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Debugging Your Open

Removing conditioned blocks and
resolving ‘not self’ behavior using
Human Design, WaveMaker and Core
„ Each type develops unconscious behaviors that
begin as a child and continue through life. We
call these ‘not self’ behaviors.
„ We must always look at Type first to understand
the underlying not self theme that is at work.
„ The first step in the deconditioning process is to
make the client aware of the not self behavior
and the insidious grip that it has on their life.
„ We will review each Type and the typical not self
The Not Self Manifestor
„ The Manifestor needs assistance in undoing this conditioning by beginning
to resolve the fear of being controlled and also by realizing that they are
here to initiate and manifest what they want in life and that resistance is
just part of the process. By informing they can remove as much resistance
as possible and put others at ease without being passive.
„ Note: Often Manifestors are surprised to learn that they are in fact
Manifestors and because of the life long suppression, it can take them a
long time to get in touch with their power.
„ You can empower Manifestors by telling them that they are here to
“impact” others. This is a very powerful statement to make to a Manifestor.
Deep inside their dream is to have an impact on as many people as possible
in their life.
„ When they make a decision it is imperative that they make a list of all the
people that their decision will impact and then inform those people. This
simple technique will enlist support from people rather than resistance. If
they make a decision and take action before informing those key people
then these people will feel ignored and run over.
„ If the Manifestor has a defined Solar Plexus then most likely they will need
to be debugged for being impulsive. This is a HUGE problem for emotionally
defined Manifestors and gets them into trouble in their lives over and over
again. Learning to wait out the wave before making a decision is likely the
only way a Manifestor will become a success in this life.
Debugging Possibilities for
the Not-self Manifestor
„ Resisting Feeling Things Fully
– The back log of anger
– The anger is actually at one’s self for not knowing how to avoid
– The fear of meeting resistance
– The fear of being controlled
„ Trying to Force an Outcome
– The habit of NOT informing
– If Solar plexus is defined
ƒ debug for being impulsive – Over-reacting to Circumstances
ƒ and for resistance to waiting
„ Looking for Yourself Where You Are Not - Resisting
– Identification with the conditioned way of being
– The expectation of meeting resistance
Use of Pure Awareness Techniques
for the Not-self Manifestor
„ CORE for
– resolving unresolved anger
– resolving the fear of meeting resistance
– resolving fear of being controlled
„ UNPLUG from
– the expectation of meeting resistance
– the habit of taking action without informing
„ WAIT for
– Clarity of KNOWING before making decisions
„ GAP for
– experiencing Pure Awareness
The Not-Self Pure Generator
„ In their vain attempt to manifest or initiate without waiting to respond to
what life will naturally bring them they generate immense frustration at the
resistance they meet and often simply give up. Having not waited to begin
something according to their strategy they rarely stick at anything long
enough to achieve the mastery that is their potential as a natural builder.
Most end up being enslaved doing work that is unfulfilling.
„ Our world has been conditioned by Manifestors and so all other types are
trying to behave as Manifestors by initiation and going after what they think
they want.
„ A Generator’s design is very different than a Manifestors in that they do not
have a connection in their circuitry connecting one of the four motors to the
throat. The throat center is the center of manifestation and the ‘gear shift’.
It’s metamorphic.
„ If a Generator enters into something correctly then they move through
stages of perfecting or development. They need to know that it’s when they
get stuck in a certain place that metamorphous is about to happen and to
not jump ship because of frustration but to wait for the metamorphous.
„ When a Generator initiates the energy gets stuck and can’t move forward.
When a Generator initiates they are giving over their ‘authority’ to the mind.
The mind thinks it knows what it wants but the mind has no connection to
the sacral which is where the truth resides.
The Not-Self Pure Generator
„ In order for a Generator to know what is truly correct for them the sacral
must be asked or initiated so that it can respond. It is in the sacral
response where the truth lies.
„ A Generator must begin the process of giving up ‘mental concepts’ of what
they think their life is supposed to look like and begin to surrender to the
correctness of their response. They must let go of attachment and
„ The good news for a Generator is that they can in fact begin to experiment
with their sacral response immediately.
„ Many Generators may have a difficult time getting reconnected to their
sacral response because of the years of suppressing it or denying it. In
some cases it was conditioned out of them since early childhood and
therefore they never developed a relationship with their sacral response. All
blocks to entering into the experiment of listening to their sacral response
must be removed. These might include:
– The fear of losing control of their life.
– The fear of the unknown.
– The fear that nothing will happen in their life and their survival will be in jeopardy.
– The fear that I have to do or initiate for anything to come to me or happen in my life.
– The fear that no one will ask them.
– The fear of letting go.
Debugging Possibilities for
the Not-Self Generator
„ The conditioning of trying to be a manifestor
„ The habit of initiating instead of responding
„ The habit of making decisions with the mind
„ The habit of relying on the mind and intellect
„ The suppression of awareness of the sacral response in
the body
„ The habit of not noticing/over-riding the sacral response
with mental rationalizations, etc.
„ The back log of frustration from incorrectly initiating
„ The habit of jumping ship instead of waiting for
„ The fears listed on the previous page
Use of Pure Awareness Techniques
for the Not-Self Generator
„ CORE for
– resolving unresolved frustration
– resolving disappointment of not being a Manifestor
„ UNPLUG from
– the habit of rationalizing mental decisions
– the habit of initiating
– jumping ship instead of waiting for metamorphous
„ WAIT for
– clarity of KNOWING before taking action (especially if
Solar Plexus is defined)
– metamorphous
„ GAP for
– experiencing your essential nature
The Not Self Manifesting Generator
„ Such a being will always try to initiate and manifest, and when
he/she meets resistance they will smash through it again and again
leading to a damaged body and eventual ill-health. They suffer from
both impatience and aggressiveness, and they have both anger and
frustration in their life through their inability to wait and respond to
their sacral sounds.
„ Their purpose in life is to find work that they love with the ability to
demonstrate their gift for efficiency (knowing which steps are
„ Manifesting Generators do not want to hear that they need to wait
to respond in order for life to work for them. This is the last thing
they want to hear.
„ Manifesting Generators typically aggressively ‘go after’ life and do a
tremendous amount of initiating. The are like race horses with
blinders on and absolutely focused on the end result.
„ It is very difficult and very challenging for a Manifesting Generator
to slow down long enough to wait and listen to their sacral
The Not Self Manifesting Generator
„ There is a tremendous amount of suppressed anger in the MG which
has developed over a life time of dealing with the resistance they
„ Things just never move fast enough for a MG.
„ They need to learn the value in waiting to respond and developing
„ The key difference between a Pure Generator and a Manifesting
Generator is that the MG does have a circuit connection between a
motor and the throat and because of this they do not go through
stages of frustration and perfection. Rather they get frustrated and
angry when things don’t happen their way or fast enough.
„ The goal with a MG is to get them to accept that waiting and
responding is best for them and then to learn patience. And to
debug any underlying cause as to what is keeping them from being
patient. Often impatience is just a habit.
„ They can be debugged for all the same things as a Pure Generator.
Debugging Possibilities for
the Not-Self Manifesting Generator
„ All of the same items as for the Generator - plus
