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DEFINITION AND TEST PROCEDURES FoR AMMONIUM NITRATE FERTILIZER ‘The Fartiier institute 1015 Tah Steet. Nn, Washington. 0.6. 20036 August, 1986 DEFINITION AND TEST PROCEDURES FOR AMMONIUM NITRATE FERTILIZER ‘This aookiet sts forth the definition and test procecures tor ammonium nitrate feriizer orginally cevelogee By the Agricultural Nitrogen ingttute, & forerunner organization of The Fertilizer In tute [TFI). “This booklet does not pertain to blasting apents OF ‘tier ammonium ritrates Previous. revisons. of this Booklet Dy ‘TEV are deta May 7, 1971, and lanuary 16, 1973, In Mey of 1984, TF convened 2 Task Force of industry anc government ‘earetentatves, experts on the physical and chemical Eharacterates of ammonium nitrate fertiiet, 10 review this pub- leation ana to make any necessary changes a6 they deemed proper. Besec on that "eve andthe technical expertise and experience fof the Task Force members, TF! published this "vised edition deted ‘August, 1386, ‘TEE and its members, Jointly and separately, are rot responsible for nor shall they nave ony "ability of any Kind whatsoever for any low or Gamage resulting ‘rom the use of the Definition and Test Procedu'er for Ammonium Niv‘ste Ferizers or fo" the violation of fey Ter, tate” mural reguson with whieh they ayo ineentionally eontliet. [AMMONIUM NITRATE PUBLICATION REVIEW TASK FORCE Wiliam Bone Marion Browe WS Chang Dexter Colemas James Gormanion Frank Jonnson BH Marlow George Martinez nn Mason Jon Mesnuity ‘PO! Nickerson 1.8. Paterson Charen Suite Paul Thereault Harold Tae Jones Tolar May 1984 company Air Proguets & Cremicals Mlstisiop! Chemical Cor. Buresu of Sxpigsves/AAR WR: Grace & Company U.S. Cone cura Teoneenee Valey Authority Keiser Agricultural Chemical ‘Company Wycon Chemical Company Bureau of Exaiosvew AAA US Const Guaea USS Age Chemicals Hawkeye Crem! Company UPS" Sesr, of Transportation ‘tes Power Company Ghevron Creriea) Company ‘air Praguets & Cnernens, iny/Sexte Pensacola, FL Yazoo City. MS Eiuon, No Wilmington, NC Warmington, DC Muscle Snoais, AL Sevannan, GA Cheyene, WY Ecizon, Wasniaton, OC ‘Atanta, CA Glinton, 1A Warmington, OC ‘opin, MO Ricnmond, CA Pensacola, FL INTRODUCTION It is fet that the following combination of sefintion and test procedures precludes the possbility. of classying as Ammonium Nitra Feriger any ammonium itates wnich contain witficient Crgenies of other oxiagble materia! to present any azard in trans potution of rage. the cefntion sone would not be adequate Fort would the test procedures alone be suequate to arcomoish this Che “However, the requirement. that a Materia) pas both the Ce finition ard te cents should accomplish the desired end. The com ‘ination of definition and fesse many times more severe than the Currently sed definition ond fest requirements. The texte specified are in no way to de confused with oF t0 be used to ‘eblace the indurtry standard est for distinguishing between xplosies and blotting agents. The tests gwven herein are designed 2Paeting thowe mateals which ae propery considered to be Am ‘onism Nirate Fertil ze. ‘The latest revision of this booklet is referenced in the U.S. Oe penmont of Transporation’ "Hazardous “Materiais Regulations” [Goce ot Sedera) Regulations, Tite 49, 173.182) as the everia that ‘host be net belore a material ean be sipped under the description Tenmeniun strate ferieer, containing ne mare than O.2% carbon uN2067" INDEX SECTION 1.0 DEFINITION coe seed SECTION 20 DETONATION RESISTANCE TEST Preparation of Sample fr Tesing Priming Deronation Inverpratarich af esis, ANALYTICAL METHODS. Nitrogen « Feterence Reagents. Procecure Chicuiaton SECTION oon Reference Priseiple Reagents Apparatus Praceaure Cestation Elemental Metals Reference