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“Changing Mind”

by Millie Gladwin

ext:1899, London, England. a cold dark alley the sun is almost

dimmed, the street light have lit and are flickering, the
streets are cold and wet and the building are a bleck colour,
the water on the pavement is reflecting from the street lights
like sliver
camera b-roll of the streets as thought the audience is
walking thought the streets.

the camera then pans to one wall of the street and a young man
in his 20s, he is wearing a blue t-shirt with holes torn in
it, he is also wearing black tourers, he is very dirty. he is
sitting by himself alone, he has his legs bent and his arms on
top of his knees, his head is drawn down. Jack then looks up
and the camera zooms (extreme close up) into his face and a
single tear rolls down his check, he is looking away from the
camera, he is looking to the right.

the camera then pans out of the shoot and pans over to a male
in his 3os, he has a wispy moustache, he is wearing a top hat,
a velvet coat with tiger fur on the inside, he is wearing
smart black troupers and is also wearing smart black glossy
shoes, he showing the appearing on looking grand and rich, he
is walking is a straight posture to show his wealth and has
hand behind his back to hold his posture

Mr Yates continues to walk through the streets, and begins to

walk past jack, jack again lifts his head up as he notices mr
yates as he is near to approaching him.


please sir (quietly)

(whilst shaking his money tin)

Mr Yates continues to walk past jack not noticing him at all,

jack follows Mr Yates with his eyes 10 seconds after he speaks
again but louder.


please sir (louder)

(shakes money tin louder)

the camera then zooms into Mr Yates face as he hears jack

speak, the camera the zoom out into a long shoot of both of
them, Mr Yates then walks over to jack and looks down at him
in disgust.

Mr Yates:

why should I boy? (smugly)

jack looks up Mr yates with fear on his face.


please sir let me tell you (shyly)

an old-fashioned Victorian pocket watch then comes on screen,

the hands of the stopwatch will start going back in time
really fast until the stopwatch finally stops.

Ext: 1876, London England, a young vision of Jack (7 years

old) has just been abandoned on the streets, he is wearing his
hat, and is wearing dungarees which are scruffy. the camera
then zooms into jack’s face, as he looks very scared and
worried. there is adult in the background walking past him
unawares. jack walks over to a man offering a job as a chimney
sweep and so he begins working, there is a montage of 18 years
going by as he works as a chimney sweep, in the montage we see
in put the chimp, sleep on the streets. after the montage has
ended his boss gives him a five pound bill, jack places this
in the pocket of his dungarees looking happy and content, as
he begins to walk away from the entre he walking into a dark
alley, when out of nowhere a group of boy around five begin
to bet up Jack and take his money and anything he had, the
boys begin to run off when they hear a police car serine jack
then hunches agent one walk of the alley and cry’s, the camera
then zooms into his face as a tear runs down his check, the
animation returns to present day it the same shot of jack with
the tear running down his check.

the camera then pans over to Mr Yates but he remains with an

emotionless facial expression, Mr Yates then looks up then
back down at jack and reaches into his pocket and pulls out a
five pound bill and hands it to Jack and then walks away, jack
is so overwhelmed he begins to cry with happiness and smiles,
the camera return to Mr Yates and there is a close up of his
face and then two seconds later a smile and a single tear runs
down his face

the last scene, a quote comes onto screen – never judge

without knowing the whole story, you may think understand but
you don’t.

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