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Version 16.0

Gold Sun
September 2013

Table of Contents
Foreword 0

Part I Overview 1
1 Introduction
................................................................................................................................... 1
2 System Requirement
................................................................................................................................... 2
3 Installation
................................................................................................................................... 2
4 Uninstallation
................................................................................................................................... 7
5 Permissions
for Windows Users 10

Part II How To Use CDIP 13

1 Getting Start
................................................................................................................................... 13
2 Screen Viewer
................................................................................................................................... 14
3 Open Project
Command 15
4 Change Folder
Command 15
5 Page Setup
Command 16
6 Print Setup
Command 17

Part III About Action Menu 17

1 Drawing ...................................................................................................................................
Setup Command 17
2 Additional
Data Command 19
3 Edit Bar Sketch
Command 21
4 Arrange Column
Drawing Command 22
5 Print / Delete
Drawing Command 23
6 Export Column
Section Command 24
7 View Drawing
Command 25
8 Generate...................................................................................................................................
Column Drawing Command 26
9 Generate...................................................................................................................................
Joint Drawing Command 27
10 Back up Data
Command 29
11 Restore Data
Command 30

Index 32

@1991-2013 Gold Sun, All rights reserved

Overview 1

1 Overview
1.1 Introduction
The Drawing Interface Programs BDIP, CDIP and SDIP are the derivative of SADS (The
Structural Analysis and Design System), that assist the SADS users to perform the Drawing of
beams, column and slabs. They turns your SADS into a powerful tool for your business.
CDIP is the Column Drawing Interface Program, The following diagram shows you about the
overview of CDIP.

Overview of CDIP.

The Overview of CDIP diagram is illustrated as above figure. CDIP retrieves the previously
calculated data of column in SADS automatically, combines with the user supplies of the drawing
set up data and the additional data of the columns to generate AutoLISP's data file. Then CDIP
transfers this data file to the well-known software in the world wide --AutoCAD. Inside AutoCAD,
AutoLISP uses this data file to perform AutoCAD Drawing. Finally, the user may use the function
of AutoCAD to edit and plot the drawing.

CDIP retrieves the result in SADS automatically, the user does not necessary to enter a lot of data
for preparing the drawing.

CDIP allows the user to edit the reinforcement bars of the column sections which have been
defined in SADS inside the CDIP program, without turn back to SADS.

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CDIP cuts the column automatically in the corresponding floor to fit the size of drawing paper.

CDIP provides the function to the user to perform AutoCAD inside the CDIP, the user does not
need to exit CDIP and get into the AutoCAD or prompt any command and provide any file name to
AutoCAD. After finish the performance, CDIP will return the user to CDIP screen from which the
user ran AutoCAD. Also, CDIP offers the option of off line links to AutoCAD by using the files of
CDIP for further use.

CDIP uses AutoLISP to generate the data file, it is a compact data file, so it will save a lot of your
hard disk space.

1.2 System Requirement

CDIP is designed to operate on a stand-alone personal computer. The minimum system
requirement is listed as below.

- IBM or compatible personal computer.

- Pentium 4, 2 GHz or higher.

- 2 GB RAM or higher.

- Super VGA 800 x 600 graphic adapter or higher.

- 100 MB of free hard disk space for program and data file.

- Laser Printer with 600x600dpi or higher;

- Windows ME, Window NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows 7.

1.3 Installation
CDIP is distributed on CD-ROM. The number of diskettes is subject to change. The procedures of
installation are described as below.

1. From Start Menu, select Run to display a dialog box as below.

If your CD-ROM driver ID is D:, type d:\sadssetup onto Open edit box, then click OK button to
run installation program.

2. The Welcome dialog box is displayed first. Click on Next button to continue.

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Overview 3

3. The next dialog box is Choose Destination Location dialog box.

You may specify the folder where you wish to be installed. The default destination folder is
C:\Program Files\Gold Sun. If you accept the default destination folder, click on the Next button
to continue. Otherwise, you may click on the Browse button to display Select Destination
Directory dialog box.

@1991-2013 Gold Sun, All rights reserved


You can select or type in a new folder and click OK button. You will be returned to previous
dialog box Choose Destination Location and the folder that you selected will be appear in
the Destination Folder group box. Click on Next button to continue.

