Generating GSDML Files For SINAMICS Drives V2 1 en

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Generating GSDML files for

Script to generate GSDML files

Application description February 2016

Applications & Tools

Answers for industry.
Siemens Industry Online Support
This article is taken from Siemens Industry Online Support. The following link takes
you directly to the download page for this document:

The functions and solutions described in this article are limited primarily to the
implementation of the automation task. Please also note that in case of networking
your plant area with other parts of the plant, the company network or the Internet,
appropriate protective measures within the framework of industrial security must be
adopted. For more information, see the entry ID 50203404.
Siemens AG 2014-2016 All rights reserved

Generating GSDML files for SINAMICS

2 Version 2.1, Entry ID: 92022677
s Motivation 1

Integration in a project 2

Application 3

Contact person 4
Generating GSDML files for
SINAMICS History 5
Installation and description
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Generating GSDML files for SINAMICS

Version 2.1, Entry ID: 92022677 3
Warranty and liability

Warranty and liability

Note The application examples are non-binding and do not claim to be complete in
terms of configuration and equipment, or to take account of any other
contingencies. These application examples do not represent specific customer
solutions – but are only intended to provide support when it comes to typical
applications. You are responsible for the proper operation of the described
products. These application examples do not exempt users from their due
diligence obligation with regard to application, installation, operation and
maintenance. By using these application examples, you agree that Siemens
cannot be made liable for possible damage beyond the liability clause described.
We reserve the right to make changes to these application examples at any time
and without prior notice. If there are any differences between the suggestions
made in these application examples and other Siemens publications, such as
catalogs, the contents of the other document(s) take priority.

We do not provide a warranty for any of the information contained in this document.
We accept no liability for any damage or loss caused by the examples, information,
programs, planning data, or performance data described in this application
example, irrespective of the legal basis for claims arising from such damage or
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loss, unless liability is mandatory. For example, according to the product liability
law, in cases of malfeasance, gross negligence, due to endangerment of life, body
or health, due to assumption of a guarantee for the properties of a product, due to
malicious concealment of a defect or due to violation of basic contractual
obligations. However, claims for indemnification based on breach of contract shall
be limited to liability for damages to the contract-specific, foreseeable damages,
provided there is no mandatory liability for intent, acts of gross negligence, harm to
the life, body and health of human beings. Any change to the burden of proof to
your disadvantage is not covered hereby.

Any form of duplication of these application examples or excerpts hereof is not

permitted without the express consent of Siemens Industry Sector.

Generating GSDML files for SINAMICS

4 Version 2.1, Entry ID: 92022677
Table of contents

Table of contents
Warranty and liability ............................................................................................... 4
1 Motivation ....................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Boundary conditions .......................................................................... 6
1.2 Context.............................................................................................. 7
2 Integration in a project ................................................................................... 8
2.1 Inserting a script folder....................................................................... 9
2.2 Importing the script .......................................................................... 10
3 Application.................................................................................................... 12
3.1 General ........................................................................................... 12
User interface language ................................................................... 12
Log file 12
3.2 Executing the script ......................................................................... 13
Select a device ................................................................................ 14
Directory for generated GSDML files ................................................ 15
Original SINAMICS GSDML file ....................................................... 16
GSDML file name ............................................................................ 17
Free telegram configuration with BICO............................................. 18
Graphics file .................................................................................... 19
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Summary ......................................................................................... 20
Script history.................................................................................... 20
3.3 Using the GSDML file in the TIA Portal ............................................ 21
3.3.1 Installation in the TIA Portal ............................................................. 22
3.3.2 Instantiating the device in the TIA Portal project ............................... 25
Updating a GSDML file .................................................................... 26
3.4 Special application cases................................................................. 27
Removing installed GSDML files from the TIA Portal ........................ 27
Working in parallel on a project ........................................................ 27
Accessing an older, backed-up project version................................. 27
Upgrading a project to a higher STARTER version ........................... 27

Upgrading a device to a higher firmware version .............................. 27

Removing the script history .............................................................. 27
Renaming a project.......................................................................... 28
Renaming a device .......................................................................... 28
Identical names assigned in different projects .................................. 28
Duplicating a project #1 ................................................................... 29
Duplicating a project #2 ................................................................... 29
Duplicating a device......................................................................... 29
4 Contact person ............................................................................................. 30
5 History .......................................................................................................... 31

