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Handout for Project on River Engineering

Mario Castro Gama
MSc. Hydroinformatics
PhD Researcher IWSG

May/June 2017
Version 0.3

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6 LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................................ 3
7 LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................................................... 3
8 1 EPANET MODELING ........................................................................................................... 4
9 1.1 Description ....................................................................................................................... 4
10 1.2 Capabilities ....................................................................................................................... 4
11 1.3 Global Gradient Algorithm .............................................................................................. 5
12 1.4 Installation ........................................................................................................................ 6
13 1.5 Configuration ................................................................................................................... 7
14 2 EXERCISE – SIMPLE WATER DISTRIBUTION NETWORK .......................................... 8
15 2.1 Add Nodes ........................................................................................................................ 8
16 2.1.1 Add Junctions............................................................................................................ 8
17 2.1.2 Add Reservoir ........................................................................................................... 9
18 2.1.3 Add Tank .................................................................................................................. 9
19 2.2 Add Links ......................................................................................................................... 9
20 2.2.1 Add Pipes .................................................................................................................. 9
21 2.2.2 Add Pump ............................................................................................................... 10
22 2.3 Add Patterns ................................................................................................................... 12
23 2.3.1 Adding demand pattern ........................................................................................... 12
24 2.3.2 Adding Energy Pattern ............................................................................................ 15
25 2.4 Update set up .................................................................................................................. 15
26 2.4.1 Pump setup .............................................................................................................. 15
27 2.4.2 Demand nodes setup ............................................................................................... 16
28 2.4.3 Check Valve ............................................................................................................ 16
29 2.5 Time Options .................................................................................................................. 17
30 2.6 Other options to set up ................................................................................................... 17
31 2.7 Save file .......................................................................................................................... 18
32 3 RUNNING, VISUALIZATION AND REPORTS ............................................................... 20
33 3.1 Run analysis ................................................................................................................... 20
34 3.2 Visualization of results ................................................................................................... 20
35 3.2.1 Map visualization .................................................................................................... 20
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36 3.2.2 Time Series ............................................................................................................. 21
37 3.2.3 Profile Plots............................................................................................................. 22
38 3.3 Reports ........................................................................................................................... 23
39 4 YOUR TASK ........................................................................................................................ 23
40 4.1 Scenarios with changes to the tank ................................................................................ 24
41 4.2 Scenarios with changes to the pump .............................................................................. 24
42 4.3 Rotterdam (Lek) Model .................................................................................................. 24
43 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 26

46 Figure 1. Demand consumption in Amsterdam and Helden (village) during 2010 and 2011
47 respectively (Bakker, 2014). ......................................................................................................... 13
48 Figure 2. Daily demand consumption in Amsterdam and Helden (village) from years 2010 and
49 2011 respectively (Bakker, 2014). The patterns are superimposed as 365 curves of 24 hours to
50 display possible groupings of data. ............................................................................................... 13
51 Figure 3. Demand consumption in Enschede during quarter final match of Netherlands vs
52 Argentina at the Football’s World Cup of 1998. (Bakker, 2014). ................................................ 14

55 Table 1. Data of Junctions .............................................................................................................. 8
56 Table 2. Data of Reservoir .............................................................................................................. 9
57 Table 3. Data of Tank ..................................................................................................................... 9
58 Table 4. Data of Pipes. .................................................................................................................... 9
59 Table 5. Data of Pump. ................................................................................................................. 10
60 Table 6. Data of pumps Pump1_head Curve. ............................................................................... 10
61 Table 7. Data of pumps Efficiency Curve. ................................................................................... 11
62 Table 8. Demand pattern for the model. ....................................................................................... 14
63 Table 9. Energy pattern for the model [€/kWh] ............................................................................ 15

