset keyboard channels will
be selected automatically ;
Each corresponded fader to control the brightness;

Drawing Operation

3 modes of Drawing :“Layout Mode”,“Moving Mode”and “Color Palette Mode ”.In

the shape mode through the Wheel 1to achieve these 3 drawing modes switching:
1)Layout Mode:Layout the fixtures,make the gradient cue ;
2)Moving Mode:Can achieve fixture’s position moving,brightness adjustment;

3)Palette Mode :Can achieve to output the RGB or CMY pointed color.
◆Notice:Must select the fixture before select the attribute
Choose the attribute for operation(Such as:“R”、“G”,“B”attribute);
Draw the shape on the drawing area(:Layout mode as default );
Wheel 1can switch the drawing mode(3 selectable drawing modes )
Wheel 2 Can adjust the shape size under the layout mode,and to switch the two
palette modes under the palette mode(Two palettes refer );
Wheel 3Can adjust the shape level position under layout mode,Can adjust the color
brightness value under palette mode;
Wheel 4Can adjust the shape vertical position under the Layout mode;
As 3 drawing input modes divided to :Layout Mode,Moving Mode,Palette
As two color palettes under the palette mode;
As wheel mode switching key,when key green light on,that means wheels are in
the drawing or shape data adjusted status,key red light on means wheels are in the
attribute status,key red and green lights both on means wheels in the playback data
inputting status,it will switch to green light status when drawing ,also can
manually switch to green light on(Shape Mode).

Shape Running Operation

◆Notice:Must select the fixture before you select the attribute

Select the attribute for shape running(Such as:select the level X Axis and
vertical Y Axis );
Switch to the shape function(Refer the normal functions switching Introduction);
Select a shape to run(Such as:“Wave”shape),fixture runs the shape effect
◆Data setting(Shape function data divided to two pages,inputting through the
wheels under the shape mode):
Wheel 1Adjust the shape output running speed(Page 1),also can adjust multi
equipment extended output(Page 2);
Wheel 2Adjust the shape size(Page 1),also can adjust the fixture color extending
(Page 2);
Wheel 3Adjust the shape level position(Page 1),also can select the output point
position when the shape stops(Page 2);
Wheel 4Adjust the shape vertical position(Page 1),also can let the shape stop,
to make a cue(Page 2);
Above wheels corresponding shape data can switch through Page key ;
After set the shape data,avoiding the shape accidentally shutdown,through the
other operations in the preset area or Enter key to lock the shape(Locked shape
displayed by yellow words,Refer the ),Shape can not close after lock;
If need to revise or off the locked shape,can select the locked shape again,wheels
can revise the data again;
Press the Delete key can delete the locked shape;
The shape effect after lock(Contents displayed by yellow words);
Wheel Mode Key green light on,that means the wheels are in the shape data setting
status,after open the shape,It will automatically switch to the shape mode ,
also can use Wheel Mode key to switch the wheels mode.

Shape Editing Operation

Press the Edit key ;
Switch to the shape function(Refer the function switching function),now keyboard
area will automatically skip to shape function;
Click a shape for editing(The editable shapes saved from the 6 page,refer ),
keyboard area will also select the corresponding shape;
Can draw any shape in the drawing area;
If need to delete the exist shapes,press the Delete key ;
If need to save the new added shape,press the Enter key;
Press the Edit key again to save the contents,now the shape will be the same
as built-in shapes.
Shape area 1-5 pages as built-in shapes,6-10 pages as editable shapes;when editing
the shape,if select the shape No.key in the 1-5 pages,then it will automatically
skip to the 6 page;
It will automatically create 4 shape modes(4 different direction shapes),now
you can name the shape ,easy to remember(Refer the name/rename operation)。

Group Editing Operation

◆Group editing Operation:

Press the Edit key ;
Switch to the Group Function ( Refer the function switch operation),now the
selection area also switches to the group function;
Click a Group No.key to edit,now the group area corresponded group No. Key
is on;
Switch to the fixture selection window(Refer the function switching operation),
select the fixtures as the group contents,now in the preset Keyboard displays the
corresponded contents;
Press the Enter key to save the contents to the group;
Press the Deleted key to delete the group contents;
When finish the editing,press the Edit key again to save current group contents;
It will display the group in blue words if the group contents existed,also can
rename the group(Refer name/rename operation).