„ Suppressed anger
„ The habit of not informing before taking action
„ The causes and habit of being impatient
„ Resistance and disappointment to having to wait
for something to respond to
„ Identification with the conditioned way of being
„ Identification with the ego/being the doer
„ If solar plexus is defined – the habit of being
impulsive and not waiting for clarity
Use of Pure Awareness Techniques
for Not-Self Manifesting Generator
„ CORE for
– resolving unresolved anger and frustration
– resolving the feelings of impatience and fear
– resolving disappointment of not being a Manifestor
„ UNPLUG from
– Taking action based on having it “My way” (Trying to Force an
Outcome – Identification with ego)
– Taking action because things aren’t happening fast enough /
being impulse
– the habit of initiating
„ WAIT for
– clarity of KNOWING before taking action (especially if the Solar
Plexus is defined)
„ GAP for
– experiencing your essential nature
The Not Self Projector
„ As with all types that are not Manifestors, Projectors also
try to manifest or initiate, and upon meeting resistance
become bitter and resentful as they end up having to
compromise. As a non-energy type – having no
consistent access to energy – no motor to throat and no
sacral definition - they often find themselves exhausted.
They are always trying to be seen by people who simply
do not recognize their ability to guide.
„ Projectors are here to guide others.
„ The not self behavior is to try and get seen or
„ They have to learn to let go and allow the recognition to
come to them. It does not work for them to pursue it.
When they try to get recognized they meet nothing but
„ They have felt ‘not seen’ in their lives and have become
bitter because of this.
The Not Self Projector
„ They are very sensitive to the other and are mostly focused on the other and this is
fine except when they interfere without being invited.
„ They are here to understand the other so it is normal for them to be focused on the
other. Through understanding the other, they understand themselves.
„ But if their motivation for taking care of the other is so that they will get attention or
get recognized then they will simply become bitter.
„ Another area for the Projector to resolve is ‘compromise’ – they tend to have an
attitude that they will not get the life they really want so they compromise in their
relationships and jobs by “settling”. Settling is a HUGE problem for the Projector.
„ They need to be debugged for:
– Trusting that they will get recognized and invited when the time is right.
– To stop looking outside for validation and recognition.
– To stop trying to attract attention.
– To stop initiating the conversation.
– To not offer suggestions or opinions unless invited.
– To trust that the right relationship, job, life will be offered to them at the correct time.
– To know and trust that they do not have to settle or compromise.
Debugging Possibilities for
the Not-Self Projector
„ Resisting Feeling Things Fully
– Bitterness
– Impatience
– Desperateness - Looking for Yourself Where You Are Not
– The habit of attempting to be seen or recognized
– The habit of looking outside for recognition and validation
– Settling for less than you really want
„ Resisting Change
– Identification with the conditioned way of being
„ Trying to Force the Outcome
– The habit of interfering or initiating without being invited
Use of Pure Awareness Techniques
for the Not-Self Projector
„ CORE for
– resolving unresolved bitterness
– resolving the feelings of impatience
– resolving disappointment of not being a Manifestor
– Resolving impatience and desperateness while waiting to be invited
„ UNPLUG from
– Taking action in order to get recognized / be seen
– Taking action when not invited
– the habit of initiating without being invited
– Taking invitations out of desperateness or the fear of being not
„ WAIT for
– The RIGHT invitation
„ GAP for
– experiencing your essential nature
The Not Self Reflector
„ These types can become the most lost of all, left feeling disappointed with others and
woefully dejected by the resistance they meet in trying to initiate or manifest.
Instead of being the hub of a community they often end up feeling left out. They
have to endure constant identification with other people’s emotions/stress/anxiety.
„ Their potential is to reflect everything around them with perfect equanimity.
„ Reflectors are not more vulnerable than the other designs even with all 9 centers
open. They are, in fact, the most resilient.
„ The undefined centers are not a handicap if they are operating correctly. In fact the
open centers can be the deepest windows of wisdom.
„ If the Reflector knows their design clearly then they are absolutely protected from
identifying with anything at all.
„ Because their chemistry magnifies everything and everyone, they have the potential
to see everything that is really happening in a way that no one else can.
„ They filter the general consciousness field.
„ The role of the Reflector is to be one with the totality. There greatest gift is to read
„ They have the opportunity for a mystical life that most of us cannot know.
„ The have a special connection with the moon and in a way they represent the moon
on earth.
The Not Self Reflector
„ They are open and vulnerable however (but with resilience)
„ They must not identify with what they are mirroring because then
they will easily get lost and confused.
„ They must be careful not to become dependant on those around
them and be very careful about who they allow into their inner
„ They need to maintain their wonder at life – this is what it means to
be a reflector. But they so often find the world disappointing.
„ They need to become comfortable and unattached with each
moment of reflection.
„ They do need to be in the heart of the community so that they can
learn from all those who are around them.
„ They are here to learn that there is no good or bad in the world -
just different.
The Not Self Reflector
„ It’s important for Reflectors to have time alone to shake off the
conditioning that they are exposed to on a daily basis.
„ The fears:
– Can I be myself?
– Who am I?
– Worrying about having a fixed identity
– All the worries and fear from all 9 open centers (which we will cover
– The fear of being invisible.
„ They need to become comfortable with the lack of fixedness in their
design. They flow and change with the cycle of the moon and with
the auras of those around them.
„ It is key for a Reflector to reflect their truth rather than the pain of
„ They can be very distracted with all those open centers or develop
the potential for great wisdom.
Debugging Possibilities for
the Not-Self Reflector
„ Resisting Feeling Things Fully
– Disappointment, dejection, isolation, vulnerability
– The influence of enduring others stress and anxiety
„ Being judgmental
– There is no good or bad, only difference
„ Looking for Yourself Where You Are Not
– The habit identifying with others
– Any habit of being dependent on others
– The fear of being invisible
„ Resisting Change
– Identification with the conditioned way of being
– For living in the wonder of uncertainty
„ Trying to Force the Outcome
– The habit of interfering or initiating without being invited
Use of Pure Awareness Techniques
for the Not-Self Reflector
„ CORE for
– Disappointment, dejection, isolation, vulnerability
– resolving disappointment in life/the world
– resolving disappointment of not being a Manifestor
– resolving feelings associated with being judgmental
„ UNPLUG from
– Identifying with others / the input from the open centers
– Interpreting what is being picked up as being you / self defining
„ WAIT for
– A full cycle of the moon for important decisions
„ GAP for
– experiencing your essential nature and getting the sense of self
from Pure Awareness instead of all of the reflections of others
The Ultimate States of Acceptance
and Transcendence by Type
„ If you are a Manifestor, you may be beginning to remember the
fire that burns deep within you – the fire that you have probably
allowed so many people to dampen.
„ If you are a Generator or a Manifesting Generator, you may
feel completely liberated to learn what you have always suspected
about yourself – that you are not designed to be a ‘go-getter’, and
as you relax. Things happen more smoothly.
„ If you are a Projector, you may feel a sense of relief that you do
not have to ‘do’ anything in order to get the recognition that you
know you deserve – that you have only to wait and your invitation
will come.
„ If you are a Reflector, you may have finally understood why you
feel so different from everyone around you and you may well be
excited to learn more about your extraordinary Design.
Life Codes and Attitudes

