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Hashemite University

Prince Hussein Bin Abdullah II for Information Technology

Department of Software Engineering

Software Quality Assurance &Testing

Lab Manual

Version 1.0

21 Sept. 2019
Document Control

Document Detail
Title: Lab Manual for Software Testing and Quality Assurance
Version: V 1.0
Date: 21 /9/2019
Electronic File Name: SE Lab Work.doc
Electronic File Location: LMS
Document Author: Khalid Al-Sarayreh

Change Control
Issue Date Version Details Author
- - - -

Referenced Documentation
Ref Document Name Electronic File Location
- -
- -
Table of Contents

1. DOCUMENT IDENTIFIER............................................................................................................... 4

2. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................. 4

3. AUTHORS....................................................................................................................................... 4

4. TOOLS LIST.................................................................................................................................... 4

5. TESTING TOOLS............................................................................................................................ 4
5.1. PMD....................................................................................................................................... 5
5.2. KATALONA.............................................................................................................................. 5
5.3. PYTHON TESTING UNIT............................................................................................................ 5
5.4. RIPS & POSTMAN.................................................................................................................... 5
5.5. SELENIUM, LIGHTHOUSE, APACHE JMETER...............................................................................5
5.6. UNIT TESTING......................................................................................................................... 6
5.7. METRICS RELOADED AND CHECKSTYLE....................................................................................6
5.8. CHECKSTYLE, ECLEMMA, SONARLINT AND SPOTBUG ..............................................................5
5.9. QTEST.................................................................................................................................... 5
5.10. RANOREX STUDIO................................................................................................................... 5

6. ASSIGNMENTS............................................................................................................................... 4
6.1. INTERVIEW QUESTIONS FOR QA TESTER..................................................................................5
6.2. TESTING OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMS..................................................................................5
6.3. INTERVIEW QUESTIONS............................................................................................................ 5
6.4. TEST PHASE EXIT CRITERIA..................................................................................................... 5

7. Approvals..................................................................................................................................... 150
1. Lab Manual Version Identifier
The unique identifier for this Lab Manual is: <1.0v>

2. Introduction
This paper contains all the tools and assignments done by the students for the term 181 under the supervision
of the Dr.khalid Alsarairah. Here you will find detailed information the tools and instructions on how to use

3. Authors
 Dr. Khaled Alsrairah.

4. Tools List
1. PMD.
2. Katalona.
3. Python Testing Unit.
5. Postman.
6. Selenium,
7. Lighthouse,
8. Apache
9. Jmeter.
10. Unit Testing.
11. Metrics & Cyclomatic Complexity.
12. QTest.

5. Testing Tools
5.1. PMD
 This tool demonstrated by Turki Alola, Software Engineering.

About PMD:
PMD is a static code analyzer, it checks for common programming mistakes which includes: Missing
comments, improper naming conventions, unused variables, etc.
Installing PMD on Eclipse:
Go to Help and click on Install New Software

Click add on the right-hand side, give it a name and a location(

plugin/updates/) as shown below and click add

Tick PMD for Eclipse 4 and click next

On the top right-hand side, you will find the "open perspective" icon:
You will have this list shown to you, pick PMD and click open

You should be able to see the gun icon among the available perspectives, click it and you will able to view
the violations table, which should be empty. To start using PMD you need to right click a project/file, scroll
down till you see the PMD option, click it or hover over it and click "Check Code".
You will be able to see two tables, the one on the left shows the violations in the file you are currently
viewing, while the one on the right will show all the files that you have checked its code.

PMD has multiple levels of violations: Blocker, Critical, Urgent, Important, and Warning respectively as
shown below:

With that in mind, PMD can produce a lot of false positives, depending on what you are doing, consider the
following method for example:
Here we can see that PMD thinks using System.out.printf/ln() is a critical violation, which is when it comes
to making professional software, and it suggests that we use a logger instead:

(right click the violation and click "show details…")

Another example of a clear false positive is:

Where is suggests that you make args final, since you aren’t using it. But you shouldn’t do that since its
being handled by your compiler and you shouldn’t change it.

An example of PMD being extremely useful, consider the following method:

With the following description:

This is a genuinely good advice, it suggests that you should return pos < asList.length;
instead, which is far more efficient.

Since one of the requirements of that piece of code is to print grades into the console, this is a false positive.
Remember to use your better judgment.

5.2. Katalona
 This tool is demonstrated by Faisal Abduljabar & Ra’ad Alkhaldi, Software Engineering
Creating test cases using Record
Estimated reading time: 11 minutes

Test recording is the easiest way for new automation testers to start learning test automation. Identifying
objects on applications is time-consuming and painful. The Web Recorder Utility
( captures your actions being performed
on application and converts them into runnable code in the back-end. Using this you can quickly automate a
few functionalities of your app and save your time by recording actions which have to be performed quite
many times in iterative builds. This Katalon Studio function supports recording and running the same tests
on multiple browsers. This article illustrates how to record your test case with ease.
1. Recording your rst test with Katalon Studio Record Web Function
2. How to change the Page Folder names and elements names while runtime recording
3. How to add Katalon Commands while recording

Recording your rst test with Katalon Studio Record Web Function
Scenario: To make an appointment
1. Launch the Application under test (URL:
2. Click on Make Appointment button
3. Enter valid username, password and click on Login button
4. Make an appointment

Follow the below steps to get familiar with the Record & Playback features for Web UI Test
Step 1: Launch Katalon Studio and click New > Test Case on the main toolbar. Provide a name for your
test case and click OK. An empty test case will be created.
Step 2: Click on Record Web from the main toolbar.

Step 3: The Record dialog would be displayed.

Step 4: Select a browser and click on the Record button to start recording test case

Step 5: Once your application has been launched, move the cursor to ‘Make Appointment’ button and click
on the button (wait till Login page gets loaded)
Step 6: Enter valid username & password (John Doe & ThisIsNotAPassword) and click on ‘Login’ button
(wait till page gets loaded)

Step 7: Once Make Appointment page has been loaded, select the value “Hongkong CURA Healthcare
Center” from the Facility drop down.

Step 8: Move the cursor towards checkbox ‘Apply for hospital readmission’ and click on the check box.
Step 9: Move the cursor towards the radio button and click the radio button of ‘Medicaid’.
Step 10: Click the calendar icon of ‘Visit Date’ and click on the date you needed.
Step 11: Move the cursor towards the Comment eld and enter the text
Step 12: Move the cursor towards Book Appointment button and click the button
Step 13: You can stop recording anytime by clicking on ‘Stop’. Katalon Studio allows users to select
Selection Method for captured objects. Basic mode is recommended to manual testers who just started
automation journey. With basic mode, Katalon Studio’s intelligent selector generator will automatically
generate robust and unique selectors for captured objects.
For advanced testers who wish to manually input selectors have the option to select between CSS or XPath
mode. For more details about Selection Method, refer to this guide
Step 14: When you are done with recording, click OK to save recorded actions into Katalon Studio. You
will be prompted to save captured objects into Object Repository which can be reused whenever needed.
You can also create a folder to maintain page objects in desired structure. Click OK to continue.

Step 15: Recorded objects and actions are saved in the test case as shown below.

Just click on ‘Run’ to execute recorded test cases in desired browser.

Script Code for Record and Playback
WebUI.navigateToUrl('')</p>'Page_CURA Healthcare Service/a_Make Appointment'))'Page_CURA Healthcare Service (1)/button_Login'))
WebUI.selectOptionByValue(findTestObject('Page_CURA Healthcare Service (2)/select_
true)'Page_CURA Healthcare Service (2)/input_hospital_readm'Page_CURA Healthcare Service (2)/input_programs'))'Page_CURA Healthcare Service (2)/div_input-group-addo'Page_CURA Healthcare Service (2)/td_3'))

WebUI.setText(findTestObject('Page_CURA Healthcare Service (2)/textarea_comment')'Page_CURA Healthcare Service (2)/button_Book Appointm

How to change the Page Folder names and elements names while
runtime recording
To organize your test scripts in page object pattern, we need to add test objects in the folder corresponding
to page. This helps us in reusing the object and maintain the objects
Scenario: Login with valid data
1. Launch the Application under test (URL:
2. Click on Make Appointment button (change page and element names).
3. Enter valid username, password and click on Login button (change page and element names).

Step 1: Launch Katalon Studio and click on the First Test Case button on the main toolbar.
Provide a name for your test case and click OK. An empty test case will be created.

Step 2: Click on Record Web from the main toolbar.

Step 3: The Record dialog would be displayed. Select a browser and click on the Record button to start
recording test case.
Step 4: Once your application has been launched, move the cursor to ‘Make Appointment’ button and click
on the button (wait till Login page gets loaded).

Step 6: Rename the page Name of “Page_CURA Healthcare Service” to “Page_Home Page”.
Step 7: Select “a_Make Appointment” element in Captured Objects Frame.
Step 8: Rename element name of “a_Make Appointment” to “button_Make Appointment”.
Step 9: Then again continue recording for that switch to recording browser, move to Login Button click on
Login button.

Step 10: Repeat same steps above to change the name of object Login and its folder.
Step 11: Rename the Page Name of “Page_CURA Healthcare Service” to “Page_Login”.
Step 12: You can stop recording anytime by clicking on ‘Stop’. When you are done with recording, click
OK to save recorded actions into Katalon Studio.
Step 13: You will be prompted to save captured objects into Object Repository which can be reused
whenever needed. You can also create a folder to maintain page objects in desired structure. Click OK to
Step 14: Recorded objects and actions are saved in the test case as shown below.

Just click on ‘Run’ to execute recorded test cases in desired browser Source Code:
import static com.kms.katalon.core.testobject.ObjectRepository.findTestObject</p> import
com.kms.katalon.core.webui.keyword.WebUiBuiltInKeywords as WebUI


WebUI.navigateToUrl('')'Page_Home Page/button_Make Appointment'))'Page_Login/button_Login'))

How to add Katalon Commands while recording

Scenario: Verify the Login functionality with validations
1. Launch the Application under test (url:
2. Verify the Make Appointment button is present
3. Click on Make Appointment button
4. Verify the Login button is visible
5. Enter valid username, password and click on Login button
At runtime recording, Katalon Studio allow users to add additional commands like
Basic action commands, validation point commands, synchronization commands
Step 1: Launch Katalon Studio and click on the New Test Case button on the main toolbar.
Provide a name for your test case and click OK. An empty test case will be created.

Step 2: Click on Record Web from the main toolbar.

Step 3: The Record dialog would be displayed.

Step 4: Select a browser and click on the Record button to start recording test case

Step 5: Once your application has been launched, move the cursor to ‘Make Appointment’ button and click
on the button (wait till Login page gets loaded)
Step 6: We can add validation commands in runtime record for that switch to Katalon record dialog box
and click on Add Button before that we need to select the step where to add the next line of validations

Step 7: Click on Add Validation Point

Step 8: It will add default command Verify Element Present
Step 9: We need to give time for Verify Element Present Katalon Studio providing the default time 30
seconds] for that tap on Action data of Verify Element Present and give 30 seconds [as per you needed]
then click on OK Button.
Step 10: It display the Verify Element Present command with time on record dialog box
Step 11: We need to pass the object for Verify Element Present command for that click on element column
of Verify Element Present it will display the page object dialog box and choose the object of Login Button
[as per you needed] and click on OK Button.
Step 12: Verify Element Present command displayed with modi ed object
Step 13: Then again continue recording for that switch to recording browser, move to Make Appointment
button and click on Make Appointment button.

Step 14: We need to add validation for Make Appointment button for that we shift to Record Dialog box
Step 15: Click on Add Button it would display the dropdown list of commands list then click on Add
Validation point
Step 16: It will add default command Verify Element Present
Step 17: Now we need to change Verify Element Present command to Verify Element Visible for that
double click on action column of Verify Element Present then it would display the down arrow then again
click on down arrow it would display all Validation commands. Click on Verify Element Visible command
[or use others as per you needed].

Step 18: It display the changed validation point on Record dialog box
Step 19: We need to pass the object for Verify Element Visible command for that click on element column
of Verify Element Visible it would display the page object dialog box expand the page objects folder and
choose the object of Login Button [as per you needed] and click on OK Button.
Step 20: Verify Element Visible command is displayed with modi ed object.
Step 21: You can stop recording anytime by clicking on ‘Stop’. When you are done with recording, click
OK to save recorded actions into Katalon Studio.
Step 22: You will be prompted to save captured objects into Object Repository which can be reused
whenever needed. You can also create a folder to maintain page objects in desired structure. Click OK to
Step 23: Recorded objects and actions are saved in the test case as shown below.

Script code:

WebUI.verifyElementPresent(findTestObject('Page_CURA Healthcare Service/a_Make Ap'Page_CURA Healthcare Service/a_Make Appointment'))
WebUI.verifyElementVisible(findTestObject('Page_CURA Healthcare Service (1)/butto'Page_CURA Healthcare Service (1)/button_Login'))
Thus we can record the actions being performed using Katalon Studio. There are few actions which cannot
be recorded.

What cannot be recorded?

Though recording your tests saves time, we cannot validate few scenarios such as Web Table handling,
switching to multiple frames, switching to windows, handling captcha, image recognition, video playbacks.
Here are the main drawbacks
a) Using a recorder we cannot handle dynamically changing elements (since we need tocustomize

b) We cannot reuse the code wherever we need it. And it is quite challenging for debugging.

You can download source code here (

For further instructions and help, please refer to Recording WebUI Test (/x/RwnR) and Record and
Playback ( tutorials.

5.3. Python Unit Testing

 This tool is demonstrated by Khalid Aloraifi, Computer Science

Lesson Plan
Python and Unit Testing

We are going to talk about:
1. Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts in Python
2. Unit Testing in Python
All of these topics are explained using Python 3.x

OOP in Python
Class Definition:
Classes can be defined using the class keyword, and followed by the name of the class in a CamelCase
notation (The pass keyword here is used as a placeholder to avoid encountering errors at this state):

class Dog:

Instance Attributes (Constructor-like):

When an instance is initialized, it fires this function to initialize its attributes. The self keyword is used to
refer to the object itself (i.e., Dog)
class Dog:

# Initializer / Instance Attributes

def __init__(self, name, age): = name
self.age = age

Class Attributes:
Class attributes are used to represent the attributes of the class regardless of the instance. In other words, it
stays the same for all instances of this class:
class Dog:

# Class Attribute
species = 'mammal'

# Initializer / Instance Attributes

def __init__(self, name, age): = name
self.age = age

Instance Methods and Instantiating Objects:

Instance methods can be defined as a regular function with the passage of self parameter and other needed
After class creation, we are going to see how to instantiate objects to use them and their methods:
class Dog:

# Class Attribute
species = 'mammal'

# Initializer / Instance Attributes

def __init__(self, name, age): = name
self.age = age

# instance method
def description(self):
return "{} is {} years old".format(, self.age)

# instance method
def speak(self, sound):
return "{} says {}".format(, sound)

# Instantiate the Dog object

mikey = Dog("Mikey", 6)
# call our instance methods
print(mikey.speak("Gruff Gruff"))
Mikey is 6 years old
Mikey says Gruff Gruff
Inheritance and other Object-Oriented concepts will not be covered in this report. However, I have attached
a great source below where you can continue your exploration in Python OOP.

Unit Testing in Python

Unit testing in Python can be achieved using the unittest module that’s available in the Python Standard
Python Documentation definition of the module:
The unittest unit testing framework was originally inspired by JUnit and has a similar flavor as major unit
testing frameworks in other languages. It supports test automation, sharing of setup and shutdown code for
tests, aggregation of tests into collections, and independence of the tests from the reporting framework.
The unit testing work is presented, code can be found in the references.

Getting Started:
You can simply start by importing the module by writing this:
import unittest
Create the test class by adding a Test keyword before the name of the class you’re testing
(i.e. Calc in our case), like this:
class TestCalc(unittest.TestCase):
Testing one functionality, for example, adding from our main class can be tested like that:
def test_add(self):
self.assertEqual(calc.add(10, 5), 15)
self.assertEqual(calc.add(-1, 1), 0)
self.assertEqual(calc.add(-1, -1), -2)
assertEqual is passed to arguments, the calling of the tested functionality, and the expected outcome; it
checks whether or not the called function is equal to the expected output. If yes, then the test case is passed.
Here is how to the output looks like for testing the add function and its sisters:

We can see that all test cases passed.

You can play around the code and see how a failing test would look like. In case you didn’t try, I have
modified the passed parameters to simulate it, you can see AssertionError: -1 != 0:
For more information and testing functionalities, you can refer to the unittest module.

Materials & Resources

● Code snippets have been retrieved from Corey Schafer
● Object oriented concepts have been well defined by Real Python
● Presentation by yours truly

5.4. RIPS & Postman

 These tools are demonstrated by Ibrahim Adam & Hussam Shabib, Computer Science


The project will introduce two important tools that are used strongly in software testing phase,
which are RIPS and Postman .
Rips is used for static analysis testing and Postman is used for API testing

What is RIPS?

It stands for Re-Inforce PHP Security .it is a static code analysis tool used to search for
vulnerabilities in PHP scripts. It searches for vulnerabilities based on the source code of scripts
only. It can discover bad implementation practices in the code but do not forget that some false
positive outcomes may be there.


1- Install a local webserver parsing PHP files: such as apache web server.
you can download your preferred version on your specific operating system through this

2- You should download RIPS tool through this link:

3- Extract all your files that you want to scan them using RIPS to the web server's
document root (e.g. /var/www/rips in nginx , /htdocs/rips in apache)
4- goto http://localhost/rips/ and start scanning your files.


What is Postman?
Postman is an automation tool designed for API testing. You can download it as a browser
extension or a desktop application on Mac, Linux, Windows. It is, in fact, a development
environment to develop and test APIs

You have 2 options:
download it as a desktop application through this link:
download it as a browser extension in chrom through this link:

After that you can go to the tool by writing in chrome browser: chrome://Apps
then selecting Postman

some websites to test on using Postman:


5.5. Selenium, Lighthouse and Apache JMeter

Selenium tool

Many, perhaps most, software applications today are written as web-based applications to be run in an
Internet browser. The effectiveness of testing these applications varies widely among companies and
organizations. In an era of highly interactive and responsive software processes where many organizations
are using some form of Agile methodology, test automation is frequently becoming a requirement for
software projects. Test automation is often the answer. Test automation means using a software tool to run
repeatable tests against the application to be tested. For regression testing this provides that responsiveness.

Why Selenium?
Selenium is a set of different software tools each with a different approach to supporting test automation.
Most Selenium QA Engineers focus on the one or two tools that most meet the needs of their project,
however learning all the tools will give you many different options for approaching different test automation
problems. The entire suite of tools results in a rich set of testing functions specifically geared to the needs of
testing of web applications of all types. These operations are highly flexible, allowing many options for
locating UI elements and comparing expected test results against actual application behavior. One of
Selenium’s key features is the support for executing one’s tests on multiple browser platforms.

Test Automation for Web Applications

Test automation has specific advantages for improving the long-term efficiency of a software team’s testing
processes. Test automation supports:

● Frequent regression testing.

● Rapid feedback to developers.
● Virtually unlimited iterations of test case execution.
● Support for Agile and extreme development methodologies.
● Disciplined documentation of test cases.
● Customized defect reporting.
● Finding defects missed by manual testing.
Test Automation for Web Applications
Selenium is composed of multiple software tools. Each has a specific role.
Selenium 2 (aka. Selenium WebDriver)
Selenium 2 is the future direction of the project and the newest addition to the Selenium toolkit. This brand
new automation tool provides all sorts of awesome features, including a more cohesive and object oriented
API as well as an answer to the limitations of the old implementation.
Selenium 1 (aka. Selenium RC or Remote Control)
As you can read in Brief History of The Selenium Project, Selenium RC was the main Selenium project for a
long time, before the WebDriver/Selenium merge brought up Selenium 2, the newest and more powerful

Now Selenium 1 is deprecated and is not actively supported (mostly in maintenance mode).

Selenium IDE
Selenium IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is a prototyping tool for building test scripts. It is a
Firefox and Chrome plugin and provides an easy-to-use interface for developing automated tests. Selenium
IDE has a recording feature, which records user actions as they are performed and then exports them as a
reusable script in one of many programming languages that can be later executed.

Let's start use it

- Install as plugin in browser


- Run it now from plugins bar in browser

- Chose record new test

- define name for new project.