◆Group output operation:

When the display window being the Group Function , Selection area will also

be in the group function;

Click a existed Group No.key(Group No. in blue words) to output this group
contents(Selection box in red color when selected), Group No. key indicator
from flashing changes to continuous on,now this group fixture contents output to
the preset keyboard;
Click the selected Group No.key(Red Selection Box),then can off this group
outputting, Selection area group No. Key recovers to flashing status,now
this group corresponded contents in preset area will be cleared;
As preset area effect for group outputting;
As preset area effect for group off 。

Contraposition Operation

◆Contraposition Usage
1) Contraposition function can solve the Unit fixtures’s position deviation
because of the installation;
2) Contraposition function also can use to recognize the CH_Mode(Channel Mode)
type fixture’s “Level X Axis ”and “Vertical Y Axis ”attribute,CH_Mode type
fixture“Level X Axis ”and “Vertical Y Axis ”attribute setting whether directly
effects the fixture output in the playback,Therefore,if uses the CH_Mode type
fixture,suggest to set the contraposition!
◆Contraposition Operation
Press the Edit key;
Press the F3key,to enter contraposition operation;
Press the Delete key can delete the selected fixture contraposition contents,
long press Delete key can delete all contraposition file;
Use the manual operation,make all fixtures to one straight line;
Select all fixtures which need the contraposition;
If it’s CH_Mode fixture,when saving the contraposition data,it needs to switch
to the attribute mode,then select these fixtures“Level X Axis ”and “Vertical
Y Axis ”attribute corresponded channels keys,(The fixtures of library mode no
need for this operation);
Press the Enter key,the new contraposition info will add to the contraposition
Press the Edit key can save the contraposition operation.

Brightness Channel Setting

◆Brightness channel function usage

Brightness channel function is only for Unit type CH_Mode fixture’s “Dimmer”
attribute,CH_Mode fixture’s “Dimmer”attribute setting whether effects the
playback outputting,the playback fader to control the brightness,therefore,if
uses the CH_Mode type fixture,suggest to set up the brightness channel!

◆Brightness channel function operation
Press the Edit key ;
Press the F4 key ,to enter the operation of the brightness channel setting
Select the CH_Mode type fixtures;
Short press Delete key can delete selected fixture brightness channel
contents ,long press the Delete key can delete all brightness channel contents;
Switch the preset area to Attribute Mode ,select the CH_Mode type fixture’s
‘“Dimmer”channel attribute corresponded keys;
Press the Enter key can save the fixture brightness channel information;
Press the Edit key to save the brightness channel setting and quit.

Playback Editing Operation

◆Playback Introduction
If needs to save a single step cue,just save one playback step,now the Playback
No.key in red indication;
If needs to save multi-steps chase,then just continuous saving the multi playback
steps,now Playback No.key in green indication;
◆Two saving modes for playback:
1) Equipment mode:Make the equipment as unit when saving the contents,all selected
and revised equipment all channels will be saved,this mode is good for multi
equipment playback overlying running;
2) Channel Mode:Make the channels as unit when saving,selected fixture revised
channels will be saved,this mode is for same type fixture but multi playback
◆Playback 3 output mode:
1) Loop Mode:Repeated running when playback over;
2) Order Mode :Stop outputting when playback over ;
3) Cross Mode:Playback first step and second step contents achieve the cross output
according to the fader position,this mode can use for the fixed point following

◆Playback editing diagram

◆Enter the Playback editing

Press the Edit key ,when edit the new playback,can set cue content before press
the Edit key,this content will keep after enter to editing ,and can save to playback
first step;
Switch to the playback window;
Click the Playback No.key to edit, also can push the Playback Fader to enter
playback editing,now playback key red and green indication lights on, Open the
playback data in the playback window;
◆Playback total data setting——Saving mode and outputting mode setting
Press the F1key can switch the two playback saving modes(This mode only can set
when just enter the playback editing): Equipment mode(All selected and operated
fixtures Contents save )and Channel Mode (All selected fixtures’s inputting
contents channels save ,middle key opened contents will not automatically save);
Wheel 1can set the playback output mode(This mode only can set when just enter
the playback editing): Loop mode (Repeated circulation)、 Order Mode(Stop
when running over )、 Cross mode(Playback fader can control which from the first
playback gradient to the second playback step ,can use for spot following);
◆Playback contents editing——Playback contents inputting operation from here
Use the manual operation ( Refer the manual ,drawing ,shape operation
Introduction),Edit a cue contents (Playback step contents);
◆Playback current step data——Playback step selection、gradient percent and total
time setting
Wheel 4can set playback current step total time value;
Wheel 3 可 can set current step gradient percent;
Wheel 2 在 can select the step when revising the step;
◆Editing tool——Corresponded tool keys according the actual application
Press the Forward key can check playback step;