Below are the five Life Codes and the five Attitudes matched to each of the
five Human Design Types:
Type Life Code Attitude
Manifestor Proactive Courtesy
Manifesting Generator Responsive Patience
Generator Responsive Resilience
Projector Interactive Faith
Reflector Digestive Trust
If our attitude is correct, we create positive chemistry, and if not, we
create negative chemistry. Each of the five Types therefore has a
positive and negative theme associated with them.

Type Negative Theme Positive Theme

Manifestor Provocative Empowering

Manifesting Generator Obstinate Dynamic

Generator Frustrating Rhythmic

Projector Interfering Integrative

Reflector Dissipating Embracing

Whatever it is you want in life, just go
after it - just make sure that you
include others at the same time
(inform). If you exclude yourself, you
will cut yourself off from the source
of your power. Find the passion and
Release it!
Generator/Manifesting Generator
Forget about what you think you want in
life. Relax and allow life to deliver your
dreams to your door. Only as you begin to
respond to life, will you see how much you
have been conned by the world that life is
so hard. As you respond, you will also
experience a creative explosion and a
rhythm that will continue to guide you
onwards for the rest of your life.

You have to stop trying to get people to recognize

you. You need to be able to walk into a room
believing in yourself so much that you no longer
need anything from anyone present. You need to
realize that when someone doesn't recognize you,
it isn't personal, which means you can
immediately let it go. You are designed and
destined to achieve recognition for doing what
you love. All you have to do is wait for it to
happen. Sooner or later, it will
The most important thing for you is to find
the right place to live and work. Once you
have found this place, all things will begin
to revolve around you and many doors will
open to you. You also always need to allow
yourself enough time and space to be clear
about who belongs in your life and who
does not. You need a minimum of one
month to truly know whether you can
trust a person or not
The Open Centers
The Open Centers
„ The potential of the Open Centers is for great wisdom. To understand what is mine
vs. theirs. To let go of attachment. To allows the open centers to be a filter vs.
something we act upon or something that drives our hidden motivations. The wisdom
to be attained:
„ Head – Knowing true inspiration
„ Ajna – Recognizing valued mental concepts
„ Throat – Understanding that timing is everything
„ G – Correct Place and Love leads to a correct life
„ Ego – Egoless ness without force
„ Spleen – Implementing intuitional guidance
„ Solar Plexus – Embracing all spectrums of emotions
„ Sacral – Knowing when enough is enough (boundaries)
„ Root – Enjoying Stillness and Joy

„ The open centers are not you! They are simply how you experience the other and the
„ Not-self strategies get developed as a protection mechanism. A protection against the
openness and the mental interpretation of the (painful) experience.
Questions from the Undefined Centers
Your Purpose = Profile Your Role = Cross Your Characteristics = Design

If you don’t live out your Strategy, all you live out are your characteristics

Am I holding onto relationships, jobs and places that are not good
SPLEEN for me? Do I know when I am being abused? Do I end abusive
relationships or do I hang on with the hope that they will change?

Am I trying to convince everyone that I am certain? Am I holding

AJNA onto concepts that do not serve me? Am I ridged in my beliefs?
Am I letting my mind run my life? Am I trying to figure out my
life from my mind?

SOLAR Am I avoiding confrontation and truth? Am I afraid and hiding

PLEXUS from the consequences of upsetting someone? Do I hide my truth
so I don’t rock the boat and have to deal with the consequences?

Am I trying to answer everybody else’s questions? Am I making

HEAD decisions about my life from my mind?

Am I in a hurry to get things done so I can be free of the pressure?

ROOT Am I letting the pressure of the outside world run me and my life?

Do I know when enough is enough? Do I stop when I need rest?

SACRAL Do I “know” when I need rest? Do I honor the inconsistency of my

Do I feel and think I have something to prove? (i.e. am I smart

EGO enough, successful, sexy, etc.) Do I say yes when I mean no? Do I
value myself (are my prices too low)?

Am I looking for love? Am I looking for purpose and direction in

G life? Am I trying to find out who I am? Am I worried about the
future? Am I aware that in order for me to be with the right people
I need to be in the right place? Does my environment feel correct?

Am I trying to attract attention? Am I trying to be a doer? Am I

THROAT worried about what I am going to manifest? Am I acting like a
Manifestor? Am I initiating the conversation?
The Mind
„ Before we can understand how the open centers impact us we need to
understand something about the mind. The mind, whether defined or
undefined tries to be the ‘authority’ for the person’s life. It’s very powerful
and it thinks it knows best. It is very attached to the life and tries to control
it. It thinks that the passenger is in control rather than the vehicle. And it
will say ANYTHING to stay in control.
„ The mind becomes the ‘spokesperson’ for the open centers making up
stories about why we should do this or that. The mental dialog and mind
chatter will correlate exactly with the not self strategies of the open
„ As an example, if the person has an open spleen then the mind will be
looking for ways to survive. And it will try and hold onto relationships and
jobs thinking that it needs them in order to survive. Even if the relationship
is not healthy for the person.
„ The mind is only interested in survival through feeling safe/feeling
connected to a defined spleen in some way.
„ Each open center has not self behavior and this behavior comes from
conditioning and not self strategies developed over years and years of life
experiences and interpretations of these experiences.
Debugging the Mind
„ Habit of over-reliance on the mind
„ Habit of not knowing through feeling and
therefore resorting to the mind as a back
up authority
„ Habit of not being aware that we do this
Awareness Centers
„ There are 3
awareness centers in
the bodygraph.
Open Center Fears
„ Awareness centers
• Three Awareness
have the potential to
become aware.
– Ajna
– Spleen „ They are the Spleen,
– Solar Plexus
Ajna and Solar
„ These centers carry
the deepest potential
for conditioning.
„ The Spleen is the oldest and most
developed of awareness centers.
„ The Spleen governs survival and operates
in the now.
„ The open spleen takes in the fears in the
environment and interprets these fears as
a personal survival threat. It is very
sensitive to survival issues.

Fears Undefined Spleen

• 50 Responsibility
• 44 Past
• 57 Future
• 48 Inadequacy
• 18 Authority
• 28 Death/Purpose
• 32 Failure
„ 48 – Fear of Inadequacy. Fear of not being good enough. Need
to let go of the feeling of inadequacy. It’s not you.
„ 57 – Fear of the future. Let go of living your life in fear of the
„ 44 – Fear of the Past. Let go of living your life based on past
experiences (baggage)
„ 50 – Fear of Responsibility. Taking responsibility for your own
survival. Let go of taking on responsibility that is not yours.
„ 32 – Fear of Failure. Do not let the fear of failure stop you from
moving forward in life.
„ 28 – Fear of Death/Purpose. Allow your purpose to simply
unfold before you. Your life does have purpose.
„ 18 – Fear of Authority. Let go of being concerned with the
judgments of others and come to peace with the fear of authority.
Let go of judging yourself and others. Challenging authority.
„ Net result is wrong people in their lives. They are dependant on the other
to the point of being totally blind as to the negative impact of the other on
their life.
„ Summary of the Spleen Center:
„ The Spleen center is our oldest awareness center, our body consciousness.
„ It’s frequency is in the now and its fears are about survival.
„ The main themes of the Spleen center are: health, feel-good, survival, fear
„ Biologically, it relates to the lymphatic system, the spleen and the spleen
„ The function of the Spleen center is to keep us healthy and alive.
„ A defined Spleen has to honor their gut feeling to stay healthy.
„ An undefined Spleen has to pay attention to its health. It can never be
„ The Golden Rule of the undefined Spleen is: Spontaneity can kill you.
„ The spleen is intelligent. It has had millions of years of development.
Instinct, intuition and judgment.
Open Spleen

„ There is an inconsistent feeling of security/insecurity.

„ It will look for another spleen to hold onto so it feels safe.
„ Unable to let go.
„ It holds onto things that are not good for it.
„ It loses it’s discernment and perspective.
„ It’s not even aware that it is holding on.
„ They will stay even when there is abuse and even when they are
„ The open spleen will abide any type of relationship just to have the
„ Fear of letting go.
„ The mind will make up reasons as to why it needs to hold on. It will
Open Spleen
„ It’s an automatic unconscious response.
„ I’m going to hold on because I don’t know what will happen tomorrow.
„ Last time I let go such and such happened. I am holding on because I am afraid.
„ Then they let go of what is good for you.
„ Unable to let go of the security of the definition.
„ An underlying feeling of insecurity.
„ The mind does not know what to hold onto or what to let go of so it stays in the
wrong relationships or let’s go of the wrong things.
„ They become addicted to holding on to relationships that are not good for them.
„ The fears that they are feeling are not theirs. They are picking up the fears in the
environment and interpreting them as theirs. They are identifying with those fears
and reacting to them.
„ The most difficult problem is the dysfunction in relationships. The open Spleen leads
to the wrong kind of relationships for the wrong reasons.
„ The open spleen is about intelligence. Your intelligence is being conditioned by
others. You have to be very careful about who you spend your time with.
Undefined Spleen General Theme

„ Am I holding onto
relationships, jobs
and places that are
not good for me? Do I
know when I am
being abused? Do I
end abusive
relationships or do I
hang on with the
hope that they will
Testing the energy of the Spleen
„ Testing the energy of the SP meridian
– Ting point

