A 4. Class Contract Management - Rev.

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Contract Management

ठे ा थान
Er. Prabhat Kumar Jha
(Mob. No. 9841360244, geoprabhat@gmail.com)
१५०. अिधकार ायोजन (१) ऐन र यस िनयमावलीमा व था भएका

 लागत अनु मान संशोधन गन,

 ख रद स झौता संशोधन गन,

 ख रद स झौताको ाद थप गन र

 भे रएशन आदे श गन

अिधकार ायोजन गन सिकने छै न ।

(२) उपिनयम (१) मा उ खत अिधकारह बाहे क यस िनयमावली बमोिजम व था

भएका अ अिधकारह सो अिधकार योग गन अिधकार ा अिधकारीले आफू
मुिनको कुनै अिधकृतलाई ायोजन गन स ेछ ।
५३. ख रद स झौतामा सं शोधन:

कामको आधारभूत कृित वा े प रवतन न ने गरी दु वै

प को िल खत सहमितबाट ख रद स झौतामा अ था
व था भएकोमा बाहे क ख रद स झौतामा सं शोधन गन
सिकने छ ।

तर दफा ५४ बमोिजम भे रएशन आदे श जारी गदा वा दफा

५५ बमोिजम मू समायोजन ( ाइस एडज मे ) गदा
ख रद स झौतामा सं शोधन गनु पन छै न ।
िनयम !!!= ;Demf}tf sfof{Gjog ;DaGwL Joj:yfM
;fj{hlgs lgsfon] vl/b ;Demf}tf sfof{Gjog ubf{
cfjZostfg';f/ b]xfosf sfd ug{' kg]5 { M–
-kf]i6 la8 sGkm|]G;_ ug]{,
sfo{of]hgf / sfo{tflnsf tof/ ug{],
(Line of Credit/LC) vf]Ng]
;Demf}tf sfof{Gjog 6f]nL u7g ug]{,
k|ult cg'udg ug]{
u'0f:t/ kIfsf] lg/LIf0f / k/LIf0f ug]{,
!!!= ;Demf}tf sfof{Gjog ;DaGwL Joj:yfM
;fj{hlgs lgsfon] vl/b ;Demf}tf sfof{Gjog ubf{
cfjZostfg';f/ b]xfosf sfd ug{' kg]5
{ M–
lgdf{0fsfo{:yn ;'Dkg] /
;f] :yn;Dd kxF'rsf] Joj:yf ldnfpg],
e]l/Pzg cfb]z,
d"No ;dfof]hg,
vl/b ;Demf}tf lgnDjg jf cGt,
sfo{ ;DkGg k|df0fLs/0f,
ljjfb ;dfwfgsf
ठे ा ब थापनका मु मु िबषयह :
 Insurance
 Site Record
 Variation
 Early Warning (पुब सूचना )
 Compensation Events
 Time Extension
 Liquidated Damage
 Bonus
• @*= d"n lgodfjnLsf] lgod !!@ df ;+zf]wg M d"n
lgodfjnLsf] lgod !!@ sf] pklgod -%_ kl5 b]xfosf]
pklgod -^_ ylkPsf] 5 M–
• æ-^_ o; lgoddf plNnlvt k|fjwfgsf] k|lts"n x'g] u/L
aLdfsf] zt{df kl/jt{g ug{ :jLs[lt lbPsf] sf/0fn] xfgL
gf]S;fgL x'g k'ud
] f To;sf] lhDd]jf/L To:tf] :jLs[lt lbg]
sfo{df ;+nUg sd{rf/L / ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf k|d'vsf]
x'g]5 .Æ
Site Record
• Weather conditions showing the high and low
temperatures during work hours, the amount of
precipitation received on the Project site, and any
other weather conditions which adversely affect
the Work;
• Soil conditions which adversely affect the Work;
• The hours of operation by Contractor and
subcontractor's personnel;
• The number of Contractor and subcontractor's
personnel present and working at the Project site,
by subcontract and trade;
Site Record
• All equipment present at the Project site,
description of equipment use and
designation of time equipment was used
(specifically indicating any down time);
• Description of Work being performed at the
Project site;
• Any unusual or special occurrences at the
Project site;
• Materials received at the Project site; and
• A list of all visitors to the Project site
• The Contractor shall submit Quality Assurance Plan
(QAP) to the Engineer for his approval.