Prneipie Apperatus Reagents Procedure Caicsiaton Experimental Results 2S ESSSSES Elemental Sulfur. Methox 1 Reference Reagents Procedure Chlesiaton Sulfur Methos 2 Retoren Apparatus Rewge Procesure Gatestation Suvovee CeELL BEBBBERE BEBLEEL BeAnY INDEX (Continued) Cchiorees. Reterenes Reagents Procecure Cateutaton ©. SECTION BURNING TEST. Introduction Eouipment Evawvation of Result Notes pease & wenee § SECTION 1.0 DEFINITION ‘Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizer is cefined as solid ammonium nitrate containing a minimum ‘of 33.0% nitrogen, having a minimum pH of 4.0 in 2 10% aqueous s ution, 0.20% maximum ‘arbon, 0.010% maximum element! sifur, 0.180% maximum ehioride as CL of particulates tlemental metals sufeent to releage £60 rl, maximum, of Rysrogen from 80.0 gram sample Ene which wil sans the Setonation resistance tax Section 2.0 ang the burning tet Section 4. SECTION 2.0 DETONATION RESISTANCE TEST 2.1 _Preparition of Semple for Testing [A representative sample of the material to be tested shall be used to fla two foot Section [minimum length) of Schedule 40, three ine (Iron Pipe Sze Black ran \eloed pipe, closed at one end with carsbosrd or equwalent closure. The met Sha be compacted by dropping the filiea pie, one ume, closed end down, from a Felgnt of sx inches onto aboars. It necessary, agditions| sample shal be added to bring the level of materiel 9 one inch below the ip oF the Pipe 22° Priming {A Pentolite pellet weighing 4.7 grams is use forthe primer inthis text. The Pentalte used 's 50% ?-€ T.N. ana 60% TNT. ‘The pellet eax inch i lenath, one ‘natin im diameter, wish a onetourth inch hale inthe top center one-fourth ch deep. One No. 6 blasting cap ie tapeg into the Pentalite pellet. The pales buried inthe test materia, with the tom of the pellet ane.nen deep. Note: In order to andarize the tert, a material sll be tested st TOO, 23° Detonation The primed pipe shal be placed ina vertical position behing 2 suitable barricase (to proteer personne! from possible shvaprell. After sersonnel have taken cover, the primar shall be tired. Caution This ter shall be run only by gualified personnel Angin elites designed for sxplonve test ng. 24 Interpretation of Results [Any material which pases the tes will ot propagate throush she two-toot section oF pipe and wil leave ome undamaged pipe, Any material which propagates "nrOugh the fwo-foot length of pibe and which leaves o Undamatea pipe cannot be lomteg ag Ammonium Nitrate Ferien. SECTION3.0 ANALYTICAL METHODS 2.1 Nitrogen 3.1.1 Reterarce Official Methods of Analysis. AOAC Eleventh Edition, 1870, Prodedure 2.068. 3.12 Reagents Formadenyde, approximately 37% Socium nydraxice, 0.25 0.SN. Standardize aginst primary standard 2.1.8 Procedure Revie y weigh and transfer 1.89 of ungroune sample to a 250m Erlenmeyer task, Dissolve sample wits above 50 ™L ciileg water ane ada 15 mi. forma dehy, Dilvtete 150-200 mL and let stand ive minutes, Titrate wits 0.25.°0.5 8 soclom hydracide using § drops ot phenolpnhalein os indicator or to 94 of 8.6 i electro. metre end point is preerred, If colorimevie eng points usea, urate unt! there fo Bereeatble colar change at ont of contact Determine Blank on formalahyae olson et mt NOH x Nx 2.8014 ware 9% Nitrogen = 321 Moaitatign af Sampling and Analysis of Carbon and Alloy Steels by U.S. Stel hems, Reithotd Bubitaning Company. “ 3.2.2 Princigle Organic sdaitives in ammonium nitrate fertilizer can be determined by measuring the exibon dioxide evalved upon combustion of the ample." oxygen. Water an the AN are added to Freshly gnitad magnesium oxide and the mixture heated £0 7002C in guarez combustion tube. ‘The carbon dioxide i absorded In Barurh hhydroside solution and determined by a gravimetrie or turbisimetre method. Less ‘than 0.1% carbon n AN can be determined The total carbon Gotainew DY {combustion must be corrected if earbonates are present in tie AN. The exbonate ontent is determined by 2 sancard method, eg, 290 ac to 9 imple of the AN in 1 closed system, aerate, and aos0rb CO in BalOrilg azn the combustion text, 3.23 Reagene Magnesium oxiae, reagent grade Copper oxide, reagent grade Siver gauze, reagent grade Bartum hyatoxide, IM ~ Dissolve 315 9 83(0H)2.8H20, reagent grade, INCOD tree distiled water and aiute fo ane iter, ‘Allow ta sete owen Oxygen, US®. 