„ The spleen and

pancreas share
a meridian
„ The spleen’s
energy is tested
more on the left
foot and the
energy more on
the right foot
Testing the
energy of
the Spleen
„ Hand over the spleen
„ The organ of the
spleen is on the left
side of the abdomen
even though the
energy center is
shown on the right
side of the body
Testing the energy of the Spleen
„ Testingthe energy of the spleen using
intention statements
– The energy of my spleenic center is optimal
– My relationship with my spleenic responses is
– I clearly distinguish between spleenic
responses that are healthy or unhealthy for
Debugging the influence of the
conditioning of the Open Spleen
„ Intentions for WMC sessions for open spleen
– I am the observer of my spleen energy center’s
interactions with the environment
– I accept and am at peace with inconsistencies in my
body’s physical well being
– I am attuned to my body’s needs and listen and
respond to the these needs
– I am adept at diagnosing ill health in others and the
– I witness the energy of fear without becoming
overwhelmed by it or over-reacting to it
Debugging the influence of the
conditioning of the Open Spleen
„ More intentions for open spleen people
– I maintain a state of balance and evenness in the
midst of fears
– I notice fears when they arise and I simply feel them
rather than become reactive
– I clearly distinguish between real fears that require a
response in order to be safe versus fears that are
reactions to things I am making up in my mind
– I enjoy the auras of defined spleens without
becoming dependent on them
– I recognize and accept that I am designed to
experience inconsistency in how I feel
– I am masterful at distinguishing which fears are mine
and which are coming from others/the environment
Debugging the influence of the
conditioning of the Open Spleen
„ Statements/issues to be debugged
– I have a habit of trying to fix others
– I feel dependent in relationships
– How I feel in my body is a problem
– I am spontaneous
– I think that I need to be spontaneous
– I have a habit of holding onto things that are
harmful to me
– I have difficulty knowing what is healthy for
me and what is not
Debugging for specific spleenic
activations (hanging gates)
„ 48 – I feel inadequacy
– I have a habit of being identified with the feeling of not being enough
„ 57 – I am afraid of the future
– I have a of projecting possible negative outcomes onto the future
„ 44 – I am afraid of the past
– I have a of fearing that “it” might happen again
„ 50 – I am afraid of responsibility
– I am responsibility for my personal safety and survival
– I have a of taking on responsibility that is not mine
„ 32 – I am afraid of failing
– I have a of letting the fear of failure stop me from moving forward in my life
„ 28 – I am afraid of dying / I am afraid of not having a sense of
– I allow my purpose to simply show up / My life does have purpose
– I have a habit of fearing that my life lacks purpose / fearing that I will die
„ 18 – I am afraid of authority
– I have a habit of judging yourself and others
– I have a habit of challenging authority
Debugging the influence of the
conditioning of the Defined Spleen
„ The dynamic of ignoring your intuition
– The habit of not trusting and acting on your intuition
due to a fear of being punished or of having to face
confrontation or negative consequences
„ Any habit of not listening to the wisdom of the
defined spleen that results in severe illness
„ It the spleen is the main authority – not listening
to hunches
„ If the solar plexus is the main authority – the
habit of being spontaneous
Use of Pure Awareness Techniques
for the Open Spleen
„ CORE for
– Coming out of the grip of fears
– The feeling insecurity
– The fear of letting go of things that I have been holding onto
„ UNPLUG from
– The habit reactivity to fears
– The habit of trying to fix or change others
„ WAIT for
– Clarify
– A sense of separateness from fear
– Until you can distinguish between real and unreal fears
„ GAP for
– experiencing your essential nature so that you can feel self
sufficient and genuinely independent of others

„ The Ajna is the center of

„ As an awareness center, the Ajna operates
“over time”. It’s awareness comes later in
„ It filters the mental field.
„ Open Ajna "Not-Self" behavior:
Giving in to the pressure to have an answer
Being uncomfortable when you don’t have an answer
Being so used the conditioning, not really being aware that there is pressure to have an answer
- it's become a habit
Not being fully present because the open Ajna is working to develop an answer or comment
while pretending to listen
Finishing other person's sentences before the person gets a chance to finish expressing their
Impatience with listening because they already know what the other is going to say (or they
think they do)
Pressure to Tell people what you think they want to hear or giving answers you think they
Needing to be mentally "certain" about things
Being a "know it all“
Developing ‘fixed’ ideas and concepts and becoming mentally ridged
Trying to solve your ‘personal problems’ by trying to figure them out

Fears Undefined Ajna

• 47 Futility
• 24 Ignorance
• 4 Chaos
• 11 Darkness
• 43 Rejection
• 17 Challenge

47 – Futility – the mental anxiety that life is oppressive and futile. The
pressure to make sense of the confusion.
24 – Ignorance – the mental anxiety that I will never “know” – that a
new ‘knowing’ will never come. The pressure to know.
4 – Chaos – the mental anxiety that I will never put order to my life
and that I will always be in chaos. The pressure to have answers.
11 – Darkness – the mental anxiety that I will never have a new idea
and that there won’t be anything stimulating to think about or learn. The
pressure to manifest my ideas.
43 – Rejection – the mental anxiety that my ideas are too weird and
will be rejected. The pressure to make sense.
17 – Challenge - The fear that my opinions will be challenged so I
won’t share them. The pressure to have the details to share opinions.
Undefined Ajna General Theme

„ Am I trying to convince
everyone that I am
certain? Am I holding
onto concepts that do not
serve me? Am I ridged in
my beliefs? Am I letting
my mind run my life? Am
I trying to figure out my
life from my mind?
Testing the energy of the Ajna
„ Testing the energy of the NS meridian
– Ting point

„ The ns meridian
can be tested
on either hand
Testing the
energy of
the Ajna

„ Hand over the

forehead and
muscle test
Testing the energy of the Ajna
„ Testingthe energy of the Ajna using
intention statements
– The energy of my Ajna center is optimal
– My relationship with my Ajna responses is
– I clearly distinguish between spleenic
responses that are healthy or unhealthy for
Debugging the influence of the
conditioning of the Open Ajna
„ Intentions for WMC sessions for open Ajna people
– I am comfortable with not having an answer
– I am completely OK with saying “I don’t know.” or “I don’t have an
answer for you.”
– I am free of the habit of feeling pressured to have an answer
– I am present
– I listening authentically
– I listen patiently even if I feel I know what the person is going to say
– I am comfortable and at peace with not knowing
– I live in the wonder and delight of uncertainty
– I am open and flexible in my ideas and concepts
– I am comfortable with waiting for clarity
Debugging the influence of the
conditioning of the Open Ajna
„ Debugging statements / issues for open Ajna people
– The habit of feeling like I have to have an answer
– The habit of not being fully present and pretending to listen because I am
working to develop an answer or comment
– The habit of finishing other people’s sentences before the person gets a chance
to finish expressing their thought
– The habit of feeling impatience because I already know what the other person
is going to say (or I think I do)
– The habit of feeling pressure to tell people what I think they want to hear or to
give them answers I think they want
– The habit of needing to be mentally "certain" about things
– The habit of excluding other perspectives and needing to be right
– The habit of being identified with your ideas about how things should be
– The habit of being a "know it all“
– The habit of being mentally ridged
– The habit of trying to figure out your problems with your mind
Debugging for specific Ajna
activations (hanging gates)
„ 47 – It’s hopeless
– The habit of feeling anxious, oppressed and that life is futile
– The habit of feeling discomfort with uncertainty and confusion
„ 24 – I feel stupid – I’m afraid I’ll never know
– The habit of mental anxiety that I will never “know”
– The habit of the pressure to know the answer
„ 4 – Chaos
– The habit of having mental anxiety that I will never put order to my life
– The sense that I will always be in chaos
– The pressure to have answers
„ 11 – Darkness
– The habit of feeling that I will never have a new idea
– The feeling of pressure to manifest my ideas
„ 43 – Rejection
– the mental anxiety that my ideas are too weird and will be rejected
– The pressure to make sense
– The fear of having my ideas be rejected
„ 17 – Challenge
– The habit of not sharing your opinions for fear of being challenged
Use of Pure Awareness Techniques
for the Open Ajna
„ CORE for
– Resolving the feeling of pressure to have answers
– The discomfort of feeling like I have to have an answer
– The feeling of impatience
– The feeling of needing to be right
„ UNPLUG from
– Finishing other people’s sentences
– The habit of trying to “figure it out”
„ WAIT for
– Clarify
„ GAP for
– experiencing your essential nature so that you can feel at peace
with not having answers and the process of waiting
„ The Solar Plexus is our emotional
awareness center.
„ It is the newest of all awareness centers
and therefore is not fully developed.
„ The open solar plexus takes in the
emotional conditioning of the
„ This open center carries the deepest
conditioning of any center.

