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OVERVIEW OF INDUSTRIAL THEIR MANAGEMENT INTRODUCTION Industrial disasters repoesent a relaively new threat as smpared io the natura déasors, Since 1974 (Pxborouh UK. Explaion in apse pi due ta pie ropa musta acidents ve been casing inthe News, Ths eisonous Soke Vapau release atmosphere im 1976 38 Sesksi-Tabd SmMerRy TRCReaNA! he concieh EL watorides leading ta the frst Directive S250 1/BEC of 24th ine. 1982) om Major Accident Hivasd Contal (MAHL. Vor the Fist time The facus nf protection was mad: envuonimest and saya the employees. Jn India, however. 4 MAHC ‘nknown concept the Bhopal das BHOPAL DISASTER ~A TURNING POINT ‘vas this event, which brought homme the unprecedented scale of disster potensial of «haze (pas of ie galt injury and xacuston needed and created ompellingevidenee to aps histe Dsasir Management of estroctuing, 5s nein in terms of soproach 19 Cheatin Salty, A new asl ndueting ew ro sytem ind procedures POST BHOPAL ~ MAJOR DEVELOPMENTS 9 Adhos Fiuzchem Eypert Commities were set GF mst ofa tates having Mayor Accident Hazard (MAK) wits These selected hazards ults and recommended 1) Amareness Seminars sth naional, tte and Tncal levels wage organized by different Ww) Lowi Seis celed ley og: av inpeesive number of chemical rons have boca developed 8) 348 yearI.0 projecton Major Accident / CHEMICAL DISASTERS AND rand Comtol Syst wt 1991) — 14 amtlinn CIS) ath participa om DGEASEL, Min Labour, 12 sates US-Agency for Internatinnal nt-Eadusirial Safety and ‘Health Deselopmen Programme 1US Bevelopn AID ISHED project (1991-92) -capaciy ‘oilding on safety audit and practon WF safety Ts & videos, pat (un DGEASLENSC Indian Chen Suc Eacory Taps Union osnizations. ‘aimed in India an ©) United Programme's (UNEP) varenes an Preparedness for Emergencies a by NSC since 1972 APELL PROGRAMME PHASES = © APELL-Locs Acid! Miigaon Pet LAMP ingisFgh Risk odusnal Aras fp 5 years 192 STrcolabaraas UNEPDTIE, YSAID, Wo, © Trans-APELL including Qomonstatiog Piet Teugwbay oem (2000 Nations Environmen # National APELL Conve NAC) (2002 + NAC Sub-Centre (20 aos + Inatationlsing the sage APELL OBJECTIVES + Geatear increase public awareness of possibl Farards witha community TROUSTRIAL SAFETY CHRONICLE TOY -SePENER SOS ie Jo Stimulate the development of cooperative plans ‘0 respond so any emergency Wa RIA OETI Se + Encourage sccident prevention pe a © US-AIDIAsin Disaster Preprednes Cente Asan eh Disaster Mibgation Program. (ADPC AUDMD Py Wen Vaan Koskaia 19) + Hepp ad maps and input area digrams sonl n aysessing vulnerability trom hema Uisisters + Creating awateness among civic adiministcators and town planners + Drafting mitigation strategies Wi) NSC-ADPC2.week Asia Region Training Course ‘on “Technological Risk Mitigation in Cities (Mumbai - Nov 1998 -20 participants fom 8 Asian counties) + To develop evareness among own planning and ‘dinistation oficial rl professionals onc lade technological dsasteriigaton states in town planning PRESENT STATUS . W MAHC,Sysicim hy been well developed Gegistation, urganizativa, competence, 3) APELL Process institutionalized~ Crisis Groups with participation of authorities, emergency Fespons services, industry and community set up i) Established inventory of ~ MAH installations (1580 MAH units in [9 tates) ~ Source: MoEP Website = tsolated storages (347) 1) deotfied hazard prone iaduscial pockets (480) ¥ Supreme Court Judgeinent «20th December, 86 (Shriram Foods and Ferilises Industries, PUL case ‘No.6263 of 1986— MC, Mebiay In this landmark [STEERED The Supreme Cour hat gre {following thre importa principles + Ahazardows industry owes an absolute and non- Aelegatable duty Co the community to peotect it fromtisk; 'NDUSTRIAT SAFETY CHNONICLE JULY > SEPTEMBER Sy terprves ane absolutely liable for any barn y eel eve AT they have taken ll Any compensation siven pst fave 4 deterrent iS Fader Pai Laatahiy Set, 9H bie vid On-sne plans ¢¢52tp ans prepared: Source (its plans opts prepared) Source: Mk Website '9) Mutual Aid and Response Group (MARG) — ‘Wrinten agreement between good examples of) 8) Heavy Water Plant and SPIC Chemicals, Tutiorin b) TN Petrochemicalfand Madras Refineries near Chennai 2) Institutional framework (e.8 Nav Cente in NSC; DN. ste) nal APELL 48) Indian Sandan 4489: 9 on Safety & Health Audis: Risk Assessment Standard (Soon wil be Pubic by BIS Ai) MoEE/Comual Poution Conten! Board (CECB) Guidelines (Transport of Hazardous Chemicals 1995:Transpontation of Havardous Wastes 2008 {CPCB)] : MSIEIC Rules 2000, i) APELL Pubicstions by NSC (NAC Newsletes, Off site Phan~Tutcon& Haldia, Cyclone Emergency Manual. Hazmat Transportation ~ Statutory Provisions, Tans Hazmat Emergency Response Case Study; Community Awareness Strategy Traffic Police Teining Module) LOOKING AHEAD Strengthening Discs ant Local Csis Groups Model Offsite Plan 4) Anoual esting and updating of OFF-site plans §%) Community Awareness Responsibility