Tea Tree Night Cream

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Launch of a Product

My Product: “Tea tree night cream” for acne prone skin.

Company: Skin Deep
How is a company identified? By its interior or decor? Or by how young its employees are?
Or by any other similar factor? the answer is, NO. A company is clearly known by its
“Products”. People always talk about them, rate them. And this is how a company or business
runs. This is how they live.
So, we know how important products are for business to stand. And equally important is how
you launch them to the public. If launch is not good enough it will cause a strong negative
impact on your product’s sale.
Today I am launching a product too.
Now the question might be “What is the product?”. Well, the company named “skin deep”
launched a complete skin care product for acne prone skin. Its main ingredient is Tea Tree
Oil. As we all know this oil is heaven for everyone with acne problems. Skin deep made a
night cream out of it.
It does wonders for your skin. It targets your acne. It kills the acne causing bacteria. You
have to apply it at night and by every passing day you will see a difference in your skin. It
works on dark spot too.
But what can I do with all this information? Just tell it to people and they will believe it.
Certainly, they won’t trust you with such a dry attempt to explain the product. You have to
spice things up for them. you have to convince people that they need your product.
For this first thing first your product itself should be tempting. Its packaging should be
appealing or for some “GOOD LOOKING”. You should work on products outer beauty first.
As this is what people see and admire. And you will lose at least 10% of their interest if the
packaging isn’t good enough.
Now moving on from product to the person launching it. Now the game is on you.
First dress up well if it’s a live launch. Believe it or not it is very important.
Second, you should know every little detail about the product. Be prepared for everything.
Look confident, be confident.
One, find your core audience Establish your base and build their confidence in you. Build a
strategy in your head of “ How to attract people?”
Now the launch starts. Be welcoming. Greet them well. Now here is the key don’t start by
telling them about your product. Start it by telling about the problems they have and then tell
them about how your product is going to solve it. Keeping in mind my product, I will say: we
all have skin issue and the major and most stubborn one is acne. It’s a nightmare for people
with oily skin. And you might have tried a lot of products and they are not good enough for
you but here with using all the organic essential we have created a cream that will work just
right for you.
Now get ready to take question. Look confident. Make an eye contact with the person next to
you. Show them you are listening and are concerned about their issue.
Now as you are done with live launch. Take help of internet. We all know the power of
internet. Make your official page. Get yourself published in print and electronic media.
sponsors bloggers and concerned community to review your product. Hire a brand
ambassador if you can. Someone with more following will do wonders for your product sale.
And there you go with you perfect product launch.

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