3.24 Agparstus Quartz combustion tube, one-inch 0, 2 Electric heating furnaces | Fused sites bos, 16 mm x 100 mn | Fett gists washing botte, 125 mL 3.25 Procedure A stream of oxygen is pase through the combustion apparatus which consiss of ‘one-inch diameter quart tobe connected t0 2 125m trated disk gs worming Sote Containing 75 mL barium hydroxide siution, Tha quart combustion tube Backed with copser oxige wire 3 length of 3 inches and with svar gouref0 8 length ot 1 inch, aa this section is heated witha savionary electric fornace, The samples heated with « movable furnace 0° Fisher burn, Place 1.5 g magnesium oxide inthe fused sca boat and heat to 7O09C jn the Combustion tube, Disconnect the abaoroer baie during this nial heating. After {en minute, connect the soaorDur Dotle nd remove the boat from the combustion {ube ma Op tree atmosphere. Freshly ignited magnesium axige 2bs0"0s CO very easily ‘Add 4g AN and ? mL COp-tee water tothe beat. Carefully heat the sample unl the arsnonia and water have been removed then continue to heat for 30 minutes {8 7008C. The aroun of berium carbonate n the absorber bottle can be de tecrires (7) gravimerrialy by fitering the preciotee through a medium sintered iam ftercrusible, masnng with COzree water. and drying to a constant weight ELT10°C. (2) by visually comparing fhe turbiclty In the absorber Bore with known [mounts of sodium eartonate added to 75 mu of IW barium nydroxie solucon. A ‘Tank must be rum on reagent grace AN. Oxygen must be used for blank and 22.6 galevstion WC = WeSample apt Ws Blank pot x 6.08 Wr of Sample 3.3 Elemental Meta 3.3.1 Reference Procecure presented to The Fertilizer Institute by the Nitrogen Division, Allied (Chemical Company Teennial Service Group, Hopewel, Virginia, 3.3.2 Principle Strong acid is regcted with elemental metals and hyGrogen liberated is measuree Biter any CO? liberated is absorbed with NaQl. [nthe ever all the aluminum does fot react wth the aid, it wl fact with the caustic Yo liberate hydrogen under the conditions preseribec 39.3 Agpantus See Figure 1. If desired, the apparatus coule be improves by having the f Borer constructed with 9 ball or werd font. 3.3.4 Reagents Sodium carbonate Te ysroeriare acid 2N Sodium hysronice Os serorol O Solution, Fiaher Scientific Company, Cat No. SO.A.292 3.3.5 Procecure Place $0 20.1 gof ammonium nivvate in 8 400 mL beaker, Add, 10 + 1g of sosium carboreta anc shout 200 oof water. Filter through a Gooeh crucible having & separable perforated bottom. Tracer al residue, which contain any merle reser, trom the beaker tothe erucibie ano wash thoroughly Remove the perforated bottom along withthe asbestos mat and resicue from the crucible and place ina 125 mL “ter fase. Attach an oblique bore topeock to the Sdearr of the fate and clom the fiask with a No. 1/2 rubber stapper through ‘which inserted cloud end 50 mc gas Duret ax shown in Figure | 336 ‘Aluminum ‘Ades. Evacuite the task and buret with a vacuum pump {10 minutes} and elo the ston oek. Remove the vacuum puma line. Inge the outlet en of the stopcock in Y hydroshiore acic and turn the stopcock to admit about TO mL af the ela. Let ‘and ‘or thirty minutes. ‘The pressnee of metals or carbonates wil be