4. If you already have CDIP installed on your computer under the same folder you have
specified for installation, you will be prompted with dialog box as below.

The dialog box asks you if you are interested in creating backup files of files that will be
replaced during the installation. If you have any data that you have created, added or amended
and you don't want to lose them, you should choose Yes. After making your selection click
Next button to continue.

5. Choose the optional files you want to install using dialog box shown below.

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Overview 5

For the first time installation, you should choose both Project Data Files and System Files. Click
on Next button to continue.

6. Choose the Program Manager Group from dialog box shown below.

The default group is " The Structural Analysis and Design System". Click Next button to

7. The installation program will prompt with the Start Installation dialog box as below.

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You may click the Back button to go back to any of previous dialog box and change the
selection you have made. If everything is OK, click Next button to start installation.

8. When the installation is complete, the Installation Complete dialog will appear. Click on
Finish button to return to Windows Desk top.

Click on Finish button to return to Windows Desk top. A small dialog box will be displayed.

@1991-2013 Gold Sun, All rights reserved

Overview 7

You may click OK button to restart the Windows. If you want to install BDIP and/or SDIP to the
same computer also, you may click the Cancel button. You can click OK button when all
modules are installed.

1.4 Uninstallation
To uninstall CDIP, you need to choose Start|Setting|Control Panel to display the Control Panel

Click on the Add/Remove Programs icon, You will be prompted with Add/Remove Program
Properties dialog box.

@1991-2013 Gold Sun, All rights reserved


From Add/Remove Program dialog box, highlight SADS v12.0 and click Change/Remove buttom
to display the following dialog box.

Select the Automatic uninstall method if you want to remove all CDIP program files that you
installed by installation program; otherwise, you can use the Custom uninstall method and select
only the files that you would like to remove. Click on Next button to continue.

From the Perform Rollback dialog box, You can select Yes to reinstall CDIP older version that
keep in backup files.

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Overview 9

Click on Next button, the last dialog box will be display as below.

You may click the Back button to go back to any of previous dialog box and change the selection
you have made. If everything is OK, click Finish button to start un-installation.

@1991-2013 Gold Sun, All rights reserved


1.5 Permissions for Windows Users

If you have installed CDIP to Windows 2000 or Windows XP Professional and you don't assign
your end users as administrator, you must set the necessary permissions for your end users.

Folder Permission: There are 3 folders in BDIP, you need to set the permissions for your end
users. The permissions should be set as below:
System Data Folder - Read only.
Project List Folder - Full Control.
User Access Folder - Full Control.
BDE Folder - Full control. Usually, the BDE folder is located at c:\program
files\bordland\command files\BDE.

You may follow the procedures as below to set the permissions of the folders:
Click the My Computer icon on your Desktop and find the Project List Folder.
Right click the folder icon and select the Properties item.
On Folder Properties dialog box, click the Sharing Tab, the dialog box will be displayed as

If the your end users already exist in the Group or user names list box, you may highlight that
name and change the permissions for your end users to Full Control, then click OK button. If
you cannot find the name of your end users in the list box, you may click the Add button to
display the following dialog box.

@1991-2013 Gold Sun, All rights reserved

Overview 11

If the group name of your end users was already exist in the list box, you may highlight that
group name and change the value of Type of Access combo box to Full Control, then click OK
button. If you cannot find the group name in the list box, you may click the Add button, the
Add Users and Groups dialog box will be displayed as below:

Enter the name of your end user and click OK button to add your end user to the group and
return to above dialog box. You should highlight the new added user name and change the
permission to Full Control. Click OK button to close the above dialog box.

Repeat procedures listed above to set other 2 folders.

Registry Key Permission: CDIP uses registry keys in Windows to control the program
processing. In Windows 2000 or Windows XP Professional. The following registry keys must be
set to "full control" permission for you end users who do not be assigned as administator.

You may follow the procedures as below to set the permissions of registry keys:
Click Start button on Desktop, select Run command, type c:\winnt\system32\regedt32.exe to
the edit box, and then click OK button to run the Registry Editor. Select HKEY_USERS on
Local Machine window and click .DEFAULT key, and then click Software key.