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70 EPANET 2.0 is a software developed by the US-EPA with the goal of modeling Water Distribution
71 Networks (WDN). It has two main advantages: 1) it is fairly easy to use and install, 2) it is quite
72 simple to learn.
73 We will focus in developing a simple example, in this way you will develop the rest of the task by
74 yourselves.
75 This software allows for the calculation of hydraulic properties in pipe networks such as flow,
76 velocity, discharge, head and pressures.
77 In addition, it has the possibility to develop water quality analysis in WDN. However, we do not
78 cover that subject in this module.
79 1.1 Description
80 EPANET is software that models water distribution piping systems. EPANET is public domain
81 software that may be freely copied and distributed. It is a Windows 95/98/NT/XP program.
82 EPANET performs extended period simulation of the water movement and quality behavior within
83 pressurized pipe networks.
84 Pipe networks consist of pipes, nodes (junctions), pumps, valves, and storage tanks or reservoirs.
85 EPANET tracks:
86 a) the flow of water in each pipe,
87 b) the pressure at each node,
88 c) the height of the water in each tank,
89 d) the chemical concentration throughout the network during a simulation period, water age,
90 source, and tracing1.
91 1.2 Capabilities
92 EPANET's Windows user interface provides a visual network editor that simplifies the process of
93 building piping network models and editing their properties and data (Rossman, 2000). EPANET
94 provides an integrated computer environment for editing input data. Various data reporting and
95 visualization tools are used to assist in interpreting the results of a network analysis. These include:
96 a) color-coded network maps,
97 b) data tables,
98 c) energy usage, reaction, calibration,
99 d) time series graphs, profile plots, contour plots.
100 EPANET provides a fully equipped, extended-period hydraulic analysis package that can:
101 a) Simulate systems of any size
102 b) Compute friction head loss using the Hazen-Williams, the Darcy-Weisbach, or the Chezy-
103 Manning formula

1 Not covered in this handout

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104 c) Include minor head losses for bends, fittings, etc.
105 d) Model constant or variable speed pumps
106 e) Compute pumping energy and cost
107 f) Model various types of valves, including shutoff, check, pressure regulating, and flow
108 control
109 g) Account for any shape storage tanks (i.e., surface area can vary with height)
110 h) Consider multiple demand categories at nodes, each with its own pattern of time variation
111 i) Model pressure-dependent flow issuing from sprinkler heads
112 j) Base system operation on simple tank level, timer controls or complex rule-based controls.
113 In addition, EPANET allows for water quality analysis in WDN but the subject is not covered here.
114 1.3 Global Gradient Algorithm
115 EPANET makes use of what is known as Global Gradient Algorithm (GGA), with an iterative
116 procedure of a system of equations (in matrix form) known as Newton – Raphson. It solves
117 simultaneously the heads in nodes and the flows in a pipe network, based on known demands and
118 levels in tanks and reservoirs.
119 The algorithm was developed by Ezio Todini in the late 70’s and updated by himself and Pilati in
120 the 80’s (Todini and Pilati, 1988). To date is still used inside most commercial software as the
121 hydraulic engine. There are many other methods that can be used to simulate a WDN, but we do
122 not cover the subject here. If you are interested, please check the publication of Todini and
123 Rossman (2012).
124 1.4 Demand Driven approach (DDA) vs Pressure Driven approach (PDA)
125 When simulating demands in a water network, it is possible that two conditions occur:
126 A. That the pressure is high enough so that demand at each location (node/junction) is
127 satisfied. This is called demand driven simulation.
128 B. That the pressure is low (below a threshold) and the delivery of demand is not complete.
129 This is called pressure driven simulation.
130 EPANET is able to simulate systems under the first condition, while it is not possible to simulate
131 the second one. Many authors have developed formulations for the estimation of pressure driven
132 approaches. A simple way to explain the difference between the two different approaches is
133 presented in Figure 1.
134 If the pressure is below Pcritical then the total amount of water which can be delivered to
135 customers becomes limited Qrequired. Think of it in the following way, if you do not have enough
136 pressure in the system water is not able to reach the faucet or tab at home. In some cases authors
137 have decided also to define a required minimum pressure (Pmin) after which there is an initial
138 deliver of water into the system. Notice that in Figure 1, the limit case Pmin has been set equal to
139 5 and not to zero.

