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Meals Menu (Daily Routine)

Morning After Lemon & Cinnamon Water

Wake up (1 glass warm water, ½ lemon, ¼th tsp cinnamon powder) - 1 glass
Breakfast Choose any 1 option from Breakfast Option
Mid- morning 5 overnight soaked almonds & 2 walnuts
Lunch Slices of cucumber/carrot/tomato/beetroot boiled
Glass of buttermilk
Vegetable- 1 bowl
Dal- 1 bowl
Multigrain Roti -2 OR Rice 1 bowl
Evening Any 1 Fruit in season OR
Diet Khakra - 1 in no. /Puffed Jowar/Bajra/makhana (available in the market) - 1 bowl
Dinner Sprout Salad from options below


1] Drink a glass of warm lemon & cinnamon water

Lemon Water flushes out toxins and is extremely beneficial for the body. Warm lemon water serves as
the perfect 'good morning drink', as it aids the digestive system and makes the process of eliminating
the waste products from the body easier.

2] Do Mindful Eating

Chewing well promotes the release of salivary enzymes in the mouth which in turn start off the digestion
process, thus making your further digestion smoother and simple. Hence it is said that slower you eat,
the faster and more efficiently you metabolize the food.

3] Have meals on time

It sets rhythm in your body and if you take meals in small intervals it maintains your metabolic rate.

4] Adding fiber to meals via salads- have salads first followed by main meals

Fibers play an important role when it comes to relieving constipation, maintaining body weight.

5] Have Healthy Evening Snacks

When we have a healthy & wholesome evening meal, we will end up having a lighter dinner and thus
better fat loss, as body's metabolism is minimal at night.

6] Have Lighter Dinner

Dinner should be the lightest meal, This time your body needs good protein to repair your body cells.
7] Have Nuts

Nuts set the perfect example for snacking. They are abundant in vitamins and minerals like Vitamin E,
magnesium, selenium which helps in regulating important body functions and also contain good quality
fats and fiber which keeps the body full and acts a perfect filler.

8] Have Portion control

Reduce the portion to half of whatever you choose like chips/wafers/deep fried stuff/carbonated
beverages/ice cream/sweets if any (In weddings/parties). The best way to do is shared with your loved
ones.Try to take smaller bites. savour every bite, roll it on your tongue and thus eat it mindfully.

9] Keep a bottle of water handy

This is one of the easiest way to keep ourselves hydrated all the time. Water acts like a vehicle to supply
all your consumed nutrients to all parts of the body and at the same time to remove toxins from the
body which you consume from unhealthy food.

10] Sit in Vajrasana for 15 minutes post dinner

It improves digesti on. It regulates blood circulati on in the lower pelvic region. Sitti ng on
your legs reduces the blood fl ow in the legs and increases it in the digesti ve area, therefore
increasing the effi ciency of the digesti ve system.

11] Wear a fi tness tracker- make sure you are walking 7000 steps daily

A fi tness tracker is very necessary to track our physical activity when we want to work
towards health and fi tness goals

Take a 2 minutes walk every hour.

Walk post meals – Shatapawli

Take stairs instead of elevator

Use your week off days to take a 30 minute walk

Breakfast opti ons

1] Sprouts Poha

(¼th cup sprouted matki, ¼th cup poha, 1 tbsp onions, ½ tsp lemon juice, green chillies,
spices, salt, ½ tsp oil)

2] Moong Dal Chilla

(½ cup whole sprouted moong crushed, 1 tbsp rice fl our, spices, green chillies, 1 tbsp low fat
curd, salt, ½ tsp oil for each)

3] Khakhra Moong

(½ bowl boiled moong, ½ bowl crushed whole wheat khakhra, 1 tsp lemon juice, chilli
powder, salt to taste)

4] Oats Upma

(½ bowl rolled oats, 2 tbsp chopped carrot, 2 tbsp green pea, green chillies, mustard seeds,
cumin seeds, 1 tbsp chopped onion, salt, ½ tsp oil)

5] Paneer, Corn and Capsicum Toast (4 whole wheat bread slices

For Stuffing - ¼th bowl chopped paneer, boiled sweet corn kernels, onions, green capsicum, tomatoes,
green chillies, mustard powder -optional, spices of your choice, salt, ½ tsp oil) - 2 in no.