- Put your link in this field *hint: link should start with http:// or https://
- Record start already now do test for your website

- Any action you do in test website is record in selenium (for example: click button)
- When you finish test your website stop recording from this red button

- Define name for this test

- Now you can run test again to see any bugs or errors will occur

- In my case it succeed all cases


Selenium-Grid allows the Selenium RC solution to scale for large test suites and for test suites that must be
run in multiple environments. Selenium Grid allows you to run your tests in parallel, that is, different tests
can be run at the same time on different remote machines. This has two advantages. First, if you have a large
test suite, or a slow-running test suite, you can boost its performance substantially by using Selenium Grid to
divide your test suite to run different tests at the same time using those different machines. Also, if you must
run your test suite on multiple environments you can have different remote machines supporting and running
your tests in them at the same time. In each case Selenium Grid greatly improves the time it takes to run
your suite by making use of parallel processing.

Lighthouse tool

Lighthouse is an open-source, automated tool for improving the quality of web pages. You can run it against
any web page, public or requiring authentication. It has audits for performance, accessibility, progressive
web apps, and more.

Why Lighthouse?
You can run Lighthouse in Chrome DevTools, from the command line, or as a Node module. You give
Lighthouse a URL to audit, it runs a series of audits against the page, and then it generates a report on how
well the page did. From there, use the failing audits as indicators on how to improve the page. Each audit
has a reference doc explaining why the audit is important, as well as how to fix it.

Let's start use it

1. Download Google Chrome for Desktop.
2. In Google Chrome, go to the URL you want to audit. You can audit any URL on the web.
3. Open Chrome DevTools.
4. Click the Audits tab.

And you will get benchmark results of website

Apache jmeter tool

The Apache JMeter™ application is open source software, a 100% pure Java
application designed to load test functional behavior and measure performance. It
was originally designed for testing Web Applications but has since expanded to other
test functions.

Why Apache jmeter?

Apache JMeter may be used to test performance both on static and dynamic resources, Web dynamic
It can be used to simulate a heavy load on a server, group of servers, network or object to test its strength or
to analyze overall performance under different load types.You can run Lighthouse in Chrome DevTools,
from the command line, or as a Node module. You give Lighthouse a URL to audit, it runs a series of audits
against the page, and then it generates a report on how well the page did. From there, use the failing audits
as indicators on how to improve the page. Each audit has a reference doc explaining why the audit is
important, as well as how to fix it.

Let's start use it

Install java
Check java version
java -version

Download apache-jmeter-5.0.tgz from this link
Go to directory (for me downloads)
- windows
Unzip file
Right click in file chose unzip files
Go to bin file and run jmeter

- Linux & macOS

Unzip file
tar xf apache-jmeter-4.0.tgz

Go to file after unzip in directory bin

cd apache-jmeter-4.0/bin/

Run code

Now create new test by click add -> threads(Users) -> thread group

Just refind how much user you want to do test by change Number of Threads (Users)
For me I put 100 user.
Just refind how much time test take by change Ramp-Up Period (In second)
For me I put 10 second.
Just refind how much test will repeat by each user take by change Ramp-Up Period (In second)
For me I put 2 items loop that mean each user will do it twice look like 200 user.
Now add type of test by click add -> Sampler -> HTTP Request

Put in IP or name link of website
Put in path which page you want to test for me I put index
Now add type of result displayer by click add -> Listener -> View Results in Table
Now just run the test by run button and check table results

5.6. Unit Testing

 This tool is demonstrated by Mohammed Alullu, Software Engineering

This tutorial introduces the basics of writing and running JUnit 4 unit tests in NetBeans IDE. Testing
an application is an integral part of the development cycle, and writing and maintaining unit tests can
help ensure that the individual methods in your source code work correctly. The IDE's integrated
support for the JUnit unit testing framework enables you to quickly and easily create JUnit tests and
test suites. In this tutorial, you will be guided through the process of creating simple JUnit 4 unit tests
and test suites for a Java class project.

Creating the Java Classes

1. Download the finished project from here.
2. Go to File > New Project
3. Click next, and in the next dialogue box, change the project name to JUnit-Sample.
4. Uncheck “Create Main Class” and click “Finish”.
5. In the created project’s window, right-click the Source Packages node of the JUnit-Sample
project and choose New > Java Package from the popup menu.
6. Type “sample” as the package name, and click finish
7. Copy the classes and found in the finished project
downloaded at the first step and paste them into the “sample” source package in JUnit-Sample.

Creating a Test Class for

1. Right-click and choose Tools > Create Tests
2. In the Create Tests dialogue box that will appear, change the name of the test class to
VectorsJUnit4Test. You will get a warning message. Ignore it.
(This warning is due to not following the usual naming conventions for test classes, which is typically
“”. Previously, test classes needed to be the same name of the tested class, ending with Test. This
is no longer the case, with newer versions of JUnit, as such, it is safe to ignore this warning)
3. Select JUnit in the Framework dropdown list.
4. Deselect Test Initializer and Test Finalizer. Click OK.
5. If you get a dialogue asking you to select the JUnit version, select JUnit 4.x, and click Select.

Otherwise, skip this step.

When you click OK, the IDE creates the test class in the sample package under the Test Packages
node in the Projects window.

Open the, and you’ll notice that the IDE generated the
following test class initializer and finalizer methods:
The IDE generates the class initializer and finalizer methods by default when creating JUnit 4 test
classes. The annotations @BeforeClass and @AfterClass are used to mark methods that
should be run before and after running the test class. You can delete the methods because you will
not need them to test
Writing Test Methods for
1. Open in the editor.
2. Modify the test method for testScalarMultiplication by changing the name of the
method, the value of the println and removing the generated variables. The test method
should now look like the following (changes displayed in bold):
3. Now add some assertions to test the method.

In this test method you use the JUnit assertEquals method. To use the assertion, you
supply the input variables and the expected result. To pass the test, the test method must
successfully return all the expected results based on the supplied variables when running the
tested method. You should add a sufficient number of assertions to cover the various possible
4. Change the name of the testEqual test method to equalsCheck.
5. Delete the generated method body of the equalsCheck test method.
6. Add the following println to the equalsCheck test method.

The test method should now look like the following:

7. Modify the equalsCheck method by adding the following assertions (displayed in bold):
This test uses the JUnit assertTrue and assertFalse methods to test a variety of

possible results. For the test of this method to pass, the assertTrue must all be true and
assertFalse must all be false.

Creating a Test Class for

1. Right-click and choose Tools > Create Tests.
2. Select JUnit in the Framework dropdown list if not selected.
3. Select Test Initializer and Test Finalizer in the dialog box if not selected.
4. Modify the name of the test class to UtilsJUnit4Test in the Create Tests dialog box. Click OK.
When you click OK, the IDE creates the test file in the Test Packages > sample
directory. You can see that the IDE generated the test methods testComputeFactorial,
testConcatWords, and testNormalizeWord for the methods in The IDE also
generated initializer and finalizer methods for the test and the test class.Writing Test Methods for

Test Initializers and Finalizers:

When you created the test class for the IDE generated annotated initializer and
finalizer methods. You can choose any name for the name of the method because there is no required
naming convention.
Note: You do not need the initializer and finalizer methods to test, but they are included in this
tutorial to demonstrate how they work.
In JUnit 4 you can use annotations to mark the following types of initializer and finalizer methods.
Test Class Initializer: The @BeforeClass annotation marks a method as a test class
initialization method. A test class initialization method is run only once, and before any of the other
methods in the test class. For example, instead of creating a database connection in a test initializer
and creating a new connection before each test method, you may want to use a test class initializer to
open a connection before running the tests. You could then close the connection with the test class
Test Class Finalizer: The @AfterClass annotation marks a method as a test class finalizer
method. A test class finalizer method is run only once, and after all of the other methods in the test
class are finished.
Test Initializer: The @Before annotation marks a method as a test initialization method. A test
initialization method is run before each test case in the test class. A test initialization method is not
required to run tests, but if you need to initialize some variables before you run a test, you use a test
initializer method.
Test Finalizer: The @After annotation marks a method as a test finalizer method. A test
finalizer method is run after each test case in the test class. A test finalizer method is not required to
run tests, but you may need a finalizer to clean up any data that was required when running the test
Make the following changes (displayed in bold) in

(When you run the test class the println text you added is displayed in the output pane of the
JUnit Test Results window. If you do not add the println, there is no output to indicate that the
initializer and finalizer methods were run.)

Testing Using a Simple Assertion

This simple test case tests the concatWords method. Instead of using the generated test method
testConcatWords, you will add a new test method called helloWorldCheck that uses a
single simple assertion to test if the method concatenates the strings correctly. The assertEquals
in the test case uses the syntax assertEquals(EXPECTED_RESULT, ACTUAL_RESULT) to
test if the expected result is equal to the actual result. In this case, if the input to the method
concatWords is "Hello", ",", "world" and "!", the expected result should equal "Hello, world!".
1. Delete the generated test method testConcatWords.
2. Add the following helloWorldCheck method to test Utils.concatWords:
3. Add a println statement to display text about the test in the JUnit Test Results window:

Testing Using a Timeout

This test demonstrates how to check if a method is taking too long to complete. If the method is
taking too long, the test thread is interrupted, and the test fails. You can specify the time limit in the
The test method invokes the computeFactorial method in You can assume that the
computeFactorial method is correct, but in this case, you want to test if the computation is
completed within 1000 milliseconds. You do this by interrupting the test thread after 1000
milliseconds. If the thread is interrupted the test method throws a TimeoutException.
1. Delete the generated test method testComputeFactorial.
2. Add the testWithTimeout method that calculates the factorial of a randomly generated

3. Add the following code (displayed in bold) to set the timeout and to interrupt the thread if
the method takes too long to execute:

You can see that the timeout is set to 1000 milliseconds.

4. Add the following println (displayed in bold) to print the text about the test in the JUnit
Test Results window:

Testing for an Expected Exception

This test demonstrates how to test for an expected exception. The method fails if it does not throw
the specified expected exception. In this case you are testing that the computeFactorial method
throws an IllegalArgumentException if the input variable is a negative number (-5).
1. Add the following testExpectedException method that invokes the
computeFactorial method with an input of -5:
2. Add the following property (displayed in bold) to the @Test annotation to specify that the
test is expected to throw IllegalArgumentException:
3. Add the following println (displayed in bold) to print the text about the test in the JUnit
Test Results window:

Disabling a Test
This test demonstrates how to temporarily disable a test method. In JUnit 4 you simply add the
@Ignore annotation to disable the test.
1. Delete the generated test method testNormalizeWord.
2. Add the following test method to the test class:

The test method temporarilyDisabledTest will run if you run the test class.
3. Add the @Ignore annotation (displayed in bold) above @Test to disable the test:
4. Fix your imports to import org.junit.Ignore.

Running the Tests

You can run JUnit tests on the entire application or on individual files and see the results in the IDE.
The easiest way to run all the unit tests for the project is to choose Run > Test <PROJECT_NAME>
from the main menu. If you choose this method, the IDE runs all the test classes in the Test
Packages. To run an individual test class, right-click the test class under the Test Packages node and
choose Run File.
1. Right-click in the Projects window.
2. Choose Test File.
3. Choose Window > IDE Tools > Test Results to open the Test Results window.
When you run the IDE only runs the tests in the test class. If the class
passes all the tests you will see something similar to the following image in the JUnit Test Results

In this image you can see that the IDE ran the JUnit test on and that the class passed
all the tests. The left pane displays the results of the individual test methods and the right pane
displays the test output. If you look at the output you can see the order that the tests were run. The
println that you added to each of the test methods printed out the name of the test to Test Results
window and the Output window.
You can see that in UtilsJUnit4Test the test class initializer method annotated with
@BeforeClass was run before any of the other methods and it was run only once. The test class
finalizer method annotated with @AfterClass was run last, after all the other methods in the class.
The test initializer method annotated with @Before was run before each test method.
The controls in the left side of the Test Results window enable you to easily run the test again. You
can use the filter to toggle between displaying all test results or only the failed tests. The arrows
enable you to skip to the next failure or the previous failure.

Creating JUnit 4 Test Suites

JUnit 4 is back-compatible so you can run JUnit 4 test suites that contain JUnit 4 and JUnit 3 tests. In
JUnit 4 test suites you specify the test classes to include as values of the @Suite annotation.
1. Right-click the project node in the Projects window and choose New > Other to open the
New File wizard.
2. Select Test Suite in the Unit Tests category. Click Next.
3. Type JUnit4TestSuite for the file name.
4. Select the sample package to create the test suite in the sample folder in the test packages
5. Deselect Test Initializer and Test Finalizer. Click Finish.
When you click Finish, the IDE creates the test suite class in the sample package and opens the
class in the editor. The test suite contains code similar to the following:

When you run the test suite the IDE will run the test classes in the order that they are listed.

Running Test Suites

You run a test suite the same way you run any individual test class:
1. Expand the Test Packages node in the Projects window.
2. Right-click the test suite class and choose Test File.
When you run the test suite the IDE runs the tests included in the suite in the order they are listed.
The results are displayed in the JUnit Test Results window:

In this image you can see the test results for a JUnit 4 test suite. The test suite ran the
UtilsJUnit4Test and VectorsJUnit4Test test classes as a single test and displayed the
test results in the left pane as the results of a single test. The output in the right pane is the same as
when you run the test individually.

5.7. Metrics Reloaded and CheckStyle

 This tools are demonstrated by Ahmed Abuhaimed, Mohammed AlAsheikh.

5.8. CheckStyle, EcLemma, SonarLight and SpotLight

 These tools are demonstrated by Abdullah Alkaff & Majed Algholamy, Software Engineering.
The Eclipse Checkstyle Plugin (aka eclipse-cs) integrates the static source code analyzer Checkstyle into
the Eclipse IDE.
Checkstyle is a Open Source development tool to help you ensure that your Java code adheres to a set of
coding standards. Checkstyle does this by inspecting your Java source code and pointing out items that
deviate from a defined set of coding rules.


Install it from Sonar Update Center:

or do it manually: Dowload latest or required version from
checkstyle/releases . Place jar file to your sonar instance to "[YOUR_SONAR_PATH]/extensions/plugins",
restart Sonar.

In the quality profile, activate some rules from Checkstyle and run an analysis on your project.

Install EclEmma Java Code Coverage Eclipse Plugin

Click on Help -> Eclipse Marketplace…

Type Code Coverage and hit Enter.

● Click on install button next to ElcEmma Code Coverage

● Click continue and install plugin successfully
● Restart Eclipse

And you are all set.

We are going to create JUnit test case for Fibonacci Series program. Make sure you copy and
run it in your Eclipse environment before proceeding below.

Right click on file and run as Coverage As -> JUnit Test.

Checkout the results under Coverage Tab.

Also checkout file

6. Analyze a set of files
You can run SonarLint on a set of files, or even analyze all VCS-changed files. Find these
options in the SonarLint menu when you right-click a file or project.

7. Exclude specific files and issues

You can tell SonarLint which files should not be analyzed. Just right-click on any file to
access the SonarLint menu, or manage File Exclusions in your Project Properties.

8. Enable more rules, or mute some

In Eclipse preferences you can choose which rules should be active or not. You can also
mute rules on-the-fly via a quick-fix option, or from the list of issues.

9. Find logs if you need them

Under the Eclipse Console view, show the SonarLint Console, and optionally activate
analysis or verbose logs.

10. Connect to SonarCloud or to a SonarQube server

To have rules, issues and exclusions synched, first connect to a server via the SonarLint
Bindings View: right click > New Server Connection. Once the connection is created, the
wizard will prompt for a project selection.

Using the SpotBugs Eclipse plugin
The SpotBugs Eclipse plugin allows SpotBugs to be used within the Eclipse IDE. The SpotBugs
Eclipse plugin was generously contributed by Peter Friese. Phil Crosby and Andrey Loskutov
contributed major improvements to the plugin.

To use the SpotdBugs Plugin for Eclipse, you need Eclipse Neon (4.6) or later.

We provide update sites that allow you to automatically install SpotBugs into Eclipse and also
query and install updates. There are three different update sites:
Only provides official releases of SpotBugs Eclipse plugin.
Provides official releases and release candidates of SpotBugs Eclipse plugin.
Provides latest SpotBugs Eclipse plugin built from master branch.
Provides latest SpotBugs Eclipse plugin built from release-3.1 branch.
Or just use Eclipse marketplace to install SpotBugs Eclipse plugin.

Using the Plugin

To get started, right click on a Java project in Package Explorer, and select the option labeled “Spot
Bugs”. SpotBugs will run, and problem markers (displayed in source windows, and also in the
Eclipse Problems view) will point to locations in your code which have been identified as potential
instances of bug patterns.

You can also run SpotBugs on existing java archives (jar, ear, zip, war etc). Simply create an empty
Java project and attach archives to the project classpath. Having that, you can now right click the
archive node in Package Explorer and select the option labeled “Spot Bugs”. If you additionally
configure the source code locations for the binaries, SpotBugs will also link the generated warnings
to the right source files.

You may customize how SpotBugs runs by opening the Properties dialog for a Java project, and
choosing the “SpotBugs” property page. Options you may choose include:

● Enable or disable the “Run SpotBugs Automatically” checkbox. When enabled, SpotBugs
will run every time you modify a Java class within the project.
● Choose minimum warning priority and enabled bug categories. These options will choose
which warnings are shown. For example, if you select the “Medium” warning priority,
only Medium and High priority warnings will be shown. Similarly, if you uncheck the
“Style” checkbox, no warnings in the Style category will be displayed.
● Select detectors. The table allows you to select which detectors you want to enable for
your project.

10.1. Test Phase Exit Criteria

 These tools are demonstrated by Mohammed Alroqie.

Download Automation Host

1.1 Login to your qTest application and go to qTest's Resources page.

1.2 Click on the link Download Automation Agent Tool

1.3 On Download Automation Agent Host page, download the appropriate

version that is compatible with your qTest Manager version then

proceed to the next step.

Install the Automation Host

Install on Windows

PREREQUISITE: Java version 1.7+ should be installed on your machine

and JAVA_HOME environment variable has been configured before


1. After the zip file ( has been downloaded, extract it.

2. By default, the tool will use domain localhost and port 6789 when it is
running. However, you can change the default values:
1. Create an environment variable named AGENT_SERVER_HOST and
specify your desired domain name or this machine's IP address. If you are
using a domain name, you will need to map the machine's IP Address with
the domain name. Eg: AGENT_SERVER_HOST:

2. Create an environment variable named AGENT_SERVER_PORT and

specify your desired port number. Eg: AGENT_SERVER_PORT: 6789

3. If you want to use other Java version than the one specified in JAVA_HOME,
you can create variable named QA_AGENT_JAVA_HOME and specify your
desired Java home directory. Eg: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_25

4. Open a command console and change the current path to the extracted
Automation Host tool directory.


To add a new user to qTest Manager, you will need to invite them to the

site via an activation link. The activation link is sent in an email

generated from within qTest Manager.

You must be a Site Administrator to use this functionality. If you are using a

free trial, you can invite up to four more users by default.

Invite a User to qTest Manager

1. Position the arrow cursor over your username located in the top right corner of the Home
page. A drop-down menu is displayed. Select the Administration option.

2. The Licenses tab page automatically displays.

3. Select + Invite. The "Invite Users" dialog displays. In the "Email(s)" field, enter the
email address(es) for users you want to invite.

Note: Users can type individual email addresses one by one, but can also copy and paste
email addresses from outside sources such as an email chain or a spreadsheet.

4. Select Invite. The "Invite Users" dialog displays. You are told that your invite was sent
and given a lin for manual sending if necessary.

5. Select OK.

The email address of the user you invited displays in the "Login Email"

HINT: Each user you invite is automatically added to the qConnect

Sample Project. The Sample Project comes with sample data, including

requirements organized into folders, a test plan, test cases, and more.

Create a Release
Creating releases in the Test Plan allows you to show high-level milestones

and incorporate release notes. Releases created in the Test Plan

module will also automatically display in the Test Execution area; this

allows you to build a granular hierarchy to organize test execution


Follow these steps to create a release:

1. Select the Test Plan module, then click the New Release icon in the left panel.

2. Enter a Release Name in the text field currently occupied by the word "Untitled."
3. In the Status field, a status of ‘Planned’ is automatically displayed.

HINT: To create custom fields or modify any existing system fields, see the article Field Settings.

4. Enter the Start Date and the End Date for the release.

5. In the Description text field, enter a description of the release.

6. Select Save. The new release displays in the navigation panel.

In the Release Note text field, you can also enter information about what the

release includes (e.g., new features for development).

