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Sec: Sr.

N-Super Chaina Date: 05-04-20

Time: Max.Marks:183
Name of the Student: ___________________ H.T. NO:


+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Sec – I (Q.N : 19 – 25) Questions with Single Correct Options +3 -1 7 21
One of More Correct Options Type
Sec – II (Q.N : 26 – 32) +4 -2 7 28
(partial marking scheme) (+1)
Questions with Comprehension Type
Sec – III (Q.N : 33 – 36) +3 0 4 12
(2 Comprehensions – 2 + 2 = 4Q)
Total 18 61
Narayana IIT Academy 05-04-20_Sr.N-Super Chaina_JEE-Adv_GTA-9_P2_Q'P
CHEMISTRY Max. Marks: 61
This section contains 7 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
Marking scheme +3 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
19. Which of the following species do not have O-O bond length longer than in O2

A) H 2 S 2O8 B) H 2 SO5 C) H 2O2 D) O2  BF4 

20. Hydrogen peroxide can be prepared by the successive reaction

2 NH 4 HSO4   NH 4 2 S2O8  2 H   2e 

 NH 4 2 S2O8  2 H 2O  2 NH 4 HSO4  H 2O2

The first is an electrolytic reaction, and the second is a steam distillation method. What
current would have to be used in the first reaction to produce enough intermediate to
yield 100 g pure H 2O2 per hour? Assume 50% current efficiency.
A) 157.65A B) 315.35A C) 102.65A D) 204.56A
21. On performing a borax-bead test with a given inorganic mixture for qualitative analysis,
the colour of the bead was found to be emerald green both in oxidising and reducing
flame. It indicates the possibility of the presence of

A) Co 2 B) Ni +2 C) Cr +3 D) Cu +2
22. Which of the following statement is incorrect ?
A) 0.2 moles of KMnO 4 will oxidise one mole of ferrous ions to ferric ions in acidic
B) 1.5 moles of KMnO 4 will quantitatively oxidise one mole of ferrous oxalate to
Fe3 ion & CO 2 in acidic medium.
C) 0.6 moles of KMnO 4 will oxidise one mole of ferrous oxalate to Fe3 ion & CO 2 is
acidic medium
D) 1 mole of K 2Cr2O7 will oxidise 2 moles of ferrous oxalate to ferric ions & CO 2 in
acidic medium

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The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Narayana IIT Academy 05-04-20_Sr.N-Super Chaina_JEE-Adv_GTA-9_P2_Q'P
23. Identify which test are positive (+) or negative (-) for   D  glucopyranose ?
(Note: Here Positive means -respond to test
Negative means-Not respond to test)
1) 2, 4 - DNP 2) NH 2OH / H  3) Tollen's test 4) NaHSO 3

A) 1 2 3 4 B) 1 2 3 4
+ + + – + + – –

C) 1 2 3 4 D) 1 2 3 4
– + + – – – – –
24. In the following reaction sequence :
+ -

CuCN H3 O Br 2
(P) (Q) (R)
HCN  FeBr 3

Find the 'True' statement :

A) [R] is more acidic than [Q]
B) [R] is more reactive towards electrophilic aromatic substitution than [Q]
C) [Q] is more reactive towards electrophilic substitution than benzene
D) [R] on reaction with sodalime can form a compound which can undergo phenol
formation with aq. NaOH treatment under normal condition of pressure and temperature
25. Consider the following sequence of reaction

3-Methyl butane-2-one    X  

 ii  H O   Y  The final product (Y) is
MeNH 2 4 i LiAlH
Heat 2


A) H3C CH3
B) H3C CH3
C) H3C CH3
D) H3C CH3

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This section contains 7 multiple choice equations. Each question has four choices (A) (B),(C) and (D) out of which
ONE or MORE THAN ONE are correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for all correct options, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all wrong cases.