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141 Figure 1. Difference between pressure driven and demand driven approaches for supply of demand. Taken
142 from (Morley and Tricarico, 2008).
143 1.5 Installation
144 We expect you to install or have installed the software already.
145 There are two possibilities
146 1) Download from BB
147 2) Download from internet on the website
149 It is a small executable of no more than 3Mb, so it will download very fast.
150 Please install it, including the examples which are provided.
151 Remember to download as well the User Manual which is located in both sources (BB and
152 website).
153 Given that you brought your own laptop, we expect you to have administrator privileges and to be
154 able to write the software anywhere you want. As long as you remember where you have installed
155 it, it is of no concern for the use during these lectures.
156 We also suggest you to install Notepad++. This is a freeware, much more stable and powerful than
157 Notepad (from Microsoft Windows). You can download Notepad++ from
159 After download install it as well with default settings.

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160 1.6 Configuration
161 There are a couple of steps that require to be performed before going into the software.
162 Please open the software. After opening it, there are three areas to check in the main screen:
163 1) The Menu Bar which contains links to all functionalities of EPANET.
164 2) The Network map which is the place where the elements of the network will be displayed
165 and manipulated.
166 3) The Browser, which will allow you to find elements and visualize results on the Network
167 Map.

Menu Bar


Network Map

169 First of all we will configure the default values of the software. In the Menu Bar, go to Project
170  Defaults.

172 A new window will appear. This window contains three tabs. In the first tab ID Labels, please
173 modify the data as presented below (left), and do so accordingly for the other tabs (Properties and
174 Hydraulics).
175 Also Check the tick box, Save as default for all new projects.

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177 Click OK. Now we are ready to proceed building a simple model.


179 We will proceed to develop a simple model that will be helpful for you during the project stages.
180 It serves you to know how to verify the calculations you made for the design of the water supply
181 or conduction line in terms of pressure and flows.
182 The exercise comprises a simple WDN which takes water from an unlimited water source (e.g. a
183 reservoir or a river or a large lake) and delivers it at a distance from the source. In order to deliver
184 water to a higher location you must implement a pump set up which will guarantee the correct
185 operation of this example. For the project, you are expected to configure the system in such a way
186 that it will provide enough water (flow) and pressure at delivery points. At the same time, the pump
187 must not use a large amount of energy, making the installation unfeasible.
188 You will learn basic configuration of EPANET. It is intended as a guideline not as a final solution
189 for your project development. For more information of development of EPANET you will have to
190 look through the User’s Manual (Rossman, 2000).
191 2.1 Add Nodes
192 There are three types of nodes. Junctions, Reservoirs or Tanks.
193 2.1.1 Add Junctions
194 The first ones are junctions which can be added with the following button.

196 These correspond to nodes where a demand can be applied, either extraction of water or input to
197 the network.
198 Table 1. Data of Junctions
Item ID CoorX [m] CoorY [m] Elevation [m] Base Demand [lps]
1 J1 2500 3000 1.0 0.0
2 J2 2500 6000 7.0 0.0
3 J3 8000 6000 10.0 100.0
199 Once you have added the elements you want select the Pointer button (black arrow).

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201 to avoid adding extra junctions. Do this for every other element either Nodes or Links.
202 2.1.2 Add Reservoir
203 The second types of nodes are Reservoirs which can be added with the following button.

205 These correspond to nodes where a level can be maintained because the amount of water these can
206 supply is unlimited. The total head of the reservoir is given in m.a.s.l.
207 Table 2. Data of Reservoir
Item ID CoorX [m] CoorY [m] Total head [m.a.s.l.]
4 R1 1000 3000 1.0
208 2.1.3 Add Tank
209 The third types of nodes are Tanks, which can be added with the following button.

