Initial Questions

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Introduce yourself/tell me something about yourself?

Hi,my name is Yancie Troy H. Saludo, you can call me Troy, I just turned 20 last November and
currently residing here in Mandaluyong City. I just finished 2nd year college at Jose Rizal
University taking up Bachelor of Science in Information Technology. My hobbies Include
watching films, reading books and occasionally im pursuing writing screenplays as a hobby. .
I’m a newbie as you would call it in the BPO industry but one thing I can tell you about me is that
I am a determined person. I am determined to help my family, determined to take this job, and
determined to aim for success.

On scale of 1 - 10 and 10 being the highest,

"How you rate yourself on communication skills?"

I would rate myself an 8. because I may not have experienced working in the BPO industry, but
I know can communicate well and understand the aspects of what makes a good
communication interaction. I would define myself a good listener and a proper speaker yet I
know there’s always a room for improvement hence the rating of 8.

Why should we hire you?

I may not have the advantage of experience but one thing I could assure you is that I know I
could be a real asset in your company. I am determined, punctual, flexible, fast-learner, does
well with others and can adopt to the shifting work environment.

"What is your weakness?"

Although I could communicate in english well enough, applying it in actual practice like in the
BPO industry makes me anxious and insecure if I’m gonna do it right especially since it’s my
first time. But like I said, I am a determined person and so I am determined to face my fears and
conquer it. I believe with proper training I could turn this weakness into strength. Let it motivate
me to be better and unlock my potential.
“What makes you to apply here?”

I was looking for a proper job to help my family pay the bills, but not just any job, I was
researching about the company that’s behind the offer. and when I researched about this
company, I discovered that your company is dedicated to help customers and appreciates the
work of your employees. I have also seen that you ensure high quality services and makes time
to train your employees for improvement. I can clearly see how my goals align with the purpose
of the company. There's nothing I love more than working with people towards a common goal
and that's what excites me about working here.

What is a BPO and how does it work? / what is your Idea of a call center

First let me define BPO and the more technical definition of it. BPO means Business Process
Outsourcing and as the name suggest, outsources. Outsourcing is in demand as it is cost
effective and time efficient, in the BPO industry employees handles make or takes calls for their
company or another to fulfill a certain task, It could be sales, customer support etc. When I think
about BPO and my Idea of a call center, I think of it as a place where dreams could happen, an
opportunity because, this industry has been a pathway to a better life, for the employees,
employers and the customers.

Are you willing to work in a rotating schedule

A shifting schedule wont be a problem for me.

Why do you think BPO is a career choice for you /

"Why do you want to work in a call center industry?"

Aside from the benefits and compensations this industry has to offer, BPO industry is the career
choice for me. Because I know, I wont receive any discriminations, regarding a persons age,
gender, ethnicity and disabilities.. I also want to be part of a progressive company with the best
working environment to develop my personality and communication skills and an opportunity
provide the needs of my family and also maximize my skill and potential.
"What is an excellent customer service?"

Customer service is when you provide a certain task and fulfill it for the customer; giving them
what they want. helping, and assisting their issues and concerns about products and/or
services. while Excellent customer service is providing a service that is above and beyond what
is expected by the customer.

"Introduce yourself without using any information here in your resume?"

How would I introduce myself without using any information? 3 words. Passionate, Dedicated
and Determined. And I believe I possess those qualifications to work in your company.
Passionate in the job I’m doing, I work not just with my mind, but with heart and in a
communication related industry such as this, passion should be present along with dedication to
do your duty and determination to never give up and never lose the will to improve and learn

“What are your areas of improvement?”

Though I consider myself fluent in english In writing and speaking, there’s a room for
improvement to my verbal communication, I need to engage in more talking in English than in
writing. Constructing english when writing is far easier for me than speaking because I don’t
always converse with people in English. But with this job, there’s an opportunity to improve and I
am a strong-willed person when it comes to improvement.

"What are your strengths?"

I consider my qualities that defines me as a person as my strengths...I am hardworking, fast-

learner, committed and a determined person. I do have lots of patience and I can handle stress
effectively without affecting my work.

"Based on your skills and talent, how much is your expected salary?"

Salary is not problem to me because since i am newbie in this kind of industry so I’m expecting
my salary as per company policy although any amount my qualities and my effort would amount
that I deserve will be fine with me
“Why we should NOT hire you?”

"If you are NOT looking someone who is responsible and who can definitely take care of your
business needs, then by all means. Don't hire me" Because I am someone who is very
responsible, hardworking and honest. If you don't need people like me, then you shouldn't hire

“What will make you qualified to work in a call center?”

One thing that I know in myself without call center experience is that, the knowledge that at the
end of the day. This industry relies on human connections, I am a compassionate person, and in
a job that deals with different kinds of customers, compassion is a must have qualification.
Because customers are people and people need to be respected and make them feel that their
needs matter and to be treated like human beings. I know customers can be stressful at times,
they can be irate, etc and so I tell you as a compassionate person, that I handle stress very well.
I got heart and commitment to this profession, That is my qualification.

What kind of preparation did you do before you apply here?”

First thing I did is that I researched about the BPO industry and learned more about this
company, and with the knowledge that they are the leading BPO company here in the
Philippines. I made sure I dressed and looked decent, rehearsed my English communication
and rest to reduce my stress and anxiousness.

"From what you understand, Why do they need Call Centers?"

Call centers are needed because it is the fastest and easiest way to solve each customer
concerns. In just a call away customers can address their concerns and queries. They actually
save their time by calling from their phones to get information for their needs or business

What will make you quit? / How long

As long as the company needs me, I will only leave this company if I get in an accident that will
hinder me from performing the task or obligations that I have, then I will quit.
What is a call center agent and what is the role | job description?"