26. Which of the following ion(s) maintain an identical d-orbital configuration while
forming octahedral complexes with strong field as well as weak field ligands according
to crystal field theory?
A) Fe 2  B) Co 2  C) Ni 2  D) Zn 2 
27. In which of the following option(s) the left side compound is more soluble in water than
the right side compound?
A) Mg  OH 2 , Ba  OH 2 B) MgSO4 , BaSO4

C) NaOH , Mg  OH 2 D) BeCO3 , CaCO3

28. A plot of ln  At vs t (where  At is the concentration of the reactant at time ‘t’ ) for a

first order reaction is linear with a negative slope of 0.0231 sec 1 . Then
[Given : ln 10=2.31]
A) The initial concentration of the reactant will reduce to half in 30 seconds.
B) A plot of t1/2 vs concentration of reactant will give a straight line passing through
C) The reaction will be 90% complete in 100 seconds.
D) The line of ln[A]t vs t plot will be steeper at higher temperature.
29. Which of the following order is (are) correct?
A) Bond angle at N: NH 3  N  CH 3  3  N  GeH 3  3

B) O – X – O Bond angle: ClO 3  BrO 3  IO 3

C) X – O Bond length: ClO 3  BrO 3  IO 3
D) C – X bond strength: C-Cl>C-Br>C-F>C-I

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30. Identify the correctly matched reactant, reagent & product set(s)
NaI Ph
Ph Ph
Ph Acetone
A) Br
Ph Acetone Ph Ph
B) Br
H Br NaI Ph
H Br Acetone

C) Ph
H Br NaI
Br H Acetone Ph Ph
D) Ph

dil. KOH H3C CHO
CH3 Enolate - ion Aldol product

Identify the Aldol product(s) is/are

A) B) OH C) D) OH

1. LiAlH 4 HCHO
[U] [Z]
O 2. H 2O dry HCl
CrO 3/H

[V] [W]

Identify the correct statement(s)

A) [U] is optically inactive
B) [V] gives effervescence of CO 2 with aq.NaHCO 3
C) Molecular formula of [Z] is C6 H12O 2
D) [W] give iodoform test
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This section contains 2 groups of questions. Each group has 2 multiple choice questions based on a paragraph.
Each question has 4 choices A), B), C) and D) for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.
Paragraph For Questions 33 and 34
In the manufacture of Na2CO3  s  by solvay process, process, NaHCO3  s  is
decomposed by heating: 2NaHCO3  s   Na2CO3  s   CO2  g   H 2O  g 

K p  0.25 at 1000 C and H 0  136kJ

33. If a sample of NaHCO3  s  is heated to a temperature of 1000 C in a closed container,

total gas pressure at equilibrium is:
A) 1.0 atm B) 0.96 atm C) 0.48 atm D) 0.5 atm
34. A mixture of 1.00 mol each of NaHCO3  s  and Na2CO3  s  is introduced into a 2.5L
flask in which PCO2  2.10 atm and PH 2O  0.94 atm. When equilibrium is established
at 1000C, then partial pressure of
A) CO2  g  and H 2O  g  will be greater than their initial pressure

B) CO2  g  and H 2O  g  will be less than their initial pressure

C) CO2  g  will be larger and that of H 2O  g  will be less than their initial pressure

D) H 2O  g  will be larger and that of CO2  g  will be less than their initial pressure

Paragraph for Questions 35 and 36

Upon heating KClO3 in the presence of catalytic amount of MnO2 , a gas (P) is
released. The gas (P) on reaction with conc. HCl in presence of catalytic amount of
CuCl2 produces gas (Q). Gas (Q) reacts with SO2 gas, in presence of charcoal, gives
a product (R).(R) reacts with white phosphorous to gives (S). On hydrolysis (R) and
(S) give oxo-acids (T) and (U) respectively.
35. P and Q, respectively, are:
A) O2, O3 B) Cl2, O2 C) O2, Cl2 D) O3 , Cl2
36. The basicity of oxo acids T and U, respectively, are:
A) 2, 2 B) 2, 3 C) 3, 2 D) 1, 3

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19 D 20 B 21 C 22 B 23 C

24 A 25 C 26 CD 27 BCD 28 ACD

29 ABC 30 ABCD 31 ABCD 32 BCD 33 A

34 B 35 C 36 B

19. The bond order in O2 is 2 while in H 2 S 2O8 , H 2O2 have one peroxide bond each while

in O2  BF4  the bond order is 2.5.