211 These correspond to nodes where a level is variable because the amount of water supplied is
212 limited. Usually tanks fill up and dry up depending on the demand. The Elevation of the tank is
213 given in m.a.s.l. From this base level the tank measurements are provided. This means that the tank
214 InitLevel, MinLevel, MaxLevel are relative to the bottom of the tank (Elevation). Finally, the
215 Diameter of the tank must be provided, assuming that the tank is a cylinder is very easy to estimate
216 the volume at any time step.
217 Table 3. Data of Tank
Item ID CoorX CoorY Elevation InitLevel MinLevel MaxLevel Diameter MinVol
[m] [m] [m.a.s.l.] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m3]
5 T1 9000 7000 10.0 1.0 0.0 10.0 10.0 0.0
218 2.2 Add Links
219 There are three types of Links that can be used in EPANET, however we implement on this
220 exercise only Pipes and Pumps. It is very straightforward what these mean. One important feature
221 is that the links are defined based on the location of their initial node (Node1) and final node
222 (Node2).
223 2.2.1 Add Pipes
224 You may add a pipe by clicking on the button.

226 We will add three pipes. The parameters that must be added to each one are presented in the
227 following table.
228 Table 4. Data of Pipes.
Item ID Node1 Node2 Length Diameter Roughness MinorLoss
[m] [mm] [mm] [-]
6 Pipe1 J1 J2 10 300 1.0 0
7 Pipe2 J2 J3 1000 300 1.0 0
8 Pipe3 J3 T1 5 300 1.0 0
229 The way to do add a pipe is by clicking the initial node (Node1) in the Network Map (with the
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230 left button mouse or laptop), and then to click on top of the end node of the pipe (Node2). It is not
231 required to hold the button while selecting the end node. You can do it either in the opposite
232 direction (Node2 to Node1) and this will not affect the calculations, the only thing to remember is
233 that in that case the flow in the pipe will be presented as a negative value.
234 One parameter to clarify is the Roughness. Roughness does not refer to the friction factor of the
235 Darcy-Weisbach formulae, it refers to the average pipe roughness. EPANET is able to estimate
236 the friction factor based on the discharge and the roughness in a certain time step. The Roughness
237 is dependent on the material for different types of pipes, but for demonstrative purposes we just
238 give a constant value of 1 mm.
239 2.2.2 Add Pump
240 You may add a pipe by clicking on the button.

242 For pumps this is critical, to follow the direction of installation from Node1 to Node2, because it
243 means that water is pumped in the opposite direction. Please be aware of this and do not change
244 the direction of the pump.
245 Table 5. Data of Pump.
Item ID Node1 Node2
9 Pump1 R1 J1
247 Add Curves
248 In order to make the pump work, we need to provide the head pump curve and the efficiency curve.
249 To do this you must go to the Browser, and select the tab Data. In the expandable list you must
250 select Curves. Given that no Curves have been created, you must click in the button NEW
251 presented below.

253 A new window will appear. Give the curve name (Curve ID) Pump1_head, leave the Curve Type
254 as PUMP. Then add the Flow 300 (lps) and Head 20 (m) as presented below.
255 Table 6. Data of pumps Pump1_head Curve.
Flow (lps) Head (m)
300 20
256 Notice how the Equation is updated in the screen. This is done with a simple quadratic regression
257 automatically. You may introduce as many points as you want if during the design stages of your
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258 project you find other shape in the pump head curve.

260 Press OK. You have created the pump head curve.
261 Now we will add another curve the one of pump efficiency. For this, click again in NEW. We do
262 not want to modify the existing PUMP curve. The same window will appear, but this time inside
263 Curve Type select EFFICIENCY.
264 Give the curve the name (Curve ID) Pump1_Eff, and add the values of the following table:
265 Table 7. Data of pumps Efficiency Curve.
Flow (lps) Efficiency (%)
10 10
60 45
100 65
200 74
300 78
400 72
450 60
500 30
520 10
266 You must obtain a figure like the one below.