Short press Delete key can delete current playback step,long press Delete key
can delete all playback contents;
Copy tool:Press the Copy key(now current step contents as root data contents ),
use Wheel 2to find the paste position,after press the Copy key indication off,
data will paste to the current position;
Insert step tool:Use the Wheel 2to find the step No. position to insert(Insert
to front of this step No.),manually edit a new cue contents,then long press Insert
key,so can insert the contents to pointed position,whilst playback total steps
will automatically add one;
After finish the playback contents editing or revision ,Press the Enter 键
key can add a new step or move to next step,continue to editing;if need to continue
other editing operation ,can repeated - operation process;
Clear key 3 clearing function:first press to clear fixture selection keys or
attribute selection keys;second press with sound reminding,can clear playback
current step all channels saving allowed signs(can use for saving mode which
“equipment mode”turns to “Channel mode”operation);the third press can clear
current cue step’s all outputting data contents.
Press the Edit key can save the playback contents and quit;
Data list when enter to the playback editing;
Allowed saving mode when enter to playback——Channel mode;
Allowed saving mode when enter to the playback ——Equipment mode;
Allowed output mode when enter to the playback ——Loop mode;
Allowed output mode when enter to the playback——Linear mode;
Allowed output mode when enter to the playback——Cross mode.

Playback Running Operation

Switch the playback running to the Player mode , synchronized trigger by

Switch the playback running to the Music mode,playback step changing triggered
by inputting audio signal;
Switch the playback running to the Manually trigger mode, manually trigger
playback steps changing by this manual trigger key;
Switch the playback running to the Auto mode,triggered by playback already set
speed automatically triggers playback steps changing;
Push the Playback fader can “open”and “close”the playback, Playback window
displays opened playback list;
Atmosphere key can pointed control a playback program;
Playback No. key can select and cancel selection a running playback,selected
playback can adjust running data by the wheels;
Pause key can pause the running playback if it’s not in Player mode;when it’s
in Player mode,short press the Pause key can control the Player“Pause/Play”,
Long press the Pause key can stop the playing music;
Mute key in the Player mode,short press Mute key can control Player muted
outputting;Long press the Mute key can control the Player video window open and
Wheel 1in the Player mode,when the playing stopped,can use for choosing the
files to play,after choose the file,press the Play/Pause key can play this file;
Wheel 2in the Player mode,can control the Player volume;
Wheel 3can adjust the selected playback gradient percent,NULL value means the
wheels value will not effect the gradient value;
Wheel 4 can adjust the selected playback speed,NULL means the wheels value will
not effect the speed value;
When running the playback,press the Clear key can clear the closed playback output
When running the playback,long press the Delete key can quickly off all the
running playbacks;
Playback window displays current opened playback data list;
When the Wheel Mode key green indication light on,means the Wheels are in the
playback data setting status,when open or close the playback,Wheel Mode key will
automatically switch to Red/Green indication status,also can switch by the Wheel
Mode .
◆Player Synchronized Control Process

System Setting Operation

Press the Edit key;

Press the System key;
Wheel 1can select the setting option;
Wheel 4can revise the setting option data value;
If needs to input the Serial No. Value(Password 2Input ),needs to switch the
selection area to the Group Function ;
Through the selection area to input the numbers(Password);
Press the Delete key can delete the setting data value(Password value clear
Finish the data setting to press the Enter key to confirm,edit other data option
after confirm;
When finish the system data setting,press the Edit key again to quit system
setting function,and save the setting data;
System setting data list.

◆System setting data introduction table——Table 4:

No. Option Description
1 Playback Set up a playback No. to automatically run when power on
2 Baud Rate -
Option “Player”for “PLAYER”port switching to“Player”control mode.
3 Control Data packet format setting under the serial port control code mode (Refer
Code the control code data packet format table ——Table 5)
4 Control Use to control “Edit”function key to revise the controller data,avoiding to
Password damage the data.
5 New Use to set the Password
6 Repeat When set the control Password,use to input the password again
7 Using Use to limit the controller using times
8 Formattin Use to format the controller when password opened,will clear all controller
g data,turning on the formatting operation needs to input the password:4488
9 Backup Backup the controller data t the U-Disk,turning on the backup operation
needs to input password:1111
10 Restore Restore the backup U-Disk data to the controller,needs to input the turning on
password when restore:4488
◆Turn on the password after Controller protected by the password
If the controller set the password already,then after power on,only the system setting
function allowed to“Edit ”,others editable functions all protected(Editing prohibited),unless
turn on the password,the protection will be unlocked.

