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Angeles City Present: just compensation achieved through tax

Building permit fee as an implement of police power
hence the non-stock non-profit exemption cannot be Inherent Powers of a State
Noneed for consti provision
Power of Taxation in Re Eminent Domain
The consti provisions serve as mere limitations not
Can there be an exercise of Eminent Domain through grant of taxation power.
Limitations in the exercise of taxation
Q: congress enacts a law that says if you are a real
property owner you have to pay tax percentage CUPS – cmprehensice unlimited plenary supreme
depending on your land holdings ie: ½ of 1% of land Unlimited: The power of taxation knows no limits or
holding. Valid? boundaries except the will of congress. Wisdom of
congress sets the limitation in the otherwise unlimited
A: No. Because it is an improper exercise of the Eminent
Domain. No payment of just compensation. Taking of power. But not absolute. There are always limitations in
the power.
private property hidden in the guise of taxation is
invalid for it violates due process. Kinds; Inherent L. and Consti L.
Q: Possible to achieve the goals of Eminent Domain
through Taxation?
Inherent Limitation:
A: CIR v Drugstore (drugstore cases)
1. Utitlized only for a public purpose: exercised
Involves Senior citizens discount; 1st ruling: Police only in consistence with the sovereign power.
power; 2nd ruling Eminent Domain through taxation Note: the number of power benefited does not
Facts: SC discount at 20%; according to drugstore ordinally justify the “oublic purpose” ie:
construction of road in a private property which
owners the government takes away property without
paying just compensation. Their profit is 10% while will benefit thousands of people. Does not
comply qith public purpose even if the
discounted selling price is 20%. Lugi ng 10%, taking of
private property without just compensation. Arbitrary beneficiary are thousands because it is
constructed for private ourpose. Uless the road
is expropriated h=it is not for public purpose.
Before: allowed as tax credits. The accumulated SC Ie: public road but beneficiary are only few,
discount will be allowed as tax credit. Ie. 4M tax , the complies with oublic purpose because anyone
4M will not be entirely paid. Tax credit of 1M will be can use the road
recognized, hence 4M minus 1M: pay 3M tax (present
law: tax deductions no more tax credit. Tax deductions Ie: mere direct benefit to a few will not
in the nature of just compensation – Power of Taxation necessarily negate the public purpose if the
as an exercise of Eminent Domain) general intent is for the benefit of the general
public. Ie: scholarship for certain students, the
Eminent Domain: there is payment of just diret benefit to the schoar. Public purpose? Yes,
compensation. Achieved through tax crediting the general intent for education which is a
mechanism. Because the government recognizes the tax public purpose
credit hence the government shares in the burden the Ie: allocation of funds for free tertiary
taxpayers then enjoys the benefit. The Just education, senior high education: public
compensation achieved through the grant of tax credit.
purpose even the direct benefit is to the 1. Exemption granted only by law
students, the general intent is for quality educ 2. Any claim for decdution must also be pursuant
only to law. The taxpayer cannot claim ules the
Ie: congress allocated funs for CHE to grant basis is law
subsidies to private educ institutions: . Public 3. NO OTHER DEPT AGENCY IS AUTHORIZED TO
purpose? Fr definite educ puposes and IMPOSE TAX EXCEPT THE CONGRSS. PRESIDENT
parameters are ut to place anf dor promotion of CANNOT LEVY NOR GRANT TAX EXEMPTION
quality education, then valid (opinion Atty
Barlis) Exception (inherently leg)
Ie; Tax measure no specification of purpose: 1. Consti auth or allows delegationie: tariff
valid? Yes bec if there is no specigic purpose, by rate tonnage dues import and export
default the funds goes to the general fund of quotas
the government it is understood that it will only 2. Taxing powers of local gvt units_ auth to
be used for public purpose; exercise taxing measures. Their power to
Oublic purpose: From levy until spending, must tax is not inherent nor delegated. Directly
always comply with public purpose granted and vested by the constituin.
Remedy of taxpayer: taxpayer suit: required to 3. Purely admin fxn: expectedthat the cogress
identify yourself as directly and adversely does exercise this powers after all the
affected by the spending of the public fund admin of tax laws requires expertise which
may not be necessarily possessed by the
2. Inherently Legislative: all tax exemptions congress
granted only by law; requirement – majority of
all members of congress must be obtained not