Fears Undefined Solar Plexus

• 6 Intimacy
• 37 Tradition
• 22 Silence
• 36 Inadequacy
• 30 Fate/Unknown
• 55 Emptiness/Purpose
• 49 Nature/Extinction
„ 30 - Fear of Fate. Unable to confront because of the fear of what
might happen. Nervous about the desire for an experience and a
nervousness about what might happen - fear of dreaming because if
they dream and it doesn’t happen then they will feel the pain.

„ 55th - Fear of Emptiness/Purpose. This is about spirit and

passion and the fear that it will not experience the spirit of life. It
would not have worked anyway. The 55 is about deep passion and
experiencing the depth of pleasure and pain. Great fear is that it will
loose it's spirit so it acts fickle - this one or that one? Fear of not
having anything to be passionate about. Fear of not having
someone to love. Unrequited love - To love something you can
never have is profound. Fear of emptiness/no one to love/nothing to
be passionate about.
„ 49th - Fear of Unpredictability - the fear of God. Afraid of the
consequences. There is unpredictability so you avoid. I don't want
to fall in love because I'm afraid that it will leave me feeling empty.
I don't want to argue these principles because I know they won't
accept it. This is all coming from the mind. Never would have
worked out anyway.... they would not have loved me anyway.

„ 6th - Fear of Intimacy - the avoidance of intimacy. This is the

ultimate confrontation. Fear of being found out... that the other will
see below the surface. No one really knows them well. Others have
a delusion about who they are. They don't have true relations with
others. The not self establishes the phooey persona in order to
protect it from the truth.
„ 37 – Fear of Tradition. - gate of the family - being
forced to conform. If I get married then certain
traditions will be expected of me in that role.

„ 22nd - Fear of Silence. - frightened to be ignored -

Painful to give the open 22 the silence treatment. Fear
that there is nothing worth listening too.

„ 36th - Fear of Inadequacy. - fear of crisis - fear of

experiences going bad - sexual fear that you will be
incompetent sexually - not being able to be good at it.
Undefined Solar Plexus

„ Am I avoiding
confrontation and
truth? Am I afraid and
hiding from the
consequences of
upsetting someone?
Do I hide my truth so
I don’t rock the boat
and have to deal with
the consequences?
Testing the energy of the Solar Plexus
„ Testing the Ting points of the kidney (either foot)
and pancreas meridians (right foot for pancreas)
Testing the
energy of
the Solar
„ Hand over the
Solar Plexus
Testing the energy of the Solar Plexus

„ Testingthe energy of the Solar Plexus

using intention statements
– The energy of my Solar Plexus center is
Debugging the influence of the
conditioning of the Open Solar Plexus
„ Intentions for WMC sessions for open Solar
Plexus people
– I surf the emotional wave, soaking up the highs and
lows that I experience without being identified with
them or allowing them to control my decisions and
– I easily and completely avoid making emotionally
charged decisions
– I face confrontation and observe the emotions that
arise in me without fearing or reacting to them
– I feel anything and everything without the fear of
being overwhelmed
Debugging the influence of the
conditioning of the Open Solar Plexus
„ Statements/issues to be debugged
– I have a habit of feeling overwhelmed by my
– I avoid confrontation at all costs
– I have a habit of lying in order to not rock the boat
– I have a habit of reacting to other’s emotions and
amplifying them with my reactions
ƒ (Over-reacting to circumstances)
– I have a habit of trying to resolve and work on
emotional problems
– Emotional problems make me uncomfortable
– I have to fix other people’s problems
– I avoid relationships and emotional interactions
because I just can’t handle them
Debugging for specific Solar Plexus
activations (hanging gates)
„ 30 – I am afraid of what might happen
– I avoid confrontation for fear of what might happen
– I am nervous about what might happen
– I am afraid of having dreams and aspirations because they
might not come true and that would be too painful

„ 55th – I am afraid of feeling empty

– I am afraid of feeling purposeless
– I am afraid that I will never find my passion or purpose
– I am resigned that even if I did find my passions that it won’t
work out anyway.
– I am fickle
– I am afraid that I won’t have anyone to love
– I have a tendency to love things or people who I can never have
Debugging for specific Solar Plexus
activations (hanging gates)
„ 49th – I live in the terror of uncertainty
– I am afraid of God
– I am afraid of the consequences of my decisions and actions
– I avoid making decisions because I’m not sure of the outcome
– I’m afraid to fall in love
– If I fall in love I might be left feeling empty
– I feel resigned that things won’t every work out anyway
– I feel cynical that they would not have loved me anyway

„ 6th – I’m afraid of Intimacy

– I have a habit of avoiding intimacy
– I’m afraid if I get too close someone will find out the truth about
– I put on a front so I can keep people from finding out who I
really am
Debugging for specific Solar Plexus
activations (hanging gates)
„ 37th – I’m afraid of having to conform
– If I get married then certain traditions will be
expected of me in that role.

„ 22nd – I am afraid of being ignored

– I am afraid of being invisible
– I am afraid that there is nothing worth listening too

„ 36th – I am afraid that I am inadequate

– I am afraid of crisis
– I am afraid that things will turn out badly
– I am afraid I’ll be a lousy lover
Debugging the patterns of the of
the Defined Solar Plexus
„ The dynamic of trying to force an outcome
– The habit of being impatient
– The habits of being reactive and impulsive
ƒ (Over-reacting to circumstances)
„ I have a habit of taking action at a certain phase of my
wave but before I have clarity
„ I have a habit of seeking the high point of the emotional
wave and deciding from there
„ I have a habit of deciding about things at the low point
in my wave
„ I have a habit of making up reasons for why I feel a
particular way instead of simply being OK with the
feeling, being OK with being in a “mood”
Use of Pure Awareness Techniques
for the Open Solar Plexus
„ CORE for
– The feeling of need to react to the emotions of others
– The feelings that come up while waiting for clarity
– The fear of confrontation
„ UNPLUG from
– The habit of identifying with and reacting to other’s reactions
– The habit of lying
– The habit of trying to fix others
– The habit of avoiding emotions and relationships
– Feeling compelled to react to other people’s emotions
„ WAIT for
– Clarify and inner sense of calm before taking action
– Clarity on what your feelings are versus the feelings you are picking up
from others
– Until you are clear that your actions are coming from Wholeness
„ GAP for
– experiencing your essential nature so that you can be at peace with not
being your or others emotions
Use of Pure Awareness Techniques
for the Defined Solar Plexus
„ CORE for
– The feeling of needing to react emotionally
– The feeling of impatience
– The feeling that I can’t wait and have to take an action now
„ UNPLUG from
– Impulsiveness
– Over-reacting
„ WAIT for
– Clarify and inner sense of calm before taking action
– Until you are clear that your actions are coming from Wholeness
„ GAP for
– experiencing your essential nature so that you can feel at peace
with waiting for clarity and avoiding impulsivity
• The Pressure to think.
• The Head and Root are both pressure centers.
• The Head Center is a pressure center but not a motor.
• The theme is Inspiration.
• It is the fuel for the Ajna – mental conceptualizing process.
• Open Head is inspired by who is in their aura.
• 70% of all humans have an Open Head center.
• Most inspiring thoughts are not original.
• Others influence the way you think.
• There is no fixed style of thinking.
• They can truly recognize who is inspiring.
• They are great mental reflectors of another’s mind.
• When you make a decision from the mind it is not your decision – it
is a decision from the mental conditioning field.
• Open Head centers think they need to solve the problem
(and the problem is not theirs!)
• The pressures are:
• 64 – To make Sense of
• 61 – To Know
• 63 – To Understand
• It’s the pressure of what has not yet been grasped.
• Ultimately they can be open to the wonder of the
unknown and uncertainty and just enjoy the
question/confusion and trust that it will become clear or
not. In either case it is fine.
• The Head Center is about “reviewing” not “doing”. It is
not a motor and therefore is not designed to “do”.
Undefined Head

• Am I trying to answer
everybody else’s
questions? Am I
making decisions
about my life from my
Testing the energy of the Head
• Testing the energy of the NS meridian
– Ting point

