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Risks associated with fatigue and procedures for managing the risk of fatigue.
The risk with fatigue in work situations is that it increases the safety risks to affected
employees and others in the vicinity. Employees experiencing fatigue may be unable
to perform their work to the standards required. This may increase the risk of
incidents, injury or harm especially if operating machinery or equipment.
In addition to this, fatigue worsens  hand-eye coordination and makes it harder  to
communicate.Brain does not process information or solve problems as well as it
should. Also tend to take more risks. This means that chance of making errors goes
up. In turn, this can be a danger to the health and safety and those around . 

Procedures for managing the risk of fatigue

An effective approach to fatigue risk management should involve some or all of the
 No one should work more than 8 hours in a day
 There should be at least 10 hours’ continuous break per 24-hour period
 A lunch break of at least 30 minutes should be taken during the working day
 Individuals should be aware of the hours worked and ensure they are aware
of the risks
 Reporting system for fatigue-related incidents
 Workplace design: cool atmosphere, low humidity, plenty of natural light,
minimal noise and vibrations
 Employee training on fatigue and managing sleep disorders
 Supervisor and management training on monitoring and identifying fatigue in
 Offering an insurance plan that covers sleep disorders

Proposed strategies for managing fatigue and relationship to hierarchy of

Fatigue Management Strategies
 Employees Consultations
Speak to supervisors, managers, and our health and safety reps to discuss the
impact of our work schedules and workload expectations. 
 Analysing Work Practices
Look at work practices, consider employees records such as time sheets, and
systems of work. Monitor and review human resource and workplace incident data to
find patterns.
 Organisational Pressures
Are there resourcing, structural or process-driven reasons that employees could be
experiencing fatigue? These  include:
 Demands of the job
 Work schedules
 Rosters and shift work
 Environmental considerations
 Developing and implementing a Fatigue Management Policy
 Capping weekly working hours
 Ensure overtime hours are not excessive and cause risk to an employee’s
health and safety
 Providing employees with at least two consecutive days off
 Where possible, arranging the start and finish times of shifts for convenience
with public transport, as well as domestic and social activities.
 Taking an employee’s travelling time into account.
 Leading from the front by committing to work/life balance and adopting
healthy, sustainable working hours
 Training about fatigue and relevant workplace policies should be arranged so
it is available to all employees on all shifts.
 reviewing workplace incident data and human resource data.
 Examples of control measures for fatigue risks that could be considered
 work scheduling
 shift work and rosters
 job demands
 environmental conditions
 non-work related factors
 workplace fatigue policy.
 Providing information and training to workers about the factors that can
contribute to fatigue and the risks associated with it will help them to not only
do their job, but also implement control measures to minimise the risk of
fatigue in the workplace.

Sources of information used for the report, as well as sources of expert advice
that could be used if further advice is needed in the area

I use the website for understanding the fatigue management

Ethos Health :14/10-18 Orchard Rd Brookvale , NSW 2100

T: 0499 222 618
Ethos Health was formed in 2009 as a result of a merger between Physio At Work
and Clued on Food, two locally owned and based allied health business with a
history of collaboration in delivering allied health services to workplace health and
safety clients and a shared vision of providing better care to members of our
community through innovation, clinical expertise and strategic alliances with the
medical profession.

In 2019 Ethos Health joined forces with Prima Health Solutions (Prima) to help
expand Ethos Health's demonstrated excellence and expertise in chronic disease
management, as well as, workplace health and safety products across Australia and
New Zealand.

Fatigue Management Offer :

Fatigue Review and Consultancy
Fatigue Management Training
Fatigue First Aid Training
Fatigue Screening & Coaching
Pre-Work Fatigue Check (PFC)
Brisbane Acupuncture Clinic 138 Hamilton Road,Wavell Heights, QLD, 4012
(07) 3314 6329

BMBS Acupuncture in Brisbane are experts in helping people with fatigue, hormonal
imbalances, and thyroid problems. Especially if you’re failing to get results from
conventional treatments.
The Endocrine System in the body is what creates and regulates hormonal function.
However, factors like stress and ageing can impair this function over time.
Sometimes when your endocrine system is put under stress for extended periods, it
can exhaust your adrenal glands, leaving your system imbalanced & unable to
properly regulate itself in many other systems of the body.
Acupuncture has been proven to reduce stress levels in the body. This may ease the
symptoms of fatigue, hormonal imbalances and thyroid problems; whilst also
allowing you to live a freer, more enjoyable lifestyle.

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