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Manufacturing and Casting

Assignment 1

Submitted To: Dr Sajidullah Khan

Submitted By: Abdullah Mumtaz
Manufacturing in Pakistan in 2050 will look very different from today and will be virtually un-
recognizable from that of today. Successful firms will be capable of rapidly adapting their
physical and intellectual infrastructures to exploit changes in technology as manufacturing
becomes faster, more responsive to changing global markets and closer to customers.

The scope of manufacturing is basically based on a lot of things like the government policies,
the population of the country, the environment of the country and its landscape as well. To
further explain the importance of manufacturing in a countries development we will discuss
some of the facts. China which was once unknown to the world has now made its name and
image as a world power only because it is the manufacturer of more than 80% of the world’s
goods. This manufacturing has not only brought in a lot of wealth to the country but has also
increased the standard of living of the people. It is a well-established fact the manufacturing is
directly related to the GDP (gross domestic product) which is directly related to the living
standard of the people. So, for any developing country like Pakistan it is extremely important to
focus on its manufacturing especially in the field of Metals, Polymers and Ceramics.
Manufacturing is the third biggest division of the economy, representing 18.5 percent of Gross
Domestic Product (GDP), and 13 percent of aggregate occupation. Vast Scale Manufacturing
(LSM), at 12.2 percent of GDP, overwhelms the general part, representing 66% of the sectorial
offer, trailed by Small Scale Manufacturing, which represents 4.9 percent of aggregate GDP. The
third part of the segment is butchering, which was independently included as a sub‐category
from 2003‐04, and records for 1.4 percent of general GDP.

Table 1: Share of manufacturing

Manufacturing's offer of general GDP has expanded subsequent to 2000, its offer in the
economy has declined following 2005 as far as every one of the three pointers utilized: offer of
GDP, job, and new settled speculation. This stands out from the experience of most better
performing nations in the locale, for example, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Vietnam and Cambodia,
where the assembling division has extended decently quickly, in spite of the vicinity of other
fast‐growing dynamic segments in the economy.
Table 2: Manufacturing sector in regional countries

These statistics clearly indicates large potential for foreign industrial investments in Pakistan. At
present fallowing industries are present in Pakistan and working at large.
The contribution of these industries in GDP is:
Talking about the techniques used in manufacturing industry in Pakistan, they are very
orthodox and obsolete techniques. Techniques being used today have been outdated very long
ago in developed countries. Techniques such as sand casting and machining is still done by hand
but in modern countries these techniques have been extinct


There are many reasons for the industrial backwardness in Pakistan. Few of them are listed below

 Political Instability  Lack of technical knowledge

 Lack of capital  Corruption
 Lack of modern technology  Energy crisis
 Low foreign investment  Lack of trained manpower

What we lack is the technical product industries that is the requirement for the prosperity and
development of Pakistan such as:
Electronics equipment
Aerospace industry
Research and development

We need to increase our Industrial figures by promoting the industrialization in the fields given
above which could make us compete in the international markets.
Pakistan has a wide scope and a very feasible environment for the industrialization and on the
other hand in the present time of 21st century Pakistan needs to be an industrial state to stand
in the race on the countries prospering in this field

[1], 2020. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 23-
Feb- 2020].

operations.html. [Accessed 23 02 2020].

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