@1991-2013 Gold Sun, All rights reserved


Highlight the Sads15 item, right click the mouse and select Permission menu, the following
dialog box will be displayed.

If the name of your end users is already exist in the list box, you may highlight that group
name and change the permissions for your end users to Full Control, and then click OK
button. If you cannot find the your end user name in the list box, you may click the Add button,
same as the folder permission, to add your end users to the list box, and change the
permissions for your end users to Full Control to full control permission, then click OK button.

Repeat procedures listed above to set other registry.

@1991-2013 Gold Sun, All rights reserved

Overview 13

2 How To Use CDIP

2.1 Getting Start
As you launch CDIP, the first screen you see is the Main Window, it included three portions of
content, first is the current project title, second is the Menu that helps you to do some procedure
and the third is the button bar. The overview of this window shown as below.

Main window.

On the first portion of main window listed the project titles which have been previously created by
SADS and you processed at the last time. The project title is "This is a testing project". CDIP
always shows the project title that you previously work on, if you want to change the project, you
can choose Open Project command of the File menu and select other project.

The second portion of main window is the menu bar, it listed the menus of CDIP. It include File
menu, Action menu and Help menu. The File menu is use to create project, change CDIP folder
and contain the common features on operating CDIP, such as view the print files, page setup and
printer setup. The Action menu provides specific function that enable you to perform the columns'
drawing, such as drawing setup, edit column bars, additional data of column and arrange drawing
etc... The usage of above menu will be briefly discuss in the button bar portion. The Help menu is
one of the features of window.

The third portion of main window is the button bar, it contains a series of buttons. The functions of
these buttons are the same as menu items, they provide one of the easiest ways to start or open
the task. You can use the button to execute menu bar commands that name appears on the
There are 2 groups of button bar in this portion:
File Menu Button Bar: It appears at the left side and contains following buttons:

- Open project button is used to select project that you want to working on, create a new
project name, delete or amend the existing project name.

- Change folders button is used to define the folders of CDIP system data, project data
and user's data.

- Printer setup button is used to display Printer Setup dialog box. In this dialog box, you
can change the parameters of your printer.

- Exit application button is use to terminate all project and exit CDIP.
Command Button Bar: It appears at the right side and contains following buttons:

- Drawing setup command button is used to define the size and scale of drawing paper.

- Additional data command button is used to supply the alignment of column and beams.

- Edit column bar command allows you to edit the selected column for the drawing.

- Arrange drawing command button is used to make the arrangement of the selected
columns' drawing.

- Print/ Delete drawing command button is used to print out or delete the selected

- Export column sections in Microsoft Excel CSV format for OLE data of structural
framing plan.

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- View drawing command button is used to view the drawing of the selected drawing.

- Generate column drawing command button is used to generate the AutoLISP data files
and AutoCAD script file of the selected columns' drawing.

- Generate joint drawing button is used to generate the AutoLISP data files and
AutoCAD script file of the selected joint' drawing. the AutoLISP data files and AutoCAD
script file of the selected columns' drawing

- Back up data command button is used to back up the previous data you entered.

- Restore data command button is used to restore the previous data you backed up.

Incremental Search - CDIP provides the Incremental Search in some Combo Box components
(such as "column mark" and "drawing name") insides the windows to help the users search the
desired mark or drawing of the project.
You may focus the existing Combo Box and type the letter of the subject you wish, the letter you
type is case sensitive. After you typed, you will see the status bar display the letter, at the same
time the desired subject will display at the Combo Box.

2.2 Screen Viewer

When you print a report using Print to Screen option in CDIP, CDIP will display the print content to
the screen.

Screen View window.

If the print content cannot be shown in a window, you may move the mouse cursor to print area,
hold the left button down and drag the mouse up or down to view the content in invisible area.

You may click the buttons on the top of window to perform following tasks:

Exit button is use to close the view file.

First Page button is use to turn to the first page of the print file.

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How To Use CDIP 15

Previous Page button is use to turn to the previous page of the print file.

Go To Page button allows you to specify the page of print file that you want to view.

Next Page button is use to turn to the next page of the print file.