anparent By En evolution of gos rom the acc, insentthe outlet end af tre stopcock mo # 250 IMC beaker filed with seaium hydronige solution of about 2 Netrength. The Seiten of 23 erope of wetting agent {10% seroxo! OT Solution! to the sodium hiyarosige solution wil sign preventing scherence o! ga bubbies to the wall o! the apparatus, invert the apporetus two or three times to siodge them. Recoré the volume of gas (hydrogen, the remperature adjacent to the buret, anc the Barometric pressure. Run aban In the same manner a8 tre sample to account for devorbed gases trom the reagents an or air orewent n the outlet end of the stopcock. “Convert the volume of hyaragen to standard condones 0 lows Correted mL (STP) = Barometric Presure x mk Hp x 273 WAI= mL Hycrogen STP) x 0.0802 Magnesiam (273+ £90) x 760 Per Gent Ades (Sg Sample Bax) Corrections for water vapor volume and hydrogen solubility are not appli in the {lculsion ance ter ence appear to be nes able " 3.3.7 Experimental Reslts Test ofthis method with knows amourts of aluminum and magnesium save the following recovery value Per Cent M5 or ‘lfound (sogSampe Sans) o.o108 S.0082 oornt 0.0128 34 Glamental Sulfur Memos 1 34.1 Reference (Oficial Methods of Analysis, AAC 13th Eeition, 1980, Procedure 2.160. 3.4.2 Reacerts Aromine in carbon tetrachloriel®l «10%. Ada 10.9 Ba to 90 reagent orade Gig. Sei une homogeneous. Stove in glasestoppered Dost concentrated HNO Concentrates HC! Sromopherol Bue indicator - Grind 0.1 get the powder with 1.5 mL.OIN NaOH solution and elute ro 25 me yam enlorige elution 10%, Dissolve 100 9 B4Ci2.2+20 in 900 mL H20 ‘nd Hiter through Whatman No. 42 paper. me = 3895, 2.4.3 Procedure Weigh 0 + 0.1 gof sample into a 400 mL beaker and ads about 200 mL of water. Finer tie alution through a Goch crucible. Transfer all reegue from Seaeer fo, ‘rucibi and wash thoroughly with cited water Transfer residue 1 2 250 mL beaker. Evaporate the water to dryness then 00! %0 room temperature, Adé TO mL of bromine In carbon tetrachiorise, cover ane allow forstans about thirty minute, suiting vera times. Add TB mL concentrated HINO, cover and allow to stand about thirty minutes, stirring several mes. Evapdtate on Rot plate to about 5 mL. Aga 20 mc concentrated HC! and evaporate about SimU_ Add about 80 mL wate, liter and wash with 2% MCl. Add tno ‘irops bromapheno) blue ndeator and then ammonium nydroxige to first eolor hange Aes HC! dropwise unt distinetiy ae, than five Srope im excest diate to “80 mL, heat fo boling, and ade barium enlriée solution slowly dropwise Unt about 0% excess present. Cover beaker and gigest on steam” bath atleast one hous. Coo! to room semparature and ite on 4 Gooch crucible previously ited at {800% anc weighea. Wash ten times with hot water. Ignite in mute at BOOSC for atleast twenty minutes Cool in Gescestor and weigh 38 8350 3.4.4 Caleulsion Sulfur as $= We 88504 x 32.06 x 100 oF We B3S04 x 3.796 Ws Sample x 233.42 We Sample (a) NOTE: Bromine isan iritant ane should be hanced with caution. Carbon tera TS" Chloride ie carcinogen and should be used with extreme caution. 35° Sulfur Methoa 2 3.5.1 Reference | ASTM Method 0126-8 35:2 Apparatus Photometer - Preterabiy a spectrophotometer having ettactve bend width ot SuFBO'TM and esuipped with a bive wvative pnototube for use at #00 Ne, tr alternatively a fiter snotareter equipped wit #2010" filter Paving 8 Paximum wanemision at approximately 425 nm, ‘Absorption Cele - Cells having optical path lengths of Sem are preterted ‘Widrune, the Gale may become coatec witha film, To remove this fim, wath the calls with a detergent using a soft brush, Rinse thoreugniy with ‘elonized water folowing clearing NOTE: The procedure es written asures an ebsorbance change of about 0.100 for ‘ich 0.1 me of sutra 