• The NS
meridian can be
tested on either
Testing the
energy of
the Head

• Hand over the

top of the head
and muscle test
Testing the energy of the Head
• Testing the energy of the Head using
intention statements
– The energy of my Head center is optimal
– My relationship with my Head Center
responses is optimal
– I always clearly recognize the distinction
between thinking and decision making and I
make decisions from my strategy and
authority rather than from my thinking
Debugging the influence of the
conditioning of the Open Head Center
• Intentions for WMC sessions for open Head Center
– I am comfortable with being in a state of uncertainty
– I am free of the habit of feeling pressured to know what something
means or why it has happened
– I enjoy the pressure to know more without becoming identified with it
– I enjoy being filled with inspiration
– I recognize that the questions that come into my mind are not my
questions and I observe them without feeling pressured by them
– Whenever I am confused or doubtful I comfortably withdraw from
others and wait for clarity before making any important decisions
– I live in the wonder and delight of uncertainty
– I clearly know when someone or something is clear or confusing
Debugging the influence of the
conditioning of the Open Head Center
• Debugging statements / issues for open Head Center
– If I feel lost or confused I recognize that this is coming from someone
else and I disengage and relax, knowing that it is not my confusion
– I easily recognize that I have a tendency to try to solve other people’s
questions. I notice this and unplug from it, avoiding making these
questions mine.
– The habit taking on other people’s worries and concerns
– The habit of wanting to resolve mental pressure through taking action
– The feeling of inability to clear out the mental chaos
– The habit of making decisions with the mind
– The habit of being overwhelmed by mental activity and ideas
Debugging for specific Head
Center activations (hanging gates)
• 64 – The pressure to make Sense of
• 61 – The pressure to Know
• 63 – The pressure to Understand
Use of Pure Awareness
Techniques for the Open Head
• CORE for
– Resolving the feeling of pressure to answer questions/the
pressure to know
– The discomfort of feeling like I have to answer other people’s
– The feeling of impatience
– The feeling of needing to be right
• UNPLUG from
– Needing to solve the “problem” of uncertainty
– The habit of making decisions from the mind
• WAIT for
– Clarify
• GAP for
– experiencing your essential nature so that you can feel at peace
with not having answers and the process of waiting
• The Root Center is a pressure center and a motor.
• It governs the adrenaline glad.
• It is the pressure to be, to evolve, and to adapt in the
• The not-self pressure from the root causes a person to
have the feeling that they have to hurry up and get things
• There is a never ending list of things that have to be
• The open Root Center causes one to initiate or take on
too much. The pressure is profound and can cause great
stress in the life which can lead to adrenal burnout.
• Pressure to:
• 58 – To Correct – to make things better.
• 38 – To find Purpose – the search for a purpose to life
• 54 – To Rise Up – Ambition – the pressure to achieve
• 53 – To Begin – The pressure to start new things
• 60 – To Mutate – The pressure to transcend limitation
• 52 – To Focus – The pressure to have something to
focus your energy on
• 19 – To Need – Neediness – the pressure to be needed
• 39 – To find Spirit – Passion and spirit – the pressure to
find the passion in life
• 41 – To Desire – The pressure to have a new experience
Undefined Root

• Am I in a hurry to get
things done so I can
be free of the
pressure? Am I letting
the pressure of the
outside world run me
and my life?
Testing the energy of the Root
• Because the energy of the Root Center is associated
with the adrenal glands you can test for the energy of
the Root center on either the Kidney meridian or the
Triple Warmer meridian
– Kidney meridian ting point
– Triple Warmer ting point
Testing the
energy of
the Root

• Hand over the

kidneys (adrenal
glands) or over
the base of the
Testing the energy of the Root
• Testing the energy of the Root using
intention statements
– The energy of my Root center is optimal
– My relationship with my Root Center
responses is optimal
– I always clearly recognize the feeling of the
pressure to get things done. I unplug from it
and only take actions according to my
strategy and authority
Debugging the influence of the
conditioning of the Open Root
• Intentions for WMC sessions for open Root
– I observer pressure and stress without allowing them to
drive me into action
– I am free of the habit of feeling pressured to get everything
done so I can rest
– I enjoy the enjoy the rushes of adrenaline that
circumstances bring me without needing to turn this into
actions to get things done
– The more I am pressured, the less I respond
– I take my time in getting things done
– I avoid responding to the pressure to get things done more
– My actions come from stillness rather than from pressure
Debugging the influence of the
conditioning of the Open Root
• Debugging statements / issues for open Root
Center people
– I am a master of noticing the tendency to respond to pressure
– If I feel pressured to make a decision or do something
quickly, I relax and wait
– The habit not noticing that I am responding to pressure
– The habit feeling that responding to pressure is natural and
the correct way to live
– The habits of becoming hyper active and rushing
– The inability to take time to unwind and relax
– The feeling that I must keep busy
– The self judgment and mind talk that “I am lazy”
Debugging for specific Root Center
activations (hanging gates)
• 58
– I have to fix things.
– I have to make things better.
• 38
– I have to find my purpose
• 54
– I feel driven to achieve my goals
– I feel driven to get things completed
• 53
– I always have to be starting new things
• 60
– I feel pressured to get out of a sense of limitation
Debugging for specific Root Center
activations (hanging gates)
• 52
– I have to have something to focus on
• 19
– I need to be needed
• 39
– I have to find my passion in life
• 41
– I am not satisfied unless I am having new
– I get bored easily
Use of Pure Awareness
Techniques for the Open Root
• CORE for
– Resolving the feeling of the need to respond to pressure from
others or circumstances
– The discomfort that may be felt when attempting to unplug and
relax and rest
– The feeling of needing to rush or hurry
• UNPLUG from
– Needing to taking action based on pressure
– The habit of responding to the pressure to get things done
• WAIT for
– Clarify
• GAP for
– experiencing your essential nature so that you can feel at peace
with not responding to pressure
• The Sacral Center is all about the availability or
not of pure life force energy.
• The Sacral is about work and sex.
• An open Sacral Center feels this profound life
force energy and magnifies it.
• It knows no boundaries and therefore takes on
more work than is healthy for the being.
• Open Sacral people work too hard and run
themselves into the ground. They become
“Super Slaves” to the sacral energy around
• An open Sacral person can be anywhere from curious to
obsessed about sex.
• There is a potential for deep conditioning about sex.
Each sexual experience will be unique because the open
sacral person is being conditioned by the person they
are having sex with.
• The potential wisdom is to learn about sex and
boundaries. To become wise about these things. To
know when enough is enough.
• Open Sacral people have inconsistent energy. It’s there
and then it’s not and they need to learn to respect this.
• To rest when rest is needed and to not ignore their
energy level.
• They need to learn to go to bed early – before they are
tired and have some quiet time as they ease into sleep.
• 34 – Power - Am I using my power correctly for me?
• 27 – Caring – Am I caring more for others than I am for myself?
• 42 – Finishing – Am I careful about what I engage in because I will
need to finish it or am I blindly involving myself only to regret it later?
• 3 – Ordering – Am I putting my energy to put things in order in the
right place?
• 9 – Details – Am I focused on the right details?
• 59 – Relationships – Am I chasing after relationships? Am I
tolerating a relationship just so I have one?
• 29 – Saying Yes – Am I saying yes to the wrong things out of habit?
• 14 – Power Skills – Am I putting my skills in the right places? Do I
love my work? Is it in fact a labor of love?
Undefined Sacral

• Do I know when
enough is enough?
Do I stop when I need
rest? Do I “know”
when I need rest? Do
I honor the
inconsistency of my
Testing the energy of the Sacral
• Because the energy of the Sacral Center is associated
with the sexual organs and the Kidney meridian feeds
energy to the sexual organs, you can test for the energy
of the Sacral center on the Kidney meridian
– Kidney meridian ting point
Testing the
energy of
the Sacral