Last Page button is use to turn to the last page of the print file.

Send the print file to printer.

2.3 Open Project Command

When you start working on CDIP, CDIP will open the project that last time you processed. You
may go through the project.

If you want to change the project, you may choose Open Project from File menu or click
button on Menu bar, CDIP displays Open Project window as below.

Open Project Window.

There are the listing of all projects of SADS on the screen. These titles are just the same as your
SADS's projects, CDIP uses the project titles in your SADS program and displays in here.

CDIP allows you to initiate them one at a time, highlight the title and click Select button.
If you do not want to continue the project, click Cancel button.

2.4 Change Folder Command

SADS database tables are stored into 3 folder: project folder, system folder and user folder. The
default folders are defined in installation program. If you wan to change these folders as

operating CDIP, you may choose Change Folder from File menu or click button on File
Menu Button Bar, CDIP will display the Change Folder as below.

Change Folder window.

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System Data Folder: The folder which stores system table that hold system information of SADS,
SDIP, BDIP and CDIP. It can be put to network server and shared by all users. But, it is
recommended to put the folder to local computer for better performance.
Project List Folder: The folder which stores project list table and project data folders that hold
data tables of each project. It is share folder and can be put to network server.
User Access Folder: The folder which stores all temporary tables and files. It is private folder and
must be put to local computer.
AutoCAD Folder: The folder which stores the window version of AutoCAD.

You may click button to browse the existing folders. Click OK button to change the folders or
click Cancel button to keep the original folder.

Note: If these folders is use on network server or on Windows NT work station, the network
administrator should define permission of the folder for the end users.

2.5 Page Setup Command

The Page Setup Command is use to customize the layout of the print out of CDIP.
when you choose Page Setup from File menu, CDIP will display the Page Setup as below.

Page Setup window.

@1991-2013 Gold Sun, All rights reserved

How To Use CDIP 17

Font Name - Select a fixed font from the drop down box for printing reports.
Font Size - Click the combo box and select the pixel size of your print out.
Interval of Lines - Enter the value (in mm) of interval between rows of printout.
Use Solid Line - Check the check box if your printer can print solid line.
Footer - Check the check box if you wish to print the date on the bottom of the printout paper.
Left Margin - Enter the value (in mm) of the left margin of your printout paper.
Top Margin - Enter the value (in mm) of the top margin of your printout paper.
Bottom Margin - Enter the value (in mm) of the bottom margin of your printout paper.
Default Print Mode - When you print the reports, select the default print mode i.e. print to
printer or print to file.

After finish the data input of this command, click Show button to show the effect of font that you
selected, click Print button to print a test page to check the margin, footing, etc., click Ok button to
save it or Cancel button to deny it.

2.6 Print Setup Command

Same as SADS, CDIP offers several options for printing your report. You can modify these
options by using this command.

You can choose Print Setup from File menu to display Printer Setup dialog box. This is one
feature of the Window common dialog boxes. Unlike the other command dialog boxes, however,
there is relatively little interaction between CDIP and the dialog box. The dialog boxes are different
according to the type of the printers.

3 About Action Menu

3.1 Drawing Setup Command
he Drawing Setup Command is use to customize the layout of columns drawing.

When you choose Drawing Setup from Action menu or click button on Command button bar,
CDIP will display the Drawing Setup as below.

Drawing Setup window.

@1991-2013 Gold Sun, All rights reserved


AutoCAD version - Select the AutoCAD version that you are using.
Paper Width - The width of the drawing paper, unit : mm.
Paper Height -The height of the drawing paper, unit : mm.
Logo Width - The width of the company logo, unit : mm. If this field has no value, CDIP will not
reserve a space for company logo.
Logo Height - The height of the company logo, unit : mm. Same as above, If this field has no
value, CDIP will not reserve a space for company logo.
Whole scale - The scale of the whole drawing, except the scale of the reinforced bars.
Thick scale - The scale of the thickness of the slab.
Text height - The height of a great many different kinds of text letter, such as the Text letter of the
column mark, floor code, column section, the details of the reinforced bars and the beam
Layer Name - Enter the layer name of AutoCAD for the use of drawing grid line, section line,
reinforced bar line, column text, floor text, section text and reinforced bars text.
Line Weight - Enter the line weight for each layer name.
Line Color - Select the line color for each layer name.
Column Grid - The diagram of the column grid which illustrated in the followed figure will show
you about the definition of each field.
Gx is the width of the grid of the drawing section.
Gy is the depth of its grid.
Tx is the width of the left most grid.
Ty is the depth of the top row grid.
Tm is the depth of the text grid.
The unit of all fields is mm.

