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A.) Publishable formats template

*Maximum of 5000 words
*Not necessarily publishable formats covers up the whole study

B.) Introduction, Methodology

*Research publications in journals

*Who are our audiences? Academic Scholars, Undergraduate students

*Press kit for indigineous people

Quantitative, required hypotheses

*Inform the participants of the publication standards

*Remind researchers on the process in conducting and writing research

Barriers to writing
selction of journal -
article title -
abstract -
introduction - definition of terms, significance of the study, review of
related literature
methods - scientific procedure, detailed from the selection of the
participants, data analysis, statistical treatment
results and discussion
conclusion and recommendations
general format/requirements of publication
submission and peer-reviewing process

Common barriers to writing and publishing

I dont have time
I have nothing important to say
It is too hard
I can't write
I am not intersted

Parts of sceintific paper

materials and methods
results and discussion
conclusion and recommendations

it predicts content
it catches reader's interest
it reflects the tone or slant of the piece of writing
avoid parochial terms
do not disclose specific name of the institution
omit unnecessary words
*do not emphasize the locations, mentioned once in the methodology

*considerations in writing the abstract (200-300 words)

single paragraph
independent document
the first sentence should clearly state the objective/purpose of the
methods or research design with number of populations or samples
significant findings of the investigation
impact of this work on the general field of study
3 to 5 keywords (7 at most)


*Considerations in writing the introduction

state directly the problem, concept or issue

state the overview of the varriables
state uncertainty/controversy in literature
what existing theory/principle that can support the study
state the impact or significance
state the utility value of the findings

some weaknesses of the papers (introduction)

no clear statement of issues/problems to be addressed/no string arguments

insufficients reviews
no clear overview of the major variables
lack of relevant theories connected with the study

first paragraph
describe the challenges and issues
second paragraph
cite current works on the identified gaps. What is

some weaknesses of the papers (objectives)

objectives are not aligned with the results and discussion

Review of related literature

Times new Roman 11

The researchers recommend that...

Times n

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