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The tiny town of Puebla, Mexico stood prepared and ready. It was the
morning of May 5, 1862, and the small Mexican army waited patiently, ready
to fight. Over 6,000 French soldiers had come to take the village. As the
French forces moved closer to the forts, the Mexican army opened fire. This
did not stop the French. They regrouped and continued pushing forward
until the Mexicans charged toward them on horseback. Their swords were
drawn and Mexican canons were fired. It became obvious that the mighty
French soldiers were defeated by the tiny Mexican army. The French had
been too confident and didn’t realize how hard the Mexicans would fight for
their country.

The Battle of Puebla showed the world that the Mexican people would fight
and do whatever it took to protect their country and their freedom. The fifth
of May, or Cinco de Mayo, is an important holiday in Mexico. It is also
celebrated by Mexican-Americans here in the United States. On every Cinco
de Mayo, the people celebrate the bravery of their ancestors by having
fiestas (parties) filled with mariachi music, piñatas, and traditional Mexican

What is the name of the town that is remembered on May 5th?


How many French soldiers fought against the Mexican Army on May
5, 1862?


Why is Cinco de Mayo important to Mexicans?



Name ________________ Date ________________


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