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268 Press OK. The two curves must appear in the Browser.
269 2.3 Add Patterns
270 Now we will apply a demand pattern to the junction (J3) that contains a demand of 1002 lps.
271 Patterns are a time series of coefficients that serve the purpose of modifying some network
272 parameters. We will add two of them a demand pattern and an energy price pattern.
273 2.3.1 Adding demand pattern
274 Demand patterns serve the purpose of modifying the demand. During a year the demand is variable
275 due to the seasonal variability, summer season creates a reduction of water demand because people
276 in The Netherlands travels abroad. This is common in European countries, although every country
277 has its own traditions and water uses which affect its pattern.


Remember this is just an example you will be required to create your own model depending on the demand that is
required for the area that you are modeling.
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279 Figure 2. Demand consumption in Amsterdam and Helden (village) during 2010 and 2011 respectively
280 (Bakker, 2014).
281 Also, during a day the demand is variable due to the daily use of water in the households and
282 industrial settlements. We use daily demand patterns to display variability of water consumption
283 in the system. Typical demand patterns are presented in the following figures for the cities of
284 Amsterdam and Helden.

286 Figure 3. Daily demand consumption in Amsterdam and Helden (village) from years 2010 and 2011
287 respectively (Bakker, 2014). The patterns are superimposed as 365 curves of 24 hours to display possible
288 groupings of data.
289 For Amsterdam’s daily pattern, notice how the consumption during the early hours of the morning
290 is low while at 06:00 people will start its activities and the consumption will be the highest of the
291 day. Then during the day an average value is experienced most of the time, and around 19:00 to
292 21:00 a second peak occurs. This second peak matches people’s arrival at home, dinner
293 preparations and probably intensive use of toilets and laundry machines.
294 The cycle repeats over and over again. Also for the demand pattern of Amsterdam it is possible to
295 identify a shift in the morning peak from 8:00 to 11:00, this happens mainly during the change of
296 seasons and due to change of local time.
297 For the village of Helden the behavior is a little bit different.
298 Please try to establish the possible reasons for the change in demand for this location as
299 compared to Amsterdam.
300 Also, there are critical events that affect the demand consumption and the operation of a water
301 supply system. As an example, we present what occurred during the Football World Cup of 1998
302 which was held in France. During the quarter final match of Netherlands vs Argentina, the demand
303 pattern is presented in the city of Enschede (below).
304 Notice how after each goal there was a reduction of consumption and during halftime there was a
305 peak in the consumption. Notice what happens after Bergkamp’s goal.

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307 Figure 4. Demand consumption in Enschede during quarter final match of Netherlands vs Argentina at the
308 Football’s World Cup of 19983. (Bakker, 2014).
310 We will not provide the total demand, as presented in Figure 3 and Figure 4, what we will present
311 is the Multiplier (a factor) which affects the Base Demand. This value is equivalent to dividing the
312 total demand in a particular hour of the day, by the average demand of the day. In that way all
313 values are normalized between 0 and ~2.0. If a specific hour of the day presents a demand close
314 to the average value then the multiplier is close to 1.0.
315 In order to create a pattern, go to the Browser and select Patterns. There click on the NEW button,
316 and a new window will appear.
317 Please input the following values which represent the average hourly demand in the system.
318 Table 8. Demand pattern for the model.
Time Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Multiplier 0.65 0.45 0.37 0.32 0.40 0.60 1.20 1.65 1.50 1.35 1.30 1.10
Time Period 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Multiplier 0.90 0.88 0.87 0.88 0.95 1.17 1.43 1.53 1.37 1.25 1.10 0.90
320 This demand pattern suggests that the peak consumption in the example occurs around 8:00 with
321 an increase in demand of 65%. On the other hand, the pattern suggests that minimum demand
322 occurs at 4:00 when a reduction of consumption of 68% is presented. This poses a challenge for

