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In what way was science beneficial to the Roman Empire, and helped to benefit their human

life. Give specific examples about its practical application ?

One notable distinction of Roman Scientists was their desire for authoritative answers to any
questions they had about the world .
In addition , for the practical Roman mind science had to provide useful information which
could be used to ensure successful outcomes of real projects .
That’s why the Romans developed many technologies for instance ; The sample of Early
Roman writing and many other technologies such as Aqueducts ( an artificial channel for
conveying water ) , Concrete , Newspapers , Welfare , Bound Books , Roads and Highways ,
Roman Arches , the Julian Calender ( much like our modern day calendar ) ,The Twelve
Tables and the Corpus Juris Civilis ( a system of law and an attempt to put Rome's history of
law into one document ), and Battlefield Surgery .
They mostly spread the word about these technologies by conquering other civilizations ,
they might have even stolen some ideas of new technologies from these civilizations too .
Finally , the Romans were prodigious builders and expert civil engineers , and their thriving
civilization produced advances in technology , culture and architecture that remained
unequaled for centuries .

Dardour Hela LAGTE 2

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