Diagram of Grid.

@1991-2013 Gold Sun, All rights reserved

About Action Menu 19

Joint Grid:
Sx1 is the width column mark field.
Sx2 is the width of floor mark field.
Sx3 is the width of Bjx, Bjy and Avc fields.
Sx4 is the width of Ref. Beam, Ahx, Ahy, Avx and Avy fields.
Th is the height of title row.
Mh is the height of item row.
Gpx is the vertical gap between tables.
Gpy is horizontal gap between tables.
Staggered Lap - Enter the reinforced ratio value of staggered lap in this field. When the ratio
is larger than this define value, the vertical bar should be lapped with staggered lap.
Coupler - Enter the reinforced ratio value of the coupler in this field. When the ratio is larger
than this define value, the vertical bar should be lapped with coupler.
Space Symbol - Click the combo box and select the spacing symbol of reinforced bar, "@"
and "-" are available.
Print Concrete Grade - Check this check box to print the concrete cover and concrete grade
on the column drawing.
Plot Grid Lines - Check this check box to plot the grid lines on the column drawing.
Plot Connected Beams - Check this check box to plot the connected beams to the column
Splice Label: Assign the label for the calculation result of column splice. The possible results are
SMc >= 1.2SMb and SMc < 1.2SMb. The maximum label length is 20 charactors.

After complete all the fields, use "Save" or "Close" button. CDIP will then update the information
you have entered. If you want to deny it, use "Ignore" button.

3.2 Additional Data Command

In The Additional Data Command you may supply the alignment data about the columns and the
connected beams of the selected column for the requirement of the drawing.

When you choose Additional Data from Action menu or click button on Command button bar,
CDIP will display the Additional Data window.

@1991-2013 Gold Sun, All rights reserved


Existing Column Mark Group Box - The list box is the listing of the existing column marks which
have previously created. If you want to supply the alignment of the specific column and the
connected beam of that column, highlight the column mark and work on it. You may search
the desired Column Mark followed the steps of Incremental Search at "Getting Start" topic in
"How to use CDIP" chapter.
Column Alignment Group Box -
Grid (X) : When the selected column located on the grid line of building in X direction, enter the
grid line name. You may get it from framing plan. If not, skip this field.
Alignment : Use the combo box to select the align about the grid line and the corresponding
column. The options are:
"Upper" -- Indicate the grid line aligns to the upper line of column.
"Center"-- Indicate the grid line is at the center of column.
"Lower" -- Indicate the grid line aligns to the bottom line of column.
"Define"-- Indicate the position of grid line is not include in the above condition.
Position : If the alignment you select is "Define", you may enter the distance (in mm) between the
grid line to the center of column in this field. When the distance is at the upper portion of
central line of column, the value is positive. When the distance is at the lower portion of the
central line of column, the value is negative.
Grid (Y), Alignment, Position : Same as above Grid (x), If the selected column located on the
grid line of building in Y direction, enter the grid line name, the alignment of the grid line and
the position. Refer to the explanation of Grid (x) in above section.
Section : Indicate the section of the specific column on the corresponding floor for your reference.
Beam Alignment Group Box -
Beam Mark : The beam marks is retrieve from SADS and display on here.
Alignment : Use the combo box to enter the alignment of the beam with corresponding column.
The options are:
"Upper" -- Indicate the upper edge of connected beam aligns to the upper line of column.
"Center"-- Indicate the center of connected beam located at the center of column.
"Lower" -- Indicate the lower edge of connected beam aligns to the bottom line of column.
"Define"-- Indicate the position of connected beam is not include in the above condition.
Position : If the alignment you select is "Define", you may enter the distance (in mm) between the
center of column to the center of connected beam in this field. When the distance is above the
central line of column, the value is positive. When the distance is below the central line of
column, the value is negative.(Refer to the followed figure).