The job of a call center agent involves a various responsibilities that ultimately help lead
customer satisfaction. Some responsibilities of a call center agent include managing inbound
and outbound customer calls, identifying customer needs, answering questions and providing
alternatives or solution to their issues.

"What do you mean by customer satisfaction?"

Customer Satisfaction is the result when you apply active listening and comprehension skills,
professionalism, responsiveness, cultural sensitivity and effort in assisting every customer , by
doing that you can easily acknowledge their concerns and give an immediate response/ solution
to their concerns. surely you will exceed their expectation of excellent customer service that you

What is your expectation from the company

I do expect that this company will give me chance to improve my skills and to prove that I can
be an asset to your company and I am also expecting that this company will train me well so
that I would be an efficient agent.. Thank you.

How do you see yourself 5 years from now?

5 Years from now I envision myself being a much more developed person, like what I expected,
this company had helped me grow and become a much better person. I was promoted to a
position that I deserve and I am now the breadwinner of our family, I successfully got my brother
through school and I’m sitting at the porch of a balcony of a house that I bought thinking, I did all
that through hard work, perseverance and dedication.

What are your short term / long term goals

Short term goals as of this moment is that I will get hired by this company and be apart of this
organization that promotes growth and positivity to its employees while my long term goals, is to
prove myself as a valuable employee, unlock my potential and be a real asset to this company.
How do you handle stress?

Philosophy. I tend to focus on the bright side of life and never let stress get strength over my
will. Maintaining a positive attitude while being optimistic that I could handle it. And with a clear
mind I always tend to resolve my stress problems with ease.

What is inbound / outbound

Inbound calls are received on behalf of the client examples are customer care and support while
outbound makes calls on behalf of their client, for example for sales purpose or promotion.

"What are your hobbies, favorite sports or activities?"

My hobbies are listening to music, I am a fond listener of vintage songs, movies especially
Christopher Nolan and Quentin tarantino films, and lately, I engage myself in screenwriting.

“What is the happiest moment in your life?”

Happiest moment in my life was when together as a family, went to baguio and it’s been a long
time since we got. Growing up in a broken family, the feeling that had come, the joy that I felt
when we bonded and made memories, that’s the moment that I knew that I am at my happiest.

Which of the following is the most important and why?

A ) knowledge
B ) health
C ) money
D ) time

I believe the most important among the given choices is health because let’s admit it, you can’t
achieve the rest when you’re sick. You’re healthy when you learn, you need to be healthy to go
to work and earn money and the best way to spend your time is when you are healthy, have
some memories with the people you love, create bond.
"What is your greatest dream?"

To be honest, I’ve been dreaming about a single goal for a long time now and that dream is
what inspired me to look for a job. My mother is a single mom and the sole breadwinner since I
was a child. She put us through school and gave as a good life and I always her hardships and
sacrifices just to provide for us and I only aspire to give back and try to help her. I need to carry
my own weight, I want to give her gifts, I want to make her feel, that all her hardships abroad are
worth it.

“What is the best thing that happened to you this year, did you achieve something, are
you able to establish something or did you invest on something, what are the things that
you are thankful for or what are the things that you are able to buy?”

Since we’re only at the early stages of the year, is that opportunities were opened and I finally
have the confidence to walk through it. Starting from the moment I searched for a job with the
intention of helping my family to this very moment that I’m at this room with very kind people,
can’t help but think, I’m thankful, to my mom and my girlfriend that supported me to get where I
am today.

“Give me a job that makes our country rich.”

Call center, as you know one of the country's best asset is our booming bpo industry, BPO
companies gave Filipinos the opportunity to have a stable job and a steady income that will
surely fruit into the reason of the rising wealth of our nation.

"What makes you busy for the past 6-12 months?"

Taking care of the house and assisting my family. Studying.

Nice thing to do in rainy day

Sip hot chocolate while listening to relaxing music, chilling in the balcony where I watch
raindrops fall.
"If you won the lottery jackpot prize of 900M, are you going to start an entirely new life?”

Why start a new life when I could give life, not just to be taken literally but in a way that I could
give myself and other people, the feeling of being alive. In a sense that in the thing’s I’ll do,
donations, scholarships and whatnot, the life that they’ll have, that would be improved it’s such a
positive thought. Along with using the money to provide the life my mother and my family

Do you believe that the customer is always right?

Yes, even if they aren't. They believe they are and that is what matters. Being an employee
means you have to provide the best satisfactory service for every customer they need to feel
valued, feel that they’ve been heard, make them happy and let them know that the company
cares about them.

Whats more toxic for you? Signing a job offer for a challenging account or are you still
looking for a job?

The more toxic one for me is

Why does pizza come in a square box?

Because it is simpler, cheaper and easier to make a square box than a round one

Describe your ideal working environment

An environment that promotes growth, and positivity in the workplace. Challenges oneself to
aspire more, encourage success and recognize the value of their employees.
How can you achieve the best customer satisfaction?

by providing them the best customer service I achieve to provide with every client I’ll receive. I
will exert effort, strive to resolve their concerns whether when they are inquiring, asking
questions, or helping them make an informed decision regarding business. I always aim to put
them in front and show their value by making them feel their importance.

How do you handle a call from an irate customer?

Listening would be a start, to handle different kinds of customer, I believe one must be a good
listener, with an open-mind and understanding heart. With empathy and wisdom, I believe I
could handle an irate customer while displaying professionalism. I always keep in mind that I am
representing the company with each and every call so I’ll make sure to apply myself. Be aware
of how I talk with punctuations and the tone of my voice, and just be empathetic no matter what.


 What is the Mentoring culture in the company Thank you so much for answering my questions. I
think today has been very positive. I learned about the company and this strengthen my belief that
this is the right place for me. If I may ask, what will be the next step after this interview?

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