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Enrolment No.




Time: 09:00 AM TO 12:00 PM Total Marks: 100

1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4. Programmable calculator is not permissible.


Q.1 (a) Select the correct answer amongst the following Questions. 10
(i) The operation of threading a drilled hole is called.
(a) reaming (b) lapping (c) broaching (d) tapping
(ii) Kerosene is a good cutting fluid to use when drilling
(a) Cast iron (b) mild steel (c) aluminum (d) brass
(iii) Which of the following machines utilize fly cutter?
(a) Lathe (b) planner (c) milling machine (d) shaper
(iv) When turning a long shaft on a lathe its bending can be prevented by,
(a) Running the shaft at low speed (b) using low feed
(c) using low depth of cut (d) using steady rest
(v) Best method of increasing the rate of removing metal is
(a) increase speed (b) increase feed rate
(c) increase depth of cut (d) increase nose radius
(vi) Continuous chips are formed when machining
(a) Ductile metal (b) brittle material
(c) heat treated material (d) with lot of pressure and heat against the
(vii) Milling cutters are mounted on a part called the
(a) Bracket (b) arbor (c) shaft (d) dividing head
(viii) The feeding of the job in a shaper is done by
(a) Movements of the clapper box (b) table movement
(c) V-block (d) tool movement
(ix) Which of the following is self centering chuck?
(a) Four jaw chuck (b) three jaw chuck
(c) two jaw chuck (d) magnetic chuck
(x) Lathe bed is usually made of
(a) structural steel (b) stainless steel (c) cast iron (d) mild steel
(b) What is the fundamental mechanism of chip formation? Explain BUE type 06
of chip.
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Q.2 (a) Explain the forming and generating methods of machining. 06
(b) Give the classification of Lathe & explain working principal of center lathe. 05
(c) Define the Terms: (i) Tool life (ii) Machinablity (iii) cutting speed 05
(iv) feed (v) depth of cut in respect of lathe.
Q.2 (a) State the standard clamping devices used on a planner and explain any one 06
with sketch.
(b) Differentiate between Up-milling and down-milling operation. 05
(c) Explain thread cutting operation on lathe. 05

Q.3 (a) Classify Milling machines and state at least one characteristic of each of 06
(b) Draw a line sketch of a radial drilling machine and explain working of its. 06
(c) Give difference between shaper machine and a planner machine. 06
Q.3 (a) Explain quick return mechanism used in shaper machine. 06
(b) Enlist different Indexing methods used on Milling machine. Explain any one 06
(c) Explain briefly taper turning operation on lathe machine by Tail stock offset 06
method with sketch.


Q.4 (a) Select the right option: 10

1. In press tool, punch is known as cutting tool. (True/False)
2. Trimming is associated with________________. (press, turret lathe,
capstan lathe)
3. If the material is stressed beyond it’s ultimate limit then it termed as
a cutting operation in press tool. (True/False).
4. The tool signature comprises of_______________ element. (5,6,7)
5. In Taylor’s equation of tool life, V stands for_______________. (cutting
speed, feed, depth of cut)
6. Carbides tips wear faster at high speed. (True/False)
7. Tool life is most affected by__________________. (cutting speed, tool
material, tool geometry)
8. In piercing operation, the clearance is provided
on__________________. (punch, die, punch & die)
9. Bulging is cutting operation.(True/False)
10. Spring back effect is occurred in_________________.(bending, lancing,
(b) Explain capstan lathe with neat sketch. 06

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Q.5 (a) State various press operations. Explain any two in brief with neat sketch. 06
(b) List out various cutting tool materials and explain any two in brief. 05
(c) Explain fly press with suitable diagram. 05
Q.5 (a) Explain need and function of pilot, stripper and knockout in press working. 06
(b) Explain tool wear in detail. 05
(c) Differentiate between compound and progressive dies. 05

Q.6 (a) Explain machinability and factors affecting it. 06

(b) Give classification of dies. Also explain combination dies. 06
(c) State advantages, disadvantages, and applications of press. 06
Q.6 (a) Explain resharpening of cutting tool and also state the various methods of 06
(b) Explain the following terms used in press: 06
1. Ram speed 2. Die-space 3. Shut height
4. Maximum stroke length 5. Maximum force 6. Press adjustment
(c) Give any six applications of press machine. 06

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