Letter of Reccomendation Sarah Prins Deanna Goodman

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338 W. Lincoln Avenue ∙ Reed City, Michigan 49677
Phone: (231) 8325548 ∙ Fax: (231) 8326194

Principal-DeAnna Goodman Assistant Principal-Kori Knudson

April 28, 2020

To Whom It May Concern:

It is my pleasure to write this letter of recommendation for Sarah Prins.
Sarah has a teacher’s heart and is eager to learn what it takes to become an
effective teacher. It is obvious that she believes in children and that all children
can learn. I am continually impressed at the degree of care, presentation, and
thoughtfulness she gives to every lesson and to each student. She is bright,
thoughtful, and caring; works well with others; learns quickly, and expresses
herself clearly.
Sarah has put in extra time in her classroom further evidencing her
dedication to the teaching profession. It was immediately evident that Sarah had a
love for the profession and a sincere interest in and concern for the students. She
was willing to come up with creative lessons that proved to be interesting and
educationally effective. She has formed a positive relationship with her student’s
parents. They also speak very highly of her demeanor and professionalism.
Sarah has approached any and all aspects of the work involved in teaching
her students with eager anticipation. Her maturity in dealing with the students was
evident and, as a result, commanded real respect from the students.
Wherever she decides to accept a teaching position, I know with all
confidence that she will do an outstanding job and become an asset to the school
district fortunate enough to receive her application for employment. I believe that
she would be a positive influence in any school and I highly recommend her for a
teaching position.


DeAnna Goodman
GT Norman Elementary

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