@1991-2013 Gold Sun, All rights reserved

About Action Menu 21

Alignment of beam.

If it is a high rise building, and the alignment of the column and beam is the same between some

floors, you may use the key to copy the condition of the alignment from the upper floor to the

next floor. If you like to take a look of the column section of the correspondence floor, click
key, CDIP will then graphically display the column section on the dialog box.

3.3 Edit Bar Sketch Command

The Edit Bar Sketch Command allows you to edit the reinforced bars of columns which had been
pre-designed and certainly all right.

When you choose Edit Bar Sketch from Action menu or click button on Command button
bar, CDIP will display the Edit Bar Sketch as below.

Edit Bar Sketch window.

@1991-2013 Gold Sun, All rights reserved


Existing Column Mark Group Box - The list box is the listing of the existing column marks which
have previously created. If you wish to edit the reinforced bars of existing column, click the
column mark and edit it. You may search the desired Column Mark followed the steps of
Incremental Search at "Getting Start" topic in "How to use CDIP" chapter.
Column Bars Group Box - This group has four information : "Floor" is the floor code of the
column, it should not be altered. "Section" is the information that you input in the column data
previously in SADS, it also should not be altered. "Check" is the only box that you can edit,
after SADS calculated the reinforcement ratio (r), you experiential want to make correction of
the checking option, you may edit the check box, the options are N,S,U,E and C. N indicates
do not need to check the reinforcement on this floor, S indicates to check the reinforcement in
uniform way, U indicates to check the reinforcement in optimal way, E indicates to check the
reinforcement in equal way, C indicates to check the column as circular section. "r(%)" is the
reinforcement ratio that had been calculate by SADS in column pre-design, it should not be
altered too.

If you want to view graphically about the existing column bar, click key, CDIP will then
graphically display the column bar on the dialog box.

Bar Diameters Group Box : You may edit the values of this group box as your desired.
Diameter - The diameter (in mm) of reinforced bars. Same as SADS, CDIP provides up to two
different diameters in each section named the main bar and the alternative bar, the main
bar must be always larger than alternative bar.
Bar along B Side Group Box : Indicate the reinforced bar which located at X-X direction. Same
as above, you may edit the values of this group box as your desired.
Area - The area of reinforced bar in X-X direction. This field should not be altered by the user.

Main Bar - The number of the main reinforced bar which located at X-X direction. The number
of bar is correspond to the above "Diameter". If you want to edit, click the edit box and
enter the number of bar, CDIP will give the warning if the ratio is smaller than the defined
value in SADS.
Alternative Bar - The number of the alternative reinforced bar which located at X-X direction.
The number of bar is correspond to the above "Diameter". Same as Main Bar, you can
edit it.
Space - Indicate the spaces of main bar and alternative bar at X-X direction. If you want to
edit, click the edit box and enter the value, CDIP will give the warning if the space is
smaller than the defined value in SADS.
Ratio - The ratio of actual area and required area (in %) of reinforced bars in X-X direction.
This field should not be altered.
Bar along D Side Group Box : Indicate the reinforced bar which located at Y-Y direction. You
may edit the values of this group box as your desired. All the information of this group box is
same as the B side, refer to above section.

3.4 Arrange Column Drawing Command

The Arrange Drawing Command is use to arrange the selected columns onto the drawing paper.

When you choose Arrange Drawing from Action menu or click button on Command button
bar, CDIP will display the Arrange Drawing as below.

Arrange Drawing window.

@1991-2013 Gold Sun, All rights reserved

About Action Menu 23

Existing Columns - This is the listing of the columns mark of the selected project, you may

highlight them one by one and using key to forward them to the "Selected Column" group
box. You may search the desired Column Mark followed the steps of Incremental Search at
"Getting Start" topic in "How to use CDIP" chapter.
Selected Column Group Box - According to the drawing paper size that you previously define,
CDIP will determine the number of columns that should be arrange onto one drawing paper,

you may use key or key to select the existing column marks for the selected
Options Group:
Prefix of drawing name - Enter the prefix of the drawing name, the name must contain 5
alphanumerical characters.
Allow append - Check the check box if you allow to append the others columns into the
drawing that has place remain. Otherwise, skip it. CDIP will then arrange the columns
automatically to the appropriate drawing paper. The drawing name should be: the prefix
name you supply + suffix of 3 numerical orders 001, 002, 003,....