Must open the password if need to open the Edit function :In the “System Setting”
operation,Select the “Password ”option,under the selection area“Group”mode,input the
8 bits password which set before from the selection keyboard(If password correct,“Format”
option value from“OFF”turns to “ON”),now the password is opened;

In the system setting,when password opened,press the Edit key to quit system setting ,
then can keep password opening status. Now the editing function protection unlocked,can edit
all editable functions.

◆Revise or set new password

1)Enter to system setting;

2)If there is protective password,then open the password first(Refer the password opening
operation),Keep in the system setting operation after password open(if no password then
directly enter to next operation);

3)Switch to “New Password”option to input a new group password(Same as password

input),then switch to “Repeat password”option to input the password again(if “new
password ”and “Repeat password”options both press“Delete key”,then mean cancel the
password,after password off,“Control Password”option value will display“OFF”);

4)After new password input,press the enter key to finish password setting;

5)Can quit system setting.

◆Controller using times setting

In the system setting ,after password open switch to“Using times”option,input the using
times value and press the enter key. If set the using times as“OFF”,means using times function
is off.

◆Controller formatting
“Format”option value displays from “OFF”
1)In the system setting,after password open,
to “ON”,means the format operation allowed.

2)Switch to “Format”option,and in the “selection area ”under “group”mode,

from the “Selection keyboard”to input the format opening password 4488 to open the format
operation(With two alarm sounds when entering ,and the edit key flashing),about 2 minutes
t finish the formation,and automatically restart the system.

3)After format,patching list will recover to default patching list,system setting recovers to
default value,other data will be cleared.

◆Backup and restore the controller

“Backup”and “Restore”option value displays
1)In the system setting,after password open,
from “OFF”to “ON”,means“Backup”and “Restore”operation available.

2)If needs to backup the controller data ,then switch to“backup”option,connect the
matched U-disk,and in the “selection area”under the “group”mode,from the“selection
keyboard”to input the backup opening password 1111 so can open the data backup operation
(With one sound reminding when enter the backup,after U-disk found with two alarm sounds,
meanwhile the edit key flashing,screen displays the backup processing),about 1-2minutes to
finish data backup and will restart the controller.

3)If needs to restore controller data,then switch to“restore”option,connect with the

U-disk,and in the “selection area”under the “group”mode,from the“selection keyboard”
to input the restore opening password 4488 so can open the data restore operation(With one
sound reminding when enter to restore,after U-disk found with two alarm sounds,meanwhile
the edit key flashing,screen displays the restore processing),about 1-2minutes to finish data
restore and will restart the controller.

★Why can not enter to the edit function sometimes?
1) When the controller running the playback,now edit function is prohibited ,so that
needs to close the running playback to enter editing function;
2) When administrator set the protective password,if the password is not opened,now
because of protected by password,all editable function options prohibited except the
system setting edit.

★Why can not close the running playback sometimes?

When playback running in Player trigger mode,because the playback’s on and off all
automatically controlled by the Player,so that can not manually on or off the playback
function,now if want to manually control the playback ,have to switch to other trigger mode

★Why there is no output?

1)It may be the master control fader or playback fader brightness adjusted too low ,master
brightness off ,open the master control fader ,or adjust the playback fader brightness;
2 ) “ Black 1 ” “ Black 2 ” keys pressed(Black key indication light on)
now controller all output brightness as 0;
3)Check whether used the using times function,when the using times count to 0,thus
controller output is prohibited.

★Why the MH-Player can not connect the controller normally?

1)Check in the system setting,“Baud rate”option whether is “Player”,if not ,means the
controller backside player port not in Player receiving mode,please reset the“Baud rate”option
Value(Refer the system setting);
2)Check whether already put the controller authorized code to the player installation catalog

under the folder(Authorized files in the enclosed CD),the authorized code

must save to this folder thus can connect the player with the controller correctly;
3)Check the drive program whether installed successfully in the computer,connect the controller
and computer,and check the computer equipment managing,whether has the CH340 drive


★ Clear key has which functions?

First time press to clear the selected fixtures,attributes,groups and unsure shapes
Second time press with short reminding sounds ,now can clear playback current
step’s all channels saving allowed signs(When playback editing,use to switch the
saving mode equipment “Equipment Mode ”to the “Channel Mode”);
Third time press can clear current cue all manually input data.