Generating GSDML files for SINAMICS

Version 2.1, Entry ID: 92022677 5
1 Motivation

1 Motivation
At the present time, SINAMICS S120, S150, G130 and G150 devices are not
integrated in Startdrive. As a consequence, drives based on these devices are
currently configured in STARTER.
TIA Portal applications, which use these SINAMICS devices, must use GSD
configurations for these devices.
Configuring in parallel in the TIA Portal and in STARTER is possible under the
following general conditions:
Telegrams are configured manually and separately in the TIA Portal and in
Telegram configurations are not synchronized with one another.
Changes to the configuration must be updated on both sides.
As a consequence, configuring costs increase and also the possibility of making

The scripts presented here generate GSDML files for specific drive configurations.
The script runs in the context of STARTER. The user installs the generated
GSDML files in the TIA Portal, and there they are directly available in the hardware
Siemens AG 2014-2016 All rights reserved

The above-mentioned points can be significantly improved with this approach:
Telegrams are only configured in STARTER.
Configuring telegrams in the TIA Portal is synchronized with configuring
telegrams in STARTER.
Changes to the configuration only have to be updated in STARTER.

1.1 Boundary conditions


Configuring a drive must comply with the following conditions in order that the
script can create a GSDML file:
It involves a SINAMICS S120, S150, G130 or G150 device.
The device has firmware version V4.3 or higher.
Cyclic communication is configured via PROFINET; optionally on board or with
the Communication Board Extension (CBE).
Cyclic communication is realized via the logical IF1 interface.

Generating GSDML files for SINAMICS

6 Version 2.1, Entry ID: 92022677
1 Motivation

1.2 Context
The script has been implemented and tested using STARTER V4.4 SP1 HF1 and
the TIA Portal V13 SP1 including update 6.
Both development environments can be installed on the same computer – or on
different computers. In the second case, the generated GSDML files must be
copied by the user to the computer where the TIA Portal is installed.
The script has been developed under the assumption that it can also run in higher
versions of the development environments mentioned above and will also generate
error-free GSDML files. Of course, this cannot be guaranteed. If you are already
using higher versions of these development environments, please check whether
an updated version of the script is available.
Lower versions of the development environments mentioned above have not been
tested, and the functionality is not explicitly guaranteed.
Further, without being able to absolutely guarantee the functionality, the script can
be run within the context of SIMOTION SCOUT. It is potentially possible to install
the generated GSDML files in SIMATIC STEP7 Classic as well as in the
appropriate environments provided by third-party suppliers.
Further, Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 or higher as well as Microsoft XML Core
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Services V6.0 are used. As standard, both are installed with Windows 7.
The script interface was tested with Internet Explorer 11.

Note We recommend that Internet Explorer is updated to the currently available


Generating GSDML files for SINAMICS

Version 2.1, Entry ID: 92022677 7
2 Integration in a project

2 Integration in a project
Irrespective of the deployed development environment (STARTER or
SIMOTION SCOUT), the procedure for integrating the script to generate GSDML
files in a project does not change.
Only the screenshots shown here can differ in detail for the concrete constellation,
with regard to
Type of the deployed development environment
Version of the deployed development environment
Language setting of the operating system, respectively the user-interface
language set for the development environment.
The screenshots shown here were created with Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit English
and STARTER V4.4 with an English user interface.
Siemens AG 2014-2016 All rights reserved

Generating GSDML files for SINAMICS

8 Version 2.1, Entry ID: 92022677
2 Integration in a project

2.1 Inserting a script folder

Open STARTER and the required project. Unless performed previously, select the
project level in the Project Navigator and create a script folder from the context
menu (Expert Insert script folder).

Fig. 2-1: Inserting a script folder

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Generating GSDML files for SINAMICS

Version 2.1, Entry ID: 92022677 9
2 Integration in a project

2.2 Importing the script

Unzip the script in the ZIP format into a folder that you have selected.
The script to generate GSDML files is available as XML export. To import into the
currently opened project, select the Export/import Import folders/objects menu
item in the context menu of the script folder.