• The Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) shall be based on

the detailed Program of the Works, and process
oriented focus on defect prevention
A variation (VO) is an alteration to the scope of works in
a construction contract in the form of an
•addition, थप
•substitution or ित थापन
•Omission हटाउने
from the original scope of works.
Variations may include:
Alterations to the design.
Alterations to quantities.
Alterations to quality.
Alterations to working conditions.
Alterations to the sequence of work.
e]l/P;g ;DaGwL sfo{ljlw
vl/b ;Demf}tf ubf{sf] avt k"jf{g'dfg ug{
g;lsPsf] kl/l:ylt
e]l/P;g cfb]z hf/L ug{' kbf{] : ;fj{hlgs
lgsfosf] k|d'vn] k|dfl0ft u/]sf] x'g' kg]{5 M–
-s_ lgdf{0f sfo{sf] 8«O{ª, l8hfO{g tyf
:k]l;lkms]zg cflb abNg' kg]{ jf gkg]{ / abNg'
kg]{ ePdf lgdf{0f sfo{sf] cfwf/e"t k|s[lt jf
If]q kl/jt{g x'g] jf gx'g] s'/f,
e]l/P;g ;DaGwL sfo{ljlw
e]l/P;g cfb]z hf/L ug{' kbf{] : ;fj{hlgs
lgsfosf] k|d'vn] k|dfl0ft u/]sf] x'g' kg]{5 M–
-v_ e]l/Pzg kl/df0fsf] k|fljlws k'i6\ofO{+ /
-u_ P]gsf] bkmf %s= sf] pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd
nfut cg'dfgdf k|efj kg]{ eP ;f] sf] k|ltzt,
-3_ :jLs[t ah]6 tyf sfo{qmddf k/] jf gk/]sf]
s'/f .
Variations may not (without the
contractors consent):
 Change the fundamental nature of the
 Omit work so that it can be carried out
by another contractor.
 Be instructed after practical completion.
 Require the contractor to carry out work
that was the subject of a prime cost
भे रएसनको Contractor सं ग
आव कता quotation मां ग

७ िदन िभ quotation को
अित आव क भएको

quotation मां गको

मु ां कन
अव थामा , िबना

जायज भए जायज नभए

ख रद कानुन अनुसार
अिधकार ा ारा साबजिनक मु ख
ीकृित तथा लागु ले तो े
भ रएसन जारी गदा BoQ को दर प रबतन

कुनै item को अ म प रमाण

> 25 percent,

श को ठे ा रकमको तुलनामा 2 percent

BoQ को दर प रबतन गनु पन

िवचार गनु पन िबषयह :

If % Change of Estimate < % Change of
Contract Amount : ???????

उदहारण :
१० % ले लागत अनु मान बढदा ठे ा
लागत सो भ ा कम % ले बढे को न् पन
िवचार गनु पन िबषयह :

ख ) कुनै ठे ामा भे रएसन आदे श जारी गदा ,

“ठे ा भ ा रकम बढी या घटी को मु ां कन”
श को ठे ा रकमको तुलनामा गनु पन र सो िह
बमोिजम दफा ५४ अनुसार ीकृत गनु पन

ग) एक पटक उ भएको भे रएसनको

आव कतालाई ख ख ग र जारी गन
निम ने
• The Price Adjustment provision shall
not be applicable for delayed
period if the contract is not
completed in time due to the delay
caused by the contractor.
Early Warning पुब सु चना

The Contractor shall warn the Project

Manager at the earliest opportunity of
specific likely future events or
circumstances that may adversely affect the
quality of the work, increase the Contract
Price, or delay the execution of the Works.
Compensation Events
तोिकएको समयमा Site उपल नगरे मा
अ Contractor को गित िविधले स त
Contractor लाई भाब परे मा
िडजाइन/ न ा समयमा उपल नगरे मा
समयमा Sub-Contractor लाई ीकृत नगदा
भू-अव था को प रपतन
अि म भु ानी तोकीएको समयमा निददा
अनाब क ढं ग / कारण बेगर काय ीकार
नगदा असर : ठे ा रकम बढ् ने तथा ाद
थपको दाबी
monsoon rain,
government holidays etc

shall not be Compensation Event.

Extension of the Intended Completion Date
ाद थप
The Project Manager shall extend the
Intended Completion Date
if a Compensation Event occurs
a Variation is issued without the
Contractor taking steps to accelerate
the remaining work,
ाद थप
Extension of the Intended Completion Date
 ाद स ु २१ िदन अि म Contractor ारा ाद थपको
िनबे दन िदनु पन

िनणय : २१ िदन िभ

early warning/ पु ब सु चना बे गरको घटना/ िबषयको

ाद थपको मु ा ामा समाबेस गन निमले

installment basis मा ाद थप गन निम ने

re-assessment of the same Compensation

Event effect; shall not be done
Case A : Time Extension
Chaitra 2073 Ashadh 2075

Monsoon after
Case B : Time Extension Ashadh 2074
Ashadh 2075 CE
Chaitra 2073

NO Time Ext.
िनबे दन :
क) दफा ५६ को अव था प र , ाद समा न् २१ िदन अगाबै OR
ख) िमित २०७६/०२/२३ पु ब स झौता भएको हकमा, िनयम ार भएको िमितले २१ िदनमा
ग) “ख’” अनु सार िनबेदन छु ट भएकोमा, िमित २०७६/०९/१४ बाट १५ िदन िभ

बु दा क,ख,ग बमोिजम का िनबे दन ा प ात आब क जाचबुझ :

िवचार गनु पन कुरा :
 Sufficient Effort लगाएको / नलगाएको
 Clinet ले उपल गराउनु पन िबषय गरे को / नगरे को
 Force Majeure