20. 100gH 2O2 per hr.

100 / 34  mol H 2O2 per hr.
100 / 34  mol  NH 4 2 S2O8 per hr.
100  2 100  2 50
mole e  per hr ;  96500  I   3600
34 34 100

i = Current required =315.35 Amp

21. Chromium ion gives in hot and cold. Oxidising and reducing flame green-colour.
22. Conceptual
23. As per NCERT
24. Conceptual
25. Conceptual
26. For Ni 2 the configuration is t26g eg2 and Zn 2 is t26g eg4

27. The solubility of gr-2 sulhates decreases on moving down the group.
The solubility of hydroxides decreases on moving from left to right along a period
The solubility of gr-2 carbonates decreases on moving down the group.
28. ln  At  ln  A0  kt (for 1st order reaction)
Slope of ln  At vs t   k
k  0.0231sec 1
t1/ 2   30sec

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Half life is independent of initial concentration. So a plot of t1/ 2 vs concentration will
give a straight line parallel to x-axis.
1 100
t90%  ln  100sec
0.0231 10
At higher temperature, value of rate constant (k) increases. So, the slope of the plot of
ln  At vs t will increase and the line will become steeper.
29. Steric repulsions between groups increase bond angle
with increase en of central atom bond anlgle increases.
Bond length increases with Size
BDE increase with increase in overlapping
30. Conceptual
31. Conceptual
32. Conceptual
33.  Na2CO3 s   CO2 g   H 2O g 
2 NaHCO3 s  
K p  P 2  0.25  P  0.50  Ptotal  2 P  1.0 atm
34. 2 NaHCO3  Na2CO3 g   CO g   H 2O g 
2.1  P1 0.94  P1
 2.1  P1  0.94  P1   0.25
P1  0.755 atm , PCO2  1.345 atm , PH 2O  0.185 atm
35 & 36.
HCl  O 2 
 Cl2  O 2
SO 2  Cl2 
 SO 2 Cl2
SO 2 Cl2  P4 
 SO 2  PCl5

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MATHS Max.Marks:61
This section contains 7 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
Marking scheme +3 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
x 1 y  3 z  4
37. Let image of the line   in the plane 2 x  y  z  3  0 be L. A plane
3 5 2
7 x  By  Cz  D  0 is such that it contains the line L and perpendicular to the plane
2 x  y  z  3  0 . The value of  B  3C  D  is

A) 3 B) 4 C) 6 D) 5
   
38. If O (origin) is a point inside the triangle PQR such that OP  k1 OQ k2 OR  0 , where
Area  PQR 
k1 , k2 are constants such that  4 , then the value of k1  k2 can be
Area  OQR 

A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5

Let f(x) be a real valued continuous function defined on R as f  x   x 2e

39. ; then area
bounded by curve y  f  x  , x-axis & ordinates at points of local maximum is

 e2  5   e2  5   e2  5   e2  5 
2  2  4  2  2  2  4  2 
A) 
e 
B) 
e 
C) 
e 
D) 
e 

40. The function f  x   y defined by x  2t  t , y  t 2  t t ; t  R is

A) Continuous and differentiable in 1,1

B) Continuous but not differentiable in 1,1

C) Differentiable but not continuous in 1,1

D) Neither continuous nor differentiable in 1,1

cos  2x  x 1
f x
41. Let f  x   sin  2x  x 2 2x , then the absolute value of lim 2 is equal to
x 0 x
tan  2x  2x 4

