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Chapter four

Axial load

Dr . Jamal Alsadi


Axial load
4.1. Saint-Venant’s principle

Assume that we apply axial load P to the gridded rectangular bar as

shown in the figure. Assume also that the bar is under elastic

As you can see, the deformation shown by

the grid is not uniform. This means that the
stress distribution is non uniform because of
the relationship between the stress and strain
(Hook’s law).
We can study this irregular stress
distribution by sectioning the bar from
different locations as shown in the figure
Axial load
4.1. Saint-Venant’s principle

Let the section a-a is near to the point of applying load and as we go
further from the point of load application, we pass through sections b-b
and c-c.
Due to the shape of deformation, the stress distribution is represented
in the next figure
Axial load
4.1. Saint-Venant’s principle

It is obvious from the figure that as we move further from the
application point of the load, the stress distribution become more
uniform. In fact, there is a common distance from the point of load
appliance. This distance should be at least equal the largest dimension in
the cross-section area. For our case, this distance is the width of the bar.
After this distance, the stress distrubtion becomes uniform and we can
find the average stress using σavg = P/A.
You can also observe the none uniform deformation in the supporting
This manner of behavior is called Saint-Venant’s principle.
Axial load
4.2. elastic deformation of an axially loaded member

As mentioned before, the stress and strain are related to this element
are found by using the next equation
P x  dδ
 and ε 
Ax  dx

P x   d 
Hook’s law states : σ = E.ε. Therefore:  E  
A x   dx 

Px dx
Rearrange the previous equation: d 
Ax E

Px dx

Integrate to find δ:   
Ax E
Axial load
4.2. elastic deformation of an axially loaded member

According to the previous derivation, to find the total deformation in

axially loaded member, we use this equation

Px dx
 
Ax E

For a constant load (i.e. P(x) = P) and cross-section area (i.e. A(x) =A)
the deflection in the member can be found simply:

Where L is the total length of the member
Axial load
4.2. elastic deformation of an axially loaded member

When the member is subjected to several different axial loads (P)

 
The final thing is the sign convention. We can assume:
If the load and the elongation is tensile then the sign is positive
for both P and δ.
If the load and the elongation is compersion then the sign is
negative for both P and δ.
Axial load
4.3. principle of superposition

It can be used to simply problems having complicated loadings. This is

done by dividing the loading into components, then algebraically adding
the results.

 It is applicable provided the material obeys Hooke’s Law and the

deformation is small.

If P = P1 + P2 and d ≈ d1 ≈ d2, then the deflection at location x is sum

of two cases, δx = δx1 + δx2
Axial load
4.4. statically indeterminate axially loaded members

In some cases as the one shown in the figure, the number reaction
unknowns is larger than the number of equilibrium equations. These
cases are called statically indeterminate

In such cases, other equations are required to

solve the unknowns. This condition is called
compatibility or kinematic condition.

For example, in the case shown in the figure, the

equilibrium vertical forces equation is

FB  FA  P  0
As you can see: one equation, two unknowns
Axial load
4.4. statically indeterminate axially loaded members

to find other equation (i.e. compatibility condition), the total

deflection is zero or: the deflection at A equal the –deflection at point B.
A B  0   0
 FA  FB
The final equation is the 2nd equation to solve the
two unknowns
Axial load
4.5. statically indeterminate: force method

It is another way to solve statically indeterminate problem

Consider the statically indeterminate shown in fig.(a), the displacement
caused by the force P at point B is δp so the reaction (FB) must cause a
displacement δB equal to δp :
δp - δB =0
Axial load
4.5. statically indeterminate: force method

Substitute the deflection formula

P B  0    0  FB  P
This is the 1st equation. The 2nd equation is derived from the
equilibrium condition

FA  FB  P  0   FA  P  0
 FA  P
Axial load
4.6. thermal stresses

When the temperature of a body changed: incerase or decrease, the

body will expand or contract according the change (or difference) in the
The relation between the thermal deflection(δT) and temperature
difference (∆T) is given by:
δT = α.∆T.L
• δT is the thermal deflection
•α is the thermal expansion coefficient
•∆T the temperature change
•L is the length of the member
Axial load
4.6. thermal stresses

In the case of free members (i.e. one end is free to deflect), the thermal
deflection take place without generating stresses. These cases are the
statically determinate members.
If the member is restricted by supports (i.e. statically indeterminate),
the thermal deflection will cause thermal stresses which must be
consider in the design problems.
Axial load
4.7. stress concentration

It was mentioned previously that the stress may be concentrated in the
points of force application. At this point we can derive an equation to
relate the stress in these points to the applied load.
Assume the following member. The actual stress distribution shown in
Fig(b) is derived from the deflection of the grid shown in Fig(a) while the
stress distribution
Shown In Fig(c) is
averaged stress
to the actual one
Axial load
4.7. stress concentration

Apply force equilibrium condition

P    .dA
In engineering practice, there is a relation between the maximum
stress and averaged stress represented by The stress concentration
factor K

 max
 avg
Axial load
4.7. stress concentration

 K is independent of the material properties

 K depends only on the specimen’s geometry and the type of
If we know K and the average stress is calculated as: P/A where
A is the area of the smallest cross section, then the maximum
stress (σmax) can be determined easily .

 max  K
Axial load
4.7. stress concentration

To find K, use the following charts

Axial load
4.8. inelastic axial deformation

When a material is stressed beyond the elastic range, it starts

to yield and thereby causes permanent deformation. Among
various inelastic behavior, the common cases exhibit
elastoplastic or elastic-perfectly-plastic behavior.
Axial load
4.9. residual stress

After an axially loaded member is stressed beyond yield stress,

it will create residual stress in the member when the loads are
Consider the stress history of a prismatic member made from
an elastoplastic material.
Path OA: Member is loaded to reach yield stress σY
Path AC: Member deforms plastically
Path CD: Unloading but permanent strain ε0 remains

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