Thanks Dennis!
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323 any utility in any part of the world for daily operations.
324 Then click OK. A new pattern must appear.
325 2.3.2 Adding Energy Pattern
326 We will follow a similar procedure as before in §2.3.1 to create the pattern of Energy Price. This
327 pattern is important because it will help us quantify the pumping costs for a day. Usually, these
328 costs are given in euros per kilowatt hour [€/kWh], and must be negotiated with between the water
329 and electricity companies.
330 Go to the Browser and select Patterns. There click on the NEW button, and a new window will
331 appear. Change the name (Pattern ID) to EnergyPattern.
332 Please input the following values which represent the average cost of Energy for pumping.
333 Table 9. Energy pattern for the model [€/kWh]
Time Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Multiplier 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.05
Time Period 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Multiplier 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.05
334 Then click OK. A new pattern must appear.
335 2.4 Update set up
336 We have created 2 curves and 2 patterns, however we have not applied these setting anywhere in
337 the WDN. Both curves and the price pattern will be applied to Pump1, while the Demand pattern
338 (D1) will be applied only to J3. Also, we will guarantee that the flow occurs in only one direction
339 by installing a check valve in the outlet of the pump.
340 2.4.1 Pump setup
341 In order to apply the set up to the pump you have created, you must go to the browser and select
342 Pumps. Click on Pump1, the only one available.
343 Once there you must modify the set up like:
344 Head curve: Pump1_head,
345 Efficiency Curve: Pump1_eff,
346 Energy Price: 1.0, and
347 Price Pattern of Energy (EnergyPattern).
348 it is presented in the following figure.

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350 After modifications are made, close the window.
351 2.4.2 Demand nodes setup
352 We will update now J3, for this we will go to the Browser and select Junctions, from the
353 expansible list select J3.
354 Apply the demand pattern in such way that you add D1 as demand pattern. The screen must look
355 like the following figure.

357 After this modification is made, close the window.
358 2.4.3 Check Valve
359 Now we do not want water to flow into the pump during operation. To avoid this behavior we will
360 install a Check Valve in the outlet of the pump. The pipe that is located in the outlet is named
361 Pipe1, so we go to the Browser and select Pipes. From the expansible list select Pipe1.
362 A new window like the one below will appear, we are going to modify only that the Initial Status
363 is changed from Open to CV (Check Valve).

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365 After modifying, please close the window.
366 2.5 Time Options
367 Now because we want to perform an Extended Period Simulation (EPS), it is necessary to adapt
368 the time steps of computation to the patterns implemented. For this you must go to the Browser
369 and find Options  Times, a new window will appear.
370 Please fill the data as presented in the figure below. This means that we will create a simulation of
371 24 hours with a time step of 1 hour and reports (and results) will be provided every 1 hour.

373 2.6 Other options to set up
374 Now we will set the Map options for this go to the Menu Bar and select View and then Dimensions
375 and write the following data as it is presented in the following figure

377 Click OK.
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378 Finally, we want to see the Nodes and pipes with the same sizes. To do this go to the Menu Bar,
379 select View  Options. Please, fill the data as presented above. Then click OK.


382 2.7 Save file
383 If you have done everything according to the handout, EPANET must be displaying something
384 similar to the system presented in the following figure.

386 Before saving the file we will add some data to the model. To do this please go to the Menu Bar
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387 and click Project  Summary. This will prompt a new window.

389 In this window (below) we will add a Title to the model and some Notes about it. Notice also that
390 in this window you will find the basic counts of elements in the WDN you are modeling. This is
391 very helpful when you are modeling a large case study and you have several models and trials for
392 the same case study.

394 Now you must save the model by going to the Menu Bar and selecting File  Save and browse
395 the folder in which you want to store the file. We suggest you to save the file in a folder on your
396 documents where you can trace it back later on.

398 Provide the name simple_wdn. The extension of the file which has been created is .net. Go to the
399 folder where you stored it. And try to open it. If you try to open the .net file in other applications
400 (e.g. Notepad, Notepad++), you will find that it is a compressed (binary) format. It is not feasible
401 to go through the data you have input on screen.
402 In order to verify the model you have created what you may want to do is to go to the Menu Bar
403 and select Export  Network.