Quick Run
The Quick Run option is a fast way to mark the overall execution of a test

run without filling in further details. Quick Run allows you to:

· Mark overall status of the test run (e.g. Pass or Fail)

· Submit time-tracking details; both planned and actual time

· Submit a defect

To Use the Quick Run Option for a Single Test Run:

1. Select Quick Run.

2. In the "Test Run Quick Run" window:

o Mark the overall status of the Test Run (e.g. Passed)

o Enter the planned and actual time (optional)

o Enter necessary defect ID's in the "Enter Defect ID" text field

o Select OK to save, and return to the "Test Run" page

Using the Quick Run Option for Multiple Test Runs:

1. Use the checkboxes to select multiple test runs from the Test Run grid of a
release, cycle, or suite.

2. Select Quick Run.


3. From the Test Run Data Query, use the checkboxes to select multiple test runs
and select the Quick Runoption.

4. In the "Test Suite Quick Run"window, mark the overall status for each test

HINT: To quickly mark all test runs with the same status, you can select the
checkboxes, select the status at the top of the grid, and then select Apply.
Once a status is marked for each test run, select OK and Refreshto return to
Test Execution.

10.2. Ranorex Studio

 This tool is demonstrated by Abdulaziz Alruwaitie, Computer Science.

Ranorex Studio

It is a GUI test automation framework provided by Ranorex GmbH, a software development company. The

framework is used for the testing of desktop, web-based and mobile applications.

The software also supports development of automated test modules using standard programming languages
such as C#

The main features of the software are:

 GUI object recognition, filtering GUI elements using the company's proprietary

technology RanoreXPath
 Object-based record and replay, using Ranorex Recorder, which records the user's interaction with a
desktop or web-based application and creates user-maintainable scripts that can be edited with the
Ranorex Studio action editor. The recorded actions are available as
both C# and VB.NET code. Record and replay are supported on mobile devices for actions such as
key presses and touch gestures.
For installation, go to and follow the instructions to download a free
trial of Ranorex Studio.
Once downloaded, run the setup file and follow the instructions in the Installation Wizard. To ensure
complete installation, do not deselect any features in this dialog:

Select and insert a valid license key if you already purchased one.

Select if you want to use Ranorex Studio up to 30 days in trial mode.
License type selection
Once finished, Ranorex Studio launches to the start page and displays the RocketStart solution wizard.
To plan the test, we will need to ask ourselves the following questions. These also apply when you create
more complex tests.
 What do we want to test? 
 How can we test it?
What do we want to test? 
We’ll test the Ranorex Studio Demo Application, a simple program to support you in learning how to work
with Ranorex Studio.

Demo Application download

The demo application can be downloaded here ⇢ Ranorex Demo Application. Extract the application into
any folder of your choice.

Demo application start page

We will create a test to confirm that text entered in the Enter your name field appears in the welcome
message on the right, after clicking Submit.

How can we test it?

To test the behavior described above, our test will need to include the following actions:
1. Start the application
2. Click in the text box
3. Enter “Harry” in the text box
4. Click Submit
5. Verify that the text is displayed in the welcome message
6. Close the application
The test is successful if the submitted name appears in the welcome message.
Create a new test solution
In the RocketStart solution wizard, click Desktop.
In the dialog that opens, enter a name and click Continue.

Click Browse for application.

Click Browse for app….

Browse to where you saved the Ranorex Studio Demo Application to and click Open.
The Demo Application appears in the RocketStart solution wizard. Click Continue.

Select Focus on single application and click Continue.

Click Finish to complete the setup.
The Ranorex Studio user interface
Let’s take a quick look at the different elements of the Ranorex Studio user interface.
Click the tab FirstTest.rxtst to switch to the test suite view.

Test suite view

The test suite is where you build and control your tests. Your test suite already comes with a simple test case
that contains three recording modules: StartAUT starts the Demo Application, Recording1 will contain the
test actions we’ll record in the next chapter, and CloseAUT closes the Demo Application.
Click the tab Recording1.rxrec to switch to the recording module view.
[1] Projects view: The projects view displays all projects, folders, references, and files associated with your
test solution.
[2] Module browser view: The module browser provides quick access to all modules and module groups
sorted by project.
[3] Recording module view – actions table: This view is where you fill your recording module with actions
and edit them. They are listed chronologically in an “actions table.”
[4] Recording module view – repository: The repository contains all repository items that are referenced by
actions. Repository items represent UI elements.
[5] Output panel: This panel displays build information, errors, debug information, and search results.
[6] Tutorial panel: This panel shows a quick tutorial that guides you through the first steps of building a test.

Record the test

In Ranorex Studio, make sure you’re in the recording module view of Recording1.rxrec. Also ensure that the
Demo Application is running. This should already be the case if you followed our instructions for creating a
solution with the RocketStart solution wizard.
MyFirstRecording.rxrec opened in recording module view.
Running Demo Application showing the welcome screen.
Click the RECORD button to start the recording. Ranorex Studio automatically switches to the demo
application and the Recorder controls appear.

Click the Enter your name text field, enter Harry, and click Submit.

Validate a UI element
We can see that Harry has appeared in the welcome message. Now we’ll add a validation so that Ranorex
Studio verifies this during testing.
Click Validate in the recorder controls to pause recording and switch to validation mode.

Mouse over the welcome message. A purple frame appears. This means the UI element has been
identified. Click it.
The Select element window opens. Check whether the screenshot in the lower right shows the UI element
you want to validate. In our case, that’s the welcome message. Click Next to confirm.
The Validation settings window opens. Here, you can select which attributes to validate. In our
case, Text is correctly preselected. Click OK to confirm and switch back to recording mode.

Stop the recording

Click Stop in the Recorder controls to stop recording.
Recorded actions
The actions table in the recording view contains 4 individual actions, numbered accordingly. Let’s take a
closer look at them.

[1] Action #1 – Mouse click: This action performs a click in the EnterYourName text box.
[2] Action #2 – Key sequence: This action enters Harry in the EnterYourName text box.
[3] Action #3 – Mouse click: This action clicks Submit, updating the welcome message with the name
entered in step 3.
[4] Action #4 – Validation: This action validates whether the welcome message has been updated correctly.

If you did not follow the recording instructions precisely, there may be extra recorded actions. If so, identify
actions which do not belong to the intended test and delete them.
Repository items
Several of the actions listed above manipulate UI elements. These UI elements are represented as repository
items in the repository, which appears in the lower half of the recording view.

[1] Item #1 – RxButtonExit: This repository item represents the Exit button

[2] Item #2 – EnterYourName: This repository item represents the EnterYourName text box
[3] Item #3 – BtnSubmitUserName: This repository item represents the Submit button
[4] Item #4 – LblWelcomeMessage: This repository item represents the Welcome Message text label

The link between actions and repository items

Actions that manipulate UI elements, such as clicking a button, are automatically linked to the
corresponding repository item. The repository item appears next to the action in the actions table. When you
click the action, the item is also highlighted in the repository.
Actions that don’t manipulate UI elements, such as starting an application, aren’t linked to repository items.
[1] Actions that manipulate the EnterYourName text box
The ‘Mouse’ action performs the mouse click into the text box. The ‘Key sequence’ action enters Harry in it.
Both actions are linked to the EnterYourName repository item
[2] Repository item that represents the manipulated UI element
Start the test run
1. Start the test in one of the ways listed below:
a. Click the tab for the test suite, FirstTest.rxtst, to switch from the recording view to the test
suite view. The test suite is where you manage and run your tests
b. Or, click the View test suite button.
2. Click the RUN button in the test suite.

Watch the test run

When the test run starts, two status windows appear as Ranorex Studio performs the actions in the recording.

Test run status & progress information

Review the test report

When the test run finishes, the report opens in a new tab in Ranorex Studio. If everything went as intended,
you should see a large green pie chart.
Report details
Click the arrows next to the test case and the recording module to display more detailed information about
the test run, such as the validation action details.

[1] Button to expand/collapse details

[2] Detailed information about successful validation

Cause a test failure

Test failures are part of testing. Let’s produce one in a controlled environment to see what they look like.
To return to the recording view, click the Recording1.rxrec tab.

Select action #3 and change the text input to Sally.

Return to the test suite view and run the test.
The test fails, and the report shows what happened.

Failed test report

The test failed because the validation of the welcome message failed. The validation expected the value
“Welcome, Harry!”, but it actually found the value “Welcome, Sally!”. Therefore, the test was aborted.

11.1. Assignment: Interview Questions and Answers

1. What is difference between QA, QC and Software Testing?

a. Quality Assurance aka QA: is a pro-active process. It is a way of preventing defects which
would arise in the software in later stages. It should be done before Development.
b. Quality Control aka QC: is a reactive process. It is a way of controlling the defects which
arises in various stages of testing. It should be done after development.
c. Software Testing: is a way of running an application or executing a program with an intention
of finding defects.
2. When to start QA in a project?
A good time to start the QA is from the beginning of the project startup. This will lead to plan
the process which will make sure that product coming out meets the customer quality
expectation. QA also plays a major role in the communication between teams. It gives time to
step up the testing environment.
3. What are verification and validation and difference between these two?
a. verification: The process of evaluating software to determine whether the products of a given
development phase satisfy the conditions imposed at the start of that phase.
b. validation: The process of evaluating software during or at the end of the development
process to determine whether it satisfies specified requirements.
4. What is difference between Smoke testing and Sanity Testing?
a. Smoke Testing is a kind of Software Testing performed after software build to ascertain that
the critical functionalities of the program is working fine. It is executed "before" any detailed
functional or regression tests are executed on the software build. The purpose is to reject a
badly broken application, so that the QA team does not waste time installing and testing the
software application.
b. Sanity testing is a kind of Software Testing performed after receiving a software build, with
minor changes in code, or functionality, to ascertain that the bugs have been fixed and no
further issues are introduced due to these changes. The goal is to determine that the proposed
functionality works roughly as expected. If sanity test fails, the build is rejected to save the
time and costs involved in a more rigorous testing.
5. What is destructive testing, and what are its benefits?
a. Destructive testing are the tests which are carried out to the specimens failure.
b. Benefits: Verifies properties of a material. Determines quality of welds. Helps you to reduce
failures, accidents and costs.
6. What is Testware?
Testware is an umbrella term for all utilities and application software that serve in
combination for testing a software package but not necessarily contribute to operational
purposes. As such, testware is not a standing configuration but merely a working
environment for application software or subsets thereof.
7. What is difference between Retesting and Regression testing?
a. Retesting is done to make sure that the tests cases which failed in last execution are passing
after the defects against those failures are fixed.
b. Regression testing is not carried out on specific defect fixes.
8. Explain bug life cycle.
9. What is severity and priority of bug? Give some example.
a. Severity is defined as the degree of impact a Defect has on the development or operation of a
component application being tested.
b. Priority is defined as the order in which a defect should be fixed. Higher the priority the
sooner the defect should be resolved.
● A very low severity with a high priority: A logo error for any shipment website, can
be of low severity as it not going to affect the functionality of the website but can be
of high priority as you don't want any further shipment to proceed with wrong logo.
● A very high severity with a low priority: Likewise, for flight operating website, defect
in reservation functionality may be of high severity but can be a low priority as it can
be scheduled to release in a next cycle.
10. How much the bug is affecting the functionality of the application?
Defect priority can be categorized into three class
● Low: The Defect is an irritant but repair can be done once the more serious Defect have been
● Medium: During the normal course of the development activities defect should be resolved. It
can wait until a new version is created
● High: The defect must be resolved as soon as possible as it affects the system severely and
cannot be used until it is fixed
11. What are the common problems with software automation?
a. Unrealistic expectations.
b. Poor testing practices.
c. Expectations that automated tests will find new defects.
d. False sense of security.
e. Maintenance of automated tests.
f. Technical problems.
g. Organizational problems.
12. What is the role of QA in a project development?
a. QA plays a major role in the communication between teams. It gives time to step up the
testing environment.
13. What is the difference between build and release?
a. A “build” is a developed application for the customers that is given by development team to
the software testing team. A “release” is an official launch of the application for the
customers. In short, one release consists of multiple builds.
14. What are the key challenges of software testing?
a. Testing the complete application
b. Misunderstanding of company processes
c. Relationship with developers
d. Regression testing
e. Lack of skilled testers
f. Testing always under time constraint
15. Why you choose automated testing over manual testing?
a. In manual testing (as the name suggests), test cases are executed manually (by a human, that
is) without any support from tools or scripts. But with automated testing, test cases are
executed with the assistance of tools, scripts, and software.
b. In short, manual testing is best suited to the following areas/scenarios:
-Exploratory Testing
-Usability Testing
-Ad-hoc Testing
c. Automated testing is the preferred option in the following areas/scenarios:
-Repeated Execution
-Load Testing
-Performance Testing
-Regression Testing
16. What is the basis for choosing the SDLC model for development of software?
a. There are two major factors for selecting development process model.
1) size of team and
2) nature of system to be developed.
For small teams, where team members can easily communicate with each other, agile
methods are used. On the other hand, with large teams, plan driven process models are used.
Regarding nature of system, for developing a critical system, plan driven approach is used.
For developing websites, or other such kind of systems, incremental processes including agile
methods can be used.
17. Explain bug leakage and bug release.
a. Bug (defect) Leakage: When a Bug (defect) if found by customer / end user missed by the
testing team to detect, while testing the software.
b. Bug (defect)Release: Bug Release- Release of the software with the known bugs is called bug
18. What is regression testing?
Regression testing is re-running functional and non-functional tests to ensure that previously
developed and tested software still performs after a change. If not, that would be called a
19. What is data driven testing?
Data-driven testing is a software testing methodology that is used in the testing of computer
software to describe testing done using a table of conditions directly as test inputs and
verifiable outputs as well as the process where test environment settings and control are not

20. What is alpha and beta testing?

a. Alpha testing is the last testing done by the test teams at the development site after the
acceptance testing and before releasing the software for beta test.
b. beta test is the second phase of software testing in which a sampling of the intended audience
tries the product out.
21. What are test driver and test stub and why we need them?
These dummy pieces of code are the stubs. On the other hand, Drivers are the ones, which are
the "calling" programs. Drivers are used in bottom up testing approach. Drivers are dummy
code, which is used when the sub modules are ready but the main module is still not ready.
22. What is Monkey testing?
Monkey testing is a technique where the user tests the application or system by providing
random inputs and checking the behavior, or seeing whether the application or system will
crash. Monkey testing is usually implemented as random, automated unit tests.
23. What is Bug Triage?
Bug triage is a process where tracker issues are screened and prioritised. Triage should help
ensure we appropriately manage all reported issues - bugs as well as improvements and
feature requests.
24. What is Traceability Matrix?
A traceability matrix is a document, usually in the form of a table, used to assist in
determining the completeness of a relationship by correlating any two baselined documents
using a many-to-many relationship comparison.
25. Explain paradigms for interfacing module.
The Paradigm Interface Module (PIMTM) terminal controller has been designed and
manufactured by Paradigm to provide a common terminal interface for a range of fixed and
quick deploy terminals operating on all major satellite networks.
26. What are the factors responsible for the estimation of system integration test cycle and total
integration time?
The factors are the following:
● Number of modules in the system
● Relative complexity of the modules
● Relative complexity of the interface between the modules
● Number of modules needed to be clustered together each test cycle
● Whether the modules to be integrated have been adequately tested before
● Turnaround time for each test-debug-fix cycle.

27. What are the things the tests ensure?

a. Ensure every line of code executes properly with Unit Testing.
i. Function coverage: Each function/method executed by at least one test case.
ii. Statement coverage: Each line of code covered by at least one test case (need more
test cases than above).
iii. Path coverage: Every possible path through code covered by at least one test case
(need plenty of test cases).
b. Ensure every function produces its expected outcome with Functional Testing.
c. Ensure all functions combine to deliver the desired business result with System Testing.
d. Ensure new changes did not adversely affect other parts of the system with Regression
e. Ensure the system integrates with and does not adversely affect other enterprise systems with
System Integration Testing.
f. Ensure the customer is satisfied with the system with Acceptance Testing.
28. What is random testing?
The practice of using random inputs to test software. Different kinds of random testing all
rely on the same basic idea, which is that the test implementation cases are chosen on a
random basis.
29. What are the benefits of Automated Testing?
a. Supports execution of repeated test cases.
b. Aids in testing a large test matrix.
c. Enables parallel execution.
d. Encourages unattended execution.
e. Improves accuracy thereby reducing human-generated errors.
f. Saves time and money.
30. What is Agile Testing?
It is a software testing practice that follows the principles of agile software development.
Agile testing involves all members of a cross-functional agile team, with special expertise
contributed by testers, to ensure delivering the business value desired by the customer at
frequent intervals, working at a sustainable pace.
31. Describe Use Case Testing.
It is a technique that helps identify test cases that cover the entire system, on a transaction by
transaction basis from start to the finishing point.
32. What type of tests you perform on the web based application?
a. Functional Testing (Regression, Integration, Smoke Testing)
b. Browser Compatibility Testing.
c. Performance Testing.
d. Security Testing.
e. Production Monitoring.
f. Usability Testing
33. What is Gantt chart?
A type of bar chart that illustrates a project schedule, named after its inventor, Henry Gantt
Also show the dependency relationships between activities and current schedule status
34. How to find all the Bugs during first round of Testing?
We cannot find all the bugs during the first round of testing, due to the following reasons:
● Debugging the showstopper in the first or second build is almost impossible
● A found defect can cover up the other defects in the application
● The thread or path which leads to one defect could be redirected to another defect
35. How would you prepare the Test Plan without SRS?
When the Requirements are clear with your clients,and when your URD(User Requirement
Document ) is supportive enough to clarify the issues.
But we will not know the Testing effort if we don't have SRS.
SRS contains How many cycles we are testing, and on the platforms we are testing , etc.
36. What is the purpose of test strategy?
It sets the standards for testing processes and activities, and other documents, such as the test
plan, draws their contents from those standards set in the test strategy document.
37. What are the dimensions of the Risks?
They are as follows:
● Financial risks: How might the project overrun the budget?
● Schedule risks: How might the project exceed the allotted time?
● Feature risks: How might we build the wrong product?
● Quality risks: How might the product lack customer-satisfying behaviors or possess
customer-dissatisfying behaviors?
38. How to Estimate Testing effort?
There are different Software Testing Estimation Techniques which can be used for estimating
a task:
● Delphi Technique
● Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
● Three Point Estimation
● Functional Point Method

39. How to create requirements test matrix template?

a. First, get all available requirement documents (Business Requirements Document, Functional
Requirements Document, Technical Requirements Document, etc.)
b. List and ID all the business requirements
c. list all respective functional requirements for each business requirements
d. Then, from the test scenario or test document, link the IDs of the test cases to their respective
functional requirements
40. Can you perform regression testing performed manually?
Depends on the initial testing approach. If the initial testing approach was manual testing,
then the regression testing is usually performed manually. Conversely, if the initial testing
approach was automated testing, then the regression testing is usually performed by
automated testing.
41. You are a tester. Now How will you choose which defect to remove in 1000000 defects?
As a tester we don't fix the defects but we surely can prioritize them once detected. In our org
we assign severity level to the defects depending upon their influence on other parts of
products. If a defect does not allow you to go ahead and test the product, it is critical one so it
has to be fixed ASAP. We have 5 levels as:
1. Critical
2. High
3. Medium
4. Low
5. Cosmetic
42. How do you perform integration testing?
i. Run integration tests until something fails.
ii. Determine what needs to be added or modified.
iii. Drill down into unit testing.
iv. Go back to integration testing once your unit tests pass.
v. Repeat the process until your tests pass end-to-end.
43. What is the testing lifecycle?
Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) is the testing process which is executed in systematic
and planned manner. In STLC process, different activities are carried out to improve the
quality of the product.

