My Teaching Philosophy Rough Draft

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Autumn Pfaff

Professor Wolfe

ETEC 424.01W

April 12, 2020

My Teaching Philosophy

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
-Nelson Mandela

Challenging my students and watching them grow is my personal goal in my future

classroom. I believe each student is different in their own unique way. They each learn and

speak differently, just as they have different personalities. At the beginning of the school year I

plan on learning each of my student’s strengths and weaknesses. I will push my students for

greatness in each area of learning. My teaching style will use the Multiple Intelligences Theory

by Howard Gardner. I believe that using the Multiple Intelligences Theory will allow my

students freedom to explore their self-expression and creativity. My classroom will be set up

with different centers around the room to provide different ways of learning. The centers include,

quiet reading, building blocks, and creative play.

I know that learning starts at home at such a young age and I believe that good

communication with parents is a must. Keeping parents updated on their child’s progress

throughout the year is very important. This is the key that helps them help you. Parent

involvement and participation would be appreciated. I will encourage my student’s parents to

volunteer and come to as many classroom events as possible. I also encourage questions about

their child’s learning and progress. My classroom will have an open door policy so parents can

feel free to come sit in and enjoy our class.

The military holds a special place in my heart as I have several family members and

friends in the armed forces. My classes will give back by making several care packages

throughout the year to send to our troops. I will teach my class the respect we need to have for

our military and why we have a military while making them care packages. Thanksgiving time

will be one of the big care packages we will do, with students making cards and writing thank

you letters to our troops. Along with the care packages for our military, for Christmas I would

also like to do some community service with all of the other teachers I work with. I would like to

begin my personal service act called “Slippers for Seniors”. Slippers for Seniors is where we will

collect house shoes and slippers for senior citizens who live in nursing homes in the community.

As a future educator my goal is to provide a caring and exciting learning environment. I

will provide a quality education using different learning styles and techniques. My students will

get to explore their personalities and express themselves through their own creativity. Parents

need to be comfortable dropping their children off knowing they are going to have a great and

exciting day and learning the skills they will need in the future to be successful.

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