just the majority of the quorum provided that 3 Territorialty; tax laws cannot go beyond or
those who attended comprises of quorum extend our territorial jurisdiction, implement
Tax exemption v tax assumption
Ie: fil owns condo in japan residing in ph; condo
Tax treaty exemption: treaty requires concurrence of used for a fee; generates income. Q: real prop
congress taxes being a fil?; Q: income from the rentals in
japan subj to ph income tax?; Q:how to
Ie: Ph and Japan entered into a treaty through harmonize?
exchange of notes, that japan will grant ph loan for a A: since the rp is in japan, japan in the place of
specific project undertaken by japanses contractors. taxatn when it comes to real prop taxes; if ph
Any tax obligation will be assumed by the govt of the imposes tax on rp located abroad, violates
Philippines.Mitsubishi despite the treaty paid tax, BIR territoriality because the place of taxatn of rp is
did not want to grant refund accdg to bir mere the location.
exchange of note not a treaty not concurred by senate. Always the situs is the place of taxation. The
Hence no exemtion can be granted from that. situs of the place of taxatn depends on the kind
SC: it is a case of tax assumption not a tax exemption of taxaes imposed.
entered by ph anf internation agreement A: earned income, subj to ph income tax. Why?
hence must be respected. Because it must be Because income is actually an exercise of the
respected, the provision in the agreement referring to right. Income tax an excise tax imposed on the
the tax assumption, must also be respected. BIR is privileged to earn income. The possible places
authorized wrongly paid taxes not the NAPOCOR. of taxation recognized are any of the ff:
citizenship, residence, place of exercise and if
Consequences: any of these three will be used to justify the
imposition, then the place of taxation would still 5. Inherently exempt from taxes (the
be in the ph. governemnt)
Ie: fil went to japan no longer for vacation Government inherently exempt. The polital
purposes, stayed there most of the time, instrument, pol subdvison and agency; does
earned income abroad, subject to ph income not include govet owned or controlled
tax? A: may it be taxed? Yes; but is it taxed?? corpo; incase of doubt: we rule that the
No. a non-resident citizen cannot be taxed from government is exempt from taxes.
income sourced outside the Philippines The government tho can still tax itself ie:
Territoriality; applicable in the imposition of imposition of import duties unless the
final taxes. Final withholding tax. Transactions situation falls within the exemption under
sourced without ph cannot be subj of ph FWT; the law: by default the govt s liable or may
FWT always subject to territoriality impose taxes upon itself
Ie: fil has bank deposits in Switzerland earn Req: 1. There must be a clear and definitie
substantial income from the deposit.. may the provision of law; 2. Show that it falls within
interest income from switz subj to income tax the exemption under the law. – if law not
FWT in the interest from bank deposits/deposit clear: govtnot liable for taxes
sub? NO because FWT is subj to territoriality. If
we impose the FWT, the payor of income reqto Ie: LRTA v CPAA
withhold otherwise held personally Lrta operation railways subjected to
acoountable. If payor withholds, he remits to ph realproperty tax but is resisting that it is
govt. In rel to territotirly if we req withholding, gocc, function: beneficial to the public,
who is the payor? Swiss bank, swiss bank will mass transportation
withhold and req to remit. We cannot hold it SC: mass transpo is a proprietary venture,
liable. No teritoirla jurisdiction over the swiss not part of the govt task in govt nature, it is
bank. Q: the interest income, can be subject to propritery nature hence must be subjected
income tax as a resident, with or without ph. to tax as if it were an ordinary tax payer.
But no FWT. But the income staxed form part of Mere fact that lrta performs task beneficial
tax payer’s gross income task does not autmocally mean it is exempt.
Must prove a clear and definite provision of
Ie: royalties: wrote abook, sold abroad. Tax law for exemption.
liability: roylayt in ph subj to FWT; royalty from
abrod not subj to FWT but taxable as part of
gross income

4. International comity : state are equals;

Consequence: cannot impose tax laws to other

country pr pol representatives of other country;
no taxes to the ambassadors of other countries;
treaty obligations must be respected.

Case: Bir rev memo: tax peyer invoking those

treaty must secure a confirmatory ruling from
int; tax affairs division. Can still be valid even
without a confirmatory ruling as long as it
confirms to the treaty it must be respected.

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