Fig. 2-2: Importing a script

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In the following dialog, select the directory with the script by clicking the Browse…

Fig. 2-3: Import object dialog

Generating GSDML files for SINAMICS

10 Version 2.1, Entry ID: 92022677
2 Integration in a project

In the following dialog, select the GenerateGsdmlFile.xml file.

Fig. 2-4: Dialog to select the XML file

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Now click the Open button to accept the file selection (shown in the upper text

Fig. 2-5: Import object dialog


The import has now been completed. The script is contained in the script folder that
has been created and can be executed immediately.

Note The script has no reference to the context (position of the script folder); there is
always an absolute reference to a specific project. As a consequence, the script
can be saved in any script folder.
We recommend that the script is saved in the script folder at the project level.

Generating GSDML files for SINAMICS

Version 2.1, Entry ID: 92022677 11
3 Application

3 Application
3.1 General
The screenshots shown here were created with Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit English,
Internet Explorer 11, TIA Portal V13 including update 4 and STARTER V4.4 with
an English user interface.

User interface language

The language in the script dialogs matches that in the STARTER development
environment. German and English are currently supported.
If French, Italian or Spanish is set as language, English will be displayed in the
script dialogs.

Log file
The script documents its actions in the details display. This is done in the same
language as the above-mentioned user interface language.
The output can also be written in the details display in a log file. The log file exists
in the project directory and has *.log as file extension.
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If the log file does not yet exist, it will be created implicitly by the script. An existing
log file will never be overwritten; new entries are written as new text lines at the
end of the log file.

Fig. 3-1: Example extract from a log file


Note Because the log file is contained in the project directory, it will also be archived

Generating GSDML files for SINAMICS

12 Version 2.1, Entry ID: 92022677
3 Application

3.2 Executing the script

Start the script in the Project Navigator with Accept and execute from the context

Fig. 3-2: Executing the script

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Generating GSDML files for SINAMICS

Version 2.1, Entry ID: 92022677 13
3 Application

Select a device
The subsequent dialog is displayed to select the SINAMICS devices.

Fig. 3-3: Dialog to select devices

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In the dialog that is displayed, select the SINAMICS device for which a GSDML file
is to be generated. A separate GSDML file is generated for each selected device.
No device is selected by default. You can change the selection using the mouse or
with the Shift and Ctrl keys.

You only have to double-click on the associated entry if a GSDML file is to be

generated for only one device.
The selected devices are individually handled in one of the following dialogs by
pressing the Continue > button.
Click the Cancel button to terminate the script without performing any action.

Note If possible, terminate the script using the Cancel button rather than using the
Executing script dialog. The latter does not close the script dialog.

Generating GSDML files for SINAMICS

14 Version 2.1, Entry ID: 92022677
3 Application

Directory for generated GSDML files

If the script is being used for the first time, then to start, the directory for the
generated GSDML files should be selected. This is also possibly required when
transferring the project to another computer.
A Browse For Folder dialog is displayed by pressing the Folder to save the
generated GSDML files… button. Select a directory of your choice.

Fig. 3-4: Directory for generated GSDML files

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Note The setting made here is permanently saved in the project path (also see
Section "Script history" at the end of the chapter as well as Chapter 3.4, Section
"Removing the script history").

Generating GSDML files for SINAMICS

Version 2.1, Entry ID: 92022677 15
3 Application

Original SINAMICS GSDML file

If the script is being used for the first time, then to start the original SINAMICS
GSDML files should be selected. For each device type (S120, S150, G130, G150)
a separate original GSDML file has to be selected, even if the same file is
referenced several times.
An open file dialog is displayed by pressing the Original SINAMICS GSDML file…
drop-down list. Select an original GSDML file (provided by Siemens).

Fig. 3-5: Selecting the original GSDML file (here: SINAMICS S120)
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Note Depending on the specific operating environment, the open file dialog can have a
different appearance as well as various properties.

Note You can find the original GSDML files for SINAMICS e.g. in the firmware in the
Copy the unzipped GSDML files and the graphic file into the directory that you
have selected.

Note The setting made here is permanently saved in the project path (also see
Section "Script history" at the end of the chapter as well as Chapter 3.4, Section
"Removing the script history").