44. What is good code?

A code which is
i. bug free
ii. reusable
iii. independent
iv. less complex
v. well documented
vi. easy to change
is called good code.
45. What are the main attributes of test automation?
a. Maintainability
b. Reliability
c. Flexibility
d. Efficiency
e. Portability
f. Robustness
g. Usability
46. What could go wrong with test automation?
a. Drive testing entirely through the user interface
b. Ignore the build/test/deploy pipeline
c. Set up test data through the user interface
d. Keep tests separate and distinct from development
e. Copy/paste your test code
f. Think of test tooling as a single, large computer program
47. What tools are available to support testing during development of application?
a. Record and Play
b. Parametrize the Values
c. Script Editor
d. Run (the test or script, with debug and update modes)
e. Report of Run session
48. What are the tests activities that you want to automate in a project?
a. Unit Testing.
b. Functional Testing.
c. Regression Testing.
d. Black Box Testing.
e. Integration Testing.
f. Keyword Testing.
g. Data Driven Testing.
h. Smoke Testing.
49. What is the difference in responsibilities of Programmers and QA analyst?
a. QA is concern for Process Quality and Programmers are concern for Product Quality.
b. QA ensure that the processes used for developing the product of high quality where as
programmers used these processes so that end product is of good quality.
c. Processes are decided by QA. Programmers are supposed to follow the processes so that they
can produce a good quality product.
d. Any issue found during execution of process by the programmers is communicated to the QA
so that they can improve the process.
50. What is the role of Bug Tracking System?
It is a software application that keeps track of reported software bugs in software
development projects. The main benefit of a bug-tracking system is to provide a clear
centralized overview of development requests (including both bugs and improvements), and
their state, and can be used to generate reports on the productivity of programmers at fixing
51. How do you prioritize testing tasks within a project?
The tasks to be done in testing are sequential and have to be performed in a defined sequence.
They are as follows:
1) Preparation of URS (User Requirement Specification).
2) Preparation of Test Plan.
3) Preparation of Test Cases from URS.
4) Execution of the Test Cases.
5) Defect report and tracking.
6) Test Report Summary.
52. Describe Bottom-Up and Top-Down approach in Testing.
a. Bottom-up testing is an approach to integrated testing where the lowest level components are
tested first, then used to facilitate the testing of higher level components.
b. Top-down testing is an approach to integrated testing where the top integrated modules are
tested and the branch of the module is tested step by step until the end of the related module.
53. What methodologies do you used to develop test cases?
a. Boundary value analysis
b. Equivalence partitioning
c. Error guessing
d. Cause effect graphing
54. What are the differences between test strategy and test plan?
a. A test plan defines the scope, objective, approach and emphasis on a software testing effort,
while a test strategy is a set of guidelines the determine how testing needs to be done
b. Test plan is carried out by a testing manager or lead, while a test strategy is carried out by the
project manager
c. Test plan narrates about the specification, while test strategy narrates about the general
d. Test plan can change, but the test strategy is static
e. Test planning is done to determine issues and dependencies in order to define risks, while a
test strategy is an abstract, long-term plan of action
f. A test plan exists individually, while a test strategy can be found as a part of the test plan
g. A test plan is defined at the project level, while a test strategy is set at organizational level
55. What is the need of Test Plan document?
a. Test Plan guides our thinking. It is like a rule book, which needs to be followed, and forces us
to confront the challenges that await us
b. Serves as the means of communication with other members of the project team, testers, peers,
managers and other stakeholders
c. The test plan helps us to manage change. It helps with the revision of our plans, and the
adaption of new ones.
56. Why do we conduct load and performance testing?
To make sure that our system would function properly in real life scenarios, and to ensure
user satisfaction
57. What is difference between test effectiveness and test efficiency?
a. Test Effectiveness can be defined as how effectively testing is done or goal is achieved that
meets the customer requirement
b. Test Efficiency can be defined as the most efficient way in which the resources associated
with the software project are utilized to achieve an organization goal
58. What is data driven testing?
Testing in which the action of a test case is parameterized by externally defined data values,
maintained as a file or spreadsheet. A common technique in Automated Testing.
59. Can Manual Testing be completely replaced by Automation Testing?
No, it cannot. Manual testing will always be needed to test areas that are not covered by the
automated tests.
60. Why regression testing is important?
Regression testing is an essential part of the quality process and ensures that code changes do
not hurt the existing functionality. Effective regression testing can save a company's time and
61. What is Exploratory Testing and Specification-Driven testing?
a. Exploratory testing: testing an application without a test plan and test script
b. Specification-Driven testing: to test the functionality of software according to the user
62. Explain CMM.
Capability Maturity Model (CMM) is a bench-mark for measuring the maturity of an
organization’s software process. It is a methodology used to develop and refine an
organization’s software development process.
63. How do you decide you have tested enough?
a. Based on deadlines and budget limits
b. Based on number of test cases completed with certain percentage passed
c. Based on code/functionality/requirements coverage
d. When the rate of bugs falls below a certain threshold
64. What the purpose of testing?
To insure that we are building the system right by verifying that the system meets the
different requirements including, functional, performance, reliability, security, usability and
so on.
65. What is Software Process?
A software process (also known as software methodology) is a set of related activities that
leads to the production of the software.
66. What is Maturity level?
A Maturity level represents a staged path for an organization’s performance and process
improvement efforts based on predefined sets of practice areas. It establishes a level of
capacity for improving workforce capability.
67. What is process area in CMMI?
A cluster of related practices in an area that, when implemented collectively, satisfies a set of
goals considered important for making improvement in that area.
68. What are Staged and Continuous Models in CMMI?
a. Staged Model: The staged model has groups of process areas which are divided into 5 levels.
This stage is used by the ancestor software development CMM. It is represented to achieve a
CMMI Level Rating from a SCAMPI appraisal. It focuses on process improvement using
stages or maturity levels.
b. Continuous Model: The continuous representation, used by the ancestor systems engineering
CMM, is defined as the capability levels within each profile. It follows a recommended order
for approaching process improvement within each specified process area
69. Explain capability levels in continuous representation.
a. Level0 Incomplete: It depicts an incomplete process which does not implement all
Capability level1 processes and practices
b. Level1 Performed: Process that implements all Capability level1 processes and practices.
Some work can be done even though major objectives such as performance are not achieved.
c. Level2 Managed: They are processes which are planned, managed, performed, monitored,
and controlled for specific projects to achieve specific goals.
d. Level3 Defined: It’s a customized set of standard and managed process for an organization.
The processes are tailored a bit as per the organization’s benefit.
e. Level4 Quantitatively managed: It is a defined process that is managed and controlled
using statistical and quantitative methods.
f. Level5 Optimizing: It’s a quantitatively managed and improved process which is based upon
common roots and causes of process variation. Focus is on improving performance of the
process using incremental and innovative methods.
70. What is SCAMPI process?
SCAMPI stands for Standard CMMI Appraisal Method for Process Improvement. It provides
a benchmark relative to Maturity Models. It describes requirements, activities and processes
associated with each process area. It identifies the flaws of current processes. It gives an idea
of area of improvement and determines capability and maturity levels.
71. What is the importance of PII (Practice Implementation Indicators) in SCAMPI?
They indicate whether a CMMI practice has been performed or not.
72. Explain the different Process Area in CMMI.
a. Agreement Management: to ensure that the supplier and the acquirer perform according to
the terms of the supplier agreement.
b. Capacity and Availability Management: to ensure effective service system performance
and ensure that resources are provided and used effectively to support service requirements.
c. Causal Analysis and Resolution: to identify causes of selected outcomes and take action to
improve process performance.
d. Configuration Management: establish and maintain the integrity of work products using
configuration identification, configuration control, configuration status accounting, and
configuration audits.
e. Decision Analysis and Resolution: to analyze possible decisions using a formal evaluation
process that evaluates identified alternatives against established criteria.
f. Integrated Project Management: to establish and manage the project and the involvement
of relevant stakeholders according to an integrated and defined process that is tailored from
the organization’s set of standard processes.
g. Measurement and Analysis: to develop and sustain a measurement capability used to
support management information needs.
h. Organizational Process Definition: to establish and maintain a usable set of organizational
process assets, work environment standards, and rules and guidelines for teams.
i. Organizational Process Focus: to plan, implement, and deploy organizational process
improvements based on a thorough understanding of current strengths and weaknesses of the
organization’s processes and process assets.
j. Organizational Performance Management: to proactively manage the organization’s
performance to meet its business objectives.
k. Organizational Process Performance: to establish and maintain a quantitative
understanding of the performance of selected processes in the organization’s set of standard
processes in support of achieving quality and process performance objectives, and to provide
process performance data, baselines, and models to quantitatively manage the organization’s
l. Organizational Training: to develop skills and knowledge of people so they can perform
their roles effectively and efficiently.
m. Product Integration: to assemble the product from the product components, ensure that the
product, as integrated, behaves properly, and deliver the product.
n. Project Monitoring and Control: to provide an understanding of the project's progress so
that appropriate corrective actions can be taken when the project's performance deviates
significantly from the plan.
o. Project Planning: to establish and maintain plans that define project activities.
p. Process and Product Quality Assurance: to provide staff and management with objective
insight into processes and associated work products.
q. Quantitative Project Management: to quantitatively manage the project to achieve the
project’s established quality and process performance objectives.
r. Requirements Development: to elicit, analyze, and establish customer, product, and product
component requirements.
s. Requirements Management: to manage requirements of the project’s products and product
components and to ensure alignment between those requirements and the project’s plans and
work products.
t. Risk Management: to identify potential problems before they occur so that risk handling
activities can be planned and invoked as needed across the life of the product or project to
mitigate adverse impacts on achieving objectives.
u. Supplier Agreement Management: to manage the acquisition of products from suppliers.
v. Technical Solution: to select design and implement solutions to requirements.
w. Validation: to demonstrate that a product or product component fulfills its intended use
when placed in its intended environment.
x. Verification: to ensure that selected work products meet their specified requirements.
73. What is CMMI? Explain the advantages of implementing CMMI.
Capability maturity model integration (CMMI) is a process improvement approach for
organizations to comply and maintain quality and process improvement.
● Detailed coverage of the product life cycle than other process-improvement products
used alone.
● CMMI provides an opportunity to eliminate the stovepipes and barriers that typically
exist in different parts of an organization and that typically are not addressed
● CMMI products incorporate lessons learnt that were learnt as a result of many other
standard processes.
● Promotes collaboration between systems and software engineering.
● Allows users to choose model representation that best suits them and their objectives.
74. Explain the different Models in CMMI.
a. CMMI for Development: addresses product and service development processes.
b. CMMI for Acquisition: addresses supply chain management, acquisition, and outsourcing
processes in government and industry.
c. CMMI for Services: addresses guidance for delivering services within an organization and
to external customers.
75. Explain the SCAMPI Process.
SCAMPI appraisals are used to identify strengths and weaknesses of current processes, reveal
development/acquisition risks, and determine capability and maturity level ratings. They are
mostly used either as part of a process improvement program or for rating prospective
suppliers. The method defines the appraisal process as consisting of preparation; on-site
activities; preliminary observations, findings, and ratings; final reporting; and follow-on
76. What are the different kinds of variations used in SIX Sigma?
a. Mean: The variations are measured and compared using the averaging techniques of
mathematics. The measures are taken for a specific application and the mean is calculated
b. Median: The variations are measured and compared using the mid point in a given range of
data. It is measured by finding the highest and lowest value then dividing it by two. The
lowest value is added to the same
c. Range: The values of a specific data range. It is the difference between highest and lowest
values in a specific data range
d. Mode: Mode is the most occurred values in a given data range
77. What is Six Sigma?
A set of management techniques intended to improve business processes by greatly reducing
the probability that an error or defect will occur.
78. Who forms the part of Six Sigma implementation team?
a. Executive leaders: They set up the vision of Six Sigma and empower their teammates with
the freedom and resources required for the improvements in the process.
b. Champions: Responsible for the implementation of the process in an integrated manner
throughout the organization
c. Master Black Belts: Act as in-house expert coach for the organization. They assist
Champions and train Black Belts and Green Belts
d. Black Belts: Apply Six Sigma methodology to specific projects. Their focus is on execution
of activities for Six Sigma
e. Green Belts: These are like the soldiers on the war front who actually implement the planned
79. Explain how to perform load-testing.
a. Plan the test: A clearly defined test plan needs to be developed for ensuring the test scenarios
in order to accomplish the objectives of load testing.
b. Creation of Vusers: Vusers (Virtual Users) scripts are created which contains the tasks
performed by each and every Vuser and all Vuser tasks collectively as a whole
c. Creation of scenario: The events that occur during the testing session are described. This
process includes the list machines, scripts, and Vusers which run during the scenario
80. What is Table-Driven testing?
Table-driven testing is a type of functional automation testing framework which is also
known as keyword-driven testing or action word based testing. In Table-driven testing, we
use a table format, usually a spreadsheet, to define keywords or action words for each
function that we would like to execute.
81. What is TPA Analysis?
Test Point Analysis (TPA) is a software testing estimate approach, which is specifically
designed to estimate the black box testing efforts, especially in performing the system and the
acceptance test of the software application.
82. Explain the concept of Application Boundary.
An application boundary defines the scope of an application. It encompasses various
resources critical to an application's execution, such as address space, executable code and
the data used by the application
83. Explain the difference between load test and performance test.
a. Performance Testing: This measures the response time of an application with an expected
number of users. The aim of this is to get a baseline and an indication of how an application
behaves under normal conditions.
b. Load Testing: This measures the response time when the application is subjected to more
than usual load. The application will be slower under heavy load, but the aim of load testing
is to see whether the application can sustain the increased load on the server or if will it crash
and kill the servers.
84. What is performance baseline testing?
Baseline testing refers to the validation of the documents and specifications on which test
cases are designed. Baseline, in general, refers to a benchmark that forms the base of any new
creation. In software testing, this refers to benchmarking the performance of the application.
Many problems are discovered and solved during baseline testing.

85. Describe how to identify the memory leakage using load runner.
In Load runner, every application has a processor running in the system. The processor needs
to be identified. Using the performance tab we can check the memory consumption of the
processor. Continuous tracking needs to be done while load testing. However, if the memory
keeps increasing even on stopping the test, a memory may have occurred. Also, if the
memory is not released on stopping the test, a memory may have occurred.

86. What are the types of Bottle necks in Performance testing?

a. Extended response time of user.
b. Extended response time of server.
c. High CPU usage.
d. Invalid data returned.
e. HTTP errors (4xx, 5xx)
f. Lots of open connections.
g. Lengthy queues of requests.
h. Memory leaks.

87. Explain the difference between Load Test and Volume Test.
a. Load testing is performed under the customer expected configuration with an expected load.
Where as volume testing is performed under huge volume of data.
b. Volume testing checks if the system behaves as expected for certain volume of data. Volume
can be increasing size of the file. On the other hand, load tests checks the performance of the
system when the load is increased. Load testing here can be increasing the number of files.
Volume testing can be used to measure the throughput while load testing can be used for
measuring performance.

88. What is the difference between Scalability testing and load testing?
Scalability testing differs from Load Testing in that it focuses on the performance of your
Web sites, hardware and software products, and internal applications at all the stages from
minimum to maximum load. The purpose of scalability testing is to determine whether your
application scales for the workload growth.

89. What is the basic flow in load testing?

a. Plan the test: - Plan what testing needs to be done. What functionality or module needs to be
b. Create Virtual Users:- The main goal of the load testing is to check the expected usage of a
software program by allowing multiple users accessing the program's services concurrently.
Hence virtual users need to be created.
c. Creating the scenario:- create test scenarios to determine the load the needs to be given to the
d. Running the test against the scenarios created
e. Analyze the test to see if the results of performance are as expected.
90. What is the difference between lr_error_message and lr_debug _message?
a. Lr_debug_message sends the debug message to the output window and log files. Debug
message in load runner work with the log level setting. This Log setting can be set by run
time setting or by putting lr_set_debug_message in script.
b. lr_error_message sends an error message to the output window or log file which is related to
application behavior .Below given example user tries to login and on unsuccessful login the
error message has been sent to output window.
91. Explain how to use Regular Expression in Load Runner for web functions?
By using a function Regexec(), regular expression in Load Runner is used. There are two
parameters, the subject and the pattern. These two parameters are passed to the function
through the script. The comparison of pattern and the subject is done by Regexec() and the
script is executed to view the result.
92. Testing - Difference between load testing and intersystem testing
Load testing is done for a particular application. To check the performance of the system and
analyze the behavior when the system is subjected to load. On the other hand, intersystem
testing is done to check if the application can accommodate or co exists with other
applications or software systems. E.g Bar code readers. Inter system will check if Proper
parameters and data are correctly passed between the applications, proper timings and
coordination exists between the applications.
93. Why Automation testing?
Vastly Increases Your Test Coverage. Automated software testing can increase the depth and
scope of tests to help improve software quality. Lengthy tests that are often avoided during
manual testing can be run unattended. They can even be run on multiple computers with
different configurations.
94. What are the features and benefits of Quick Test Pro (QTP)?
a. Key word driven testing
b. Suitable for both client server and web based application
c. VB script as the script language
d. Better error handling mechanism
e. Excellent data driven testing features
95. What is Build Verification Testing, BVT?
Build Verification test is a set of tests run on every new build to verify that build is testable
before it is released to test team for further testing. These test cases are core functionality test
cases that ensure the application is stable and can be tested thoroughly. Typically BVT
process is automated.
96. Testing - Basics of Rational Robot - IBM Test automation tool
Rational Robot is an automated functional, regression testing tool for automating Windows,
Java, IE and ERP applications under windows platform. Rational Robot provides test cases
for common objects such as menus, lists, bitmaps and specialized test cases for objects
specific to the development environment.
97. What are the Risks associated in Automation Testing?
a. Skilled resources are required which increases the cost.
b. If the UI is suspected to a lot of changes, Automation testing must be avoided since script
maintenance can be high.
c. Since automation tools are expensive, it must be ensured that the application to be tested is
stable and really requires automation testing.
98. What is treeview in Automation testing?
a. A tree view in Quick Test Pro has statements in keywords or in tree structure. The testing
process in the keyword created and viewed in the keyword drive modular format.
b. In a tree view, the statements can be seen in tree structure. Keywords are use for representing.
Here, the statements are nothing but steps that were taken to test some feature.

99. What are the pre-requisites to start automation testing?

a. Build should always be stable.
b. Get the functionalities to repeat.
c. Filtering the automated test cases.
d. Skilled and experienced resources.
e. A module or application that does not change frequently.
f. Segregation of test cases that needs to be automated.
g. Use of reusable functions and procedures.

100. What are the benefits of automation testing over manual testing?
Put simply, automated testing is the automation of routine testing operations, and
leads to a development process that is:
a. Faster
b. Cheaper
c. More efficient

101. What is Bug/Defect?

Defect is any variance between actual and expected results. “A mistake in coding is called
Error, error found by tester is called Defect, defect accepted by development team then it is
called Bug, build does not meet the requirements then it Is Failure

102. Explain the categories of Defects.

a. wrong
b. missing
c. extra
103. Explain the different types of Bugs
a. Functional bugs – the improper system behavior or enabled product features.
b. Communication issues – the process of user’s communication with the product may be
impossible because of this type of errors, for example, the guide is unavailable or the
notifications are not shown.
c. Missing commands – some expected commands are omitted in the system.
d. Syntactic bugs – the grammar mistakes or misspelled words and sentences used in product
GUI. Such errors can be connected with the localization procedure.
e. Improper handling of the errors – if something goes wrong, the user should get the proper
and clear notification. Its text should be short and contain all necessary information about the
nature of the error and the ways of its possible removal.
f. Calculation bugs – improper logic for calculation. The bright example of such an error is the
lost Mars Climate Orbiter. Such situation happened because there were used English units in
the metric system.
g. Control flow bugs – the violation of the sequence of actions.

104. What is Pareto Analysis?

Pareto analysis is a formal technique useful where many possible courses of action are
competing for attention. In essence, the problem-solver estimates the benefit delivered by
each action, then selects a number of the most effective actions that deliver a total benefit
reasonably close to the maximal possible one.

11.2. Assignment: Testing Object Oriented Programs

In this assignment you will test object-oriented programs using white-box testing technique
and unit testing strategy to see whether the class attributes are implemented as per design and
whether the methods are error-free.

1. Consider the following Class,

class A
{ public A() { n = 0; } // constructor
  public A(int a) { n = a; } // constructor  
  public void f() { n++; } // mutates n  
  public void g() { f(); n = 2 * n; f(); }
  // g mutates n directly and indirectly (f)
  public int h() { return n; } // accessor of n  
  public void k() { System.out.println(n); }
  // does not return, only prints, the value of n
  private int n; // instance variable
Identify the constructors, mutator functions, and accessor functions. What kind of variable
is n?

2. With the nonsense class from the preceding exercise, determine what the following program
public static void main(String[] args) {
  A a = new A(); // a.n is 0
  A b = new A(2); // b.n is 2
  A c = b; // c points where b points so c.n = b.n = 2
  A d = new A(3); // d.n is 3  
  a.f(); // a.n is 1  
  b.g(); // b.n becomes 3, 6, then 7
  c.f(); // c.n is b.n and it becomes 8
  d.g(); // d.n becomes 4, 8, then 9
  d.k(); // d.n is printed on a line by itself
  A e = new A(a.h() // a.n is 1  
            + b.h() // b.n is 8 and is equal to c.n  
            + c.h() // which is 8
        ); // so e.n is set to 1 + 8 + 8 = 17
  e.k(); // e.n (17) is printed on a line by itself  
First, Trace the program by hand. Then run it and compare the results.
3. Implement all the methods of the following class:
class Person {
private String name;
  private int birthdayYear;
public Person() {
   name = "YetToBeNamed";
   birthdayYear = 1999; // my default  
  public Person(String givenName, int yearOfBirth) {
    name = givenName;
    birthdayYear = yearOfBirth;
  public String getName() {
    return name;
  public String changeName(String name) {
    String aux;
    aux =; = name;
    return aux;
  public int getAgeInYears(int currentYear) {
    return currentYear - birthdayYear;  

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    Person a = new Person();
    Person b = new Person("Richard P. Feynman", 1918);
    String name = a.changeName("The Next Richard Feynman");    
      "Physicist " + name + " makes big " +
      "discovery, touted as " + a.getName()    
       b.getName() + " was " +
       b.getAgeInYears(1945) +
       " in 1945, in May. "
Write a small test program that creates and works with objects of class Person as well.
You can write your test program at the  main method of the class.

