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Automatic coffee roaster design using Arduino

Tigor H. Nasution, Agustinus Putramas, Soeharwinto, Fahmi, and Ikhsan Siregar

Citation: AIP Conference Proceedings 2044, 020015 (2018); doi: 10.1063/1.5080068

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Published by the American Institute of Physics

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Automatic Coffee Roaster Design Using Arduino
Tigor H Nasution1, a), Agustinus Putramas1, Soeharwinto1, Fahmi1, Ikhsan Siregar2
Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Department of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. Coffee drinks have been long one of the favorite drinks in the world. Coffee roasting process is very influential
to the quality and taste of coffee drinks. There are many levels of roasting coffee beans and the difficulty of roasting
coffee beans causes coffee drink lovers who don’t understand roasting coffee beans based on the way they want. By
looking at above events, then made an automatic coffee roaster machine that could coffee beans roasting for various
levels of roasting which can be easily controlled by using a smartphone. Coffee roaster made using Arduino Uno as
microcontrollers controlled by Android smartphone applications via Bluetooth. The temperature sensor used in this
coffee roaster is thermocouple. The result is a prototype of a toaster that can be monitored and controlled using an
Android-based smartphone. From the results of testing tools, was found that the longer roasting time will cause the aroma
of coffee beans getting sharper and the color of the coffee beans getting black. The time of first crack of coffee roaster
made longer when compared to the branded coffee roasters.


Coffee drinks is one of the three most commonly consumed non-alcoholic beverages in the world. Coffee drinks
can eliminate sleepiness and mind refreshing. In addition, for coffee addicts will feel weak and hard to think clearly
if they don’t consume the coffee drinks.
Besides the type of coffee beans used, the process through coffee beans to be beverage also gives a big impact to
the quality of the coffee drinks to be produced. Roasting coffee process is very important process in the process of
making coffee drinks. The roasting process has several different levels that affect to the acidity and bitterness of
coffee. This process is very difficult to do by beginners and only experts who can coffee beans roasting based on the
way they want.
Previously there were several studies related to this work. There is research that explains that common coffee
roasters usually use hot air fire to roast coffee beans with temperatures around 210° C when it comes to coffee
beans(1). They studied a coffee roaster with a higher air temperature of up to 399 ° C to speed up roasting. There are
also researches that design a coffee roaster that uses sunlight to roast coffee(2). The design of the coffee roaster is
large enough and requires a sunny weather to roast the coffee beans. Furthermore there are studies that design coffee
roasters that use microwaves to roast coffee beans(3). The study adds temperature sensors and moisture to the
designed coffee roasters.
In contrast to previous research, the coffee roaster that we designed can communicate with Android-based
mobile devices to perform monitoring and control. In this research will designed an automatic coffee machine using
Arduino as a microcontroller and Android smartphone applications as the controller. This machine is expected to
help beginners of coffee roasting to make a coffee drink based on the way they want. This machine also has small
size so it is portable and easy to carry on.


To finish this work then we applying some research methods include:

The 6th International Conference on Manufacturing, Optimization, Industrial and Material Engineering
AIP Conf. Proc. 2044, 020015-1–020015-7;
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1770-0/$30.00

1. Designing model and specification of coffee roaster.
2. Components selection fits of coffee roaster design needed.
3. Designing Arduino software programs and Android apps.
4. Doing testing and analysis of coffee roaster design.

