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y TANGUAGE OF BLOWERS, .. LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS.. Acacis—Concealod love, Adonis Vernalis— Sorrowful remem- trances, Almond—Hope, ‘Aloe—Rteligions superstition, Alysuum,Siveet—Worth beyond beauty. Ambrosis—Love returned. Apple Blossom—Preferenee. Achor Vitw—Unehauging friondship. Bachelor's button—Hope in love. Belsam—Lmpatienoe, Begonia—Deformity. Bellflower Gratitude. Belvidoro, Wild (Licorice) —I declare against you. Blue Bello will bo constant. ‘Box—Stoioal indifference. Briers—Envy. Bardock—Toinch me not, Cuctus—Thon leavest not, Camellia—Pity, Gandytnft—Inditference. Canterbury Bell—Gratitude, Capo Jessamine—Eostacy; transport, Calla Lily—Fominino hoanty. Carnation (Yellow)—Disdain, Cedut—I live for thee, China Aster—T will seo about it. Chrysanthemum Rose—I love. Cowslip—Pensivenc Cypros\— Mourning. Crocus—Cheerfulness, Oypross and Barigold—Despair. Dalfodil—Chivalry. Dahli Forever thine. Daisy (Garden)—T pariske your senti- ment, Dalay (Wi) 1 wil think of it Dandelion—Goquetry. Dead Leaves— Dook—Pationeo, Dodder—Moannoss, Dogwood—Am I indifferent to you? Bhony—Hypoorisy. Helantino—t wound to hea. Elider—Compassion. Endive—Rragati Evening Primrose—Inconstaney, Bvergreen—Poverty. Brerlasting—Perpetual remembrance. Fennel—Strength, Filhert—Reeonciliation. Fir-broo— Elevation. lax—I feel your kindness, Forget-me-ndt—'Trap love; vemem-| bance, Fox-glove—Insineerity. Rarze- Inds. Gentian —Intrinsio worth. Geranium, Ivy—Your hand for the next danee. Geranium, Nutmeg—I expect @ moet- ing. Geranium, Oak—Lady, deign to smile, Goraniam, Rose—Prefermes, Geranium, Silver leaf—Rocall. Gilliflower—Lasting beauty. Gladiolus —Roady; armed. Golden Rod—Enconragement, Gorse—Endearing affection, Gass—Utility. Harobell—Grief. Hawthor—Hope, Hazel—Rerolleciion, Hartscaso—Think of mo, Holiotzope—Derotion. Henbane—Blomish, Holly—Foresight, Hollyhook—ruiifeiness, Hollyhook, White—Female ambition. Honeysuckle—Bond of Love. Honeysuckle, Coral—Tho olor af my fate, Hyacinth—Jealousy. Hyacinth, Bluo—Constanoy. Hyacinth, Purplo—Sorrow, Hydrangea—Hoartlesencms. Hee plsat—Your looks freoze mo. isles, [Ixy—Frientiship; matrimony. Jessamine, Cape—Transiont joys eos tasy. Sossatsine, Yhise—Amiabity. Tosstmine, Yellow—Grace; ole Tonquil—L desire a return of aie ‘STuniper—Asylums shelter. Susticia—Porfection of loveliness. Kalmis(Mountain Laurel) Treachery. Kannedia—Mental beauty. Labumum—Pensive beauty. Lady's Slipper—Oapriciousbeauty. Laroh—Boldnese. ‘Larkspur—Fickloness. Taw Eavend ion. —Puritys modesty. Lily of tho Valley—Return of happi-| ily, Bay—o ily, Day—Coquetry, ily, Water—Hloquence, Lily, Yelloy—Walschood- Loctst—Affeetion beyond the grave, Love ina Mist—You puzzle me. Love Tios Bleeding — Hopeless, not heartless. Tmpine—Imagination. Mallow—Sweetmess; miliness, Maple—Reserve. Marigold—Crnelty. Barjoram—Blushes. Marvel of Pern (Four O’elocks)—Tim- ity. alint— Virtue, Mignonetio— Your qualities enrpass| Jour charts. Mistotoe—I surmount all dificnltes, Mock. Orange (Srringa)— Counterfeit, Morning Glory Unters. Maldon’ Hair—Digsreticn, Magnolia, Grandifora—Peerless and Magualin, Magnolia, Spamp—Porsorerance, Moss—Mavernal love Motherwort--Seoret love, Mourning Brite—Untortanate attach ae Mulberry, Black will not survive ot. Mulberry, White—WVisdom. Mushrootn Suspicion, Muskeplant—Wesknecs Mystle-Loye faithful fa absonce, Nareisans—Egotiom, Nesumtinn—Patriotiom, Netile—Crueliy; slander Nigit Blooming’ Gureus—Transont ony Nightahndo—Bittor trath, Onk—Hospitalit. Oats—aiadies Oleandor—Boware. Olivecbranch=Pence, OsangectlonesChactity. Orchie—Denaty. Osier—Ersuksvo, Ormmada Dreams Pansy—Think of me, Bareloy-—Euterlainment; feasting. Passionflower--Religions fervory suse copay. Boo: Sweet Dopartaro, osch Blossom-this heat is thine, Peony—Anger Pennyrayale-tlo avay. Pariwintle—Sneet remembrances, [Petsnia—Dees prow than they deem ‘hoo, Phlos~—Onr sons are united, peerage 1e—Pare nection, ink, Double Ret—Pare, ardent love, ie Indiat—Avceron, Vaviegated™Raftal, Pink, WhiteYon are far Pomegrite—telly. Peppy Consolation: Prinose—Tneonsta Bhododend Ewe, Aus ioral, Rose, Bridal —THappr tore, Bowe, CabageAnibastsdor of love Rove, Chinas Genee Rowe; Damnsk-—Pyesimess faves, Sueiicuiuel tallow lore Rove; Maiden's Bist—It you do Tovo is, you will finde out Roce, Mose-Supestor ment, Tose ie pi Moss osebud—Contossion of §

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