50 mL of solution measured in a'5 em cel. Photo ‘eters employing cells of shorter optical paths give proportionately poorer Sreeision Secop - Capable of cispersing 0.30 + 0.01 got 20 10 30 mesh barium ‘horde dinvarate Magnetic Strrer - Equipped with 11/4 ine tetatiuoraethylene (Tetlon) Sea an 353 Reagents Alcohol ~ Giveerin Mixture - Mie 2 volumes of 95% eth! alcoho! with 1 Wotvne of antyarourivserin. To this solution na titer valsmetsc fash, 38d TO mL ot HpSOq {1 mL = img) and makeup tovolume with Sheoho” giycerih solution. Each miliiterof tie resulting toluton is thet ‘auivlent to about 0.07 mg of stu {Barium Chloride Dinyorate ~ (BxCl2.2H0), 20 0 30 mesh erystale NOTE: The erysta sige ofthe 82.2470 is an important variable that effets the evelopment of turbidity.” 2° Hyrochlore Acid 1 + 12) - Add 77 mt of concentrated hydrochloric acid (HEtip- or 18) toe THe volumetric Mase and cute tothe mark wih de lonzed aisilles water. Suture Acid (1 mL = 1.0mgs) - Dilute 62.4 20.1 mt of 1N sulfuric aca iHegb gio etscy Tie! widsteioneed iniled war” Check the siuon Dy titration agains standara sodium hyeroxide (NaOH) solution of ebout the Same normality and adjum the concentration, it necessary, 50 that each mil Iiterof ths solution isequnvalent to 1.0 mg of sulfur Sulluric Acid (1 mL * 0.100 mgs) - Dilute 6.24 2 0,01 mL of 1 N suture Scie (HpS0q) to exacTy Tier with deconies cited water. Check the ition by freration agenst stnard NsOM solution of about the same normality and adjust the concentration, f necessary, $0 that each milter Of tis solution i equivalent t6 0.160 mg ofS Wore, Deionizes Distilled - Percolate distil water through 8 column of ‘ined anion and cation exchange resins NOTE: A means for determining when to replace the exchange resins should be soplied. Use of a simple electrical conductivity mesa has been fOund Stistatory for this purpose. 354 Calinertion Ingo 50:m. volumetric flasks introduce, by means ofa buret, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 1150, 2.00 3.00 ana 5.00 mi of HaS04 (Tents 0.100 mg $). Ace 3.0 mL ot HCl (7+ 12) to each fas, lute vo volome with water, ane mix thoroughly. Prepare reapert blank standard ina similar way, omitting the 250g, Pour the entice contents ofeach tek into 2 100 mL beaker, add by means of # pipet 1020.1 mL of alcohol glycerin mixwre, and mix for’ minutes on the magnetic ritrer” Selecta rirring speed jus below that whieh mignt cause los of Smple througn splashing. Maintain this speed throughout the entire procedure. Allow the solution to sand unciaturbed for 4 minutes. Transfer to an absorption alt and reasire te initial absorbance, using water as celerence Return the solution to the beaker and ade 0.30 £0.01 got BaCiz.2420 crystals, ‘ithe by weighing this amour or by use ofthe coop. Sti wih the magnetic Sure favexacly'3 minutes. Allow to sare foram addtional # minutes, transfer {othe cel, and again maasute the absorbance lative tO water, Following steps described in 2nd, Sr, 4th paragraphs above, obtain a reagent blank ‘eading by subtracting the nal sboreance oF tne reagent Blane standace on rat btained her acction of BaCig 2420. Thisreacing owie not exceed 0.108 {ines influence of adced suRun. ‘Obtain the net absorbance for each standard by abtracting the inital absorbance {nd reagent blank reading trom the absorbance obtained in aacordance withthe ‘4th paragraph above. Plat the net absoroance of each standard apeinat miligarss ‘of sifurconteined in 50 mL of solution, and draw a smooth curve through the points Check the calibration curve dally by making single determinations to detect possible sik. Procedu Weigh 2 t 4 got sample into 2 400 mt beaker and ade about 200 mt. of water Filter thasolstin through a Gooe® racibia. Transfer al residue t70m beace® (0 