2020 Jet Turbine Engines

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2020 Jet Turbine Engines

We have already discussed turbine engines, turbofans, turboprops, and afterburners. We also
know F = ma with units being N = kg m / s​2

Basic Jet Engine Thrust Calculation

F​N​ = W (v​j​ - v​o​)

Fn = Net Thrust (Newtons)

W = Mass Flow Rate (kg/s)…..the amount of burnt fuel and air leaving the engine.
Vj = Jet Velocity (m/s).....how fast the exhaust is moving.
Vo = Flight Velocity (m/s).....how fast the plane is going.

Jet Engine Problems

1. A GE90 engine is one of the largest jet engines in the world. While cruising, it has a
mass flow rate of 576 kg/s and a jet exhaust velocity of 680 mph. If the plane is cruising
along at 500 mph, how much thrust (N) is being produced by the engine? (Hint: convert
mph to m/s)

2. Consider this…..jet engines produce way more thrust during takeoff than while cruising.

3. Research the Boeing 747 (Large commercial plane) and the Lockheed Martin F-35
(Current fighter plane). Weight and Dimensions of the plane, size and number of jet
engines, thrust produced, flight capabilities, performance and fuel consumption, etc.

4. Be prepared to share these responses on our google form for Week 2.

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