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Justine Jayne P. Pring 12 – St.


Branches of Natural Law

 Divine Law is the eternal law of God, or the divine reason as governing the whole universe. God
conceived as the Ruler of the Universe.
 Physical Law is a system of rules that are created and enforced through social or governmental
institutions to regulate behavior.

Classification of Divine Law

 Divine Positive Law is the law given by God to man in addition to the natural law. Whereas the
natural law is promulgated in the very structure of his being and is discernible by natural reason
alone, the existence and content of divine positive law is known only by revelation.
 Divine Human Positive Law is the legislation imposed by human authority, implementing the
natural law. It may take one of two forms, declarative or specifying.

Branches of Public Law

 Constitutional Law refers to rights carved out in the federal and state constitutions. The majority
of this body of law has developed from state and federal supreme court rulings, which interpret
their respective constitutions and ensure that the laws passed by the legislature do not violate
constitutional limits.
 Administrative Law is the body of law and legal work that deals with government agencies.
Lawmakers create government agencies to carry out laws and administer the functions of
government. These agencies create, implement and enforce regulations.
 International Law is the set of rules, agreements and treaties that are binding between
countries. When sovereign states enter into agreements that are binding and enforceable, it's
called international law.
 Criminal Law are those statutes dealing with crimes against the public and members of the
public, with penalties and all the procedures.

Branches of positive Law

 Civil Law is the part of a country's set of laws which is concerned with the private affairs of
citizens, for example marriage and property ownership, rather than with crime.
 Contract  is an agreement with specific terms between two or more persons or entities in which
there is a promise to do something in return for a valuable benefit known as consideration.
 Tort is a civil wrong or wrongful act, whether intentional or accidental, from which injury occurs
to another.
 Unjust Enrichment is a benefit by chance, mistake or another's misfortune for which the one
enriched has not paid or worked and morally and ethically should not keep.
 Trust is an entity created to hold assets for the benefit of certain persons or entities, with a
trustee managing the trust (and often holding title on behalf of the trust). 
 Agency Law refers to the relationship between a person, or "agent," that acts on behalf of
another person, company, or government, usually called the "master" or "principal."
 Property Law is the law that in the common law legal system governs the various forms of
ownership in real property and in personal property.
 Family Law consists of a body of statutes and case precedents that govern the legal
responsibilities between individuals who share a domestic connection. These cases usually
involve parties who are related by blood or marriage, but family law can affect those in more
distant or casual relationships as well.
 Inheritance is whatever one receives upon the death of a relative due to the laws of descent and
distribution, when there is no will.

Classification of Private Law

 Substantive law is the body of statutory or written law which determine the rights and
obligations of individuals and collective bodies. For example, all categories of public and private
law including the law of contracts, real property, torts, and criminal law.
 Procedural law is the body of law that deals with the technical aspects, such as duties and
procedures for obtaining redress for a wrong. Procedural law is the rules of conducting a legal

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