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Conjugarea verbului a gasi in engleza

Conjugare a gasi la prezent simplu

I find (eu gasesc)
you find (tu gasesti)
he/she/it finds (el/ea gaseste)
we find (noi gasim)
you find (voi gasiti)
they find (ei/ele gasesc)
Conjugare a gasi la trecut simplu
I found (eu gaseam)
you found (tu gaseai)
he/she/it found (el/ea gasea)
we found (noi gaseam)
you found (voi gaseati)
they found (ei/ele gaseau)
Conjugare a gasi la viitor simplu
I shall find (eu voi gasi)
you will find (tu vei gasi)
he/she/it will find (el/ea va gasi)
we shall find (noi vom gasi)
you will find (voi veti gasi)
they will find (ei/ele vor gasi)
Conjugare a gasi la prezent continuu
I am finding (eu gasesc)
you are finding (tu gasesti)
he/she/it is finding (el/ea gaseste)
we are finding (noi gasim)
you are finding (voi gasiti)
they are finding (ei/ele gasesc)
Conjugare a gasi la trecut continuu
I was finding (eu gaseam)
you were finding (tu gaseai)
he/she/it was finding (el/ea gasea)
we were finding (noi gaseam)
you were finding (voi gaseati)
they were finding (ei/ele gaseau)
Conjugare a gasi la viitor continuu
I shall be finding (eu voi gasi)
you will be finding (tu vei gasi)
he/she/it will be finding (el/ea va gasi)
we shall be finding (noi vom gasi)
you will be finding (voi veti gasi)
they will be finding (ei/ele vor gasi)
Conjugare a gasi la perfect simplu
I have found (eu am gasit)
you have found (tu ai gasit)
he/she/it has found (el/ea a gasit)
we have found (noi am gasit)
you have found (voi ati gasit)
they have found (ei/ele au gasit)
Conjugare a gasi la mai mult ca perfect
I had found (eu gasisem)
you had found (tu gasisei)
he/she/it had found (el/ea gasise)
we had found (noi gasisem)
you had found (voi gasiserati)
they had found (ei/ele gasisera)
Conjugare a gasi la viitor anterior
I will have found (eu voi fi gasit)
you will have found (tu vei fi gasit)
he/she/it will has found (el/ea va fi gasit)
we will have found (noi vom fi gasit)
you will have found (voi veti fi gasit)
they will have found (ei/ele vor fi gasit)
Conjugare a gasi la prezent perfect continuu
I have been finding (eu (imi) gasesc)
you have been finding (tu (iti) gasesti)
he/she/it has been finding (el/ea (isi) gaseste)
we have been finding (noi (ne) gasim)
you have been finding (voi (va) gasiti)
they have been finding (ei/ele (isi) gasesc)
Conjugare a gasi la trecut perfect continuu
I had been finding (eu gasisem)
you had been finding (tu gasisei)
he/she/it had been finding (el/ea gasise)
we had been finding (noi gasisem)
you had been finding (voi gasiserati)
they had been finding (ei/ele gasisera)
Conjugare a gasi la viitor perfect continuu
I will have been finding (eu voi fi gasit)
you will have been finding (tu vei fi gasit)
he/she/it will have been finding (el/ea va fi gasit)
we will have been finding (noi vom fi gasit)
you will have been finding (voi veti fi gasit)
they will have been finding (ei/ele vor fi gasit)
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