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Lecturer :

Dr. Sofian M,Sc

Compiled By : Group 3

Fitrianti Ulfah (F1021171020)

Janika Sri Ayumi (F1021171046)

Nurul Fatwa Fathonah (F1021171047)

Resa Arsita (F1021171043)

Class :

A2+/Reg A








Course name : ESP for Midwifery

Main field of study : Introduction to Midwifery, Female Reproduction System, Pregnancy


This course provides teaching and learning activities to develop students’ language awareness covering the materials and communication
skill based on the learners’ needs. Besides, this course aims to offer expertise and lessons in midwifery lessons. This course covers practical
experiences in theories, fieldworks covering the topics of the background and development of ESP for midwifery.


In the end of this course, students are expected to be able to:

1. Students are able to gain more knowledge of vocabulary, terms, and literature in midwifery materials that used English language.
2. Students are able to speak and write in terms of midwifery using English.
3. Students are able to communicate in midwifery work system using English.

No. Topic Specific Reading Writing Listening Speaking Grammar Vocabulary

Instructional Goals
1. Introduction  Students are  Read the  Write and  Listen and  With your The use of to be Midwife, infant,
to able to identify materials of the classify the complete the text partner practice is/am/are and newborn,
midwifery the main idea definition, terms of below. the dialogue 1 have/has pregnant, giving
and the specific philosophy and midwifery on the course
(definition, birth
information by midwifery materials ______ has a hand book.
philosophy, Complete the
reading the profession in responsibility to  Discuss with your
and text and English Specific terms: partner about sentences with
take care infant
midwifery discussion or 1. _______ the problem is/am/are
and new born
profession) answer the  Gain new 2. _______ that often faced
question Vocabulary, baby. It is no in the fieldwork The baby …..
correctly Terms and doubt that this
Medicine names  Write your job is such a
She…..a midwife  Match the
 Students are of midwifery in opinion about wonderful job. following words
able to list and English the duty of a
Has/have with the pictures
write the midwife:
English  Reread the ___________
vocabularies, “Midwifery ___________ Complete the
terms and philosophy” and sentences with
literature of mark the Have or has.
midwifery statements T
correctly. (true) or F (false)
based on the The babies…..the
 Students are information from same weight.
able to identify the passage. She……chubby
the main idea cheeks
and specific
information by
listening to the
topic and
answer the
 Students are
able to
the midwifery
materials with
dialogues or
presentation in

 Students are
able to use
is/am/are to
complete the

 Students are
able to identify
the meaning of
materials by
matching the
pictures or
completing the

2. Female  Students are  Read the  Write a  Listen the 5  With a  Using the  Match the
reproductio able to identify materials paragraph tips to take partner, act expression of words with
n system the specific about female about 5 care your out the roles giving the definition.
information by reproduction things that reproductiv based on instructions,
reading the and answer women e organs. the imperative
text and the true or should Then mark conversatio sentence and
answering the false concern the n between a expression of
question about question about their statement midwife and giving an
female below genital as true or a patient advice.
reproduction organs. false.
system. Using the
(T)/(f): Write a expression of
 Students are Read the textand paragraph patient : excuse With a partner, giving an advice
able to write a
mark the about female me, Mrs… can act out the roles
statement T (true) reproduction you recommend based on the Using simple
about the
female or F (false). organs and the me a good conversation present tense and
reproduction Labia majora is characteristic feminine hygiene between a present
system the outer part of wash product? midwife and a continuous tense.
materials. female Make a simple Midwife: sure, patient
reproduction paragraph but is there any
 Students are
organ (….) about female problem with
able to identify
reproduction you, miss?
reproduction Mark True(T) and organ and the patient : _______
organ by false (F) about the function of each midwife : oh,
listening to the statement. properly! that’s a normal
audio materials when you about
and answer the facing your
menstrual. It will With a partner, Match the word
be a serious if act out the roles with the function!
 Students are the fluids smell based on the 1. _ labia minora
able to bad with black conversation 2. _ ovary
communicate colours. between a 3. _ cervix
the dialogues midwife and a 4. _ uterus
with correct
patient 5. _ fallopian tube
Listen to a simple
 Students are video about a. contains female
able to use the female genital sex cells.
expression of and answering b. connecting
giving the questions. ovaries and uterus
c. provide
simple present
nourishment for a
and simple
continuous developing fetus.
tense. d. the inner part
of vagina
 Students are e. the lower part
able to match of uterus.
the correct
words about
system and its

3. Midwifery Answering the Answering ‘Fill Mark the Role-playing in Using Simple Matching the
care I & II  Students are question based on in the blank’ statements as pair based on Present Tense in words with the
(pregnancy able to identify the illustration questions. True (T) or False listening task. describing general picture
& giving the main idea provided. (Material: (F) and Filling the Language things.
and the specific
birth) (Material: passage Conversation blank space of features:
from the course about the the conversation. How is your
about giving
birth and book) pregnancy (Material: feeling?
pregnancy consultation) Conversation Let me have a
correctly. between a check…
midwife and a How many weeks
 Students are pregnant patient) are you?
able to write the
I am just gonna
words of the
put a CTG on a
materials of
pregnancy and monitor…
giving birth by
answering fill
the blank
Mark the Fill in the blank Mark the Role-playing in Using imperative
statements as about a passage statements as pair based on sentence. Matching the
 Students are
True (T) or False “giving birth” True (T) or False listening task. “calm down” words with the
able to identify
the material by (F) based on a (F) and complete Language definitions. And
listen to the map. the conversation. features: Filling the blank
conversation Material: Material: A I need directions space with correct
materials and midwifery care II conversation … words and
answer the phrases. Material:
between a I’m on …
midwife and a I just arrived at …
 Students are patient
able to
communicate Filling out Role-playing in
the materials by correct phase pair based on
role-playing in Answering Material Mark the listening task. Using Simple
pair. Matching the
questions about Conversation statements as Language Present Tense to
the mom from listening True (T) or False features: give statements words with the
 Students are
conditions in task. (F) and complete How are you definitions and
able to using
simple present every phase. the conversation. today? Checklist on the
tense to give Material: I’m not feeling sentence that uses
statements. Conversation well underlined part
between a Let me check correctly.
 Students are
midwife and a your abdomen
able to identify
patient Latent phase
the specific
words and
match them phase
with the

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