Component Program Testing and

Start Model Design End
Selection Design Analysis

FIGURE 1. Flow Chart of Research Methods

2.1 System Overview

On this automatic coffee roaster design using Arduino microcontroller as a center of the system and use the
application on Android smartphone as a controller. Arduino is an open source microcontroller platform, designed to
facilitate the use of electronics in various fields(4,5). The device will start coffee roasting after getting a start
command from Android app. The device will measure the temperature using the thermocouple to be processed by
Arduino and send to Android app. Deliver data from Arduino to Android app and Android App to Arduino using
Bluetooth. The device uses a relay as an on / off switch for the motor and heating elements.
Coffee roaster box made by using zinc plate with 0.3mm thickness. This box has a length of 36cm, width 16cm,
and height 20cm. Coffee roaster drum or tube has a length of 20cm and 8cm in diameter. Coffee roasters were
designed includes small size when compared with common coffee roaster. Coffee roasters were designed to be
portable. The maximum mass of coffee beans that can be roasted by this coffee roaster is 100gr. The heater used is 2
pieces of 150W infrared ceramic heating elements located under the tube. The motor used to rotate the drum is an
AC motor with a 6rpm rotational speed. Microcontrollers and the other hardware are located on the right side of the
tool by adding wood planks and mica plastic boards as a coat to keep the heat from the box and don’t reach the
microcontroller and other hardware. Block diagram of the system can be seen in figure 2.

FIGURE 2. System Block Diagram

2.2 System Hardware Design

Coffee roaster design using hardware consist of: Arduino Uno, K Type Thermocouple, MAX6675, Bluetooth
HC-05 Module, 12V Power Supply, Buck Converter, Relay Module, 150W Heater Element, and AC Motor.
Schematic circuit design can be seen in figure 3.

FIGURE 3. Hardware Schematic Series

2.3 Arduino Program Design

On designing Arduino program, the software used is Arduino IDE or Arduino Sketch. This software used to
program the Arduino UNO board. The flow diagram of the program can be seen in Figure 4. The formula ΔTime =
1000 above flow diagram is used to check every 1 second where 1000 is 1000 millisecond. The millis function is
used for the formula to check where millis is a built-in to start running when the Arduino is turned on. The ON time
Motor added 180 seconds from the Time ON heater so the drum does not stop immediately rotating when the heater
is turn off because the temperature in the coffee roaster is still high and gives effect to the roasting flatness if the
drum stop rotates.

ON Motor - -
ON Heater - -
Time ++

Yes MAX6675
ON Motor>0 Bluetooth

Send the time and
temperature to Temperature
Android Reading ? Time=1000
Bluetooth.print(time) Cel=ktc.readCelcius()


Save ON time data

from android

Yes No
ON Heater=ON
ON Motor=ON+180 ON>0

ON Motor>0 Pin Relay Motor=LOW



Motor Pin Relay =HIGH

Heater Pin Relay=LOW

On Heater>0


Heater Pin Relay=HIGH

FIGURE 4. Flow Chart of Arduino Program Design

2.4 Android Application Design
On the design of Android applications, the software used is Android Studio. Android studio is anew IDE
(Integrated Development Environment) made available for free Google to Android include many tools
to develop the application(6). This Android app was created in order to control and monitor of coffee roasters. The
application was designed there are 2 pieces of view. It is Bluetooth connection and display controller. Bluetooth
connection display is the view where the user will select the Bluetooth device to connect. After the Bluetooth on the
smartphone has been connected with the Arduino Bluetooth device, the user will enter the controller display.
The controller display is a view where the user can control the coffee roaster by sending the time heating
duration data to be turned on to Arduino. The temperature and timing of how long coffee roaster can survive is also
show on this display. In this view, the application can provide recommendation of active heating time when the user
choose roasting level based on they want. The roasting levels to choose from are light, medium, and dark roast.
Roaster level of light roast is obtained after the first crack coffee beans. Roasting level of medium roast is obtained
several times after first crack has stopped but second crack has not occurred yet. The roasting level of dark roast is
obtained after the beans changes to be second crack(7).
When the Bluetooth connection to Arduino disconnected, the app will return to the Bluetooth connection display
to reconnect to Arduino. In case of an error / crash in the application, the application will stop automatically.


3.1 Arduino Connection by Android App Testing

The test was performed using Arduino UNO, Bluetooth Module HC-05, and application on Android smartphone.
Figure 5 shows that the original data of 0 turns to 25 after receiving data number of 25 from the Android application
sent via Bluetooth.