After complete all the fields, use "OK" or "Cancel" button to update the information you have
entered or to deny it.

3.5 Print / Delete Drawing Command

he Print/ Delete Drawing Command allow you to print out or delete the relevant drawing name that
you have define before.

When you choose Print/ Delete Drawing from Action menu or click button on Command
button bar, BDIP will display the Print/ Delete Drawing as below.

Print/ Delete Drawing window.

@1991-2013 Gold Sun, All rights reserved


Selection - There is the listing of the drawing name of column that previously arranged in this
You may highlight the desired drawing name and click the appropriate button for print out or for
delete it.

3.6 Export Column Section Command

You may use this command to export the column sections to MS Excel CSV format. If you select
an Excel OLE object in your structural framing drawing, you can use this CSV file for your OLE
data to link to your structural framing plan.

When you choose Export column Section from Action menu or click button on Command
button bar, BDIP will display the Export Column Section as below.

Export Column Section window.

@1991-2013 Gold Sun, All rights reserved

About Action Menu 25

Column Mark - Check the check boxes of column marks and click the Export button, BDIP will
retrieve the column sections from database and export to CSV files. These CSV file are save to
CDIP User Access Folder.

You may use the Select All button to check all column mark check boxes or use the

De-select All button to uncheck all column mark check boxes.

3.7 View Drawing Command

The View Drawing Command allow you to take a look of the relevant column's drawing name.

When you choose View Drawing from Action menu or click button on Command button bar,
CDIP will display the View Drawing as below.

View Drawing window.

@1991-2013 Gold Sun, All rights reserved


This window displays the selected drawing name that you selected at the bottom combo boxes of
"drawing name". You may search the desired Drawing Name followed the steps of Incremental
Search at "Getting Start" topic in "How to use CDIP" chapter.

Use the bottom right buttons to take a look of the others drawing or to zoom any part of the

to switch to the first drawing of the selected batch.

to switch to the prior drawing of the selected batch.

to switch to the next drawing of the selected batch.

to switch to the last drawing of the selected batch.

to zoom the drawing.

to zoom out the drawing.

back to the original size.

to close the window.

3.8 Generate Column Drawing Command

The Generate Column Drawing Command is use to generate AutoLISP graphic data files and
AutoCAD script file.

When you choose Generate Column Drawing from Action menu or click button on Command
button bar, CDIP will display the Generate Column Drawing as below.

Generate Column Drawing window.

@1991-2013 Gold Sun, All rights reserved

About Action Menu 27

Selections - There is the listing of the drawing name of column that previously arranged in this
window.You may highlight all the desired drawing name you want for generate AutoLISP data
files and AutoCAD Script file.
AutoCAD Link Group Box:
Link Online - Check the check box if you like to run the AutoCAD program automatically
inside CDIP. Other wise skip it.
Close AutuCAD when finish - Check the check box if you want CDIP to close AutoCAD
program when all drawing are generated.
Script Name - Enter up to 8 alphanumerical characters for the script name of AutoCAD Script

If you uncheck the "Link Online" check box, after you finish all information of the window, click
"OK" button, CDIP will then generate AutoLISP data files and AutoCAD Script file, these files are
stored in project data folder. When you run AutoCAD program, you may choose Tools | Run Script
menu, then select the script file from dialog box, the AutoLISP program will generate all drawings.
If you want to deny the information you supply, click "Cancel" button.

3.9 Generate Joint Drawing Command

The Generate Joint Drawing Command is use to arrange and generate AutoLISP graphic data
files and AutoCAD script file.

When you choose Generate Joint Drawing from Action menu or click button on Command
button bar, CDIP will display the Generate Joint Drawing as below.

Generate Joint Drawing window.