A) -2 B) 4 C) -4 D) 0

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42. Number of ordered triplets of natural numbers  x, y, z  for which xyz  11 is ____
A) 53 B) 54 C) 55 D) 56
43. Two players A and B play a match which consists of a series of games (independent).
Whoever first wins two games not necessarily consecutive, wins the match. The
1 1 1
probability of A’s winning, drawing or losing a game against B are , , respectively.
2 3 6
It is known that A won the match at the end of 11th game, the probability that B wins
only one game is (p/q in lowest form) then q –p =
A) 2 B) 4 C) 3 D) 5

This section contains 7 multiple choice equations. Each question has four choices (A) (B),(C) and (D) out of which
ONE or MORE THAN ONE are correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for all correct options, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all wrong cases.

3sin x  4 1
44. If   3  4sin x  dx  f  x   C
where f  0   
(C is constant of integration),

then which of the following option(s) is/are correct?

A) the minimum value of f  x  is B) the minimum value of f  x  is 0
C) the value of f   is D) the value of f   is 0

45. If sin  3 cos  6 x  x 2  11, 0    4 , x  R , then the given equation holds for
A) no  value of x and  B) one value of x and 2  values of 
7 19
C) for all valueof x  R and 0    4 D) Two pairs  x,  where x  3,  ,
6 6
46. Let P  x1 , y1  , Q  x 2 , y 2  , y1  0, y 2  0 be the end points of the latus rectum of the ellipse

3x 2  4y 2  12 . The equations of the parabolas with latus rectum PQ are

A) x 2  2y  2  0 B) x 2  2y  2  0 C) x 2  2y  4  0 D) x 2  2y  4  0
 sin x   x 
a   b cos x    1
Lt 
x   sin x   4, then which of the following option(s) is/are correct?
47. 2
x 0 x
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( [.] denotes G.I.F )
A) a + b = 0 B) a - b = 24
C) a- b = 0 D) Given data isn't consistent
48. f :  a, b   5, 6 be defined as y  f  x   2x 3  9x 2  12x  1
Then which of the following is true?
A) Minimum value of a for y  f  x  to be a one-one function is
B) Maximum value of a for y  f  x  to be a one-one function is 2
C) Minimum value of b for y  f  x  to be an onto function is 1.
D) Maximum value of b for y  f  x  to be an onto function is
49. Let y  f  x  be a differentiable and invertible function x   0,   , such that

f  x     x  1  f  x   1x   0,   . If f  x   x  3x  1x   0,   & f  0   1;

 3

A) y  f  x  is a monotonic function.

1 f  x  dx  2 .

C) Area bounded by y  f  x  with co-ordinate axes & line x  1 is
D) Area bounded by y  f 1  x  with x-axis & lines x  5; x  3 is

ln x
50. Let S   x
dx then which of the following is/are correct?
 1  1 
A) S  2  e   B) S   e  1  2  

e   e
C) S   t et dt D) 3  S  5

This section contains 2 groups of questions. Each group has 2 multiple choice questions based on a paragraph.
Each question has 4 choices A), B), C) and D) for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.
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Paragraph For Questions 51 and 52

f  x  be a polynomial with rational coefficients

51. If f  x  is of degree 3 and touches x-axis , then f  x  =0has

A) exactly one rational root B) no rational root
C) all rational roots D) either A or B
52. If f  x   x 3  ax 2  bx  c, f  3  f  2   0 and f '  3  0 then the least integer value of ‘c’
A)17 B)-17 C)18 D)19
Paragraph For Questions 53 and 54
Let z1 , z2 , z3 , z4 are four distinct complex numbers such that z1  z2  z3  z4 ,

satisfying 1  d  z1  z2  z3  z4  z1  (1  d ) z2  z3  z4  z1  z2  1  d  z3  z4

Where d  R  0.
53. Arg  z1  z2  z3  z4 
 
A) B) C)  D) Not defined
6 2
54. z1  z2  z3  z4 is

A) 1 B) 2 C) 0 D)  4

SR.IIT_N-SC/ N-C Page. No. 12

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

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