Design exercises:
4. Implement a class Address. An address has
 a house number,
 a street,
 an optional apartment number,
 a city,
 a state and a
 postal code.
Supply two constructors:
 one with an apartment number
 and one without.
Supply a print function that prints the address with the street on one line and the city, state, and
postal code on the next line.
Supply a method compareTo that tests whether one address comes before another when the
addresses are compared by postal code.
class Address {
  int    houseNumber;
  String street;
  int    apartmentNumber;
  String city;
  String state;
  String zipCode; // e.g., "47405-1234"
  Address(int houseNumber,
          String street,
          // no apartmentNumber  
          String city,
          String state,
          String zipCode) {
    this.houseNumber = houseNumber;
    this.street = street; = city;
    this.state = state;
    this.zipCode = zipCode;
  Address(int houseNumber,
          String street,
          int apartmentNumber,
          String city,
          String state,
          String zipCode) {
    this(houseNumber, street, city, state, zipCode);
    this.apartmentNumber = apartmentNumber;
  void print() {
    System.out.println("Street: "      + street);
    System.out.println("City: "        + city
                     + "State: "       + state
                     + "Postal Code: " + zipCode);
  int compareTo(Address a) {
    // same conventions as for Strings
    return this.zipCode.compareTo(a.zipCode);

5. Implement a class Account. An account has

 A balance,
 Functions to add
 and withdraw money,
 and a function to inquire the current balance.
Pass a value into a constructor to set an initial balance.
If no value is passed the initial balance should be set to $0.
Charge a $5 penalty if an attempt is made to withdraw more money than available in the
Enhance the Account class to compute interest on the current balance.
class Account {
  double balance;
  double add(double sum) {
    balance += sum;
    return sum;
  double withdraw(double sum) {
    if (sum > balance) {
      balance -= 5;
      return -5; // this will come in handy in Prob. 6
    } else {
      balance -= sum;
      return balance; // Notice: always >= 0 (never < 0)
  double inquire() { return balance; }
  Account() { balance = 0; }
  Account(double sum) { balance = sum; }
  double interest (double rate) {
    return rate * balance;

6. Implement a class Bank. This bank has two objects

 checking

 and savings
of the type Account that was developed in the preceding exercise.
Implement four instance methods:
deposit(double amount, String account) 
withdraw(double amount, String account) 
transfer (double amount, String account)

class Bank {
  Account checking;
  Account savings;
  void deposit(double amount, String account) {
    if (account.equals("C")) checking.add(amount);
    else // my default
  void withdraw(double amount, String account) {
    if (account.equals("C")) checking.withdraw(amount);
    else // my default
  void transfer (double amount, String account) {
    if (account.equals("C"))
      if (checking.withdraw(amount) >= 0)
      else checking.add(5); // somewhat fault-tolerant
    else // default
      if (savings.withdraw(amount) >= 0)
      else savings.add(5);  // no penalty for transfers
  void printBalances() {
      "Checking: " + checking.inquire() +
      "\nSavings: " + savings.inquire()

7. Define a class Country that stores the name of the country, its population, and its area. Using
that class, write a test program that creates a few countries and stores them in an array and then
 The country with the largest area
 The country with the largest population
 The country with the largest population density (people per square mile)
Here's an answer with the main as part of the very class we are defining:

class Country {
  String name;
  long population;
  double area;
  Country(String name, long population, double area) { = name;
    this.population = population;
    this.area = area;
  double density () {
    if (area > 0)
      return population/area;
    else return 0;
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    int numberOfCountries = 10;
    Country[] countries = new Country[numberOfCountries];

    double largestArea    = -1;    int argestlAreaIndex = -1;

    long   largestPopulation     = -1;     int largestPopulationIndex = -1;
    double largestDensity = -1; int largestDensityIndex = -1;

    for (int i=0; i < countries.length; i++) {

      if (largestArea < countries[i].area) {
        largestArea = countries[i].area;
        largestAreaIndex = i;
      if (largestPopulation < countries[i].population) {
        largestPopulation = countries[i].population;
        largestPopulationIndex = i;
      if (largestDensity < countries[i].density()) {
        largestDensity = countries[i].density();
        largestDensityIndex = i;
      "Largest area: "       + country[largestAreaIndex]       +
      "Largest population: " + country[largestPopulationIndex] +
      "Largest density: "    + country[largestDensityIndex]    
  String toString() { // comes in handy in the println above
    return "\nCountry name: " + name +
           "\nPopulation: "   + population +
           "\nArea: "         + area +
           "\nDensity: "      + density()

8. Write a class called Triangle that can be used to represent a triangle. It should include the
following methods that return boolean values indicating if the particular property holds:
 isRight (a right triangle)
 isScalene (no two sides are the same length)
 isIsosceles (exactly two sides are the same length)
 isEquilateral (all three sides are the same length)
Write a simple tester program that creates a few triangles and asks them about their type.

class Triangle {
  int sideA, sideB, sideC;

  Triangle (int a, int b, int c) { // constructor

    sideA = a; sideB = b; sideC = c;
  } // negative numbers and zero lengths accepted
    // but see how isTriangle() used below

  boolean isTriangle () {

    int max = Math.max(Math.max(sideA, sideB), sideC);
    return sideA > 0 && sideB > 0 && sideC > 0 &&
           (max < sideA + sideB + sideC - max);
  boolean isRight() {
    int max = Math.max(Math.max(sideA, sideB), sideC);    
    return isTriangle() &&
           (max * max) == (sideA * sideA) +
                          (sideB * sideB) +
                          (sideC * sideC) -
                          (max * max);
  boolean isScalene() {
    return isTriangle() &&
           ! isIsosceles(); // we get some peer help
  boolean isIsosceles() {
    return isTriangle() &&
           (sideA == sideB ||
            sideA == sideC ||
            sideB == sideC);
  boolean isEquilateral() {
    return isTriangle() &&
           (sideA == sideB && sideA == sideC);
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Triangle a, b, c;
    a = new Triangle( 3,  4,  5);
    b = new Triangle( 0,  0, -1);
    c = new Triangle( 6,  6,  6);
      a + " isosceles? Answer: " + a.isIsosceles()
      a + " right? Answer: "     + a.isRight()
      c + " isosceles? Answer: " + c.isIsosceles()
      c + " scalene? Answer: "   + c.isScalene()
  String toString() {
      "Triangle: (" + sideA + ", "
                    + sideB + ", "
                    + sideC +
                ") ";  

9. This problem has several parts:

Write a simple Vehicle class that has fields for (at least) current speed, current direction in
degrees, and owner name.
class Vehicle {
  int currentSpeed;
  int currentDirection;
  String owner;

Add a static field to your Vehicle class for the highest Vehicle Identification Number issued,
and a non-static field that holds each vehicle's ID number.
class Vehicle {
  int currentSpeed;
  int currentDirection;
  String owner;
  static int highestVIN;
  int VIN;

Write a main method for your Vehicle class that creates a few vehicles and prints out their field
values. Note that you can also write a separate tester program as well.
class Vehicle {

  int currentSpeed;
  int currentDirection;
  String owner;
  static int highestVIN;
  int VIN;

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    Vehicle a = new Vehicle();
    a.VIN = highestVIN++;
    a.owner = "Larry Bird";
    Vehicle b = new Vehicle();
    b.VIN = highestVIN++;
    b.owner = "Mark Jackson";    

    System.out.println("VIN: " + a.VIN + " belongs to " + a.owner);

    System.out.println("VIN: " + b.VIN + " belongs to " + b.owner);


Add two constructors to Vehicle. A no-arg constructor and one that takes an initial owner's
name. Modify the tester program from the previous step and test your design.
class Vehicle {
  int currentSpeed;
  int currentDirection;
  String owner;
  static int highestVIN;
  int VIN;

  Vehicle() { VIN = highestVIN++; }

  Vehicle (String owner) { this(); this.owner = owner; }

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    Vehicle a = new Vehicle("Larry Bird");

    Vehicle b = new Vehicle("Mark Jackson");

    System.out.println("VIN: " + a.VIN + " belongs to " + a.owner);

    System.out.println("VIN: " + b.VIN + " belongs to " + b.owner);
Make the fields in your Vehicle class private and add accessor methods for the fields. Which
fields should have methods to change them and which should not?
class Vehicle {
  private int currentSpeed;
  int getSpeed() {
    return currentSpeed;
  void changeSpeed(int newSpeed) {
    currentSpeed = newSpeed;
  private int currentDirection;
  int getCurrentDirection() {
    return currentDirection;
  void setDirection(int newDirection) {
    currentDirection = newDirection % 360;
  private String owner;
  int getOwner() {
    return owner;
  void setOwner(String newOwner) {
    owner = newOwner;
  private static int highestVIN;
  private int VIN;
  int getVIN() {
    return VIN;
  Vehicle() { VIN = highestVIN++; }
  Vehicle (String owner) { this(); this.owner = owner; }
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Vehicle a = new Vehicle("Larry Bird");
    Vehicle b = new Vehicle("Mark Jackson");
    System.out.println("VIN: " + a.getVIN() + " belongs to " + a.getOwner());
    System.out.println("VIN: " + b.getVIN() + " belongs to " + b.getOwner());
Add a changeSpeed method that changes the current speed of the vehicle to a passed-in value,
and a stop method that sets the speed to zero.
class Vehicle {
  private int currentSpeed;
  int getSpeed() { return currentSpeed; }
  void changeSpeed(int newSpeed) { currentSpeed = newSpeed; }
  void stop() { currentSpeed = 0; }
  private int currentDirection;
  int getCurrentDirection() { return currentDirection; }
  void setDirection(int newDirection) { currentDirection = newDirection % 360; }  
  private String owner;
  int getOwner() { return owner; }
  void setOwner(String newOwner) { owner = newOwner; }
  private static int highestVIN;
  private int VIN;
  Vehicle() { VIN = highestVIN++; }
  Vehicle (String owner) { this(); this.owner = owner; }
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // ...

Add two turn methods to Vehicle. One that takes a number of degrees to turn, and one that takes
simply either a Vehicle.TURN_LEFT or a Vehicle.TURN_RIGHT constant. Define the two constants
class Vehicle {
  private int currentSpeed;
  int getSpeed() { return currentSpeed; }
  void changeSpeed(int newSpeed) { currentSpeed = newSpeed; }
  void stop() { currentSpeed = 0; }
  private int currentDirection;
  int getCurrentDirection() { return currentDirection; }
  void setDirection(int newDirection) { currentDirection = newDirection % 360; }
  static final String TURN_LEFT = "Turn left";
  static final String TURN_LEFT = "Turn left";
  void turn(int degrees) {
    currentDirection = (currentDirection + degrees) % 360;
  void turn(String direction) {
    if (direction.equals(left)) {
      currentDirection = (currentDirection + 90) % 360;
    } else { //default
      currentDirection = (currentDirection - 90) % 360;
  private String owner;
  int getOwner() { return owner; }
  void setOwner(String newOwner) { owner = newOwner; }
  private static int highestVIN;
  private int VIN;
  Vehicle() { VIN = highestVIN++; }
  Vehicle (String owner) { this(); this.owner = owner; }
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // ...
Add a static method to Vehicle that returns the highest identification number used so far.
class Vehicle {
  private int currentSpeed;
  int getSpeed() { return currentSpeed; }
  void changeSpeed(int newSpeed) { currentSpeed = newSpeed; }
  void stop() { currentSpeed = 0; }
  private int currentDirection;
  int getCurrentDirection() { return currentDirection; }
  void setDirection(int newDirection) { currentDirection = newDirection % 360; }
  static final String TURN_LEFT = "Turn left";
  static final String TURN_LEFT = "Turn left";
  void turn(int degrees) { currentDirection = (currentDirection + degrees) % 360; }
  void turn(String direction) {
    if (direction.equals(left)) { currentDirection = (currentDirection + 90) % 360; }
    else { currentDirection = (currentDirection - 90) % 360; }
  private String owner;
  int getOwner() { return owner; }
  void setOwner(String newOwner) { owner = newOwner; }
  private static int highestVIN;
  static int highestVIN() {
    return highestVIN;
  private int VIN;
  Vehicle() { VIN = highestVIN++; }
  Vehicle (String owner) { this(); this.owner = owner; }
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // ...

Add a toString method to Vehicle.

class Vehicle {
  String toString() {
    return "The radar reports: VIN " +  VIN +
           " owned by " + owner +
           " heading " + currentDirection +
           " (degrees) " +
           " at a speed of " + speed);
  private int currentSpeed;
  int getSpeed() { return currentSpeed; }
  void changeSpeed(int newSpeed) { currentSpeed = newSpeed; }
  void stop() { currentSpeed = 0; }
  private int currentDirection;
  int getCurrentDirection() { return currentDirection; }
  void setDirection(int newDirection) { currentDirection = newDirection % 360; }
  static final String TURN_LEFT = "Turn left";
  static final String TURN_LEFT = "Turn left";
  void turn(int degrees) { currentDirection = (currentDirection + degrees) % 360; }
  void turn(String direction) {
    if (direction.equals(left)) { currentDirection = (currentDirection + 90) % 360; }
    else { currentDirection = (currentDirection - 90) % 360; }
  private String owner;
  int getOwner() { return owner; }
  void setOwner(String newOwner) { owner = newOwner; }
  private static int highestVIN;
  static int highestVIN() { return highestVIN; }
  private int VIN;
  Vehicle() { VIN = highestVIN++; }
  Vehicle (String owner) { this(); this.owner = owner; }
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // ...

10. Define a class of Fractions

Consider ordinary fractions like 3/4 and -1/2. A fraction is the ratio of two integers: a numerator
and a denominator. Create a user-defined type for fractions by defining a class Fraction. The
class should supply a set of necessary operations on fractions
 addition
 subtraction
 multiplication
 division
and should hide implementation details of data representation and internal manipulations.
Remember that a class encapsulates data structures with access and manipulation procedures. In
designing a class, an important task is to decide on the internal data representation which is
isolated from the outside view. Member methods will keep the data representation consistent.
Outside methods are not allowed to create or modify the internal structures directly. They may
do this by calling methods in the class.
Here are some (internal) representation considerations to guide your design:
 A fraction is essentially a pair of integers called numerator and denominator.
 The numerator carries the sign of the fraction and can be positive, negative, or zero.
 The denominator is kept positive and can never be zero.
 Fractions with the same value may have different representations (for example 1/2, 2/4, 3/6).
In our representation let's decide for equal fractions to have the same numerator and the
same denominator. That means that all fractions must be reduced to their lowest terms. (A
data representation in which all equal quantities are represented uniquely is known as
a canonical representation. Keeping fractions canonical is desirable and we should
enforce this.) The canonical representation of 0 (zero) as a fraction is 0/1.
Your Fraction class can be designed to enforce such conventions, not just to have them as
principles that one can choose to follow or ignore. This is one big advantage of object-oriented
programming. The canonical representation conventions should be enforced by
the Fraction constructor.
The constructor should take the two arguments n and d and construct a fraction n/d out of it. The
denominator of the resulting Fraction should not be zero or negative. The fraction should be
reduced by removing the gcd (greatest common divisor) between the numerator and the
denominator. You should define a member method gcd that computes the greatest common
divisor of two numbers and make the constructor use it to create canonical Fractions. gcd should
be implemented as a class wide method since it is independent of Fraction instances. It should
be declared private because it does not contribute to the public interface of the Fraction class.
gcd is described in your text on page 149.
The operations for fractions listed above should implement binary operations. In other words,
we are going to define methods such that a Fraction can be added to, subtracted from,
multiplied with, or divided by another Fraction. The result should be a Fraction.
You should also define a few predicates.
Each Fraction that you create should be able to respond to the following questions:
 isZero()

 isInt()

 equals(anotherFraction)

 greaterThan(anotherFraction)

You should also add a toString method to Fraction (an instance method) that returns
a String representation of a Fraction. It must be an instance method as it is
Testing your Fractions:
class TestFrac {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Fraction x = new Fraction( 1, 20);
    Fraction u = new Fraction(-1, 60);
    Fraction v = new Fraction( 1, 30);
    Fraction y;
    y =; // in one step!
    System.out.println( x + " + " +
                        u + " - " +
                        v + " = " + y);

For the ambitious:

Add a private method lcm to the class Fraction that takes two ints and returns their least
common multiple. (For example, lcm(15, 12) is 60. Hint: use gcd).
Modify minus and plus in Fraction to use lcm.
// File:

public class Fraction {
  private int num;    // numerator
  private int denom;  // denominator
  public Fraction(int n, int d) {
    int g;
    if (d == 0) {
      System.out.println("Fraction: fraction "
      + "with 0 denominator?"); System.exit(1);
    if (n == 0) {
      num = 0;
      denom = 1;
    } else {
      if (d < 0) {
        n = -n;
        d = -d;
      if ((g = gcd(n, d)) != 1) { // remove gcd
        n /= g;
        d /= g;
      num = n;
      denom = d;
  private static int gcd(int a, int b) {
    a = Math.abs(a);
    b = Math.abs(b);
    if (a == 0) return b; // 0 is error value
    if (b == 0) return a;
    int t;
    while (b > 0) {
      t = a % b; // take "-" to the extreme
      a = b;
      b = t;
    return a;
  public boolean isZero() {
    return (denom == 1 && num == 0);
  public boolean isInt() {
    return (denom == 1);
  public boolean equals(Fraction y) {
    return (num == y.num && denom == y.denom);
  public boolean greaterThan(Fraction y) {
    return (num * y.denom > denom * y.num);
  public Fraction minus(Fraction y) {
    return new Fraction(
      num * y.denom - y.num * denom,
      denom * y.denom
  public Fraction plus(Fraction y) {
    return new Fraction(
      num * y.denom + y.num * denom,
      denom * y.denom
  public Fraction times(Fraction y) {
    return new Fraction(num * y.num, denom * y.denom);
  public Fraction dividedBy(Fraction y) {
    return new Fraction(num * y.denom, denom * y.num);