२०७६/०२/२३ पूवको ठे ाको हकमा : १५% ाद थप : बोलप ीकृत गनले

 ािबिधक पितबेदन २५% स : िवभागीय मु ख ले
काय गित २५-५० % स : सिचब ले
बाँ िक काय स ने िबषयको िब े षन
गर िबशेष प र थित
६० िदन िभ – थप आिथक यभार नपन आनी मनािसब कारण
ग र १ बष स ाद थप काय स ने आधार भए :
तापिन स नभए – जफत /LD / Black List मं ि प रषद बाट : जित पिन
36. Acceleration
36.1 When the Employer wants the Contractor to finish before
the Intended Completion Date, the Project Manager shall
obtain priced proposals for achieving the necessary
acceleration from the Contractor. If the Employer accepts
these proposals, the Intended Completion Date shall be
adjusted accordingly and confirmed by both the Employer and
the Contractor.
36.2 If the Contractor’s priced proposals for acceleration are
accepted by the Employer, they are incorporated in the
Contract Price and treated as a Variation.
37. Delays Ordered by the Project Manager
37.1 The Project Manager may instruct the Contractor to delay
the start or progress of any activity within the Works.
Liquidated Damages पुब िनधा रत े ितपू ित

 0.05% Per day of Initial Contract Price

 Maximum 10 % or 200 days

 २०० िदन पिछ ठे ाअ ने


 0.05% Per day of Initial Contract Price

 Maximum 10 % or 200 days

Fundamental breaches of Contract shall include, but
shall not be limited to, the following :
 The Contractor uses the advance payment for
matters other than the contractual obligations,
the Contractor stops work for 30 days when no
stoppage of work is shown on the current Program
and the stoppage has not been authorized by the
Project Manager;
the Project Manager instructs the Contractor to
delay the progress of the Works, and the instruction
is not withdrawn within 30 days;
Fundamental breaches of Contract shall include,
but shall not be limited to, the following :
the Employer or the Contractor is made bankrupt
or goes into liquidation other than for a reconstruction
or amalgamation.
a payment certified by the Project Manager is not
paid by the Employer to the Contractor within 90
days of the date of the Project Manager’s certificate;
the Project Manager gives Notice that failure to
correct a particular Defect is a fundamental breach of
Contract and the Contractor fails to correct it within a
reasonable period of time determined by the Project
Fundamental breaches of Contract shall
include, but shall not be limited to, the
following :
the Project Manager gives two consecutive
Notices to update the Program and
accelerate the works to ensure compliance
with GCC Sub clause 22.1 and the Contractor
fails to update the Program and demonstrate
acceleration of the works within a reasonable
period of time determined by the Project
the Contractor does not maintain a
Security, which is required;
Fundamental breaches of Contract shall
include, but shall not be limited to, the
following :
the Contractor has delayed the completion
of the Works by the number of days for
which the maximum amount of liquidated
damages can be paid, as defined in the SCC;
If the Contractor, in the judgment of the
Employer has engaged in corrupt or
fraudulent practices in competing for or in
executing the Contract, pursuant to GCC 73.1.
#@= d"n lgodfjnLsf] lgod !@% df ;+zf]wg M d"n lgodfjnLsf]
lgod !@% sf],–
-!_ pklgod -!_ kl5 b]xfosf pklgod -!s_ / -!v_ ylkPsf
5g\ M–
æ-!s_ vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhd lgdf{0f sfo{ ;DkGg eO;s]kl5
;Demf}tf adf]lhd lgdf{0f sfo{sf] q'l6 ;Rofpg] bfloTjsf] cjlw
;dfKt gx'Fb} s'g} q'l6 b]lvPdf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] ;f]sf] olsg
u/L ;dodf g} bfaL ug'{ kg]{5 . o:tf] bfaL ubf{ ;DalGwt
;fj{hlgs lgsfon] k|To]s dlxgfsf] sfo{ k|ult b]lvg] u/L clen]v
tof/ u/L ;DalGwt clwsf/Laf6 k|dfl0ft u/fO{ /fVg' kg]{5 .
Defect Liability Management Report
• Name of Office :
• Name of Contract :
• Contract Id :
• Name of Contractor :
• Date of Agreement :
• Date of Work Completion :
• Due date of DLP Completion :
• Name of Site Engineer :
• Defect Correction Instruction No. :
• Date of Instruction : Method of Instruction : Verbal / Written
• Details of Defect Correction Instruction
• Given Response Time :
• Correction Reporting Details
Contract Amount = 20 caror
Annual Budget allocated = 2 caror
But Budget is assured from MoF
 Contractor denying to do work due to low
budget allocation w.r.t Contract Amount

How we can manage the contract ?

1. Contractor has to do works upto the amount
equal to Line of Credit, it has
2. After than, if no payment can be done,
Contractor can go for CLAIM ”Interest”
, but could not stop its works.
Enforce the issue…… and manage….
Contractor ले ममत नगदा :
1. Extend DLP
2. Maintain/Repair by Office itself
3. Recover all cost ( from Retention Money, PB
Guarantee, and anyway…)
4. Recommend for Black listing

Case :
If Repair Cost = 10 lakhs and retention money =
25 lakhs, never return rest of 15 lakhs….
Deposit to Rajeshwa


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