Generating GSDML files for SINAMICS

16 Version 2.1, Entry ID: 92022677
3 Application

GSDML file name

The following dialog is displayed for each selected device.
Information regarding the device is displayed in the upper section.
Device name
Device type
Firmware version
PROFINET IO version (from the original GSDML file)
PZD communication interface
Further, data regarding the last generation are displayed.

Fig. 3-6: Dialog for the GSDML file names

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The project name and the device name, taken from the STARTER project, are
preset in the text fields Vendor and Device Family. The names are used for the
GSDML file names, as well as for the visible names in the TIA Portal hardware
The write-protected text field Proposed GSDML File Name shows the GSDML file
name to be generated based on the entries of the other two text fields and the
actual system time.

Note The allocation of names for GSDML files is clearly defined; the range of
characters that can be used is quite restrictive.
The script automatically replaces the hyphens generally used in project and
device names by underscore characters.
The script rejects other entries with invalid characters with an appropriate note.

Generating GSDML files for SINAMICS

Version 2.1, Entry ID: 92022677 17
3 Application

Note The name components (manufacturer and device name) are permanently saved
in the project path (also see Section "Script history" at the end of the chapter as
well as Chapter 3.4, Section "Removing the script history").
This is the reason that when changing project names or device names in the
STARTER project, the previous name components still remain available.

If a GSDML file was already generated for the device, then the name
components (manufacturer and device family) should no longer be

Otherwise, when importing the GSDML file, the device will be identified as
a new device and not as a more recent version of an existing device.

If a GSDML file cannot be generated as a result of the secondary conditions (see

Chapter 1.1), then the cause is displayed in the dialog. The text fields are grayed
out and the Continue > button is deactivated.
The GSDML file is generated by pressing the Continue > button. The script then
continues with the next device. The script is exited if it involves a single device or
the last device.
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The device is skipped without generating a GSDML file by pressing the Skip
button. The script is exited if it involves a single device or the last device.
Click the Cancel button to exit the script without performing any further action.

Note If possible, terminate the script using the Cancel button rather than using the
Executing script dialog. The latter does not close the script dialog.

Free telegram configuration with BICO

The script checks if there is a free telegram configuration with BICO. If the
SINAMICS device also supports a free telegram with isochronous capability the
following prompt is shown.

Fig. 3-7: Dialog for free telegram configuration

Click the Yes button to generate a free telegram with isochronous capability.

Generating GSDML files for SINAMICS

18 Version 2.1, Entry ID: 92022677
3 Application

Graphics file
If there is an associated graphic file for the device, then this is also copied into the
directory of the generated GSDML file.
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Generating GSDML files for SINAMICS

Version 2.1, Entry ID: 92022677 19
3 Application

In the final dialog a summary is displayed.

Fig. 3-8: Summary dialog

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Script history
The script saves the necessary information in an XML file in the project directory.
This involves the following:

Internal information (script name, script version etc.)

Settings that have been made
– Original SINAMICS GSDML files
– Directory for generated GSDML files
Project information
– Current project name
– Project name that is used ( name of the manufacturer)
– Project ID (a unique identification number)
Device information (possibly available a multiple number times)
– Name of the manufacturer
– Current device name
– Device name that is used ( device family)
– Device ID (also a unique identification number)
– Type ID (identification number for the device type)
– Data of the last generation (date, file name)

Generating GSDML files for SINAMICS

20 Version 2.1, Entry ID: 92022677
3 Application

3.3 Using the GSDML file in the TIA Portal

The following example of a telegram configuration is available in STARTER. It
involves a SINAMICS S120 CU320-2 PN with firmware version V4.7. The screen
shots in the Chapters 3.1 and 3.2 are based on the same application case.
The following was selected as original GSDML file:

Fig. 3-9: Example of a telegram configuration in STARTER

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A GSDML file is generated for the device using the script. The GSDML file name
was derived from the project and the device names, and is:


Generating GSDML files for SINAMICS

Version 2.1, Entry ID: 92022677 21
3 Application

3.3.1 Installation in the TIA Portal

Start the TIA Portal and change to the project view. A generated GSDML file is
installed using the menu command Options Install general station description
file (GSD). It is irrelevant as to whether a project has already been opened.
In the Install general station description file dialog, navigate in the directory, in
which the generated GSDML file is saved. Select the checkbox in front of the file
and press the Install button.