• Hand over the

kidneys (area of
the naval or over
the mid-lower
back) or over the
pelvic region
Testing the energy of the Sacral
• Testing the energy of the Sacral using
intention statements
– The energy of my Sacral center is optimal
– My relationship with my Sacral Center
responses is optimal
– I clearly distinguish between my own and
other’s sexual energy
Debugging the influence of the
conditioning of the Open Sacral
• Intentions for WMC sessions for open Sacral people
– I observer other’s sexual energy without needing to respond to it
– I observe the thoughts that I should just keep on working and I stop and
– I enjoy the other’s energy without being driven by it
– I let others do the work that I don’t want to do
– I respect the inconsistency of my sacral energy and work and rest
– I go to be early and have quiet time before going to sleep
– I have clear boundaries about work and sex that I live by
– I notice the “buzz” of the generator world without getting involved with
it. I witness it and enjoy it.
– I enjoy a diversity of sexual roles and relationships without becoming
identified with any particular one
Debugging the influence of the
conditioning of the Open Sacral
• Debugging statements / issues for open Sacral
Center people
– The habit of taking on too much and over committing
– The habit of not being able to say no, particularly to the
influence of an open sacral person
– The habit of taking on too much
– The habit of not knowing when enough is enough
– The habit of being identified and attached to the sexual
energy of another
– The habit of feeling like you have to respond to another’s
sexual energy, being the victim of your sexual feelings
– Feeling that you are addicted to sex
– Feeling that you are addicted to work
– The habit of working until you burn out
Debugging for specific Sacral
Center activations (hanging
• 34
– I use my power correctly
• 27
– I am balanced in my caring for others and for
• 42
– I am careful about what I engage in
• 3
– I am balanced in the use of my energy to put
things in order
Debugging for specific Sacral
Center activations (hanging
• 9 gates)
– I focus on the right details in a balanced way
• 59
– I am desperate for a relationships
– I don’t know the difference between sex and love
– I tolerate my relationship just so I won’t be alone
• 29
– I have a habit of saying yes when saying no would be optimal for
– I have a habit of saying yes even when I know that it would be
better to say “no.”
• 14
– I only work on things that I love to do
– I use my skills appropriately
– I love my work and I keep it in balance with rest
Use of Pure Awareness
Techniques for the Open Sacral
• CORE for
– Resolving the feeling that I can’t stop working
– Resolving the feeling of needing to respond to every sexual stimulus
– Feelings of frustration over work or sexual issues
– Feelings of desperateness about work or sexual issues
• UNPLUG from
– Needing to taking action on every sexual attraction
– Over committing
– Taking on too much work
– Feeling like the victim or your work
– Feeling like the victim of your sexual feelings
• WAIT for
– Clarify about work and sex decisions
• GAP for
– experiencing your essential nature so that you can feel at peace with
allowing yourself to not respond to or commit to every opportunity to
engage in work or sex

• Ego is enormously influential and powerful

in our lives.
• It’s the center of business and family.
• There is a feeling of “threat” when we do
not follow through on our commitments
and promises.
• What are the consequences of not proving
• Open Ego people feel less worthy than others so they try
and prove their worthiness through:
• 21 - Being in control (heart)
• 51 - Being brave (gall)
• 26 - Being egotistical (thymus T-cell)
• 40 - Being loyal to others (stomach)
• Unable to prove worthiness because they continually
• 21 - lack or loss of control
• 51 - foolish acts
• 26 - lies
• 40 - distrust
• Undefined Egos have real problems
because they make decisions based on
being unworthy. This person thinks I can
do this so I have to prove myself or else I'll
get kicked out of the community/outcast.
So they end up trying to prove themselves
over and over again and the more they do
this the more then feel unworthy through
their failure to follow through.
• Trying to prove one's worthiness to be in control
• Gate 21 - I have to be in control. If I am in control I am going to
prove I am worthy to myself and others. Or else the humiliation of
not being in control or losing control is painful.
• Trying to prove they are brave and worthy.
• Trying to prove one's worthiness through being egotistical. It's
capable of telling the most outrageous lies.
• Or it is expressed in Bravado.

• Playing at being loyal to others in order to prove ones worth. You

end up being alone because of this.

• You’re not a good wife unless...

• You’re not a good lover unless…
• You’re not a good friend unless…
• We have 4 different ways that the tribe functions through
this junction at the heart center. The way in which the
tribe is bound to each other is through this center. 60%
of people are open heart center people. These people’s
minds are always trying to show they are in
control/brave/loyal/I'm great - They are all pretending!!!!!
• The conditioning is very deep. And it brings out a sense
of failure. I'm not good enough for him/her or myself.
• Everything becomes fabricated so they can substantiate
who they are trying to prove they are.
• If you have an open heart you are not here
to prove yourself/no bargains/not here to
• They need to see their worthiness for what
it is...

• The mantra for an open heart center is: I

do not have to prove anything to anyone
or myself under any circumstances ever.
• It's a gift to not have to prove yourself! Its
a gift. Defined ego beings have to prove
themselves all the time but this is correct
for them!
Undefined Ego

• Do I feel and think I

have something to
prove? (i.e. am I
smart enough,
successful, sexy, etc.)
Do I say yes when I
mean no? Do I value
myself (are my prices
too low)?
Testing the energy of the Ego
• Because the energy of the Ego Center is associated
with the heart, you can test for the energy of the Ego
Center on the Heart meridian
– Heart meridian ting point
Testing the
energy of
the Ego
• Hand over the
Testing the energy of the Ego
• Testing the energy of the Ego using
intention statements
– The energy of my Ego center is optimal
– My relationship with my Ego Center
responses is optimal
– I feel worthy
– I feel accepted and approved of
Debugging the influence of the
conditioning of the Open Ego
• Intentions for WMC sessions for open Ego
– I am worthy
– I am at peace with who I am without any need to prove my
– I completely avoid making promises
– I am grounded in Pure Awareness and have a solid and
stable sense of who I am
– I am universality
– I experience myself as the totality of Pure Awareness all
the time
– I tell the truth or keep silent
– I am authentic regardless of what others think of me
– I know and love who I am
Debugging the influence of the
conditioning of the Open Ego
• Debugging statements / issues for open Ego
Center people
– The habit of making promises
– The habit of comparing myself to others
– The habit feeling unworthy
– The habit of over committing to prove myself
– The habit of feeling the need to prove my worth
– The guilt associated with not being able to keep
– The habit of being competitive to prove myself
– The habit of not trying for fear of failing/looking bad
Debugging for specific Ego Center
activations (hanging gates)
• 21
– I have to be in control (heart)
– I am afraid of not being in control
• 51
– I have to be brave (gall)
– I’m afraid I’ll do something stupid
• 26
– I am the greatest!!! (thymus T-cell)
– I have a habit of lying in order to try to look good
• 40
– I must be loyal to others (stomach)
– I don’t trust others or myself
Use of Pure Awareness
Techniques for the Open Ego
• CORE for
– Resolving the feeling unworthiness
– Resolving the feeling of needing to prove yourself
– Feelings of guilt from not keeping promises
– Feelings of deep hurts to the heart/heart break
• UNPLUG from
– Making promises
– Over committing
– Lying/Bravado behavior
– Trying to prove your worth
• WAIT for
– Clarify before making any promises
• GAP for
– experiencing your essential nature so that you can feel whole
and complete just as you are
• The G Center is the center of Direction and Identity. It
houses the “Magnetic Monopole” which holds us
together in the illusion of separateness.
• When we come into these bodies a separation takes
place between the Design Crystal and the Magnetic
Monopole. They literally separate and the Design Crystal
moves into the Ajna area and the Monopole moves to
the G Center.
• By being in these bodies we are in an illusion of
separateness and this creates the dynamic of “looking
outside ourselves” to get a sense of who we are. And of
course the joke is we have been right here all along.
• The Monopole literally pulls to us all the people, places
and experiences we are here to have so it is futile to go
looking for it.
• When you have an open G center there is a
preoccupation with looking for the right direction in life
and the right love.
• There is also a preoccupation with trying to discover
“who you are”. Trying to figure out one’s identity.
• This leads to great pain and suffering because the
identity is changing all the time.
• The Universe brings to you all the correct people and the
correct direction at the correct moment.
• An Open G person needs to learn to be
comfortable with being a chameleon as their
identity changes depending upon the person
they are with. They have no fixed identity. They
are a mirror for the identity of others.
• They need to get comfortable with not knowing
who they are.
• They need to just stay open to the Universe
bringing them the right direction and love at the
right time.
• They need to trust and let go.
• Concerns of the Open G:
• I don’t know who I am
• I feel lost
• I need to find the right relationship so I can feel whole
• I don’t know what I am supposed to do with my life
• I don’t know what my contribution is to the world
• I don’t know where I am going in life
• I’m having an identity crisis
• Who am I? What am I here for? Where is my place?
• These concerns create a deep disturbance within the
person and their life can be consumed with trying to
resolve these concerns.
• Open G people need to know that “place” is everything
for them. In order for them to have the right life they
need to be in the right place. If there is anything about a
place that is uncomfortable for them they need to change
it. The wrong house or job or relationship can cause
great unhappiness for an open G person.
• Life events are guide-posts for an open G. They need to
learn to listen and watch for those things that take them
to a new place, in a new direction or to a new person.
• They need to learn that they don’t have to figure it out –
it all comes to them. The environment is their servant!
• Open G people need to let go of trying to
direct their life.
• They need to surrender to something
outside of them.
• They need to let go of trying to have a
fixed identity.
• Undefined Gs are not here to initiate! They
are here to be initiated by others.
Undefined G