by Crisis Groups ¥) Suengthening capacities of Police ¥)_ Developing a Good Medical Response Stem vi) Hazchem Transprtation System vii) Pos Disaster Revs ) Developing and Rising Case Studies 1) Developing Major Acciidem Dana Base 1) Designating snsiiutions vin technological DM (eveloping package of trvning courses) Ai) Major International Developments (ternational Decade for Natura Disaster Recton: 19901999 & Internationa Ststegy for Disaster Reduction SUSDR) and World Conference on Disaster Reduetin, Kobe Hyogo Japan-an 2008 abe Rye. L ‘THE DISASTER MANAGEMENT (OM) CYCLE ‘The Disaster and its Management is continoum of imer- linked activity; its nota series of events which start and stop with each disaster occurrence, ‘The Basic Format of the Disaster Mamigement Cycle is tae seve ‘An Alternative Forma, which s sometimes used, shows the ‘ain components in the form of activity segments, a shown in Figure Note This format cannot be wiltzed 49 make tw significant points: ‘Such a format is schematic only Ie does wot and cannot designate the length or relative imporance of the component parts 5 Such a format should not be allowed to give the impression that each activity segment is clearly amd precisely divided from adjacent jones. On the contrary, it is important 10 ‘understand that segments generally tend 10 ‘overlap andlor merge COMPOSITION OF MAIN ACTIVITIES shane pain Susie cee connie tons frigate saan Sie ea uwieunat na ae ee eee nme ao ee ea ') Mitigation: Action within this segment usually takes the form of specific programmes tnd penton flan Code intended toed ef af diasteror ema The term prevention/mitigation may be more suitable Jor ‘most situations than utilizing prevention and mitigation 5 fe separate cancepls and aetiviies. “The Following ations or prograinmes ore generally eegardo as coming under the heading of ritipation Enforcement of building codes J+ Land-use- reputations J+ Safety regulations relating wo high tise buildings, ‘comrof of hazardous substances, et, TNDUSTRIAL SAFETY CHRONICLE LY SPTEMER Done (s¥ i I oS Se co.ordination in + Sefey eves govemingad se and ican sngpagesan sete covington * the utilization uf resources), and systems their lessons ca be more accurately + | Agriculwral programines aimed at reducing the eflets of hazards on crops defined than 6 Someries the ease with postdisusier review (because the latter + | systemsto protect key installations, such as power ar lock wal gtecgiion Sacsk eye supplies and vital communication lowed of Tust wn the pressures +} esstopments in inastructure, suchas dhe routing of seater | highs way trom diate PROM APE Anmesure painess 1s wusll> LIST OF LEGISLATIONS RELATING CHEMICAL gale ss wouapunity measures which ay enable governments, organizations | communities and individuals to respond 1. The iyirupmens Protectan Act, BO (EP Ast rapidly and effectively wo disaster situations. “5 | ep ends Oat ERS Tye Facies Amendment Act (987(EA ACD) 4) Response Bespanse measures are usual 7h then wht weaken ummedanely prior, The Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous | i} tadfolowing STIPE Chemicals Raes, 1989 (amended in 1994 and 2000 x» — (SHC Ra) Reson: Recovery sth proces by which 4. The Public’ n Community is assed i relorang 1 proper level af Teantonieg Tolono a Rules bly Insurance Ast, 1994 (PLL Act and |i = 5. "The National Enviomnec ibunal As, 1995 (NET Act iy 1) ‘Development: The development segmes. 6. THe Chemical: Avci Emergency Planning. rapes ts Lk beuwete asistelas Preparedness nd Respuse! Rules, 1996 (CARPPR : clown oiegiroceamemane. MY Imre oT atonal ogres SS 8 The Envinmineatal Chara of Phyet Notification, ‘+ Post-dsaster review should be cartied out as carly as pracieable inthe recovery period. 11. The Explosives At 1884 Such review will often reveal deficiencies in plans and will also indicate, for example. if Certain activities such as preparedness 4 The Static and Mobile Presure Vessels (unfited) easures andl response serangements need Rules 19H tos an 1995 2D 2082) aie this | at arcarn 1994 (ECP Notification) (11 amendments since 1994 essere thes eielonal Seeger tama aes latest being on 7.7.04 vide SO 801) 15) eermeindanccrees nt ent | many ae Frage ego FACTORS AFFECTING THE BALANCE AND a ae eae alee PRIORITIES OF MAIN ACTIVITIES. ‘10. The Bio-Medical Waste (Management & Hfndling) | eee + The Explosive Rules 2 Whe Lac ft pices the Cs 4 Uscrorses ot sunuhitions: They’ can exert cram ik ' snfluences simular 1 tne of pistdisaser Feview provided they are avcurately 12. ThePetrulewn At 193 evaluated and the lessons from them are ‘+ The Pewoleum Rules, 2002 (replaces the Fetoleurs i correly drawn fr in vomecese thse | can bemoreefestve becuse ales, 1976) 5 + TeCaleam Cai Riles, 1987 particular part within the disaster +The Cinematograph Flin Rules, 1948 i | they can be directed towards testing a | | SS INDUSTIIAT SAFETY CHRONICLE JULY -SePTEMBER 30s

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