Fig. 3-10: Installing the general station description file

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Confirm the following confirmation prompt with OK.


Fig. 3-11: Confirmation prompt before the installation

Generating GSDML files for SINAMICS

22 Version 2.1, Entry ID: 92022677
3 Application

The GSDML file is now installed. The progress is displayed in a dialog. Generally, it
takes a few seconds to install a GSDML file.

Fig. 3-12: The GSDML file is being installed

A message is output once the installation has been completed.

Fig. 3-13: The GSDML file has been successfully installed

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The information is transferred into the hardware catalog by pressing the Close

Fig. 3-14: Updating the hardware catalog

Generating GSDML files for SINAMICS

Version 2.1, Entry ID: 92022677 23
3 Application

The device is now available in the hardware catalog.

You can find the device under Other field devices PROFINET IO Drives
Siemens AG <Vendor> <Device family>.
You can specify the place holders <Vendor> and <Device family> in the script. As
default, the name of the STARTER project (in this case: MyProject) and the device
(in this case: S120_CU320_2_PN_1) are used.

Fig. 3-15: Specific drive configuration in the hardware catalog

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If several versions of the GSDML file have been installed, then the required version
can be selected using the Version drop-down list.

Generating GSDML files for SINAMICS

24 Version 2.1, Entry ID: 92022677
3 Application

3.3.2 Instantiating the device in the TIA Portal project

The device installed in the TIA Portal using the GSDML file can be instantiated just
like any other device.
Contrary to a standard GSDML file of a SINAMICS S120, for this device, the slots
and their sub slots are already assigned corresponding to the telegram
configuration in the STARTER project.
When assigning to an IO system, the IO addresses are automatically preassigned.

Fig. 3-16: Device instance in a TIAP project

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Subsequently changing, expanding or deleting modules and submodules is neither

desirable nor possible.

Generating GSDML files for SINAMICS

Version 2.1, Entry ID: 92022677 25
3 Application

Updating a GSDML file

If an update of the GSDML file is installed, then instances are not automatically
upgraded to reflect this update. To do this, in the properties of the instance, under
the General tab, the revision should be changed using the Change revision button.

Fig. 3-17: Changing the revision

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Depending on the type of change in the telegram configuration, in the

TIA Portal it is not possible to change the revision.

In this case, the device must be reinstantiated with the required revision.

Generating GSDML files for SINAMICS

26 Version 2.1, Entry ID: 92022677
3 Application

3.4 Special application cases

Removing installed GSDML files from the TIA Portal
This is not possible with the current version of the TIA Portal.

Working in parallel on a project

If several users are working in parallel on duplicates of a STARTER project, and if
GSDML files are generated from these projects, then the user(s) must ensure the
appropriate consistency (e.g. the generated GSDML file names).

Accessing an older, backed-up project version

The user must ensure the consistency (e.g. the generated GSDML file names).

Upgrading a project to a higher STARTER version

The availability and consistency are implicitly guaranteed.
If, in this context, devices are upgraded to a higher firmware version, then the
application scenario "Upgrading a device to a higher firmware version" applies.
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Upgrading a device to a higher firmware version

The "entry point" into the GSDML file is the DAP (Device Access Point). This
differs according to the CU type (CU310, CU320), according to PROFINET
interface (onboard or CBE) and also according to the firmware being used. The
differences in the capabilities regarding PROFINET are saved in the individual DAP
The script uses the original SINAMICS GSDML file as template to generate the
specific GSDML file. All of the available DAPs are deposited in the original
SINAMICS GSDML file. Based on the specifically selected device (CU type,
firmware version) the script searches for the DAP required, and from this develops

the specific GSDML file.

As a consequence, this means
1. that for a higher firmware version, the original GSDML file must as a minimum
support the more recent firmware version, and
2. the GSDML files generated up until now for this device are not compatible with
those for the more recent firmware version.