@1991-2013 Gold Sun, All rights reserved


Select Columns - You may select columns and ranges of floors that beam-column joint will be
included in your drawing.
Template - You can select the presentation of template in drawing.
Attach template at - There are 3 choices.
· The template is attached at the first drawing only.
· The template is attached to all drawing.
· No template is attached to any drawing.
Template position - There 4 choices.
· The template is located at left top corner.
· The template is located at right top corner.
· The template is located at left bottom corner.
· The template is located at right bottom corner.
Options - Enter the prefix of the drawing name, the name must contain 5 alphanumerical

After you enter and setup all data, you may click the Preview button to display the preview window
as below.

@1991-2013 Gold Sun, All rights reserved

About Action Menu 29

If you don't satisfy the previewed drawing, you may click the Return button to go back to

previous window. Otherwise, you may click the Plot button to generate AutoCAD drawing.

Script Name - Enter up to 8 alphanumerical characters for the script name of AutoCAD Script
Link ACAD online - Check the check box if you like to run the AutoCAD program
automatically inside CDIP. Other wise skip it.
Close ACAD when finish - Check the check box if you want CDIP to close AutoCAD
program when all drawing are generated.

The functions of other buttons, you may refer to View Drawing Command.

3.10 Back up Data Command

The best way to prevent loosing data is to backup the project data periodically. The Backup Data
Command can help you to create backup file for the current project easily. You may restore the
backup file to project folder using Restore Data command when your project data are corrupted.

When you choose Backup Data from Action menu or click button on Command button bar,
CDIP will display the Backup Data as below.

Backup Data window.

@1991-2013 Gold Sun, All rights reserved


Backup to - Enter the path name, file name and select extension name of backup file, or click

the button to browse the existing folders and the name of backup file.
Backup from - This is a read only edit box. The information is the current project data folder.
Title - Enter a description about the backup file. The description will be displayed when you
select a backup file to be restored. The default title name is the name of current project.
Backup project data files every xx days - If the value of xx is greater than zero, SADS will
check the last backup date every time you exit SADS, and prompt you to backup your project
data files when the date you specified is reach.
Auto naming backup file: If you check this check box, SADS will automatically provide the
name of backup file as <Project Code>-<YYYYMMDD>. For example, the current project
code is TESTDATA and today date is January 12, 2012, the provided backup file name is

After finish the data input of this sub-command, click OK button to create backup file or Cancel to
deny the process.

3.11 Restore Data Command

When you find that your project data are corrupted, you may use this Command to restore project
data from backup file that created by Backup Data Command.

When you choose Restore Data from Action menu or click button on Command button bar,
CDIP will display the Restore Data as below.

Restore Data window.

@1991-2013 Gold Sun, All rights reserved

About Action Menu 31

Restore from - Enter the path name, file name and select the extension name of backup file,

or click the button to select the existing folders and name of backup file.
Restore to - This is a read only edit box. The value is the original project data folder.
Title - This is a read only edit box. It displays the description of the backup file when you
create it. You should read the description carefully and make sure you are selecting a correct
backup file for the project.
Clean all files before restore data - You may check this check box to get a clean restore.

After finish the data input of this sub-command, click OK button to restore the backup file or
Cancel to deny the process.

@1991-2013 Gold Sun, All rights reserved


Index -L-
layer name 17
line color 17
-A- line weight 17
link online 26
addition data 19
alignment 19 -M-
arrange drawing 22
AutoCAD folder 15 main window 13
AutoCAD version 17 margin 16

-B- -O-
backup project data 29 open project 15

-C- -P-
change folder 15 page setup 16
change project 15 permissions
command button bar 13 folder 10
registry key 10
-D- prefix 22
preview 27
delete drawing 23 print drawing 23
drawing setup 17 printer setup 17
project data folder 15
Edit bar 21
Export 24 restore project data 30

-F- -S-
file menu button bar 13 scale 17
font name 16 screen viewer 14
font size 16 script name 26
solid line 16
-G- system data folder 15
system requirement 2
generate column drawing 26
template 27
installation 2
introduction 1 -U-
uninstall CDIP 7
user access folder 15

@1991-2013 Gold Sun, All rights reserved

Index 33

View Drawing 25

@1991-2013 Gold Sun, All rights reserved

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