11.3. Assignment: Interview Questions and Answers

1. Can you tell me about yourself?

Answer: In my QA career, I have been working on various system platforms and operating systems like Windows 95,
Windows 2000, Windows XP and UNIX. I have tested applications developed in Java, C++, Visual Basic and so on. I
have tested Web-based applications as well as client server applications.
As a QA person, I have written Test Plans, Test Cases, attended walkthrough meetings with the Business Analysts,
Project Managers, Business Managers and QA Leads. Attended requirement review meetings and provided feedback
to the Business Analysts. I have worked in different databases like Oracle and DB2, wrote SQL queries to retrieve
data from the database.
As far as different types of testing is concerned, I have performed Smoke Testing, Functional Testing, Backend
Testing, BlackBox Testing, Integration Testing, Regression Testing and UAT (User Acceptance Testing) Testing. I have
participated in Load Testing and Stress Testing.
I have written defects as they are found using ClearQuest and TestDirector. Once the defects were fixed, retested
them and if the passed, closed them. If the defects were not fixed, then reopened them. I have also attended the
defect assessment meetings as necessary.
In the meantime, a continuous interaction with developers was necessary.
This is pretty much what I have been doing as a QA person.
2. What did you do in your last project?
In my last project, the application was a web-based application developed in Java platform. As a QA Person, I wrote
Test Plans from the requirement documents and Use Cases. I performed Smoke Testing, Functional Testing, Backend
Testing, BlackBox Testing, Integration Testing, Regression Testing and UAT (User Acceptance Testing). I have
participated in Load Testing and Stress Testing. I attended several walkthrough meetings for requirement reviews
and provided feedback to the Business Analysts. Mostly, I was in the backend testing, which required writing SQL
queries directly to the database.
Besides these, I wrote defects using ClearQuest. Once the defects were fixed, retested them and if the passed,
closed them. If the defects were not fixed, then reopened them.
3. Have you written Test Plan? What is a Test Plan? What does it include?
What is a Test Plan?
A Test Plan is a document describing the scope, approach, resources, and schedule of intended testing activities. It
identifies test items, the features to be tested, the testing tasks and who will do each task (roles and responsibilities)
and any risks and its solutions.
What does it include? A Test Plan includes Heading, Revision History, Table of Contents, Introduction, Scope,
Approach, Overview, different types of testing that will be carried out, what software and hardware will be required,
issues, risks, assumptions and sign off section.
Click here to see how a complete Test_Plan_Sample looks like.
4.  Have you written a Test Case?
What is a Test Case? What does it include?
A Test Case is a document that describes step by step process how to test the application. A Test Case includes Test
Case ID, Steps Description, Expected Output, Actual Output, Pass/Fail, Remarks.
Click here to see how a complete Test Case looks like.
5.  How many Test Cases did you write in your last project?
Answer:  I wrote about 1100 Test Cases in my last project. (The reasonable number of Test Cases varies from 500 to
thousands. The number 1100 test cases can be completed in a 6 month project duration).
6.  What document did you refer to write the Test Cases?
Requirement document. (NOTE: It can also be Use Cases, or Design Document)
(Note: It depends company to company. In some companies, they use Use Cases. In some companies, they use
Requirement Documents and in some companies, they use Design Document. However, in practical scenario, most
of the companies have requirement document at least). This is the sample  Requirement Document for Mercury
7.  Did you have a situation where you did not have any documents (no requirement document, no Use Cases, or
no Design Document) and you had to write the Test Cases? How did you write the Test Cases?
Yes. I have been to that kind of scenarios several times. There were companies where they had no documents at all.
In that case, I had to discuss the application scenario and functionalities with the Business Analysts or developer. I
kind of prepared a document in consultation with Business Analysts and Developers and then started writing Test
8.  Have you worked with the Uses Cases before?
Yes. I have written Test Cases using Use Cases.
Can you tell me what a Use Case is?
A use case is a document that describes the user action and system response for a particular functionality. (you can
also include, For example, in the Use Case given below, is a Use Case for login system for a company called Auto
Parts One. This application is being developed by Digital Systems, Inc. The project name is Auto Parts One. However,
the business owner (user) is a company called American Auto Parts of the North (imaginary name). Or
What is a Use Case and what does it include?
A Use Case is a document that describes the user action and system response for a particular functionality. It
includes cover page, Revision History, Table of Contents, Floe of Events (normal flow and alternative flow),
Exceptions, Special Requirements, Pre-conditions and Post-conditions.
Please see the Use Case:  Click this link: 2. Use_Case_Sample
This is how it looks (Next Page)  (coming soon)
For the complete Use Case sample, click here. (coming soon)
Now, Let us write Test Cases based on this Use Case. Remember, one Use Case can have many Test Cases. For
example, look below:
For a complete Test Case for, please click here.
9.  What is Software Development Life Cycle?
The systems (or software) development life cycle (SDLC) is a conceptual model used in project management that
describes the stages involved in an information system development project, from an initial feasibility study through
maintenance of the completed application.
It includes the following different stages:
1.  Requirement phase
2.  Design phase
3.  Coding (programming)
4.  Testing
5.  Release (Production)
6.  Maintenance (Support)
10.  What is Business Requirement Document (BRD)?
It is a document that describes the details of the application functionalities which is required by the user. This
document is written by the Business Analysts.
What is Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC)?
The testing of software has its own life cycle.  It starts with study and analyzing the requirements.  Here is the
software testing life cycle:
1.  Requirement Study
2.  Test Planning
3.  Writing Test Cases
4.  Review the Test Cases
5.  Executing the Test Cases
6.  Bug logging and tracking
7.  Close or Reopen bugs
To see the diagram click here.
What is Business Design Document?
It is the document which describes the application functionalities of the user in detail. This document is the further
details of the Business Requirement Document. This is a very crucial step in the SDLC. Sometimes the Business
Requirement Document and Business Design Document can be lumped together to make only one Business
Requirement Document.
What is Code Generation or Program?
Coding is the process of translating the Business Design Document into the machine readable form. If the design is
done in detailed manner, the Code Generation can be done without much application. Programming tools like
Compilers, Interpreters and Debuggers are used to generate the code thru different high level language like C, C++,
Pascal, Java.
11.  What is a Module?
A ‘Module’ is a software component that has a specific task. It can be a ‘link’ which can go inside to its component
12.  What is meant by Walk-thru meeting?
Before start working in a module and/or after accomplishing the testing of a module, the tester calls a meeting to
disseminate his findings or to share his queries to other tester or leads of the company working on the same
application that is called the Walk-thru meeting.
13.  What is Build?
When each of the different modules of software is prepared, they are put in a single folder by the Configuration
Management Team (CMT) and it is called the ‘Build’.  In other word, the developers put their code in the shared
location (folder) and all those code (modules) are combined together so that it is a complete application that works.
What is meant by the Build Deployment?
When the Build so prepared by the CMT is sent to different Test Environments, it is called the Build Deployment.
14.  What is Test Strategy?
A test strategy is an outline that describes the testing portion of the software development cycle. It is created to
inform project managers, testers, and developers about some key issues of the testing process. This includes the
testing objective, methods of testing new functions, total time and resources required for the project, and the
testing environment.
The test strategy describes how the product risks of the stakeholders are mitigated at the test-level, which types of
test are to be performed, and which entry and exit criteria apply. (source: Wikipedia)
The test strategy is created based on development design documents.. It is written by the Test Manager or Lead.
The following are some of the components that the Test Strategy includes:
1 Test Levels.  2 Roles and Responsibilities.  3 Environment Requirements.  4 Testing Tools. 5 Risks and Mitigation. 6
Test Schedule. 7 Regression Test Approach.  8 Test Groups. 9 Test Priorities. 10 Test Status Collections and
Reporting. 11 Test Records Maintenance. 12 Requirements traceability matrix. 13 Test Summary
Click here to see how the Test Strategy looks like.
Are Test Plan and Test Strategy same type of document?
No. They are different documents. Test Plan is a document that collects and organizes test cases by functional areas
and/or types of testing in a form that can be presented to the other teams and/or customer where as the Test
Strategy is the documented approach to testing. Test Plan is prepared by the tester whereas the Test Strategy is
prepared by the QA Manager or QA lead.
Both are important pieces of Quality Assurance processes since they help communicate the test approach scope and
ensure test coverage while improving the efficiency of the testing effort.
15.  What does the Test Strategy include?
It includes introduction, scope, resource and schedule for test activities, acceptance criteria, test environment, test
tools, test priorities, test planning, executing a test pass and types of test to be performed.
16.  What are different types of software testing?
Different types of testing carried out are:
1) Unit testing
2) Shakeout testing
3) Smoke testing (Ad-hoc testing)
4) Functional testing
5) Integration testing
6) Regression testing
7) System testing
8) Load testing
9) Stress testing
10) Performance testing
11) User acceptance testing
12) Black box testing
13) White box testing
14) Alpha testing
15) Beta testing
Note: Except the Shakeout testing and Unit testing which are respectively done by the CMT and Coder/Developer, all
other testing are done by the QA Engineer (Tester).
1) Unit testing: It is a test to check the code whether it is properly working or not as per the requirement.  It is done
by the developers (Not testers).
2) Shakeout testing: This test is basically carried out to check the networking facility, database connectivity and the
integration of modules. (It is done by the Configuration Team)
3) Smoke testing: It is an initial set of test to check whether the major functionalities are working or not and also to
check the major breakdowns in the application. It is the preliminary test carried out by the SQA tester.
4) Functional testing: al It is a test to check whether each and every functionality of that application is working as per
the requirement. It is major test where 80% of the tests are done. In this test, the Test Cases are ‘executed’.
5) Integration testing: It is a test to check whether all the modules are combined together or not and working
successfully as specified in the requirement document. 
6) Regression testing: When a functionality is added to an application, we need to make sure that the newly added
functionality does not break the application.  In order to make it sure, we perform a repeated testing which is called
Regression Testing.  We also do regression testing after the developers fix the bugs.  See the video below for more
understanding. (Courtesy of
7) System testing: Testing which is based on overall requirements specification and it covers all combined parts of a
system. It is also a black box type of testing.
8) Load testing: It is a test to check the user’s response time of number of users using any one scenario (single
business process) of the same application at the same time.
9) Stress testing: In this type of testing the application is tested against heavy load such as complex numerical values,
large number of inputs, large number of queries etc. which checks for the stress/load the applications can withstand.
10) Performance testing: It is a test to check the user’s response time of number of users using multiple scenarios
(multiple business process) of the same application at the same time.
11) User acceptance testing: In this type of testing, the software is handed over to the user in order to find out if the
software meets the user expectations and works as it is expected to.
12) Black box testing: It is test where a tester performs testing without looking into the code. OR A testing method
where the application under test is viewed as a black box and the internal behavior of the program is completely
ignored. Testing occurs based upon the external specifications. Also known as behavioral testing, since only the
external behavior of the program is evaluated and analyzed.
13) White box testing: It is a test where a tester looks into the code and performs the testing.
14) Alpha testing: In this type of testing, the users are invited at the development center where they use the
application and the developers note every particular input or action carried out by the user. Any type of abnormal
behavior of the system is noted and rectified by the developers.
15) Beta testing: In this type of testing, the software is distributed as a beta version to the users and users test the
application at their sites. As the users explore the software, in case if any exception/defect occurs that is reported to
the developers.
What is Negative Testing?
Testing the system or application using negative data is called negative testing, for example, testing password
entering 6 characters where it should be 8 characters should display a message.
When we test an application by putting negative values (instead of actual values), then the system should not allow
the other values rather than the actual value.  The system should give an message that the value is not correct.  This
is called negative testing.
Another example is, if a user tries to type a letter in a numeric field, the correct behavior in this case would be to
display the “Incorrect data type, please enter a number” message. The purpose of negative testing is to detect such
situations and prevent applications from crashing. Also, negative testing helps you improve the quality of your
application and find its weak points. (source: Jerry Ruban)
What is the difference between Load Testing and Performance Testing?
Basically Load, Stress and Performance Testing are the same. However, Load testing is the test to check the users’
response time of number of users of any one scenario of the application whereas Performance Testing is the test to
check the user response time for multiple scenario of the same application.
17.  What was the process of QA testing in your company where you worked for the last time? (or As far as the QA
process is involved, what was the testing process in your company?)
The QA testing process that was followed in my last company where I worked was like this: First of all the Business
Requirement Document was prepared as per the client’s requirement (with the muck-up screen shots). Then on the
basis of the requirement document, Test Strategy, Test Plans and Test Cases were written in sequential order. Once
the Build is made and deployed to the different testing environments where different types of testing were
performed to check whether there are any defects.
18.  What is SQL?
SQL stands for Structured Query Language. SQL is an ANSI (American National Standards Institute) standard
computer language for accessing and manipulating database systems. SQL statements are used to retrieve and
update data in a database. SQL works with database programs like MS Access, DB2, Informix, MS SQL Server, Oracle,
Sybase, etc.
Unfortunately, there are many different versions of the SQL language, but to be in compliance with the ANSI
standard, they must support the same major keywords in a similar manner (such as SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE,
INSERT, WHERE, and others).
Note: Most of the SQL database programs also have their own proprietary extensions in addition to the SQL
Where do you write SQL query?
We write SQL queries using some these tools: Todd, Squirrel and Rapid SQL.
Do you really need to write SQL as a QA Engineer?
Yes.  You need to.  No matter whether it is a small company or big, they have a database and you need to validate
the data by writing SQL queries going into the database.  The stronger you are in SQL, the better the chance of
getting a job.
What are the basic commands in SQL+?
They are:
SQL>select *from tab;                           -to directory of database tables
SQL>ed                                                        -to edit the queries in the notepad
SQL>/                                                          -to run or execute the query command
SQL>create table ‘table name’           -to create a table
SQL>desc ‘table name’                          -to display table with column name with type
SQL>alter table ‘table name’              -to add a columnadd ‘column name’ ‘type’
SQL>alter table ‘table name’              -to modify the name and type of a columnmodify ‘column name’ ‘type’
What is the most common syntax you have used while writing SQL query?
Answer:  SELECT
What is a Primary Key?
In a database table, the Primary Key is a column which has a unique value for each of the row within that column. It
can’t have NULL value.
What is a Unique Key?
In a database table, the Unique Key is a column which may or may not have null value of each of the row within that
What is Data?
Data is number, character or image which has some information.
What is Database?
It is collection of logically related data designed in a tabular form to meet the information needs of one or more
19.  What is Change Control (OR Change Request)?
Answer:  It is a document that describes the additional functionalities that are added after the Business Requirement
Document is signed off. It can be updated in the old business requirement document or it can be a separate
(For example, in the Business Requirement Document, on the login page, there are User Name and Password fields.
The owner of the software wants to add, “If you do not have User Name and Password, please click here.” This is a
change. But this change came after the document is signed off by the Project Managers. Now this is a change control
and comes as a separate document. (It is also called Change Request, Modification Request).
20. Have you written Change Control?

Answer: Yes. There was a situation where in one page of an application in my previous project, when the user clicked
“Contact” link, it would pop up a different window (new separate window). But it was NOT the way it was described
in the requirement document. In the requirement document, when the user clicks “Contact” link, then it should
navigate to another page (Not a separate new window. Then was it a problem? Functionality wise, it was NOT a
problem, however, on all the other pages, when the user clicked “Contact” link, the system would navigate to next
page (not a separate window). So, it was NOT CONSISTENT with the other functionalities on the other pages.
Therefore, it was a consistency issue. I reported this as a bug. But the Project Manager asked me to write it as a
Change Control (because it requires more budget to fix this issue) so that he can address this issue at a later time. So
I wrote this as a Change Control. (However, it is NOT a job of a tester to write change control. It’s the business
analyst’s job)

20.  What is Backend Testing?

It is a test to check whether the data displayed in the GUI front end report format matches with the particular data
in the original database.
21.  Have you done any Back End Testing and/or if you did, how did you do it in your last project?
Yes I did. I was working on Reports.  When I was working in my last project, this was my scenario:
It was the case of testing one part of application used in the bank, where a customer comes to a bank’s front desk
associate and ask for opening an account. The associate then asks for the personal information about the customer
which, are the primary data, such as: First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, Address and Social Security Number. The
associate then put these primary data of that particular customer into the computer, which then afterwards batch-
processed into the DATABASE in XML Format. Then the batch-processed data is sent to ETL (Extract-Transform-Load,
which is software made by ‘AbInitio’ or ‘Informatica’) which processes the job to create a file to produce the report.
The file is displayed to a GUI Front End report format with the help of Crystal Report/Business Object. In the GUI
Front End report, let us say, if for January, the income of that person was displayed as $ 900.00, then my job was to
validate this data by writing SQL queries whether this displayed data matches with the original input data in the
database, being called as the Back End Testing.
How can you be sure that the query you wrote is correct? Or how do you know that the data you pulled from the
database is correct?

Answer:  I write SQL query based on the requirement document. In the requirement document, various conditions are
given for the query. Based on those conditions, I write SQL query. Therefore, anything different from the requirement
document is definitely a defect.
22.  What is XML?
-XML stands for EXtensible Markup Language.
-XML is a markup language much like HTML.
-XML was designed to describe data.
-XML tags are not predefined and we must define our own tags.
-XML uses a Document Type Definition (DTD) or an XML Schema to describe data.
-XML with a DTD or XML Schema is designed to be self-descriptive.
-XML is a W3C Recommendation.
23.  From you resume, I see that you have been working in one place for a very short period of time. This raises me
questions why. Can you explain why?
Ans. As a consultant, I am hired for a certain period of time, normally for 6 months to 1 year. Once the project is
over, I needed to move to another project. That’s why you see me in the resume jumping frequently here and there.
24  What do you do on your  first day of the work?
(Note:   The person who is asking this question probably wants to know how the real scenario of a working person at
work. It is a hard question for those who has never worked in a work place as a Software Tester.)
Answer: On the first day, normally, we will be given a computer and support people will set up the User Name and
Password for the computer.  If that is done already, then the QA Lead or QA Manager will give me a brief walk
through of the documents (which documents are where), introduce to different team members (normally to the
ones you will be working with).  Then your boss will ask you to step into work what needs to be done.  However, the
first thing normally is, they will ask you to read the documents available for that project.
What do you do if you have any questions to ask? Who do you ask?
At the beginning, we all panic, what kind of questions to ask? What if they ask questions that I don’t know? Is it OK to
ask questions? What do I do if I don’t know how to do the job I am assigned to? and so on.
As mentioned earlier, on the first day, your Manager will give you the system (computer) (They normally call system,
not computer), will tell you what the User ID and Password is, where are the QA documents on the shared drive (or
Network drive) are and so on. They will definitely ask you to read a lot of documents at the beginning (And you must
read read and read those documents AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. At the beginning, allocate about 2 hours extra at home
for reading these documents. This habit will put you on the top of your job). These documents are normally design
specification document (DSD). Different companies call it with different names, for example, Requirement
Specification Document (RSD) and so on. After reading the documents, you will be asked to write Test Plans or Test
Cases (Don’t panic. The Test Plans and Test Cases templates will be give by your manager or test lead and they will
tell you what to do and how to do because different companies have different formats they follow. If they don’t have
one, then you can always prepare a sample from this website (see on the right column) and give it to them. You will
be hero)
Who do you ask?

Now let’s say you did not understand something while reading documents. Who are you going to ask? Answer-
Business Analysts who wrote this document. If you have any other questions that you don’t know, you will be asking
that to you friend first, if he/she is not able to answer, then ask this question to the Lead (or Manager). Do not ask
too many questions (some people get irritated). Therefore, it is important to read read and read. That’s the only way
to succeed.
If you have any questions in TestDirector, or QTP or any other automation tools, then there is a HELP menu as well as
tutorial. Please go through these, read them before you ask any questions to anyone else.
What kind of questions should I ask in the meeting?
Nothing. My advice is, keep your mouth shut. Just listen. This is the best way to handle the job until you are
confident enough to speak and you know what you are talking about. If they ask you some questions, then reply
gently, wisely.

How to deal with your team members?

Most probably, you will not be the only tester in the team. There will be more than you. Sometimes, dealing with
you team members is frustrating, specially when you are new. They try to ignore you. They want to show themselves
smart. Don’t worry. Don’t blame them. This part of the human nature. Try to cope with it. Invite them when you go
for coffee (in the coffee room in your office, don’t go outside), try to share your feelings and so on. It is all how you
handle your friends. It is part of your daily activities, handle it gently. This is part of the situation I have gone through,
my friends have gone through. I am just sharing this with you.
28. Have you used automation tools?
(Normally, when some one asks this question, we tend to think about automation functional testing tools, like
WinRunner, LoadRunner, QTP (Quick Test Pro), Rational Robot, Experian and so on. But the reality is, even a Manual
Tester also uses automation tools like bug tracking tools like TestDirector, ClearQuest, PVC Tracker and so on.
Therefore, your answer should be Yes)

Answer:  Yes. I have used TestDirector and ClearQuest as defect tracking tools.  (Your answer is based on whether you
have used automation tools specially for functional and load testing. If you have NOT used, but read about these
tools, then you may be better off saying, “I know about the tools. I was involved in some of the testing using these
tools, but would need some brush up in order to work independently.” I am saying this because these tools are
difficult to tackle in the interview and have to know in depth. In order to pass the interview on functional automation
tools, it may not be easy unless you really know the stuff. But, since there is not much to learn in ClearQuest and
TestDirector, you only have to know what different types of fields are there in the defect logging window when
writing a defect.)

29. When you log a defect using TestDirector (or ClearQuest) what fields do you see?

Answer:  When we log a defect, we see Defect ID (it shows later in TestDirector), Summary (where we write short
description of the defect), Description (long description of the defect), Detected by (Person who found the defect, (it’s
you), Severity (meaning-is the defect critical? High? Medium? Or Low?), Date, Detected in Version, Priority, Project,
Status, Assigned to and so on.
Click here to see the fields in TestDirector (go to page 24-27)
Click here to see the fields in ClearQuest (go to page 9)

30. Are you better working in a team or working alone?

Answer:  I am a team player. I get along with team members very well. As far as the working is concerned, I can be
equally productive in team or working alone.
(Caution: Never say, I like working alone. This could lead you to not getting a job as they are always looking for
people who can get along with other people.)
31. Do you have any situations in the past where you have some arguments with your team members?
Answer: No. I never had that type of situation wherever I have worked.
(Even if you had one, it’s a good idea to say “No”. This could be a red flag, which might stop you from getting the

32. What do you like about a Manager? And what don’t you like?

Answer:  The best thing I like about a Manager is that the Manager should be able to coordinate with the other
teams so that we can get the updated documents, for example, updated requirements documents right away. A
Manager who can efficiently in distributes the work to the team, without being biased and easily accessible and
protective to his team for the right cause. As far as “what I don’t like” is concerned, I don’t like a manager who keeps
coming to desk 10 times a day to check my work even if it is just a regular work. Once the responsibility is given, the
team member should be trusted and let his work done.