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405 This will create a .inp file, which you can open, read and edit (e.g. Notepad and Notepad++).


407 Now that you have created the file we will run it, visualize results and then we will produce a full
408 report of simulation. This will serve you during the project creation of your case study.
409 3.1 Run analysis
410 To run the analysis you must click the button that looks like a lightning.

412 If everything went well you must obtain the following screen, which is self explanatory.

414 3.2 Visualization of results
415 Now we will display the capabilities of EPANET showing the flows and the pressures in the
416 system. We will present the 3 basic types of figures that can be generated,
417 1) Maps,
418 2) Time Series, and
419 3) Profile Plots.
420 3.2.1 Map visualization
421 To create a Map you must go to the Browser and select the tab Map. Inside this tab there are two
422 different lists Nodes and Links. For Nodes select Pressure and for the Links select Flow.


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424 After this two legends will appear on the screen. Just click with the right button in each one of
425 them and click Equal Intervals. The result must be the one presented in the figure (next page).
426 If for some reason you have clicked the legends and these have disappeared, click the right button
427 of the mouse or laptop and Check Node Legend or Link Legend, this will bring them back on
428 screen.

430 Finally, we will make an animation of the results obtained for this we will press the play button in
431 the Browser  Map.

433 You must obtain an animation of the system for each time step.
434 3.2.2 Time Series
435 Now we want to verify, What is the pressure variation in the Tank (T1) during simulation?
436 To do this, we must create a Time Series you must select in the Browser the tab Data and select
437 Tanks. Select the tank T1.
438 Now proceed to go to the Menu Bar and select Report  Graph, or just by clicking the Graph
439 button

441 This will prompt a new window.

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443 In that window you must select several parameters such as Graph Type: Time Series, Object Type:
444 Nodes, and Parameter: Pressure.
445 Once you do this click OK, and the time series of the pressure in the Tank will be displayed. Notice
446 how variable is the tank filling and emptying throughout the day.

448 By right clicking on the figure you may modify several aspects of the figure. Please have a look at
449 it by yourself.
450 3.2.3 Profile Plots
451 Sometimes you need to analyze the hydraulic gradient inside the system, and for this you may
452 create Profile Plots. We will create the complete hydraulic gradient of the system because our
453 example corresponds to a small WDN. However, this is not always possible due to the size of most
454 real systems.
455 We will click once again on the Graph button. This will prompt once again the Graph Selection
456 window. There we will select
457 Graph Type: Profile Plot,
458 Parameter: Pressure,
459 Time Period: 8 Hrs.
460 The most important thing now is to include the Nodes to Graph in the specific order that they are
461 presented in the following figure.

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463 To do this, first verify that you have the Pointer button active (black arrow). Then you must select
464 in the Network Map one by one the elements (starting from R1) and then clicking the button Add
465 in the Graph Selection window (above).
466 In case you need to change the order of the nodes you may use the buttons Move Up and Move
467 Down. This will guarantee that the flow goes from left to right. Please comment on the Figure
468 obtained (not presented here).
469 3.3 Reports
470 Sometimes it is required to verify the behavior of the system as a whole and produce a report file.
471 EPANET allows you to create reports of the system, so that you can verify what went wrong while
472 building your project model.
473 Please go to the Menu Bar and select Report  Energy

475 This will create a new window (not presented) in which you may see how is the efficiency and
476 total pumping cost in €/day. This will be a guide for your pump selection your project development.
477 You want to operate as close to the peak efficiency and at a low cost. This trade-off is the main
478 interest in the decision making for pump selection.
479 Also it is possible to generate a full report of the operation of the system. To do this, go to the
480 Menu Bar and click Report  Full. This will save a report file (file extension: .rpt) with the
481 name that you want. After saving the full report please go to the folder where you downloaded it
482 and open it with Notepad or Notepad++.