Removing the script history

The script history is saved in the project directory in an XML file.
The history can be completely deleted using Windows Explorer by deleting the
XML file. Alternatively, part of the history can be deleted or manipulated using the
(XML) editor. The XML elements used are self-explanatory.
No warranty is given when manual interventions are made.
For this special application case, we recommend that the project is backed up or as
a minimum, the XML file involved.

Generating GSDML files for SINAMICS

Version 2.1, Entry ID: 92022677 27
3 Application

Renaming a project
The project name is used as manufacturer name for the generated GSDML files,
as part of the GSDML file name. Further, the project name is entered within the
GSDML file; this is used to assign the project name within the tree-type structure of
the hardware catalog.
If the project name is changed, and if this change were to be transferred into the
names of newly generated GSDML files, then this would mean multiple entries in
the tree-type view of the TIA Portal hardware catalog.
The script uses the project ID to identify the project. This means that in spite of the
changed name, the script can uniquely identify the project.
After changing the project name, when the script is executed, users have the
option of deciding as to whether the previous project name (updated GSDML files
are recognized as updates of previous GSDML files) is used, or the new project
name (updated GSDML files are recognized as separate GSDML files, the
previous GSDML files still remain visible in parallel).

Renaming a device
For the generated GSDML files, the device name is used as a component of the
file name. Further, the device name is entered within the GSDML file; this is used
to assign the device name within the tree-type structure of the HW catalog within
Siemens AG 2014-2016 All rights reserved

the hardware catalog.

If the device name is changed, and if this change were to be transferred into the
name of an updated GSDML file, then this would mean a duplicate in the hardware
The script uses the device ID to identify the device. This means that in spite of the
changed name, the script can uniquely identify the device.
After changing the device name, when the script is executed, users have the option
of deciding as to whether the previous device name (an updated GSDML file is
recognized as update of a previous GSDML file) is used, or the new device name

(updated GSDML file is recognized as separate GSDML files, the previous GSDML
files still remain visible in parallel).

Identical names assigned in different projects

If the project name as well as the device name are identical in different STARTER
projects, then it is possible that generated GSDML files are recognized as an
update of already installed GSDML files.
This can be desirable, for instance, if it involves a standard device that is used in
various projects.
However, if this is to be avoided, then the project name or the device name can be
changed in the STARTER project so that it is unique.
Alternatively, it is possible to specifically override the manufacturer's name or the
name of the device family while the script is being executed. These changes are
retentively saved in the project path; as a consequence, they are automatically
available for another generation.

Generating GSDML files for SINAMICS

28 Version 2.1, Entry ID: 92022677
3 Application

Duplicating a project #1
If the project is duplicated using the STARTER menu command Project Save
and create copy… and if the option With reorganization (slow) is deactivated, then
the script history is also duplicated. The project ID remains in the duplicated project
(there are now two projects with the same ID). This means, that in spite of the
changed name, the script can uniquely identify the project.
As a consequence, the "Rename project in STARTER" application case applies.

Duplicating a project #2
If the project is duplicated using the STARTER menu command Project Save
and create copy… and if the option With reorganization (slow) is activated, then the
script history is not transferred into the new project.
As a consequence, the "Remove the script history" application case applies.

Duplicating a device
If a device is duplicated within the project, then the duplicated device is allocated a
new name and a new ID.
As a consequence, the script does not know the duplicated device. From the
perspective of the script, a GSDML file is being generated for the first time. If the
Siemens AG 2014-2016 All rights reserved

device name is not specifically changed, then for the TIA Portal, this involves a
device description that is still unknown.

Generating GSDML files for SINAMICS

Version 2.1, Entry ID: 92022677 29
4 Contact person

4 Contact person
Siemens AG
Industry Sector
Frauenauracher Strasse 80
D - 91056 Erlangen, Germany
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Generating GSDML files for SINAMICS

30 Version 2.1, Entry ID: 92022677
5 History

5 History
Table 5-1
Version Date Change
V1.0 2014-05-26 First Edition
V2.0 2014-08-22 Support of SINAMICS S150, G130, G150
V2.1 2016-02-29 Free telegrams in isochronous mode
Siemens AG 2014-2016 All rights reserved

Generating GSDML files for SINAMICS

Version 2.1, Entry ID: 92022677 31

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