33. Where do you see yourself in another 5 years?

Answer:  I see myself a QA Lead in another 5 years.

(You can also say “QA Manager”, but since the QA Manager is taking your interview most of the time, they some
times feel challenged. Therefore, it might be a good idea to limit you to QA Lead)

34. Why are you in QA?

Answer:  I am in QA because I like this job.

35. Why do you like this job?

Answer:  I like this job, because it is process oriented. Meaning that I get an opportunity to work from analyzing the
requirement documents to writing test plans, test cases, testing the application, logging defects, retesting, preparing
reports and finally testing in production as well. Therefore, I am involved from the very beginning to the end of the
software development life cycle (SDLC) process. I like this.
Another reason is I like to find defects. I enjoy logging defects. The more defects I find, the happier I am.
36. How do you determine what to test in an application?

Answer:  First of all we have the test cases (or test scripts) that are written based on the requirement document. This
pretty much covers what functionalities to test. Therefore, looking at the test cases tells us what to test in the

37. If you have no documentation about the product, how do you test an application? Describe the process.

Answer:  Well, this is a situation where I have come across several times. Some of the companies in my previous
projects did not have any documents. In this case, I went to the Business Analyst and some times to developers to
find out how exactly the functionalities work, how to navigate from one page to another page and so on. After
getting a clear vision, I write test cases based on the conversation (which is a step by step procedure to test an
application) and get ready for testing.

What do you do once you find a defect?

Once you find a defect, this is what we need to do:
1.  Recreate the Defect: Once you find a defect, we must try to recreate (meaning that we should be able to
reproduce it) at least 3 times so that we are sure that it is a defect. Some times, once we find it log it without
recreating, may put us in a false situation (because sometimes the application does not behave in the same way).
Therefore, it is important to recreate the same defect several times.
2.  Attach the Screen Shot  (supporting document): Once we confirm that it is a defect, and then it is a good idea to
attach supporting documents when we log (write) a defect. For example, screen shot, requirement document etc. For
instance, let us say that instead of “Continue” button on a page, there is a typo “Contiinuee”. Now, we will make a
screen shot of this page (To make screen shot, press “Print Screen” button on the keyboard, and open a Word
document, and Click Edit on the Word document and “Past” it. You will see the screen now) Now, a tester needs to
write defects in easy and clear language to make all the developers to understand easily.
3.  Log the Defect:  Now, the next step is, we need to log it. Depending on the company what kind of tools they are
using (for example, some companies use TestDirector to log defects, some companies use Rational ClearQuest, some
use PVC Tracker and so on). If the company is small and cannot afford these expensive tools, then they may simply
use Excel sheet to log defects. We log the defect.

38. What are the basic elements you put in a defect?

Answer:  Basic elements we put in a defect are: SEVERITY, PRIORITY, CREATED BY, VERSION NO, HEADER,
DESCRIPTION OF THE DEFECT where we write how to recreate a defect, in what module the defect is found, Status,
and so on.

39. What is the biggest bug you have ever found?

Answer:  Well, there are many big defects I have found in various projects. For example, in the last project, on a page,
there was a button called “More Information”. Once the user clicked that button, the system would open a new
window (pop up).
We could close the new window in 3 ways:
-By clicking X at the top right corner of the page
-By clicking “Close” button on the page
-By pressing combination keys (Alt+F4) on the key board
Although the combination key (Alt+F4) was not mentioned in the test case, I just wanted to try how the application
reacts when Alt+F4 is pressed. Then I pressed Alt+F4. The result was a disaster-the application crashed (broke). The
application disappeared from the computer monitor. Since it was the last day of testing for us, it brought chaos in our
Managers, Leads and the whole teams. Finally, the developers disabled Alt+F4 as a temporary solution and the
application went into production.

40. How do you make sure that it is quality software?

Answer:  There is a certain process how the quality of software is guaranteed (ensured). If is defined by the ‘exit
criteria’. (What it means is, a QA Manager writes a document called Test Strategy. This Test Strategy defines the ‘exit
criteria’.) Exit Criteria gives the measurement, for example, in order to confirm the quality, how many critical defects,
high defects, medium defect and low defect are acceptable? These are all defined in the exit criteria. (Normally in
practice, for a quality software, there should no critical defects (0 critical), no high defect (0 high), no medium defect
(0 medium) and may be 1 low defect)

41. As a QA Tester, can you tell me the situation when you felt the most proud of it?

Answer:  When I find the defect that normally others don’t find, then I feel very proud. For example, there were
situations where I found bugs that crashed the whole system at the end of testing phase. I tried the scenarios where
the scenarios were NOT mentioned in the test cases. For example, we can close the windows by clicking X on the
page, with “Close” button and so on. But there is another way that you can close the window, by pressing Alt+F4 on
the keyboard. Not many testers test this scenario. I have done this in my last two projects. Both the time, the
application crashed which became a big issue. I felt proud.

42. What made you to choose testing career?

Answer:  I am a very detailed oriented person and I like process-oriented job. The way QA process works is just the
kind of work I like. For example, analyzing requirement documents, attending walk-through meetings, writing test
plans, writing test cases, executing the test cases (or running the test cases) testing the application, logging defects,
retesting them and so on. I think I really like the process and that’s why I chose this career.

43. When should testing start in a project? Why?

Answer:  We should start testing as soon as the following things are ready:
-Test Data are ready
-Build (all the developers have coded their code and merged them
-Test Environment (servers, network etc) is set up and ready
-When the manager asks us to go ahead and start testing.

44. Let us say you have a web application to test. How do you go about testing it? What is the process?

Answer:  First of all, I will look at the requirement documents (or design document in some companies). The
requirement document will tell us what the functionalities in the application (software) are. Once I analyze the
requirement documents (one module=one requirement document). After that, I will write test plans for each module
(one module =one test plan). Then after the test plan is complete, I will write test cases (One module can have
hundreds, even thousands test cases). Once the test cases are ready and the application is ready (or once the build is
ready), then I will start testing. Before I start testing, however, I will make sure the test environments, test data and
defect logging tools are in place. This is how I will go about testing an application.

45. What is a “bug?”

Answer:  A bug is a bug is an error, flaw, mistake, failure, or fault in a computer code (program) that prevents it from
behaving as intended (e.g., producing an incorrect result).  (You can also add this: When the expected results
(accordingly to the requirement documents) don’t match with the actual results (while testing), then it is considered
a bug)
46. How would you ensure that you have covered 100% testing?

Answer:  The testing coverage is defined by exit criteria (There is exit criteria and entry criteria in the Test Strategy).
For example, if the exit criteria says “The software will be acceptable to the client only if there are no critical defects,
no high defects, no medium defects and only two low defects”, then all the critical, high, medium should be zero.
Only 2 low defects are acceptable. Thus, 100% coverage is measured by the exit criteria. Also, 100% test cases must
be executed in order to cover 100% of testing.

47. What problems did you face in the past? How did you solve it?
(You will be OK if you just give one of the problems below, not all of them)

Answer:  I had many problems while testing applications in the past.

As far as I remember one of them (then describe one of them from below), this was the scenario:
(i) It was a web-based application. I was working on a module called “Transaction Summary”. There was “Submit”
button on that page. After entering data in the all the fields, for example, First Name, Last Name, Social Security
Number, Date of Birth and so on, I clicked the Submit button. Once I clicked Submit button, an error page displayed,
“Page cannot be found…”. Since it was a critical defect, I immediately informed the Test Lead. There was a chaos in
the room. All the developers, Database Administrators and Testers gathered in my cube (room). No body could tell
exactly what was wrong with it. Finally, one smart guy checked into the database and found out that one of the files
in the database was closed. The status of all the files should be in the open status. Once the status of the closed file
was put in the “open” status, the application worked fine.
(ii) One of the problems was in the Login window (page). When the user enters and Login Name and Password, then
Password should be encrypted. One of the Test Cases was that I needed to open database and see whether the
password is encrypted or not. I found out it was not encrypted. I reported it as a bug (defect) and it was fixed in the
next release (build).
(iii) Defects I have found in a project was a defect to close a window (pop up).
For example, in the last project, on a page, there was a button called “More Information”. Once the user clicked that
button, the system would open a new window (pop up).We could close the new window in 3 ways:
-By clicking X at the top right corner of the page
-By clicking “Close” button on the page
-By pressing combination keys (Alt+F4) on the key board
Although the combination key (Alt+F4) was not mentioned in the test case, I just wanted to try how the application
reacts when Alt+F4 is pressed. Then I pressed Alt+F4. The result was a disaster-the application crashed (broke). The
application disappeared from the computer monitor. Since it was the last day of testing for us, it brought chaos in our
Managers, Leads and the whole teams. Finally, the developers disabled Alt+F4 as a temporary solution and the
application went into production.
(iv) Another problem was that a user would search for branch location information of a bank. The user logs in by
using User Name and Password. After the log in, on the “Search Location” page, the user enters and zip code of the
location he wants to find, then clicks Find button. After that the system (application) gives a number of branch
locations. The user now clicks “Request Information” for one of the branches. As soon as the user clicks “Request
Information” button, the application breaks (displays “Page cannot be found” error). I logged this defect as a critical
defect. When the developers and database administrator looked into it, then they found out that in one of the tables,
the data was not recorded. In all the tables (UserProfile table, ClientID table and SessionID table), the data should be
populated with the information entered by the user. For some reason, in one of the tables, it was blank (null). Once
they wrote a small code to populate data (enter data) to the table, the application started working.
(v) In my previous project, when the customer wants to upload a document, for example, a copy of a monthly
statement (in Word format), on the website, the system should automatically change the Word document into .pdf
format. Once the document was uploaded, I saw that the fields in the .pdf document were interchanged (misplaced).
For example, the First Name displayed in the Last Name section. Date of Birth displayed in the Social Security Number
field and so on. We found out that the problem was a mapping problem (remember this word). Once the mapping
was correct, I tested in the new build. It was fixed.
(vi)  The most common problem that I have faced in my previous projects are the Java script errors, data connectivity,
error, HTTP 500 error (This error occurs when server is down), HTTP 400 error (when file is not found) and so on.

(vii)  “Father” pop up displayed when Print/Print Preview button clicked. (This was coded by the developer to mark
this coding portion  (for his/her own purpose as a mark to indicate where he/she made changes, however, forgot to
remove it).  Once the developer fixed it, it still displayed the same thing (because it was in the servers memory and
could not go).  Now, I had to reset memory of the server from my machine.  Therefore, what I did is, I went to the
website I was testing (for example, and added reset.aspx at the end of the URL
(Now the URL becomes and hit enter. It took me to the server memory
and I selected section and submitted the query and it was cleared.  Retested again and it is now OK.

(viii)  I was testing a web application.  On one page, I clicked Save & Continue button twice (my mistake).  Once this
button is clicked twice, the system displayed an error message, “Could not save the answers, please contact technical
support”. (When clicked only once, the button works fine.).

Solution:  Once the user clicks the button once, the button was disabled later so that the user cannot click twice.
(ix)  I was testing a web-based application.  Once all the fields are entered on the one of the pages, we had Print
Preview button.  If the user clicks this button, we were supposed see the same information in a new window in PDF
format. While looking at the data in PDF file, there were some fields missing, for example, Date of Birth was missing
in the PDF file.

48. Tell me about the worst boss you’ve ever had.  (Here, you should be careful not to say any negative words about
the past boss. This will give a reflection that you cannot work with different nature of people. You should be able to
show them that you can cope with any king of boss. Therefore, just take an idea below how the answer should be.)

Answer:  I can hardly think of any Manager that was really bad. But when I compare, then I remember of a Test Lead
who was just made a lead from the developers team. She used to feel that she has been very proud of her position
and used to boss around. Some times, she used to call home and check where I was and what I was doing. Or have I
completed my job before leaving and so on. I think, whatever she did, was in the benefit of the company and myself
in the long run which would give me more confidence in future.

49. What do you like about QA?

Answer:  The best thing I like about QA is, I like the job which is more process oriented. For example, we have to work
right from reading the requirement documents, providing feedback to the Business Analysts as necessary, writing
test plans, test cases, execute the test cases, interaction with different developers, attend walk-through meeting and
so on. I am a very detailed oriented person. When I test applications, I try to get into the depth of functionality so
that I don’t miss out anything. Finally, I love logging defects.

50. What are all the basic elements in a defect report?

Answer:  The basic elements in a defect report are: Defect ID, Header, Description, Defect Reported by, Date, Status,
Version, Assigned to, Approved by, Module where the defect was found and so on.

51. What is the difference between verification and validation?

Verification: Verification is a process to ensure that the software that is made, matches the original design. In other
words, it checks whether the software is made according to the criteria and specification described in the
requirement document. It is to check whether you built the product right as per design. It is a low level checking. (It is
done in walk-through meetings generally). It checked whether it is made accordingly to the design..
Validation: Validation is a process to check whether the product design fits the client’s need. It checks whether you
built the right thing. It checks whether it is designed properly.
52. How do you know it is sufficient testing?

Answer:  Every company has entry and exit criteria. When we test applications, we refer to exit criteria. When we are
about to finish testing, then the QA Team (QA Manager) refers to the exit criteria (exit criteria tells the level of defect
that you can be comfortable with before it goes to production. For example, there should be ZERO critical defect,
ZERO high level defect, ZERO medium defect, 1 Low level defect, all the test cases must be 100% executed etc). Once
the exit criteria meet the requirements, then the software is considered to be sufficiently tested.
Every company has entry and exit criteria. When we test applications, we refer to exit criteria. When we are about to
finish testing, then the QA Team (QA Manager) refers to the exit criteria (exit criteria tells the level of defect that you
can be comfortable with before it goes to production. For example, there should be ZERO critical defect, ZERO high
level defect, ZERO medium defect, 1 Low level defect, all the test cases must be 100% executed etc). Once the exit
criteria meet the requirements, then the software is considered to be sufficiently tested.
53. How to derive test scenarios and use cases? What are the contents and format?

Answer: Test scenarios are derived from requirement documents. We follow each and every functionality (called
business rules) mentioned in the requirement document. One functionality can have multiple business rules. For
example, let us say in there is one requirement called “Login”. This “Login” may have various scenarios. For example,
one scenario is, enter the right User ID and wrong password. The system should display an error message. Another
scenario would be to enter wrong User ID and right Password. The system should display an error message. The third
scenario could be to enter the right User Name and right Password. The system should allow the user to get into the
system. This is how the test cases are derived from the requirement documents or from the Use Cases.
(For contents for formats of test scenario, please refer to question 4 in

54. What are the types of test cases that you write?

Answer: We write test cases for smoke testing, integration testing, functional testing, regression testing, load testing,
stress testing, system testing and so on.

55. How to write Integration test cases?

Answer: I have never written separate Test Cases Integration Testing. Since Integration Testing is a test to check
whether the all the modules are integrated together or not (meaning that when the developers compile all their
module and make a build, all modules should be working when they are combined together and those modules
when combined, should work as expected). If they are not integrated (combined) in a nice way, then the application
breaks. Basically, when we do the functional testing, the integration testing is automatically done. This is my

56. How to write Regression test cases? What are the criteria?
Answer: Regression test cases are also based on the requirement documents. They are written more into detail and
with every release (build), the testers need to do regression testing. The criteria for regression testing are; there
should be no major defects while we do our smoke test and functional testing.

57. Is there a format for a test case? Do you follow any methodology for numbering test cases?
Answer: Yes. It depends upon the company how the company has followed the numbering of test cases. However,
normally, it is just a simple numbering in most of the time (see question 4 of But some companies
may also relate this numbering to the requirement number. For example, if the requirement for Login is “REQ-LOG-
001”, then we can number the test cases like REQ-LOG-001-001 and so on.

58. What is Test Harness?

Answer: (Definition from “In software testing, a test harness or automated test framework is a
collection of software and test data configured to test a program unit by running it under varying conditions and
monitor its behavior and outputs. It has two main parts: the test execution engine and the test script repository.”

59. How to write User Acceptance Test plan & test cases?

Answer: The way of writing Test Plan and Test Cases is the same in all the test phases. However, specifically for User
Acceptance Testing, the testers use data nearly real data (meaning that the data is very much similar to the
production data or real data). For the format, please refer to question 3 and 4 in

60. What are the different matrices that you follow?

Answer: There are various reports we normally prepare in QA:
· Test summary Report – It is a report that has list of the total test cases, list of executed test cases, remaining test
case to be executed, executed date, pass/fail
· Defect Report – In this report we normally prepare a list of defect in spreadsheet e.g. defect # CQ12345 [ if you log a
defect in the application called Rational ClearQuest]
· Traceability Matrix [also called RTM (Requirement Traceability Matrix)] Report – the document which shows the
relationship between the functionalities or the business rules and the test cases. So, with the help of Traceability
Matrix we make sure that we includes all the functionalities in our test cases according to the requirement document.

61. Explain Bug Life Cycle.

Answer: I would describe this as below:

A Tester finds a defect and logs it. (But before you log it, you must try to recreate it for 3 or 4 times so that you are
100% sure that it is a bug)
The defect is now approved or disapproved by the Test Lead.
(If it is disapproved, then the test lead will come to you ask for more details and you have explain to him why it is a
After the Test Lead approves the bug, it is now assigned to a development Team Lead (or Development Manager).
He/she now assigns that bug to the concerned developer. The developer now looks into the bug and fixes it. Once the
fix is ready, there will be another build ready to test. The tester now tests the defect. It the defect is fixed, then the
tester closes the defect, if not then the test will reopen it and same cycle starts.
Defect Life Cycle

62. What will you do if developer does not accept the bug?
Answer: If the developer does not accept the defect, then he will reject it. Once it is rejected, then it comes back to
the tester. Now, the tester will ask for clarification with the developer why the defect is rejected. Since everything is
based on the requirement documents, both tester and developer will have to look at the requirement document,
validate it and then reopen it if necessary or close.

63. What are the different tests that can be done for Client Server Application and Web-based Application. Give

Answer: For both client server and web based applications, the testing is the same except one thing: We test web
based applications in different browsers, for example, Internet Explorer (will test in different versions like IE 5.0, IE
6.0, IE 7.0), Firefox, Safari (for Mac) and so on where as for client server, we don’t need to test in the browsers.

64. What is an inspection?

Answer: An inspection is a formal meeting, more formalized than a walkthrough and typically consists of 3-10 people
including a moderator, reader (the author of whatever is being reviewed) and a recorder (to make notes in the
document). The subject of the inspection is typically a document, such as a requirements document or a test plan.
The purpose of an inspection is to find problems and see what is missing, not to fix anything. The result of the
meeting should be documented in a written report. Attendees should prepare for this type of meeting by reading
through the document, before the meeting starts; most problems are found during this preparation. Preparation for
inspections is difficult, but is one of the most cost-effective methods of ensuring quality, since bug prevention is more
cost effective than bug detection.

65. Give me five common problems that occur during software development.

Answer: Poorly written requirements, unrealistic schedules, inadequate testing, adding new features after
development is underway and poor communication. Requirements are poorly written when requirements are unclear,
incomplete, too general, or not testable; therefore there will be problems. The schedule is unrealistic if too much
work is crammed in too little time.
Software testing is inadequate if none knows whether or not the software is any good until customers complain or
the system crashes. It’s extremely common that new features are added after development is underway.
Miscommunication either means the developers don’t know what is needed, or customers have unrealistic
expectations and therefore problems are guaranteed

66. What is the role of documentation in QA?

Answer: Documentation plays a critical role in QA. QA practices should be documented, so that they are repeatable.
Specifications, designs, business rules, inspection reports, configurations, code changes, test plans, test cases, bug
reports, user manuals should all be documented. Ideally, there should be a system for easily finding and obtaining of
documents and determining what document will have a particular piece of information. Use documentation change
management, if possible.

67. What if the software is so buggy it can’t be tested at all?

Answer: In this situation the best bet is to have test engineers go through the process of reporting whatever bugs or
problems initially show up, with the focus being on critical bugs. Since this type of problem can severely affect
schedules and indicates deeper problems in the software development process, such as insufficient unit testing,
insufficient integration testing, poor design, improper build or release procedures, managers should be notified and
provided with some documentation as evidence of the problem.
68. How do you know when to stop testing?