484 First of all we will play with the a little, to get acquainted with the capabilities of
485 EPANET. For this we will simulate now the system under certain conditions.
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486 We suggest you to open a new EPANET instance and open the basic model Save As and make the
487 modifications on a new file.
488 4.1 Scenarios with changes to the tank
489 1) Tank double diameter, all other parameters the same.
490 a. What is the pressure variation in the tank?
491 b. What messages do you obtain after simulation?
492 c. Does flow changes direction in any part of the WDN?
493 d. If flow changes where?
494 2) Tank half diameter, all other parameters the same
495 a. What is the pressure variation in the tank?
496 b. What messages do you obtain after simulation?
497 c. Does flow changes direction in any part of the WDN?
498 d. If flow changes where?
499 3) Tank MaxLevel 5 m, all other parameters the same
500 a. What is the pressure variation in the tank?
501 b. What messages do you obtain after simulation?
502 c. Does flow changes direction in any part of the WDN?
503 4) Tank MaxLevel 15m, all other parameters the same
504 a. What is the pressure variation in the tank?
505 b. What messages do you obtain after simulation?
506 c. Does flow changes direction in any part of the WDN?
507 4.2 Scenarios with changes to the pump
508 Now we will create some modifications to the pumping system.
509 5) Pump half flow, same head
510 a. What messages do you obtain after simulation?
511 b. Is pressure positive everywhere?
512 i. Identify locations where this is not the case.
513 c. What is the minimum flow that can be applied to the system and have positive
514 pressure everywhere?
515 6) Pump half head, same flow
516 a. What messages do you obtain after simulation?
517 b. Is pressure positive everywhere?
518 i. Identify locations where this is not the case.
519 c. What is the minimum head that the pump can provide to have positive pressure
520 everywhere?
521 7) Regulation in the Netherlands forces the systems to operate with a minimum pressure of
522 supply of 30m during the day.
523 a. What is the minimum head and flow that the pump must supply to satisfy this legal
524 constraint?
525 i. What is the Energy Consumption during a year?
526 ii. How much will cost to pump the water per year?
527 4.3 Rotterdam (Lek) Model
528 Given that the model is running properly you must create your own model of the system in the Lek
529 (near Rotterdam):

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530 8) For the specific conditions of your case, use the same data of your proposed design. Pipes
531 and alignment of the system. If you need to supply in many different areas add more
532 junctions and pipes. One specific design is expected per group.
533 9) Try to be as accurate and descriptive in your project of the conditions you selected for your
534 pumping system. For example if you select a pump provide the vendor and pump curves
535 applied in EPANET. Try to find the market cost of the pump you selected.
536 10) You must balance the cost of pumping per YEAR (the one you obtain by 365.25) and add
537 a 10% cost to maintain the pumping system.
538 11) Please also take into account that the tank must be built somewhere to balance the supply,
539 this cost must be included in your calculations and its dimensions and location must be
540 represented in the drawings you will deliver as part of the project.

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546 [1] Bakker, M., 2014. Optimised control and pipe burst detection by water demand forecasting.
547 PhD Thesis, TU Delft. Available online: LINK.
548 [2] Morley, M.S. and Tricarico, C., 2008. Pressure Driven Demand Extension for EPANET
549 (EPANETpdd). Technical Report 2008/02: (revised 26/03/2014), University of Exeter.
550 [3] Rossman, L.A., 2000. EPANET 2.0 User’s Manual. Environmental Protection Agency (US-
551 EPA). Cincinatti, Ohio. Available online: LINK.
552 [4] Todini, E. & Pilati, S. 1988. A gradient Algorithm for the analysis of pipe networks. In Book:
553 Computer applications in water supply - Systems Analysis and Simulation (1)1-20. Editors:
554 S.Coulbeck, B. Orr, C.H. John Wiley & Sons Inc, Eds.
555 [5] Todini, E. & Rossman, L.A., 2012. Unified Framework For Deriving Simultaneous Equations
556 Algorithms For Water Distribution Networks. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 139, 511–
557 526.

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