★“Master Control”fader,Difference between “Black 1”key and “Black

1)“Black 1”key same as the “Master Control”fader,only controls the fixture brightness
2)“Black 1”key and “Master Control”fader control all LED fixture and dimmer channels,
but for unit fixture ,if the fixture has the library ,can control normally,for CH_Mode type needs
through “Brightness setting”function,after set the unit brightness channel,thus controlled by
“Black 1”and “Master control ”fader;
3)“Black 2”key is simple blackout control key,no need for any setting,it controls all
channels(included non brightness channels)。

★How to achieve audio&video totally synchronization?

MH-Player is software that makes the controller audio&video&music synchronization,this
software is through inserting the control order in the required position of the audio or video file,
can achieve that through the audio and video files to open ,run,step switching ,close and more
for the playback program automatic and synchronized operation,no need for operator to
control,also can control the player from the controller ,very convenient and flexible.
This function widely used in :Video speech 、Parties 、lighting show making and more ……

★ How to understand the shape’s equipment extending and color

extending ?
1)Equipment extending:When running the shape,it will confirm the fixture position in the shape
according to the equipment extending value,now appears a following effect,if it’s the RGB
color output shape,now only the color brightness changing to output(Refer the picture 1
2)Color extending:When the RGB color for shape outputting,based on the fixture’s equipment
extending and overlay the color extending,now each fixture will extend the color in different
position of the shape,to make each fixture different color mixture(Refer the picture below 2-3)。

1,3 fixtures after the shape extending (equipment extending:Fixture as unit to extend
1,Fixture RGB color after the shape extending(Color extending:Fixture color as unit to extend)
2,Fixture and RGB color both after the shape extending(Equipment extending+Color extending)

★How to transfer a beautiful shape moment to a static cue?

In the shape running ,switch the wheels to Shape Mode ,and switch the
Wheel page to page 2,now if there is a satisfied effect ,turn the “Wheel D”to make the shape
“Stop”function,when the shape stopping,then create a static cue effect,if needs to fine-tune
the effect,turn the “Wheel C”to perform the shape“point-pick”function,can adjust the static
cue effect, if needs to run the shape again,use the “Wheel D”to run.

★How to make the synchronized running from two different modes of a

1)Application request:Two groups of fixtures,Fixture 1-8 as first group,fixture 9-16 as
second group;Now required two groups fixtures synchronized running in the same direction
2)Shape application:
2-1)let first group fixtures(Fixture 1-8)run the shape 1’s mode A,second group fixtures
(Fixture 9-16)run the shape 1’s mode B;
2-2)Set the shape running data ,and select the two running shape mode keys;

2-3)Press the Sync key ,so can make two shapes data synchronized running.
【Points】:1.Two groups fixture type and quantity are the same ;2.Run the same shape but
different modes;3.Opened shape must confirm.

★How to make the selected fixture in the center ?

Select the fixture,press the F4 to achieve fixture lighting on and in the middle operation.

★How to on and off the lamp ,and reset the fixture(for the library type

1) Lamp on:Select the fixture,switch the attribute to lamp attribute,and turn the wheel
clockwise,when the wheel value as 255,continuous to turn the wheel around 3
circles,after appear“ON”value,then send the lamp on order to the fixture;
2) Lamp off:Select the fixture,switch the attribute to lamp attribute,and turn the wheel
counterclockwise,when the wheel value as 0,continuous to turn the wheel around
3 circles,after appear the “OFF” value,then send the “lamp off” order to the
3) Fixture reset:Select the fixture,switch the attribute to RESET attribute,and turn the
RESET attribute wheel clockwise,when the wheel value as 255,continuous to turn
the wheels around 3 circles,after appear the “ON”,to send the reset order to the

★How to use the wheel mode key?

Wheel mode key is used to switch the wheel’s corresponded function and data inputting,3
wheel inputting modes:
1) When the mode key red light on,wheels is in attribute mode,now wheels used to input
the unit fixture attribute value(when the preset area in the unit fixture Type),or LED
fixture master control and color value inputting(when preset area in the LED fixture
2) When the mode key green light on,wheels is in shape mode,now if it’s in the drawing
operation,wheels for switching the drawing mode and revising drawing shape data;
3) When the mode key both red and green light on,wheels is in the playback mode,now if
it’s in the playback editing status,wheels for setting playback step time,and playback
No. Selection;If it’s in playback running status,wheels for setting playback running
speed and and gradient,and can control MH-Player player volume and music files and


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