crucible and wash thoroughly with cited water “Transfer residue 103 250 mL beaker. Evaporate the water to dryness then coo! to room tenperature, Add 10 mL bromine In carbon setraclorige, cover and arOw to stand sbovt thirry minutes, sting several times. Add 13 mL concentrates HINO, cover and allow to stand about thirty minutes, string svera “ee. Evaporate on hot pate to about 5 mL. Add 20 mL concantrated HC and evaporate {about S mL, transfer toa 50 mL volumetric Mask with analyieal rinsing practice snd diate volume, Pour the entire contants of the 50 mL volumevic task containing the solution to be analyzed int a 100 mL beaker and proceed ss directed nthe 290, Sr, and ath Daragraphs of the ealipration procecure. Treat ablank inthe ame way and abtain Feagant blank reading by suberactng is inal absorbance from thay obtained af seuition of Bac. 2820, NOTE: Srould the blank reading excwad 0.120, the prcison obtainable will be imsed In thi went, make ar anaiyns of the reagents lone Yo determine which reagents stain te net absorbance of the analysis solution by aubracting the initial ab+ sorbance snd reagent Bank reading from that Obtained after adelon of Bel 2h0. Convert net absorbance to milligrams of sulfur by using the calibration curve 386 Galeuton Cleulate the emount of sulfur in the sample as follows Sufur content, ppm = A x 1000 We A= milligrams of sifur reac from the calibration curve, We Gramsor somgie F = sliquet traction of the sample solution used for analysis: 38 _Chioriger 36.1 Reference Oficial Methods of Analysis, AOAC, 13th Edition, 1960, Method 2.119 2.120, 38.2 Aesgente Sliver Nitrate Solution - Dissolve 6 y AgNO in water ane dilute 101 L. araize agar pure, dry NaCl. Potassium Chromate Indicstor- Dissolve Sak ycrOg mater anc giute to 100 me. 3.6.3 Procadur Weigh 1009 of simple, transfer to 250 mL Erlenmeyer tase anc cissove in about 40m. dilled water. Diluse to 60 mL, add 1 mL potassium enromate naleator land virte wth mandardized siver vate toa perastantredoisorown colo! uring the ciation dropwise aduiton of the Sives nitrate while constanty swirling the flank wil yela the bet end point. 3.84 Caleuiation Sc) = MLABNOg x Fx 100 wesarple Where F = @CvmLAgNO3 SECTION 40 SURNING TEST 41 tntrodveton ‘The following information sat forth the findings of our Teehnicsl Committee with fermect tothe burning tet Efforts ro make this burning procedure sufficient sensitive and quantitative to allow dist action between Aramonium Nivate Fertilizer and Ammonium Nitrate Eertizer to which ay ite at 0.5 wt % ful oll was aed were unucenssul, Distinction beween Ammonium Nitvae Fertlgr and Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizer plus @ we & fue 01 can easily be Ginguianed 42 43 ln the ests conaucted to develop this definition of Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizer, the analytical procedures and/or the detonation test dlaqualifies materials that ‘would rot have been clsqualfie ay tis burning procedure. However, there s the ‘pomibilty that new materials may contain suorances which will caaiytically Increase the decomposition rate of somanium nitrate Sut are not specie inthe Definition. The burning fests designed to screen such materi Eauigment (see Figure 2) Burnin tower - Two S5-allon 18 gauge steel drum frames welded rogetner {erm the outer wall ané two 30aalon 18 gauge see! rum frames welaed ‘ojether form the inner wall. The inner wall ean ais be fabricated from 16 ioe Caraon ses shectng wih the me diantion at he 0 galon ras fe scace between the inner ar outer walls sled with rock woo! I sulation, Stel rings are welded between the two wall athe top ond bottom {9provide aciowa isulgtion chamber. ATS" 1S" tight tock fire G00” it located atthe bortem of the tower Fie grate « A circular