Answer: This can be difficult to determine. Many modern software applications are so complex and run in such an
interdependent environment, that complete testing can never be done. Common factors in deciding when to stop
Deadlines, e.g. release deadlines, testing deadlines;
Test cases completed with certain percentage passed;
Test budget has been depleted;
Coverage of code, functionality, or requirements reaches a specified point;
Bug rate falls below a certain level; or
Beta or alpha testing period ends.

69. What if there isn’t enough time for thorough testing?

Answer: Since it’s rarely possible to test every possible aspect of an application, every possible combination of events,
every dependency, or everything that could go wrong, risk analysis is appropriate to most software development
projects. Use risk analysis to determine where testing should be focused. This requires judgment skills, common sense
and experience. The checklist should include answers to the following questions:
· Which functionality is most important to the project’s intended purpose?
· Which functionality is most visible to the user?
· Which functionality has the largest safety impact?
· Which functionality has the largest financial impact on users?
· Which aspects of the application are most important to the customer?
· Which aspects of the application can be tested early in the development cycle?
· Which parts of the code are most complex and thus most subject to errors?
· Which parts of the application were developed in rush or panic mode?
· Which aspects of similar/related previous projects caused problems?
· Which aspects of similar/related previous projects had large maintenance expenses?
· Which parts of the requirements and design are unclear or poorly thought out?
· What do the developers think are the highest-risk aspects of the application?
· What kinds of problems would cause the worst publicity?
· What kinds of problems would cause the most customer service complaints?
· What kinds of tests could easily cover multiple functionalities?
· Which tests will have the best high-risk-coverage to time-required ratio?

70. What can be done if requirements are changing continuously?

Answer: Work with management early on to understand how requirements might change, so that alternate test
plans and strategies can be worked out in advance. It is helpful if the application’s initial design allows for some
adaptability, so that later changes do not require redoing the application from scratch. Additionally, try to… · Ensure
the code is well commented and well documented; this makes changes easier
for the developers.
· Use rapid prototyping whenever possible; this will help customers feel sure of their
requirements and minimize changes.
· In the project’s initial schedule, allow for some extra time to commensurate with
probable changes.
· Move new requirements to a ‘Phase 2′ version of an application and use the original
requirements for the ‘Phase 1′ version.
· Negotiate to allow only easily implemented new requirements into the project; move
more difficult, new requirements into future versions of the application.
· Ensure customers and management understand scheduling impacts, inherent risks and
costs of significant requirements changes. Then let management or the customers
decide if the changes are warranted; after all, that’s their job.
· Balance the effort put into setting up automated testing with the expected effort
required to redo them to deal with changes.
· Design some flexibility into automated test scripts;
· Focus initial automated testing on application aspects that are most likely to remain
· Devote appropriate effort to risk analysis of changes, in order to minimize regression-
testing needs;
· Design some flexibility into test cases; this is not easily done; the best bet is to minimize the detail in the test cases,
or set up only higher-level generic-type test plans;
· Focus less on detailed test plans and test cases and more on ad-hoc testing with an understanding of the added risk
this entails.

71. What if the application has functionality that wasn’t in the requirements?

Answer: It may take serious effort to determine if an application has significant unexpected or hidden functionality,
which it would indicate deeper problems in the software development process. If the functionality isn’t necessary to
the purpose of the application, it should be removed, as it may have unknown impacts or dependencies that were not
taken into account by the designer or the customer.
If not removed, design information will be needed to determine added testing needs or regression testing needs.
Management should be made aware of any significant added risks as a result of the unexpected functionality. If the
functionality only affects areas, such as minor improvements in the user interface, it may not be a significant risk.

72. How can software QA processes be implemented without stifling productivity?

Answer: Implement QA processes slowly over time. Use consensus to reach agreement on processes and adjust and
experiment as an organization grows and matures. Productivity will be improved instead of stifled. Problem
prevention will lessen the need for problem detection. Panics and burnout will decrease and there will be improved
focus and less wasted effort. At the same time, attempts should be made to keep processes simple and efficient,
minimize paperwork, promote computer-based processes and automated tracking and reporting, minimize time
required in meetings and promote training as part of the QA process. However, no one, especially talented technical
types, like bureaucracy and in the short run things may slow down a bit. A typical scenario would be that more days
of planning and development will be needed, but less time will be required for late-night bug fixing and calming of
irate customers.

73. What is parallel/audit testing?

Answer: Parallel/audit testing is testing where the user reconciles the output of the new system to the output of the
current system to verify the new system performs the operations correctly. Let us say, for example, the currently
software is in the mainframe system which calculates the interest rate. The company wants to change this
mainframe system to web-based application. While testing the new web based application, we need to verify that
the web-based application calculates the same interest rate. This is parallel testing.

74. What is system testing?

Answer: System testing is black box testing, performed by the Test Team, and at the start of the system testing the
complete system is configured in a controlled environment. The purpose of system testing is to validate an
application’s accuracy and completeness in performing the functions as designed. System testing simulates real life
scenarios that occur in a “simulated real life” test environment and test all functions of the system that are required
in real life. System testing is deemed complete when actual results and expected results are either in line or
differences are explainable or acceptable, based on client input.
Upon completion of integration testing, system testing is started. Before system testing, all unit and integration test
results are reviewed by Software QA to ensure all problems have been resolved. For a higher level of testing it is
important to understand unresolved problems that originate at unit and integration test levels. You CAN learn system
testing, with little or no outside help. Get CAN get free information. Click on a link!

75. What is end-to-end testing?

Answer: Similar to system testing, the *macro* end of the test scale is testing a complete application in a situation
that mimics real world use, such as interacting with a database, using network communication, or interacting with
other hardware, application, or system.

76. What is security/penetration testing?

Answer: Security/penetration testing is testing how well the system is protected against unauthorized internal or
external access, or willful damage. This type of testing usually requires sophisticated testing techniques.

77. What is recovery/error testing?

Answer: Recovery/error testing is testing how well a system recovers from crashes, hardware failures, or other
catastrophic problems.

78. What is compatibility testing?

Answer: Compatibility testing is testing how well software performs in a particular hardware, software, operating
system, or network environment.

79. What is comparison testing?

Answer: Comparison testing is testing that compares software weaknesses and strengths to those of competitors’

80. What is acceptance testing?

Answer: Acceptance testing is black box testing that gives the client/customer/project manager the opportunity to
verify the system functionality and usability prior to the system being released to production. The acceptance test is
the responsibility of the client/customer or project manager, however, it is conducted with the full support of the
project team. The test team also works with the client/customer/project manager to develop the acceptance criteria.

81. What is a Test/QA Team Lead?

Answer: The Test/QA Team Lead coordinates the testing activity, communicates testing status to management and
manages the test team.

82. What is software testing methodology?

Answer: One software testing methodology is the use a three step process of…
1. Creating a test strategy;
2. Creating a test plan/design; and
3. Executing tests. This methodology can be used and molded to your organization’s needs. Rob Davis believes that
using this methodology is important in the development and in ongoing maintenance of his customers’ applications.

83. What is the general testing process?

Answer: The general testing process is the creation of a test strategy (which sometimes includes the creation of test
cases), creation of a test plan/design (which usually includes test cases and test procedures) and the execution of

84. How do you create a test strategy?

Answer: The test strategy is a formal description of how a software product will be tested. A test strategy is
developed for all levels of testing, as required. The test team analyzes the requirements, writes the test strategy and
reviews the plan with the project team. The test plan may include test cases, conditions, the test environment, a list
of related tasks, pass/fail criteria and risk assessment. Inputs for this process:
· A description of the required hardware and software components, including test tools. This information comes from
the test environment, including test tool data.
· A description of roles and responsibilities of the resources required for the test and schedule constraints. This
information comes from man-hours and schedules.
· Testing methodology. This is based on known standards.
· Functional and technical requirements of the application. This information comes from requirements, change
request, technical and functional design documents.
· Requirements that the system can not provide, e.g. system limitations. Outputs for this process:
· An approved and signed off test strategy document, test plan, including test cases.
· Testing issues requiring resolution. Usually this requires additional negotiation at the project management level.

85. How do you create a test plan/design?

Answer: Test scenarios and/or cases are prepared by reviewing functional requirements of the release and preparing
logical groups of functions that can be further broken into test procedures. Test procedures define test conditions,
data to be used for testing and expected results, including database updates, file outputs, report results. Generally
Test cases and scenarios are designed to represent both typical and unusual situations that may occur in the
Test engineers define unit test requirements and unit test cases. Test engineers also execute unit test cases.
It is the test team that, with assistance of developers and clients, develops test cases and scenarios for integration
and system testing.
Test scenarios are executed through the use of test procedures or scripts.
Test procedures or scripts define a series of steps necessary to perform one or more test scenarios.
Test procedures or scripts include the specific data that will be used for testing the process or transaction.
Test procedures or scripts may cover multiple test scenarios.
Test scripts are mapped back to the requirements and traceability matrices are used to ensure each test is within
Test data is captured and base lined, prior to testing. This data serves as the foundation for unit and system testing
and used to exercise system functionality in a controlled environment.
Some output data is also base-lined for future comparison. Base-lined data is used to support future application
maintenance via regression testing.
A pretest meeting is held to assess the readiness of the application and the environment and data to be tested. A test
readiness document is created to indicate the status of the entrance criteria of the release.
Inputs for this process:
Approved Test Strategy Document.
Test tools, or automated test tools, if applicable.
Previously developed scripts, if applicable.
Test documentation problems uncovered as a result of testing.
A good understanding of software complexity and module path coverage, derived from general and detailed design
documents, e.g. software design document, source code and software complexity data.
Outputs for this process:
Approved documents of test scenarios, test cases, test conditions and test data.
Reports of software design issues, given to software developers for correction.

86. How do you execute tests?

Answer: Execution of tests is completed by following the test documents in a methodical manner. As each test
procedure is performed, an entry is recorded in a test execution log to note the execution of the procedure and
whether or not the test procedure uncovered any defects. Checkpoint meetings are held throughout the execution
phase. Checkpoint meetings are held daily, if required, to address and discuss testing issues, status and activities.The
output from the execution of test procedures is known as test results. Test results are evaluated by test engineers to
determine whether the expected results have been obtained. All discrepancies/anomalies are logged and discussed
with the software team lead, hardware test lead, programmers, software engineers and documented for further
investigation and resolution. Every company has a different process for logging and reporting bugs/defects
uncovered during testing.A pass/fail criteria is used to determine the severity of a problem, and results are recorded
in a test summary report. The severity of a problem, found during system testing, is defined in accordance to the
customer’s risk assessment and recorded in their selected tracking tool.Proposed fixes are delivered to the testing
environment, based on the severity of the problem. Fixes are regression tested and flawless fixes are migrated to a
new baseline. Following completion of the test, members of the test team prepare a summary report. The summary
report is reviewed by the Project Manager, Software QA Manager and/or Test Team Lead.
After a particular level of testing has been certified, it is the responsibility of the Configuration Manager to coordinate
the migration of the release software components to the next test level, as documented in the Configuration
Management Plan. The software is only migrated to the production environment after the Project Manager’s formal

87. What testing approaches can you tell me about?

Answer: Each of the followings represents a different testing approach:

Black box testing,
White box testing,
Unit testing,
Incremental testing,
Integration testing,
Functional testing,
System testing,
End-to-end testing,
Sanity testing,
Regression testing,
Acceptance testing,
Load testing,
Performance testing,
Usability testing,
Install/uninstall testing,
Recovery testing,
Security testing,
Compatibility testing,
Exploratory testing, ad-hoc testing,
User acceptance testing,
Comparison testing,
Alpha testing,
Beta testing, and
Mutation testing.

88. How do you divide the application into different sections to create scripts?

Answer:  First of all, the application is divided in different parts when a business analyst writes the requirement
document (or Use Cases or Design Document), he/she writes EACH requirement document for EACH module.  Let us
say, if there are 12 different modules in an application that a business analyst has written the requirements for, then
a tester would write the test cases for each module, which means in 12 different sections.  This is the standard
practice.  There might be scenarios where you might have to break down scripts into sub-categories.  For example, if
a tester is writing a script for Login Page, he/she might write one for positive and negative testing and another sub-
set of test cases would be for error message when the wrong information is entered.  In short, the test cases are
divided according to the modules.
(The following questions were asked to Padma in one of her interviews very recently)
(This question is asked to check how ambitious you are as far as your career is concerned, whether you like the job
you are doing and so on.  Therefore, no matter what, you should stick to your QA job at this point and say that you
love this so much and your goal is some thing similar to the one below)
What is your salary requirement? 
$70k (negotiable), or ($35 per hour) 

Please provide information (an example) of your experience testing Linux and UNIX environments (including type
of system tested, how tested, actual commands and steps used for test) Testing applications using Linux and

Answer: I have tested applications using UNIX. For every backend testing I have done in the past, I have used UNIX
platform while performing backend testing. For example, when the data is fed into the system in the front end, that
data goes to the database after the batch processing. From the database, the data is now sent to the ETL system (in
XML format) for data manipulation as per our need (ETL is a software tool of Ab Initio company which is used to
manipulate data in the data warehouse). In the ETL system, we manipulate those data according to our need), for
example, it could be income statement of the company, balance sheet, monthly reports, and so on. In order to
produce income statement, we need to run a job in ETL. To run this job, we use UNIX. In the same way, different
types of jobs are created for each need (creating balance sheet is another job, creating reports is next job etc) then I
had to run different jobs in the ETL system. Once we run the job, the running job finally creates an output file which
is now validated by us tester. This output file can be in text format or GUI format. Thus, this is the scenario where I
had to use UNIX. (I have used Linux much, however, since UNIX and Linux are the same thing, I should have no
problem in using Linux)
Some of the commands I used while testing using UNIX are;
Ls –l ———>to check the file list
Pwd———-> to see which directory I am in
Cd ———–>change the directory
Cd .. ———>change the directory one level up
Mkdir ———>make a directory
Rmdir ———>Delete the directory
setenv name v ——>Set environment
kill% ——–>Kill the running job
vi ———>editor Used to write scripts
more——-> to see the contents page by page
cat —–>list contents of the file
chmod ——–>change permission
cp ——–>copy
rm —–>delete a file
The following are the some of the things that a tester has to know (but may not be asked in the interview)What is
a cookie?  (You must know how to clean cookies)
A small text file of information that certain Web sites attach to a user’s hard drive while the user is browsing the
Web site. A Cookie can contain information such as user ID, user preferences, archive shopping cart information, etc.
Cookies can contain Personally Identifiable Information.
Does a tester have to know about cookie?
Yes.   A tester has to know HOW TO CLEAN cookies (Does not have to know the difinition)
How to clean cookies?

Cookies are cleaned in the browsers like IE (Internet Explorer), Firefox, Safari (for MAC and windows both), Netscape
and so on.
However, the mostly used (90%) browser is IE (Internet Explorer)
Here is how you clean cookies in IE (Internet Explorer):

1.  Open IE (Internet Explorer)

2.  On the menu, click Tools–>Internet Options–>Click Delete button (It is in General Tab)
(You will see different buttons now, for example, Delete Files, Delete Cookies, Delete History, Delete Forms, Delete
Delete All).
3.  Click Delete All button.
Now the cookies are cleaned in IE.
Here is how you can clean cookies in Fire Fox:

1.  Open Firefox Brower.

2.  Click Tools.
3.  Click Error Console.
4.  Click Clear.
Now the cookies are cleaned in Firefox.
What are different types of protocols?

-Generally, a Tester does NOT necessarily have to know different types of protocols.  This is Network Engineers job. 
However, if you want to know more for your knowledge, you can

What is Web Architecture?

-A tester does not necessarily have to know this unless you are a very Senior Tester testing networks and doing some
kind of development. However, if you want to know more about it, please
Does a Tester need SQL?

Answer:  Yes.  For a Tester, SQL is needed.  I had the same question in mind becore I came to the actual implication-
what is SQL used for?  And now, I know that when we do the backend testing (see for details), we
need to write SQL queries to retrieve the data from the database and compare this data to the one with reports or
output.  Another scenario is, if something goes wrong in the application, for example, if there is an error, then we
might have to write SQL queries to retrieve the data from the database and check what went wrong.  Let’s say, we
need to check in the Error Log table what went wrong.  To check this, we open the database, go to Error Log table
and find out that happened.  In the Error Log table, there are many records, so which one is your error then?  To find
out which one is yours, we need to write SQL queries. Example, you logged in to the application with User and
password=sn992jj.  Now, to retrieve your record, you can write a query some thing like this:  select * from Error_Log
where userID=devin99;  This query will retriev your record only so that you can see what happened.
What is a ‘Show Stopper’?
A show stopper is a defect or bug that stops the user for further action (testing).  It has no work around.  In other
words, it stops every thing and the user cannot go any futher.  This is called show stopper in software industry
languague.  (This is not an interview questions, but you have to know this terminology)
Some Glossary
Test Plan, Test Case, Test Script, Requirement Document, Design Document, Shared Drive, Network Driver, Share
Point, System, Build Configuration Management Team, Defect, Log, Automation Tools, TestDirector, Quality
Center, ClearQuest, ClearCase, Rational Robot, Rational Functional Tester, WinRunner, LoadRunner, Business
Objects, Crystal Reports, SQA, QA
Answer:  My goal is to be QA Lead (or QA Manager) in near future.
90.  What are you expecting from our company?

Answer:  My expectation from you company would be I will have more challenges and new things to learn and
whatever the skills I have to contribute, hopefully, I will be able to contribute if they are in any way helpful to
enhance productivity of the company.
91.  What did you learn from your previous companies?

Answer:  I learned a lot from the previous companies wherever I have worked.  Wherever I have worked, I found out
the there is always something to learn.  Different companies have different ways of working.  The environment and
technology always differ from one company to another company.  I have never found one company’s environment
matching with another company.  For example, if one company is using documents called requirement documents,
then the other company might be using Use Cases and some companies might be using Design Document and so on. 
Therefore, in my experience, there are always new things to learn in every company and we can always contribute
these thing in the next company if they help to be more productive.
92.  What do you want to be in next 2 years?

Answer:  I want to be QA Lead in another two years.

Why QA Lead? Why not something else?

Answer:  QA is the only thing I love doing it.  I love this job and want to progress in this sector.  I want to know how
to manage QA process, how to handle different jobs and so on.  Since the next step is the QA Lead, that would
preferably be one I will targeting for.
93.  Why do you want to work for this company? 

Answer: (This is a tricky question.  They want to know what really interests you and you have to be careful when you
answer this question.  You must admire the line of that company.  For example, if you are being interviewed by a
pharmaceutical company, then tell them that you are always interested in the medical applications and the better
part of your company is that it has exciting products that I am really curious to learn.  That’s why I would feel really
great if I am given the opportunity to work in your company)
94.  Did you get any compliments from your previous employers?  What  were those situations? 

Answer:  Yes. I did.  There were many occasions where I had compliments.    For example, I was testing an application
going a little bit off my test cases. After I finished executing my test cases, I always think in a way what a real user
would possibally click in various parts of the application.  So I was just clicking back and forth and at one specific
scenario, the application simply broke and displayed an error message.  That scenario was not in the test cases. The
manager really appreciated me and thanked for finding this kind of critical defect.    Answer:  Yes. I did.  There were
many occasions where I had compliments.    For example, I was testing an application going a little bit off my test
cases. After I finished executing my test cases, I always think in a way what a real user would possibally click in
various parts of the application.  So I was just clicking back and forth and at one specific scenario, the application
simply broke and displayed an error message.  That scenario was not in the test cases. The manager really
appreciated me and thanked for finding this kind of critical defect.   

What are your strengths?

Answer: I am a very detailed oriented person. I have the sense of urgency. I can prioritize my job according to the
deadline. I am very much dedicated towards my job. I am honest. I have the skills and expertise in QA process. These
are some of my strengths.

What is your weakness?

Answer: I think my weakness is that whenever I am given some responsibilities and there is a deadline for it, I work
day and night, 7 days a week. This is probably bad for my family life, but I can’t sleep unless I am done with my
(Note: You should think of your weakness where because of your weakness (like the one above), still the employer
benefits. DON’T SAY anything negative thing, like “I cannot work long hours, it is hard for me pick up things, it is
difficult for me to understand requirement documents etc)

89.  What is your goal?

Ans:   My goal in the next 4 years is to be a QA Manager.
90.   What is RTM (Requirement  Traceability  Matrix)?
Answer – Tractability matrix is used to cross check the test cases as per the requirement of the test cases.   In other
words, it checks whether the each functionality is covered in the Test Cases as per requirement document.   (We
create RTM using Quality Center tool)
12. Approvals
The following people are required to approve the Lab Manual

Approval By Approval
Professor of The Course
Computer Science Department

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