FIGURE 5. Android Testing Result by Android App

3.2 Thermocouple Temperature Sensor Testing

The test was performed using Arduino UNO, MAX6675, and K Type Thermocouple. We tested the temperature
to test the reliability of the temperature sensor. From table 1 test results against time changes can be seen that the
first crack occurs after the 9th minute and second crack occurs after the 13th minute. The design temperature of the
coffee roaster design is 153° C.

TABLE 1. Test Results Against Time Changes
No Initial Mass (gr) Time (minute) First Crack (second) Second Crack Final Temperature
(second) (°C)
1 6 - - 110
2 50 7 - - 119
3 50 8 - - 128
4 50 9 - - 135
5 50 10 570 - 143
6 50 11 573 - 153
7 50 12 571 - 153
8 50 13 575 - 153
9 50 14 574 778 153
10 50 15 575 782 153

3.3 Result Analysis of Coffee Roaster

Two types of testing were conducted on the coffee roaster design, testing of time changes and testing of changes
in the mass of coffee beans. The coffee beans used in these two tests are arabica coffee beans from the coffee garden
of Lintong Nihuta Subdistrict, Humbang Hasundutan District.
The heating element is turned on after the coffee beans are fed into the coffee roaster. The coffee roasting rate of
the test results against the time change in figure 6 will be compared with the level of grill obtained from the previous
study(8). The results of comparison can be seen in Table 2.

FIGURE 6. Colour Test Result Against Time Changes

TABLE 2. Table of Roasting Level Comparison
No Time (minute) Roasting Level
1 6 Early Yellow
2 7 Light Brown
3 8 Brown
4 9 1st Crack Start
5 10 1st Crack Done
6 11 City
7 12 Full City
8 13 Light French
9 14 Full French
10 15 Charcoal
In table 3 can be seen that greater mass of roasting coffee beans, longer the time of first crack and second crack.
For the mass of coffee beans above 60 grams, the time of the second crack had passed 14 minutes. By using the
same type of coffee beans, Lintong Arabica coffee done roasting test by using another coffee roaster with Torister
brand. The tested coffee roaster has a capacity of 1.5kg with roasting temperature of 210 ° C. The mass of roasted
coffee beans to the maximum capacity of a coffee roaster is 1,5kg. From the test results obtained first crack occurs
on 540 seconds.
When compared to Table 3, it was found that first crack of branded coffee roaster occurs faster than coffee
roaster design although the mass of roasted beans is more. That’s happen because of different roasting techniques
where the Torister coffee roaster heated first until reaches the maximum temperature before the coffee beans
inserted while the coffee roaster design heated after the coffee beans inserted.
TABLE 3. Table of Testing Results Against Mass Changes
No Initial Mass (gr) Time (minute) First Crack (second) Second Crack (second)
1 20 14 567 775
2 40 14 572 778
3 60 14 581 810
4 80 14 595 -
5 100 14 610 -


From the results of testing and experiments can be concluded that coffee roasters were designed to roasting
coffee beans with various levels of roasting was regulated through the time sent by users through the Android app to
Arduino. Longer roasting time will cause the aroma of coffee beans getting sharper and the color of coffee beans
getting black. The time of first crack in coffee roaster is longer than branded roaster coffee caused by different
roasting techniques. For further development expected to use heater elements with higher maximum temperature and
coffee roaster can be added measuring instrument mass.


The authors gratefully acknowledge that the present research is supported by Ministry of Research and
Technology and Higher Education Republic of Indonesia. We thank the Vice Rector for Research, Service, and
Cooperation University of Sumatera Utara that have supported this research activity. All the faculty, staff members
and lab technicians of Electrical Engineering Department, whose services turned my research a success. My Wife,
Erna Kurnia and children, Zafran Ahmad Nasution and Zaura Aisya Nasution, family members and friends, without
whom I was nothing; they not only assisted me financially but also extended their support morally and emotionally.

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