triple gratescreen of diameter slighty less than the “Gantt the inner tomer win Vs 1/2" onenngy Pe rears occa ‘or top ofeach other with opening positions staggered 45 doprees. A stand ‘or rate holder ef appropriate design ana dimensions and 12° high faonicated from 1” angie Fen. ‘Gui pan - Staines ste! pan of » diameter slighty less than te diameter of ‘einer tower ane 6 hah ‘ewer (top) cover - 1/8 thickness by 26" diameter carbon see piste, Proceoure ‘The burring ower i ed novizontl onthe ground. The fre grate and stand resting inside the caseh an are nipped into the nner chamber, The eauipment sembly |s then raised to e vertical pontion. Top of the fire rate ix approximetely 16° from the bottom of the tower Dir is piled around ene bottom circumference ofthe rower tou peight of 1215" except atthe fre door, ‘Two 80-p0und Kraft paper bags of the materia to be tested are placed in the tower. One extra paper bag, ut or torn into pieces approximately 2 on aside, miked 35 ‘uniformly 25 posibie withthe material i each beg Ten pourds of soft pire wood, 1/2" (T) x 2” [Wi x 8” (LI pieces, ae piled loosely i place nthe space beneath the fire gra [A standard railroad fuse is ignited and placed atthe canter beneath the wood pile. When the fre has reached such an intensity that molten ammonivm nitrate sarts ‘rooping nt the fire, the fire door ls close, dirt sped wound "an the op over is aut place. Personnel should then retire toa safe potion for observation The burning is observed for rate of ges evolution visually and auraly, flames, oxides ‘of nitrogen and other means by whieh ‘ate oF burning can be estimaed, In general ompositons which contain appreciable quantities of oxicaable material wit Miberate iss nitrogen dioxige, tthe evoWwad geses wil be fess highly coloted ‘The tests considered complete whenever 1 98s evolution becomes extremely sow 48 Evaluation of Rests [Ammann nitrate formulations in whieh the ammonium nitrate is completely Gecomaosed in ore hour or less ater the apparatus cowed oF sall not be ‘Seseribea at Ammonium Nitrate Feliz’ for purposes of transportation, Notes 4} The burning test should not be attempted until the substance undergoing ‘esting hae met chemical specifications in the Devintion and passed tne detonation ®)_The burning tes should only be conducted by fully qualitieg personne! in soecially csigned equipment, and uncer carefully contlles cona:tons, ¢), Urknown subsances conser gotrilyNeardous soul st be sreened By conducting the test withthe fire Soo” and Yop partly open. When ticr systems te berg ems, personel soul eae the mediate vn of te em spoareay sssoon asthe fre eared ) if the sults are marginal (60 minutes + 10 minutes its recommended thatthe burn te repeated at east two testo otermin sma resuts teat two Apparatus For Determination of Elemental Metals in Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizer Closed £0 ML or ‘Smaiter Buret uber Stopper Capitiary Tubing 125 ML Buchner 7 sed end buret with ground ball flask with matching joint and stopcock Side arm can be made by most laboratory Glassware manutacturers, 26" Dia “Top Cover (18* carbon steel) 23%" Dia Circular Stee! Bands Rock Woo! insu 30Gal. Drum Thermocouple 48" from bottom” . — $5 Gal Drum Figure 2 : . . Feleer Too $8 gallon ste! ermocouple 36” trom bottom: (18 gauge) drums welded to- ‘gether for outer wall and two 30.gallon stee\ arums welded together for inner wail Thermocouple wells 1” in tower (18° trom center of fire Soor-circumterence) “Thermocouple 24” trom bottom 55 Gal, Drum Thermocouple 1$* tram bottom” Fire Door 15° x 18° Tight lock Fire Grate Triple Screen iB" x Y4" openings Stainless Stee! Caten Pan (Sy crc si ann QE) pottom of Daum “optena! 15%" Dia, x 5:

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