• Am I looking for love? Am

I looking for purpose and
direction in life? Am I
trying to find out who I
am? Am I worried about
the future? Am I aware
that in order for me to be
with the right people I
need to be in the right
place? Does my
environment feel correct?
Testing the energy of the G Center
• Because the energy of the G Center is associated with
the thymus gland, you can test for the energy of the Ego
Center on the Triple Warmer meridian
– TW meridian ting point
Testing the
energy of
the G

• Hand over the

center of the
chest (thymus
Testing the energy of the G
• Testing the energy of the G Center using
intention statements
– The energy of my G center is optimal
– My relationship with my G Center responses
is optimal
– I clearly distinguish between the essential
nature of who I truly am and the sense of
myself that I get from being around others
Debugging the influence of the
conditioning of the Open G
• Intentions for WMC sessions for open G Center people
• Looking for Yourself Where You Are Not is a major
theme of the conditioning of the open G
– I am in the right place for me
– I am in the ideal relationships for me
– I have the perfect work for me
– I am completely comfortable with changing my home, relationship
and/or work and I totally avoid settling for less than I truly want
– I am alert for indications that take me into a new relationship, place or
– Life comes to me and I am at peace with this
– I avoid trying to force things to be my way
– I am comfortable experiencing the changing sense of myself when with
different people and in different places
– I am at peace with not being able to get a stable sense of myself from
other people, places, circumstances, experience or activities
Debugging the influence of the
conditioning of the Open G
• Debugging statements / issues for open G Center
– I don’t know who I am
– I feel lost
– I need to find the right relationship so I can feel whole
– I don’t know what I am supposed to do with my life
– I don’t know what my contribution is to the world
– I don’t know where I am going in life
– I’m having an identity crisis
– Who am I?
– What am I here for?
– Where is my place?
– I am consumed with trying to resolve these concerns
Use of Pure Awareness
Techniques for the Open G
• CORE for
– Resolving the feeling of being lost
– Resolving the feeling of not knowing who you are
– Any feelings associated with settling or not wanting to settle for being in
the right place, relationship or work
• UNPLUG from
– Any tendency to feel that you have to settle for places, people or work
that you don’t like
– Trying to get the sense of who you are from anything other than your
essential nature – Pure Awareness
– Rationalizing that you should stay in places or with people that make
you uncomfortable
• WAIT for
– Clarify about the right home, relationships and work
• GAP for
– experiencing your essential nature so that you can feel an inner sense
of who and what you are even in the face of the changing experiences
of who you seem to become in different circumstances
• The Throat Center is the center of Metabolism
and Manifestation. All the centers in the
bodygraph are pushing towards the Throat
Center. There is great pressure on this center.
• Communication and Action are the two primary
functions of the Throat Center.
• The Throat center is all about “what” I want to
become and the Sacral center is all about the
“how” I am going to do this.
– The partnership between the Throat and Sacral: What
do I want to become and how am I going to get there.
Not-Self frustrations experienced with an Open
Throat Center:
• Pressure to do all the talking which leads to initiating
• Becoming uncomfortable when there is a conversation
• Feeling a need to fill in the conversation gap.
• Insecurities in communication due to the inconsistency of
the nature of an open Throat – not sure what may pop
out of your mouth or when.
• A focus/obsession on initiating action to manifest.
• An obsession with becoming something in life. What am
I going to be or do when I grow up?
• Open Throat people need to get to a place
within themselves where they are
comfortable being quiet. They are
designed to be quiet until they are initiated
to speak.
• They also need to get to a place where
they are comfortable waiting for the
invitation or initiation.
Undefined Throat

• Am I trying to attract
attention? Am I trying
to be a doer? Am I
worried about what I
am going to manifest?
Am I acting like a
Manifestor? Am I
initiating the
Testing the energy of the Throat
• Because the energy of the Throat Center is associated
with the thyroid gland and the Triple Warmer meridian.
You can test for the energy of the Throat center on the
TW meridian
– TW meridian ting point
Testing the
energy of
the Throat

• Hand over the

Testing the energy of the Throat
• Testing the energy of the Throat using
intention statements
– The energy of my Throat center is optimal
– My relationship with my Throat Center
responses is optimal
– I talk too much without realizing that I am
doing that
Debugging the influence of the
conditioning of the Open Throat
• Intentions for WMC sessions for open
Throat people
– I am comfortable with silence as my natural state
– I am comfortable with a place within myself that is
– I am comfortable with waiting to be initiated or
invited before I speak or take action
– I am comfortable with being in silence when there
are gaps in the conversation
– I only speak and take action when I am initiated or
invited to do so
Debugging the influence of the
conditioning of the Open Throat
• Debugging statements / issues for open Throat
Center people
– The habit of talking too much
– The habit of dominating conversations
– The habit of speaking inappropriately and at the wrong time
– The habit of initiating projects, conversations and setting
– The fear of not knowing what to say
– The habit of rehearsing conversations before they happen
instead of allowing for spontaneity
– The habit of always trying to attract attention
– The habit of being clueless that you are doing these things
Use of Pure Awareness
Techniques for the Open Throat
• CORE for
– Resolving the frustration of failed projects
– Resolving the feeling of needing to initiate conversations
– Resolving the discomfort of not speaking or taking action without being
initiated or invited
• UNPLUG from
– Needing to initiate conversation
– Speaking first without being invited or initiated
– Initiating projects
– Trying to figure out what your life should look like
– Trying to be a manifestor
• WAIT for
– Clarify and to be initiated before speaking
• GAP for
– experiencing your essential nature as the silence of your own Pure
Awareness so that you can feel a peace and enjoy the silence as YOU!
• There are three types of splits and a single definition
• Single Definition
• Split Definition
• Triple Split Definition
• Quadruple Split Definition
• Single Definition/Split Definition
• A single definition design does not need the “other” to assist them in the assimilation
of information. A Split Definition, Triple Split or Quadruple Split does. These people
take longer to digest. Until all two, three or four parts of the person are in alignment
with something, they are going to feel uncomfortable. It is very important for a Split
Definition to take their time and be patient and await the feeling of wholeness.
• The digestion process is aided by company. The best way to use other people to help
in the digestion process is to use a public place where you can be private. This way
you are using a neutral conditioning source rather than the same conditioning source
of a friend or spouse. The public place will give you a new perspective.
• Remember, splits will have a TREMENDOUS draw to live out the harmonic of their
split or, to let the harmonic gate “drive” the life.
• Lack of patience and Pre-mature speaking/action are the biggest problems for splits.
Debugging the influence of Splits
• I notice the difference between feelings of
incompletion and feeling complete about
• When needing to make a decision, I put myself in
the company of others until I feel complete
enough to make my decision from wholeness
• I regularly go to public places where I can also
have some privacy to allow myself to gather new
perspectives from the surrounding energy
• I have patience and wait for clarity before
speaking and/or taking action

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