6] Green pea paratha

(1/4 cup wheat flour, 1/4 cup boiled, pureed green peas, 1 green chilli, 1 tsp curd, salt, oil)

7] Paneer and Baby Corn Roll (2 whole wheat chapattis

For Stuffing - ½ bowl chopped paneer, ½ bowl baby corn or sweet corn, ½ bowl capsicum, 2 tbsp spring
onions, asafoetida, cumin seeds, green chillies, turmeric powder, chilli powder, 2 tbsp tomato puree, salt
to taste, ½ tsp oil

8] Oats Tikki

(oats, boiled raw banana, grated carrot, garam masala, lemon juice, ginger-green chilli paste, amchur,
coriander, ½ tsp oil for each tikki)

9] Sweet Potato and Chickpea Chaat

(½ bowl boiled chickpeas, ½ bowl sweet potatoes - boiled with skin, sweet chutney, green chutney, 3
tbsp curd, jeera powder, chilli powder, chaat masala, salt)

10] Oats and Vegetable Idli

(1 bowl idli batter, ¼th bowl crushed oats, ¼th bowl grated carrot and green peas, green chillies,
mustard seeds, curry leaves, salt, ½ tsp oil)

Dinner Options


1] Rajma Salad

(½ bowl boiled rajma, ½ bowl chopped mix -tomatoes, cucumber and cabbage, lemon juice, jeera
powder, 1 tsp coriander, salt )

2] Yellow Moong Chaat

(½ bowl boiled yellow moong dal, 2 tbsp chopped carrot, 2 tbsp pomegranate, 2 tbsp onions, 1 tsp mint
leaves, 1 tsp coriander, chaat masala, 1 tsp lemon juice, green chillies, salt)

3] Corn Bhel

(½ cup boiled yellow corn, ½ small onion, ½ small tomato, ½ tsp chopped coriander, ½ tsp lemon juice, 1
plain no oil khakra crushed, green chillies, salt)

4] Chawli , Rajma and Chickpea Salad

(½ bowl boiled chawli, rajma and chickpea, 2 tbsp tomato, 2 tbsp spring onion, coriander, 1 tsp lemon
juice, 1 tsp chaat masala, a pinch black salt, salt and pepper)

5] Vegetable Salad

(¼th cup whole cooked french beans, ¼th cup cooked carrots strips, ¼th small sliced onion, ¼th cup
green capsicum, 1/2 tsp sugar, ½tsp vinegar, ½ tsp olive oil)

6] Pasta Salad

(¾th bowl boiled pasta, ¾th bowl vegetables - capsicum, corn, tomatoes, broccoli, onions, Salt, pepper,
½ tsp olive oil, ½ tsp lemon juice, mixed herbs)

7] Walnuts and grapes raita

(10 halved green grapes, 1tbsp chopped walnuts, ½ cup whisked curd, ½ tsp sugar, ¼ tsp roasted cumin
seeds powder, ½ tbsp chopped mint leaves ,a pinch of red chilli powder, salt)
8] Salad

(½ carrot, ½ yellow capsicum, 3 tbsp shredded cabbage, ½ lemon juice, red chilli flakes, salt and pepper
to taste)

9] Fruit Salad

(½ bowl watermelon, 2 tbsp sweet lime, ¼th small apple, ½ tsp lemon juice, 1 tsp chopped mint leaves,
chaat masala)

10] Boiled Red Chana Bhel

(4 tbsp boiled red chana, tomatoes, cucumber, chaat masala, salt, pepper)

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